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Bird G.A. — Molecular gas dynamics and the direct simulation of gas flows
Bird G.A. — Molecular gas dynamics and the direct simulation of gas flows

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Íàçâàíèå: Molecular gas dynamics and the direct simulation of gas flows

Àâòîð: Bird G.A.


Intended for scientists and engineers who wished to analyze practical non-linear gas flows at the molecular level.

ßçûê: en

Ðóáðèêà: Ôèçèêà/

Ñòàòóñ ïðåäìåòíîãî óêàçàòåëÿ: Ãîòîâ óêàçàòåëü ñ íîìåðàìè ñòðàíèö

ed2k: ed2k stats

Ãîä èçäàíèÿ: 1994

Êîëè÷åñòâî ñòðàíèö: 458

Äîáàâëåíà â êàòàëîã: 22.09.2005

Îïåðàöèè: Ïîëîæèòü íà ïîëêó | Ñêîïèðîâàòü ññûëêó äëÿ ôîðóìà | Ñêîïèðîâàòü ID
Ïðåäìåòíûé óêàçàòåëü
Acceptance-rejection method      105 424
Accommodation coefficient      118—121
Activation energy      124
Adiabatic, atmosphere      311—312
Adiabatic, surface temperature      169 354
Apse line      33 35 39 95
Arrhenius equation      124
Atomic mass constant      5
Average      (see mean)
Averages, ensemble      11
Averages, instantaneous      10
Averages, time      10
Avogadro’s number      5 19 124
Axially symmetric flows      370—388
BBGKY equations      50
beta function      112 422
BGK equation      195
Bimodal distribution      148—150 156 191—196 295 305
Bimolecular reaction      124—125 129—133
Binary collision      7 27 30—36 88 129 137
Blunt-body problem, axially symmetric      374—377
Blunt-body problem, two-dimensional      353—359
Boltzmann CFD      200
Boltzmann constant      14 25 211 243
Boltzmann distribution      114 116 146 239—240 245
Boltzmann equation      1 50—53 61 183—186 199 202 209 292
Borgnakke-Larsen      (see Larsen-Borgnakke)
Breakdown parameter      4
Bridging formulae      189
Burnett equations      70 293
Cellular automata      204
Cercignani-Lampis-Lord (CLL), surface reflection model      120—121 360—361 366
Chapman — Enskog solution of      64
Chapman-Enskog, distribution function      3 73—74 91 173
Chapman-Enskog, second approximation to      74
Chapman-Enskog, theory      3 20 64—75
Characteristic temperature of dissociation      25 245 412
Characteristic temperature of ionization      412
Characteristic temperature of rotation      25 412
Characteristic temperature of vibration      25 113 241 412
Chemical reactions      123—144 245—251
Coefficient of diffusion      (see Diffusion)
Coefficient of heat conduction      (see Heat conduction)
Coefficient of viscosity      (see Viscosity)
Collapse of cylindrical cavity      331
Collision cross-section in mixture      16
Collision cross-section, differential      33
Collision cross-section, reference      67 72
Collision cross-section, relative speed dependence      20 38
Collision cross-section, total      5 34—39 67
Collision cut-off      20 37
Collision integral      56—57
Collision integral, evaluation of      60 68
Collision lifetime      129
Collision term      54 196
Collisional invariants      58
Collisionless      156 160
Collisionless for gas mixture      54
Collisionless, Boltzmann equation      156
Collisionless, derivation of      50—53
Collisionless, direct CFD for      200
Collisionless, flow      2
Collisionless, generalized      54 64
Collisionless, moment of      55
Collisionless, normal solution of      65
Collisionless, piston problem      160—162 (see also Free-molecule)
Collisionless, relationship to simulation      208—210
Collisionless, unsteady flows free expansion      157—160
Complete rarefaction wave      325—327
Computational grids      (see Grids)
Conservation equations      58—60
Conservation equations of energy      59
Conservation equations of mass      58
Conservation equations of momentum      58
Continuum breakdown parameter      (see Breakdown parameter)
Couette flow      154 212 262 271 275
Couette flow, Taylor      (see Taylor-Couette)
Coulomb molecules      26
Cross-section      (see Collision cross-section)
Cumulative distribution function      110 239 423—427
Cylindrical symmetry      260
de Broglie wavelength      24
Debye length      204
Deflection angle      36
Degree of dissociation      130
Degrees of freedom      25 408
Degrees of freedom, internal      83
density      9
Density of mixture      17
Diffuse reflection      97
Diffusion, coefficient Chapman — Enskog result      69
Diffusion, coefficient for GHS molecules      73
Diffusion, coefficient for VHS molecules      69
DSMC determination of      282—285
DSMC procedures      370—371
Effusion      151
Einstein coefficients      29 145
Elastic collisions      30
electric dipole moment      145
electric field      204
Ensemble average      11
Equation of change      56
Equilibrium      8
Equilibrium, air composition      27
Equilibrium, collision rate      90
Equilibrium, collision rate DSMC result      224—227
Equilibrium, collision rate in mixtures      96
Equilibrium, collisional energy      93—5
Equilibrium, constant      130
Equilibrium, distribution function      64 77—98
Equilibrium, distribution function in cylindrical coordinates      80
Equilibrium, distribution function in polar coordinates      77
Equilibrium, distribution function of internal energy      104
Equilibrium, distribution function, rotational from DSMC      234—237
Equilibrium, distribution function, vibrational from DSMC      240
Equilibrium, flux energy translational      83
Equilibrium, internal      83
Equilibrium, internal, total      84
Equilibrium, mean free path      91 93
Equilibrium, mean free path in mixtures      96
Equilibrium, momentum normal, parallel      82
Equilibrium, number      82
Equilibrium, relative speeds in collisions      89
Ergodic      11
Error function      79 420—421
Euler equations      60 186
Exchange reactions      140
Fiat plate, free-molecule      169—172
Fiat plate, supersonic      360—366
Fiat plate, three-dimensional      401—404
Field molecules      7 16 52
Flux vector      12
Forced diffusion      75
Four moment method      187—194
Free expansion problem      157
Free-molecule, aerodynamics      162—172
Free-molecule, aerodynamics, flat plate      169—172
Free-molecule, aerodynamics, heat transfer coefficient      167
Free-molecule, aerodynamics, number flux      164
Free-molecule, aerodynamics, pressure coefficient      165
Free-molecule, aerodynamics, skin friction coefficient      165
Free-molecule, internal flow      175—181
Free-molecule, one-dimensional heat transfer      154—156
Free-molecule, piston problem      160
Free-molecule, test particle method for      176 (see also Collisionless)
Frozen flow      28
Gamma function      94 112 126 417
Gas, centrifuge      313—315
Gas, constants      14
Gas, Dilute      7 12
Gas, equilibrium      8
Gas, properties      19—29 408—416
Gas, simple      5
Gas-surface interactions      97 118— 121 360—361
Gaussian      (see Normal distribution)
Generalized hard sphere (GHS) model      44
Grad’s thirteen moment equations      186
Gravitational field      258 311
Grids, effect of cell-size      346—348
Grids, sub-cells      216
Grids, three-dimensional      389—393
Grids, two-dimensional      335—339
H-Theorem      61—63
Hard sphere      5 39—40
harmonic oscillator      (see Vibrational excitation)
Heat conduction, coefficient Chapman — Enskog result for      66
Heat flux vector      15 74
Heisenburg uncertainty principle      24
Hypersonic limit      84—86
Impact parameters      33
Information theory      124
Intermolecular, force field      6 35
Intermolecular, potential      35
Inverse collision      33
Inverse-cumulative method      424
Ionization      26 140—142
Ionized gas      204
Isentrflpic      9
Knudsen layer      191
Knudsen number      2
Knudsen number, local      2
Knudsen number, overall      2
Kronecker delta      14
Lapse rate      311—312
Larsen — Borgnakke model      104—107
Larsen — Borgnakke model, distribution functions general internal energy      107
Larsen — Borgnakke model, DSMC implementation general      109—112
Larsen — Borgnakke model, DSMC implementation rotation      228—237
Larsen — Borgnakke model, DSMC implementation vibration      238—245
Larsen — Borgnakke model, method      100 104—116
Larsen — Borgnakke model, method for simple gas      104—107
Larsen — Borgnakke model, method for vibration      112—116
Larsen — Borgnakke model, method for vibration quantum version      114—115
Larsen — Borgnakke model, method in a mixture      108—109
Larsen — Borgnakke model, serial application      111
Larsen — Borgnakke model, translational energy      106
Lattice gas method      204
Leading-edge problem      340—346
Lennard — Jones model      43
Liouville equation      50 156
List of symbols      xiii
Local thermodynamic equilibrium      9 146
Loschmidt’s number      19
Mach number      165
Macroscopic model      1
Mass average velocity      17
Mass velocity      13
Maximum entropy principle      124
Maxwell model      43
Maxwellian distribution      (see Equilibrium distribution)
Mean, collision frequency      7
Mean, collision rate      7
Mean, collision rate in gas mixture      16
Mean, collision time      7
Mean, collision time, free path      2 8
Mean, collision time, free path in equilibrium gas      90
Mean, collision time, free path in mixture      17
Mean, molecular spacing      5
Mean, radiative lifetime      145
Mean, square molecular speed      20
Mean, translational energy in collisions      93 97
Mean, values in collisions      92
Mean, velocity      17
Microscopic model      1
Model equation      (see BGK)
Molecular, angular velocity      101 145
Molecular, chaos      49—50 88 204 209
Molecular, cross-section      (see Collision cross-section)
Molecular, diameter, hard sphere      5
Molecular, diameter, reference value      92 409
Molecular, diameter, VHS      68 93 97
Molecular, diameter, VHS in mixture      69
Molecular, diameter, VSS      70
Molecular, dynamics (MD) method      202 209
Molecular, effusion      151
Molecular, elastic models      39—44
Molecular, elastic models, GHS      44
Molecular, elastic models, GHS hard sphere      5 39—40
Molecular, elastic models, GHS Lennard — Jones      43
Molecular, elastic models, GHS Maxwell      43
Molecular, elastic models, GHS square-well      43
Molecular, elastic models, GHS Sutherland      43
Molecular, elastic models, GHS VHS      20 40—41
Molecular, elastic models, GHS VSS      41—42
Molecular, elastic models, GHS VSS, scattering parameter      42 410
Molecular, force field      6
Molecular, inelastic models, rough-sphere      99 101—103
Molecular, inelastic models, sphero-cylinder      99
Molecular, inelastic models, two centres of repulsion      99 (see also Larsen-Borgnakke)
Molecular, inverse power law      37
Molecular, mass      5 408
Molecular, mass, reduced      31
Molecular, mean spacing      5
Molecular, reflection at surfaces diffuse      97
Molecular, specular      97
Molecular, speed ratio      82
Molecular, transpiration      151
Molecular, weight      5
Moment equation      55
Moment methods      184
Momentum cross-section      38—42
Monte Carlo, direct simulation see direct simulation Monte Carlo method test particle method free-molecule      176
Monte Carlo, transition regime      203
Morse potential      245—246
Most probable thermal speed      78
Mott — Smith solution      191—194
Navier — Stokes equations      1—2 74 186
Nomenclature      xiii-xvii
Normal distribution      9
Normal shock wave      (see Shock wave)
NTC method      219
Number density      5
Number density in gas mixture      16
Number density, standard      19
One-dimensional heat transfer, DSMC result for      280—281
One-dimensional heat transfer, four moment method      187—191
Ordinary gas constant      14
Partition functions      131 415
Peculiar velocity      13
Phase space      1
Phenomenological models      100
Photophoresis      174
Physical space      46
Piston problem      317—324
Piston problem, collisionless      160—162
Piston problem, spherical      328—331
Planck’s constant      24
plasma      204
Poisson distribution      9
Poisson equation      204
Prandtl number      66
Prandtl number, DSMC result for      271
Prandtl — Meyer expansion      367—369
Pressure, diffusion      75
Pressure, scalar      14
Pressure, tensor      13
Quantum vibration model      114
Radiation      (see Thermal radiation)
Random numbers      203 432 435
Random velocity      13
1 2
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