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Tsang L., Kong J.A., Ding K.- H. — Scattering of electromagnetic waves (Vol 1. Theories and applications) |
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1—2 system 8
Absorption coefficient 112 200 260 263
Absorption coefficient for independent scattering 128
Absorption coefficient for Mie scatterers 353
Absorption coefficient, background 269
Absorption cross section 6 281
Absorption cross section for Rayleigh scatterer 12
Acoustic scattering 30
Acoustic wave 30 391
Active remote sensing 66 151
Active remote sensing of nonspherical particles 303
Active remote sensing of random medium 252
Active remote sensing of spherical particles 298
Active remote sensing, using discrete ordinate method 337
Addition theorem for vector spherical harmonics 99 299
Admittance matrix 310
Aerosols 172
Air bubbles 169
Albedo 6 37 380
Amundsen — Scott Station 325
Angular correlation function (ACF) 162 234
Anisotropic medium 73
Antarctica 325
Antarctica, temperature profile 325
Associated Legendre function 24 25 29
Atmosphere 172 264
Atmosphere, absorption profile 266
Atmosphere, temperature profile 266
Attenuation 66 67
Average ensemble 110 122 125 131
Average ensemble, time 122
Azimuth resolution 242
Backscattering 109
Backscattering, coefficient 68 176
Backscattering, cross section 16
Backscattering, enhancement 298
Backward phase matrix 346
Banded matrix 203
Bandwidth 240
Baseline 248
Bessel function 22
Bessel function, spherical 24 25
Bistatic radar 113
Bistatic scattering coefficient 68 151
Bistatic scattering coefficient for rough surface 407 413 416
Bistatic scattering coefficient, cross section 14
Bistatic scattering coefficient, incoherent 402
Bistatic scattering coefficient, reciprocity relation 75
Blackbody radiation 200
Boltzmann probability distribution 146 263
Boltzmann’s constant 147 263
Born approximation 5 18 20 129 253
Born approximation for random medium 253
Born approximation for sphere 20
Born approximation, polarization dependence 20
Bose — Einstein statistics 145
Bragg scattering 186
Brewster angle 214
Brightness temperature 145 148 152
Brightness temperature for half-space random medium 350
Brightness temperature for stratified medium 212
Brightness temperature for two-layer random medium 350
Brightness temperature, polarimetric 155
Brine pocket 169
Central limit theorem 133 135
Characteristic function 181 396
Christoffel weights 330
Cloud 355 356
Coherent, approach 200
Coherent, field 131 232 234 419 420
Coherent, intensity 132
Coherent, reflection 400 406
Coherent, wave 400
Correlation function 129 130 174 175 181 256 349 392 395
Correlation function of electromagnetic fields 161
Correlation function, anisotropic 176
Correlation function, exponential 176 392
Correlation function, Gaussian 176 181 392 395
Correlation function, normalized 176
Correlation function, slope 182 183 394
Correlation function, two-point 254
correlation length 130 176 181 182 392
Correlation processing 243
Cosmic background radiation 358
Coupling coefficient for Mie scatterers 352
Coupling coefficient for random medium 349
Covariance 176
Covariance, function 396
Covariance, matrix 135 136 396
Critical angle 202 285
Cross section, absorption 6 12
Cross section, extinction 37 68
Cross section, geometric 5
Cross section, normalized 68
Cross section, receiver 67
Cross section, total 6 68
Curvature 410
Cylinder finite length 41 310
Cylindrical wave 22 57
Cylindrical wave, vector 23
Debye equation 184
Degree of polarization 139 308
Desalination 169
Differential volume 108 111
Diffuse intensity 295 381
Diffuse intensity, averaged 381
Diffuse intensity, single scattering 296
Diffusion approximation 288 380 382 385
Diffusion equation 384
Diffusion equation, boundary condition for 385
Dipole moment 9 10
Dirac delta function, cylindrical wave representation 57
Dirac delta function, plane wave representation 55
Dirac delta function, spherical wave representation 59
Directivity 113
Dirichlet problem 390 391 397 408 415
Discrete ordinate-eigenanalysis method for active remote sensing 337
Discrete ordinate-eigenanalysis method for passive remote sensing 343
Discrete ordinate-eigenanalysis method, normal incidence 328
Discrete ordinate-eigenanalysis method, oblique incidence 337
Discrete random medium 173 174
Disk 13 46
Divergence of beam factor 148 202 285
Divergence theorem 157
Donelan — Banner — Jahne spectrum 191
Drop-size distribution 355
Dry snow 170
Durden — Vesecky spectrum 189 190
Dyadic Green’s function 54 55 153
Dyadic Green’s function for stratified medium 207
Dyadic Green’s function, cylindrical wave representation 57
Dyadic Green’s function, layered medium 253
Dyadic Green’s function, plane wave representation 55
Dyadic Green’s function, spherical wave representation 59
Eccentricity 13
Effective permittivity 175
Ellipsoid 12 271
Elliptical polarization 116
Ellipticity angle 117
emission 200
Emission, Stokes parameters 279
Emission, vector 260 269 275
Emissivity 149 151 152 156
Energy conservation 149
Ensemble average 110 122 125 131
Eulerian angles 81 271
Eulerian rotations 81
Exciting field 84 85
Exponential correlation function 392
Extended boundary condition (EBC) 84 91 94 397
| Extinction coefficient 72 112 260
Extinction coefficient for independent scattering 128
Extinction coefficient for Mie scatterers 353
Extinction cross section 37 68 87
Extinction cross section for small sphere 100
Extinction cross section for spheres 98
Extinction efficiency 38
Extinction matrix 72 260 269
Extinction matrix for nonspherical particles 274
Extinction matrix for spherical particles 272
Extinction theorem 60 63 65 72 92 397
Field coherent 131 234
Field coherent, correlation function 132
Field coherent, fluctuating 121 131 132
Field coherent, incoherent 131 132
Finite length cylinder 41 310
Fluctuation dissipation theorem 152 153 200 212 276
Fluctuation field 121 131 132
Flux vector 262
Focusing 237 239
Foldy’s approximation 73 273
footprint 237
Forward phase matrix 345
Forward scattering theorem 37 72
Fourier Stieltjes integral 392
Fractional volume 168 355
Fresnel reflectivity 143 201
Gain 66 67 108 113
Gamma function 134
Gamma function, recurrence relation 134
Gauss — Legendre quadrature 97 349
Gaussian correlation function 181 392
Gaussian statistics 179
Geometric optics 5 415
Glory effect 298 303
Green’s function 54 55 61
Green’s function, cylindrical wave representation 57
Green’s function, dyadic (see Dyadic)
Green’s function, plane wave representation 55
Green’s function, singularity 56
Green’s function, spherical wave representation 59
Green’s function, two-dimensional 408
Green’s Theorem 408
Green’s theorem, two-dimensional 408
Green’s theorem, vector 60 61 64
half-power beamwidth 113
Hankel function 22
Hankel function, spherical 26
Hermitian conjugate 90
Hertzian dipole 75
horizontal polarization 8
Huygens’ principle 41 60 63—66 408
Hydrodynamic modulation 192 194
Hydrometeors 172
Hydrometeors, categorization 169
Hydrometeors, dielectric properties 169
Hydrometeors, Ice 168
Hydrometeors, loss tangent 170
Hydrometeors, salinity 169
Hydrometeors, temperature profile 169
Imaging radar 243
Impedance matrix 310
Incoherent approach 200
Incoherent approach, field 131 132
Incoherent approach, intensity 132
Incoherent approach, wave 402
Independent scattering 109 112 125
Index of refraction 200
Index of refraction for water 116
Infinite cylinder approximation 41 315
Infinite disc approximation 46
Integral equation 60 63 409
Integral equation, surface 64 422
Intensity coherent 132
Intensity coherent, incoherent 132
Intensity coherent, specific (see Specific intensity)
Interferometric SAR (InSAR) 248 252
Invariant imbedding 362
Invariant imbedding, one-dimensional 363
Invariant imbedding, three-dimensional 370
Kirchhoff approach (KA) 66 407
Kirchhoff’s law 149 150
Lambertian surface 142
Lambert’s cosine law 142
Laminar medium 324
Laplace equation 72
Layered medium 55 200
Legendre function 300
Legendre function, associated 24 25 29
Legendre polynomial 300
Legendre polynomial, zeros of 330
Legendre quadrature 330
Loss tangent for sea ice 170
Marshall — Palmer size distribution 114 172
Maxwell equations 2 17 54 61 73 74 80 109 157 203 278
Memory effect 162 236
Method of moment 310
Method of moment, body of revolution 310
Mie scattering 29 32 303
Mie scattering for coated sphere 102
Mie scattering, absorption coefficient 353
Mie scattering, arbitrary excitation 100
Mie scattering, coupling coefficients 352
Mie scattering, extinction coefficient 353
Mie scattering, extinction cross section 98
Mie scattering, scattering coefficient 353
Mie scattering, scattering cross section 99
Mie scattering, small sphere limit 99
Mode radius 355
Moisture content 184 220
Monostatic radar 15 109 113
Mueller matrix 307 308 315—322
Multipole 85
Mutual coherent function 162
Mutual coherent function, two-frequency 163
Narrow beam equation 113
Neumann function spherical 34
Neumann problem 390 391 403
Nonspherical particles 171
Nonspherical particles, active remote sensing of 303
Nonspherical particles, emission vector for 275
Nonspherical particles, Euler angles for 81
Nonspherical particles, extinction matrix for 72 272 274
Nonspherical particles, passive remote sensing of 281
Nonspherical particles, phase matrix for 271
Nonspherical particles, T-matrix 84
Normal distribution 133
Ocean permittivity 359
Ocean permittivity, surface 185
Ocean spectrum composite model 192
Ocean spectrum composite model, directional 185
Ocean spectrum composite model, Donelan — Banner — Jahne 191
Ocean spectrum composite model, Durden — Vesecky 189
Ocean spectrum composite model, Pierson — Moskowitz 187
Ocean spectrum composite model, power law 186
Ohm’s Law 6
Opposition effect 298
Optic axis 168
Optical distance 293
Optical theorem 68 72 87 100 273
Optically thick 380
Orientation angle 117 121
p polarization 8
Pair distribution function 174 234
Parallel polarization 8
Passive remote sensing 145 148 151
Passive remote sensing of cloud 355
Passive remote sensing of earth 264
Passive remote sensing of Mie scatterers 352
Passive remote sensing of rainfall 355
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