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Macmillan N., Creelman D. — Detection Theory: A User's Guide |
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(area under the multipoint ROC) 64 330
(area under the SDT ROC) 63 172 330—331
(area-based measure of response bias) 103
(sensitivity measure in SDT) 59—60
(sensitivity measure in SDT) 59—60
(sensitivity measure in SDT) 61—62 330—331
(sensitivity measure in SDT) 62—63
(proportion correct with unequal presentation probabilities) 7
(unbiased proportion correct) 153
(unbiased proportion correct) in 2AFC 170—175
(unbiased proportion correct) in yes-no 153 171—172 see
(sensitivity measure in Choice Theory) 95—96
(sensitivity measure in Choice Theory) and d' 95—96
(normal distribution likelihood ratio) 33—35 67—69
(normal distribution likelihood ratio), calculation of 374—375
(logistic distribution likelihood ratio) 98
(chi-square) distribution 103
test 353—354
(contingency statistic) 103
(normal density) see "Normal distribution"
(normal distribution function) see "Normal distribution"
2AFC (two-alternative forced-choice) 166—179
2AFC (two-alternative forced-choice) vs one-interval 167—168 175—176 181—182
2AFC (two-alternative forced-choice) vs other designs 181—183 234 251 253—255
2AFC (two-alternative forced-choice), advantages 179
2AFC (two-alternative forced-choice), decision space 168—170
2AFC (two-alternative forced-choice), hit and false-alarm rates 167
2AFC (two-alternative forced-choice), response bias 170 287—289
2AFC (two-alternative forced-choice), ROC 173—174
2AFC (two-alternative forced-choice), sensitivity 168 170—175 426—430
2AFC (two-alternative forced-choice), statistical properties of d' 328—329
2AFC (two-alternative forced-choice), unbiased performance 170—171
3AFC (three-alternative forced-choice) 249—252 426—430
3AFC (three-alternative forced-choice) vs other designs 251—255
A priori probabilities see "Presentation probabilities"
A' (area under the one-point ROC) 100—103
Absolute judgment 113 see one-dimensional" "Classification multi-dimensional" "Identification absolute"
ABX 229—235
ABX vs other designs 234—235 253—255
ABX, decision space 231—234
ABX, differencing model 233—234
ABX, hit and false-alarm rates 230
ABX, independent-observation model 230—233
ABX, response bias 232—233
ABX, ROC 232—233
ABX, sensitivity 232—233 380—400
ABX, threshold model 234—235
Accuracy see "Sensitivity"
Adaptation level 129—130
Adaptive methods 267—296
Adaptive methods for slope estimation 293—294
Adaptive methods vs nonadaptive methods 269—270 276
Adaptive methods, components of 277
Adaptive methods, decision rules 277—280
Adaptive methods, evaluation of 289—292
Adaptive methods, stepping rules 281—285
Adaptive methods, stopping rules 285—286
Adaptive methods, target proportion 277 280—281 see "Bekesy "Hall’s "Kaernbach’s "Maximum-likelihood "PEST" "QUEST" "UDTR" "Wald
Adaptive Probit Estimation (APE) 294
Animal experiments 229—233 271—272
AOC 206—209
Area theorem 170—171
Area under the ROC 170—175
Area under the ROC for multipoint ROC see " "
Area under the ROC for one-point ROC see "A'"
Area under the ROC in SDT see " "
Attention, capacity model 207—209
Attention, divided 188 204—205
Attention, incomplete 46—47
Attention, operating characteristic see "AOC"
Attention, selective 188 203—204 see "Uncertainty"
Audiology 269—270
AX design see "Same-different"
b (criterion measure in Choice Theory) 97
b' (relative criterion measure in Choice Theory) 98
B'' (area-based measure of response bias) 103—104
Bayesian rule 285
Bekesy audiometry 269—270
Best PEST 284—285
Binomial distribution 320—323 345—348
Boundary theorem 251—252
c (criterion measure in SDT) in multi-interval designs see "Response bias under specific design"
c (criterion measure in SDT), calculation of 20—21 29 374—375 427—430
c (criterion measure in SDT), confidence intervals 328
c' (relative criterion measure in SDT) 31—33
c' (relative criterion measure in SDT) in multi-interval designs see "Response bias under specific design"
Categorical perception 133—135 137—138
Categorization 113
Category scaling 113 see one-dimensional"
Ceiling effects see "Sensitivity near-perfect"
Central limit theorem 352
Chance line in ROC space 10
Chance performance see "Sensitivity near-chance" "Chance "ROC
Channels (perceptual) 192
Choice axiom 94
Choice theory 94—100
Choice Theory and logistic regression 337—339
Choice Theory, 2AFC 168
Choice Theory, classification, one-dimensional 115
Choice Theory, mAFC 247—249
City-block metric see "Distance city-block"
Classification for studying attention and interaction 187—211
Classification in discrimination designs 214—243
Classification vs discrimination 132—135
Classification, multidimensional 367
Classification, one-dimensional 2 113—135 367
Classification, presentation probability effects 131
Classification, range effects 131
Classification, response bias 116—119 127—130
Classification, ROC 127—128 131
Classification, sensitivity 116—119 127—130
Classification, two-response 115—126
Comparison designs 165—184 see "2AFC"
Comparison stimulus 113—114
Compound detection 141—142 152—161
Compound detection, maximum and minimum decision rules 156—157
Compound detection, optimal rule 158—159 see
Computer programs 431—434
Computer simulations of adaptive methods 290
Computer simulations of Wald rule 279—281
Conditional-on-Single-Stimulus (COSS) design 306—309
Condorcet group 309
confidence intervals see "Parameter estimation"
Consciousness and detection theory 47 106 259
Constant ratio rule 247—249 see "Choice
Constant stimuli, method of 120 see one-dimensional"
Context coding 134—135
Correct rejection 4 142—144
Correction for guessing for psychometric function 276 287—289
Correction for guessing in 2AFC 172—173 287—289
Correction for guessing in mAFC 251—252
Correction for guessing in yes-no 82
Correlation 351
Correlation between decision axes in ABX 233—234
Correlation between decision axes in oddity 236—237
Correlation between decision axes in Tanner’s model 191—193
Correlation between sensitivities in roving discrimination 221
Correlation between successive intervals or trials 183
Correspondence (experiment) xvii
Criterion location 17 29—31
Criterion location in Choice Theory see "b"
Criterion location in SDT see "c"
Criterion location in threshold theory see "False-alarm rate as "Yes
Criterion location, relative 33
Criterion location, relative in Choice Theory see "b'"
Criterion location, relative in SDT see "c'"
Criterion location, relative in threshold theory see "Error ratio"
Criterion location, relative in unequal variance model 67—68
Criterion location, variability of 46—47
d' (sensitivity measure in SDT) 8
| d' (sensitivity measure in SDT) and 95—96
d' (sensitivity measure in SDT) and p(c) 9—13
d' (sensitivity measure in SDT) in multi-interval designs see "Sensitivity under specific designs"
d' (sensitivity measure in SDT), calculation of 8—9 20—21 374—375 431—434
d' (sensitivity measure in SDT), confidence intervals 325—330
d' (sensitivity measure in SDT), cumulative 114
d' (sensitivity measure in SDT), total 114
Data zeroes see "Sensitivity near-perfect"
Decision boundary 145
Decision goals 42—44
Decision rule 17 42—44
Decision rule, likelihood ratio 42—44
Decision rule, nonoptimal 46—47 see "Independent-observation "Integration
Decision space 16
Decision space for multi-interval designs see "Decision space under specific design"
Decision space for one-interval designs 16 82—91 98—100 116—119 142—144 see
Decision space, multidimensional 152—153 191—193
Decision theory, statistical 23—24
Decisional separability 154 260—262
Decisional separability in 2AFC 170
Decisional separability in reminder paradigm 180—181
Degrees of freedom 353—354
Density function 348—349
Designs (for discrimination measurement) xviii 360 364
Designs (for discrimination measurement), comparisons among 234 252—255 263—264
Designs (for discrimination measurement), fixed 177—179 216 230
Designs (for discrimination measurement), multi-interval see "ABX" "mAFC" "Oddity" "Same-different" "2AFC"
Designs (for discrimination measurement), one-interval see "Rating experiment" "Yes-no"
Designs (for discrimination measurement), roving 177—179 221 233 see multidimensional" "Classification one-dimensional" "Compound "Identification" "Simultaneous "Simultaneous "Uncertain "Specific
Detection 1
Detection of X-rays 28—39 256—259 see "Simultaneous
Detection, auditory 115—119 176 251 259 270—271 302—303
Detection, bimodal 141—142 152—159 196—202
Detection, visual 300—302
Deviation limit see "Wald rule in adaptive methods"
df see "Degrees of freedom"
Dice game 298—300 314
Difference threshold see "jnd"
Differencing models 181 see
Dimensionality, perceptual 114—115
Discrimination 1
Discrimination vs classification 132—135
Discrimination, color 227
Discrimination, frequency modulation, auditory 182
Discrimination, frequency, auditory 176 182 228 234
Discrimination, intensity, auditory 127—129 176—178 189—191 234
Discrimination, intensity, visual 271—272 300
Discrimination, line length 40 120 228 303
Discrimination, number 234 300
Discrimination, orientation 227
Discrimination, phase of visual gratings 114
Discrimination, phase, auditory 176 228 234
Discrimination, pictures 214—220
Discrimination, pluck bow 234
Discrimination, shape 229—233
Discrimination, size 234
Discrimination, speech 106 228
Discrimination, taste 228 235—236 255
Discrimination, tone sequences 308
Distance, city-block 15 193
Distance, Euclidean 15
Distance, measures 15 173
Distribution discrimination 234 298—300 304—308
Distribution function 348—349
Distributions see "Binomial distribution" " "Logistic "Normal "Poisson "Rectangular
Efficiency of d' estimates 325—327
Efficiency of pooled sensitivity estimates 335—337
Efficiency of real vs ideal observers 303
Efficiency of statistics 352
Efficiency of threshold estimates 290—291
Equivalence of measures 7
Error ratio 93
Euclidean distance see "Distance Euclidean"
Exponentials 357—358
external noise see "Variance external"
False alarm xviii 4 142—144
False fame 123—124
False memory 120—123
False-alarm rate 5
False-alarm rate in multi-interval designs see "Hit and false-alarm rates under specific design"
False-alarm rate in rating experiment 53—54
False-alarm rate in yes-no 5
False-alarm rate, as response-bias measure 85—86
False-alarm rate, calculated from parameters 44—46
Feature-complete factorial design 246 260
Feedback 129—130
Filtering see "Attention selective"
Fixed discrimination see "Designs fixed"
Floor effects see "Sensitivity near-chance"
Forced choice 166 see "3AFC" "mAFC"
Gamer paradigm 194—195 205—206
Gaussian distribution see "Normal distribution"
General Recognition Theory 259—262 304—308 see "Multidimensional "Perceptual "Perceptual
Generalized linear models 337—339
Group decisions 308—310
Hall’s adaptive method 294
Hierarchical models 310—311
Hit 4 142—144
Hit rate 5
Hit rate in multi-interval designs see "Hit and false-alarm rates under specific design"
Hit rate in rating experiment 53—54
Hit rate in yes-no 5
Hit rate, as sensitivity measure 6
Hit rate, calculated from parameters 44—46
Hypnosis 27—28
Hypothesis testing 319 353—354
Hypothesis testing and decision rules 44
Hypothesis testing and discrete thinking 106
Hypothesis testing with logistic regression models 337—339
Hypothesis testing, independence 353—354
Hypothesis testing, proportions 320—322
Hypothesis testing, response bias 328
Hypothesis testing, ROC points 322—323
Hypothesis testing, sensitivity 325—330
Ideal observers 267 290 299—303
Identifiability 104
Identification 2
Identification operating characteristics see "IOC"
Identification vs detection 191—193
Identification vs uncertain detection 255—259
Identification, absolute 113 245
Identification, curvature 260—262
Identification, intensity, auditory 127—130
Identification, multidimensional 245—266
Identification, multidimensional of objects 246—249
Identification, multidimensional, sensitivity 246—249
Identification, one-dimensional 126—135
Identification, one-dimensional, sensitivity 127—132
Identification, orientation 260—262
Identification, speech 106 124—126
Identification, X-rays 256 see "Simultaneous
Implied ROC see "ROC"
Importance ratio 43
Independence of events 344—345
Independence of perceptual channels or dimensions 191—193 see "Independent-observation "Perceptual "Perceptual
Independent-observation models 198—202 see
Information theory 132
instructions 71—72
Integrality 194—195
Integration models 200—202
Internal noise see "Variance internal"
Interstimulus interval see "ISI"
IOC (identification operating characteristic) 256—258
ISI (interstimulus interval) 176—177
Isobias curve 35—41 93—94 98
Isobias curve for Choice Theory measures 98
Isobias curve for SDT measures 35—41
Isobias curve for threshold measures 93—94
Isobias curve in multi-interval designs see "Isobias curve under specific design"
Isobias curve in same-different 219—220 226—227
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