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Kotz S., Johnson N.L. — Breakthroughs in Statistics: Volume 2: Methodology and Distribution |
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"Dummy" factors 288
"Inefficient" statistics 203 209
"Sciences, Mathematics and the Arts" 412
'Student' 7
'Student', distribution 1 29
'Vacuum cleaner' (Tukey) 443
Actuarial estimate 312 323 325
Adaptive optimization 361 371
Alias 278
Alias, matrix 278
Alienation coefficient 165
Alienation coefficient, vector 165 174
Alternative hypothesis 253 349
Analysis of deviance 552
Analysis of variance 64 69 71 73 98 457 558
Analysis of variance, generalized 554
Anderson — Darling statistic 89
Anesthetics 454
Arithmetic and reading 186
Asymptotic efficiency 566
Asymptotic efficiency, normality 178 213 249 486 494 496
Asymptotic efficiency, optimality 357
Autocorrelation 235
Automation 430
Autoregressive model 235 366 386
Bayesian approach 348 485 529
Bayesian approach (view of randomization) 75
Behrens — Fisher problem 567
Beltrami decomposition 159
Best linear unbiased estimator 130
Bias 501 580
Binomial distribution 544 553 558
Bootstrap 565 569
Bootstrap, distribution 571
Bounds test 233 260
Brownian bridge 96
Brownian bridge, movement 164
Canonical correlation 151 166 170
Canonical correlation, variate 165 167 170
Case-control 523
categorical data 453
Cauchy distribution 423 426 515
Censoring 311 322 326 519 527
Censoring, random 314
Census 133
Central composite design 268 292
Characteristic function 180
Chemical investigations 270
Chemical investigations, process 298 330
Chi-squared 2 100 409 554 558 560
Chi-squared, partitioning 9 560
Classification 435
Clinical trials, randomized 311 523
cluster sampling 118 120
Collapsibility 457
Collective character 126
Com plants 198
Comparisons, paired 198
Composite designs 292
Computers 565
Conditional likelihood 532
Confidence interval 129 147 193 588
Contamination model 424 481 487 501 510
Contingency table 453 462 528 547 501 510 557
Contingency table, perfect 457
Control 377
Controls 135
Correlation 63 588
Correlation, canonical 151 166 170
Correlation, distribution 423 588
Correlation, serial 230 244 260 393
Correlation, table 140
Correlation, vector 165 174
Courant — Fisher inequalities 232
Covariance 168 180 314
Covariate 530
Cramer — von Mises statistic 97
Criminal s 47
Cross-validation 265 577
Data analysis 210 362 403 408 481 506 565
Decision function 409
Degrees of freedom 7 69 553
Design, central composite 268 292
Design, composite 292
Design, factorial 280
Design, fractional factorial 284
Design, matrix 272
Design, Plackett and Burman 283
Design, sequential 339 345
Deviance 543 552 560 562
Dice 6 20
Discriminant analysis 566 577
Disturbed dreams 557
Econometrics 234
EDF statistics 99
Efficiency (of a test) 193
Efficiency, asymptotic 566
Efficiency, Pitman relative 193
Efficiency, relative 193
Empirical sampling 446
entropy 366
Entropy, conditional 458
Error, probable 47 61
Error, probable rates 448
Error, probable rates in discriminant analysis 577
Errors 82
Errors, estimation of 84
Errors, experimental 271
Errors, theory of 23 76 84
Estimate 218 (mean) 222 (standard deviation), best linear unbiased 130
Estimate 218 (mean) 222 (standard deviation), cross-validation 580
Estimate 218 (mean) 222 (standard deviation), Hodges — Lehmann 193 517
Estimate 218 (mean) 222 (standard deviation), Huber 486
Estimate 218 (mean) 222 (standard deviation), M-480 494
Estimate 218 (mean) 222 (standard deviation), maximum likelihood 455 474 529 533 562
Estimate 218 (mean) 222 (standard deviation), Nelson — Aalen 315
Estimate 218 (mean) 222 (standard deviation), reduced-sample 322
Estimation 127
Estimation, consistent 147
Estimation, nonparametric 319
Estimation, robust 479 492
Evolutionary operation 371
Exponential distribution 321 536 544
Exponential distribution, family 548
Exponentially weighted predictor 388
F distribution 71 77
Factor analysis 433
Factorial design 280
Failure rate 528
Failure rate, time 519
Farming conditions 148
Feedback 361 370
Field experiments 61 82
Filtering, Kalman 364
Fisher consistency 572
Fisher consistency, information 506
Fly spray tests 196
Fractional factorial design 284
Framingham study 454
Friedman rank test 199
Gallup Poll 118
Gamma distribution 544 553 559 562
Gaussian process 314
Geometry 173
GLIM 544
Goodness-of-fit 2 24 99 204 409
Green's function 111
Greenwood's formula 333
| Half-drill strip 78
Half-normal distribution 497
Half-normal distribution, plot 439
Harmonic analysis 437
Hazard rate (ratio) 519 528
Heaviside function 535
Hierarchical model 456
histogram 589
Hotelling's 432
Huberizing 485
Hypothesis 2 340 346 431 463 474
Hypothesis, alternative 253 349
Imperical Chemical Industries (ICI) 267
Incomplete data 435
Independence 30 472
Independence, test of 155
Industrial data 390
Inference 408
Inference, model-based 75
Information, Fisher 506
Information, Kullback — Leibler 341 347 359
Information, supplementary 121
Interaction 63 69 285 444 453 457 462
Iterative procedures 447
Iterative procedures, proportional fitting (Deming — Stephan) 459
Jackknife 565 569 581
Jacobi polynomials 249
Johnson distributions 423
judgment 415
Kalman filtering 364
Kaplan — Meier (product-limit) estimate 311 325 529
Knut Vik square 78
Kolmogorov (Kolmogorov — Smirnov) statistic 93 482
Kullback — Leibler information 341 347 359
L-statistics 204
Latin square 73 88 555
Least favorable distribution 485 494
Least square(s) 25 137 229 237 493 514
Least square(s), iterative weighted 543 550
Least square(s), nonlinear 514
Leaves, shape of 431
level of significance 83
Life-tables 527
Life-tables, bivariate 537
Lifetesting 319
Lifetime, mean 330
Likelihood 465 480 590
Likelihood, conditional 532
Likelihood, maximum 544 462 474 529
Likelihood, partial 521
Likelihood, ratio 157 560
Linear model, generalized 543 547
Linear rank statistics 194
Link function 543
Location parameter 479 492 512
Log linear model 455 459
Logistic model 521
Logistic model, transform (logit) 559
London Life and Labour 146
M-estimators 480 494
Mann — Whitney test 192
Manurial dressing 66
Markoff method 142 170
Markoff method, theorem 239
Martingale theory 313
Maximum likelihood 239 319 455 458 462 474 529 533 537 543 550 562
Mean deviation 226
Measurement 440
Median 212 573 588
minimax 352 487 499 504
Model 538
Model, contamination 481
Model, nested 544
Model, probit 543
Model-based inference 75
Moments of 35
Monte Carlo 23
Monte Carlo sampling see "Simulation"
Most predictable criterion 153
Moving Average 388
Multinomial coefficient 217
Multinomial coefficient, distribution 455 469 476 548
Multinormal distribution 5 11 154 231
Multiple range tests 61
Multiple-response data 430
Neighborhood 480
Nelson — Aalen estimate 315
Newton — Raphson procedure 551
Non-additivity 44
Nonparametric estimation 319 321 588
Nonparametric estimation, methods 191 567
Normal distribution 24 493 544 553 554
Normal distribution, contaminated 487 491 501 510
Normal plotting 428
Normality 427 482
Normality, asymptotic 178 213 249 486 494
Odds ratio 523
Optimal strategy 347
Optimality, asymptotic 357
Optimization 270 340 413
Optimization, adaptive 361 371 377
Order statistics 106 194 203 211 535 573 575
Order statistics, moments 205
Order statistics, optimal spacing 205
Order statistics, tables 218
Outliers 410 480 506
Paired comparisons 198
Payoff matrix 351
Pearson distributions 30 423 483
Periodogram 366 437
Permutation distribution 571
Pitman relative efficiency 193
Pivotal quantity 588
Plackett and Burman design 283
Poisson distribution 7 314 464 471 544 548 553 556 562
Poisson distribution, model 455 544 553
Poisson distribution, process 102 539
Polaris 24
Potatoes 66
Power 102
Predictable process 315
Prediction 377
Principal components 156 189
Probability ellipsoid 14
Probability ellipsoid, plot 429
Probable error 47 61
Probit analysis 543 550 558
Product-limit (Kaplan — Meier) estimate 312 322 325 528
Proportional hazard model 520 530
Proportional hazard model, sampling 145
Pseudo-observations 178 583
Purposive selection 118 134
Quadratic form 168 241
Quality control 371 375
Quantiles 204
Quasi-range 205 223
Random effects (in linear models) 549
Random effects, sampling 118
Randomization 60 73
Randomized blocks 74 89
RANGE 207 212
Range, semi-interquartile 225
Range, tests 61
Rank statistics 194 535
Rank statistics, tests, Friedman's 199
Rank statistics, tests, Wilcoxon's 194
Reading and arithmetic 186
Reduced-rank regression 157
Reduced-sample estimate 322
Regression 139 140 229 240 247 434 544 585
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