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Wolf-Gladrow D.A. — Lattice-gas cellular automata and lattice Boltzmann models |
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additive rule 19
Ansatz method 205
Automata rule with memory 20
Automata rule without memory 20
Automata rule, additive 19
Automata rule, legal 20
Automata rule, peripheral 20
Automata rule, symmetric 20
Automata rule, totalistic 20
BGK approximation 144 145 165 195 205
Binary digit 153
Bit 153
Bit-function 44
Bit-operator 44
Bit-state 57
bitwise 44
Blood flow 243
Boltzmann approximation 138
Boltzmann distribution 141
Bottom friction 230
Bounce-back rule 80
Boundary condition, complete bounceback 189
Boundary condition, half-way bounceback 190
boundary conditions 79
Boundary, link boundary 189
Boundary, node boundary 189
Breaking of Galilean invariance 73
Burgers equation 138 243
Burnett equations 146
C (programming language) 44
cell 264
Cellular automata 9 15
Cellular automata, elementary 19
Chaining 47
Chapman — Enskog expansion 71
Chapman — Kolmogorov equation 64
Chessboard 40
Chessboard instability 40
Chiral 53
Coarse graining 10
Collision 37 40 57
Collision cross section 140
Collision frequency 144
Collision integral 140
Collision invariants 140
Collision parameter 182
Complementation 248
Configuration 18
Configuration, global 16
Configuration, local 16
Conservation laws 21
Continuity equation 7
Coriolis parameter 220
Crystal growth 244
Curvilinear coordinates 243
D1Q4 136
D2Q129 134
D2Q13-FHP 101 205
D2Q13-WB 97
D2Q15 98 197
D2Q19 101 129
D2Q21 98 134
D2Q24 95
D2Q25 134
D2Q4 92
D2Q57 134
D2Q7 94
D2Q9 96 131 133 168
Detailed balance 58
Diagonal pair interaction 124
Diffusion equation 21 136 236
Diffusion equation, nonlinear 240 242
Divergence of transport coefficients in 2D 137
DkQb 92
Droplets 244
Dual solids 105
Duality 249
Dynamic similarity 9
Dynamical geometry 137 243
Eddy viscosity coefficient 220
EDGE 264
Ekman number 229
Electrodynamics 17 244
Elementary cellular automata 19 23
Energy conservation 128—130
energy equation 205
Ensemble 64 65
entropy 22
Entropy, maximum entropy principle 156
Entropy, relative 171
Entropy, Renyi 158
Entropy, Shannon 22 156
Euler equation 74 121 177
Evolution operator 40 55
Exclusion principle 40 53 113
Face 112 264
FCHC 10 66 68 95 109 113 118 129 134 265
Fermi — Dirac 40 53 66 74 115
fermions 40
FHP 94 115 129 242
FHP-I 54
Finite differences 10 232 245
Finite elements 10
Finite volumes 10
Flow in dynamical geometry 137 243
Fractal obstacles 243
Friction coefficient 220
Functional derivative 157
g-factor 73 78
Galilean invariance 90 169
Galilei transformation 73 78
Garden of Eden 22
Generalized lattice tensors 95 128
Gibbs 121
Gibbs' ensemble 64
Glacier flow 243
Global configuration 16
Greek indices 49 57
Grid Reynolds number 227
H-Theorem 244
Head-on collision 40 43
Henon constraints 113 115
Henon's random rule for FCHC 134
HPP 17 39 66 68 92 115 242
Hypercube 108
Identity operator 40
Integer lattice gases 138
Internal energy 205
Intersection 248
Invariants, non-local 57
Invariants, spurious 54
Invariants, staggered 54
Invariants, Zanetti 54 57
Irreversible 22
Ising model 37
Isometric collision rules 113 115
Isometric group 57 113
Isotropic tensors 90 104
Isotropy 10
Jacobi operator 220
Karman vortex street 70 85 123
Kepler 108
Knudsen layer 80
Knudsen number 71 146 148 161
Korteweg — de Vries equation 244
| Label 148 149
Lack of information 156
Lagrange multiplier 68 134 156 250
Laplacian friction 220
Laplacian principle of the insufficient reason 155
Large eddy simulation 243
Latin indices 49 57
Lattice gases 37
Lattice symmetry 10
Lattice tensors 40 90 91 128
Lattice tensors, generalized 95
Lattice vectors 39 53
Lattice velocities 39 53
LBGK 160
Legal rule 20 24
Levy-Civita symbol 90
Life 17 31 35
Liouville equation 64 139
Liouville's theorem 22
Local configuration 16
Local Maxwellian 144
Local rule 16
Look-up table 51 114 115 134
Mach number 68 180
Magnetohydrodynamics 137 243
Markov process 16
Mass fraction parameter 208
Maximally discretized molecular dynamics 12
Maxwell distribution 141 143
Maxwell — Boltzmann distribution 141
Maxwell's equations 244
Memory 20; see “Automata rule with memory”
Message 153
Model equations 144
Molecular chaos 140
Molecular Dynamics 11
Momentum advection tensor 72
Moore neighborhood 29
Multi-scale analysis 70 174
Multi-speed FHP 101 205
Multi-speed LGCA 128
Multi-speed models 95 128 195
Multi-spin coding 44
Multiphase flows 137 243
Munk scale 221
Navier — Stokes equation 7 74 145 152 174 177
Neighborhood, Moore 29
Neighborhood, von Neumann 29
Node 39
Nodes, boundary nodes 189
Nodes, dry, wall nodes 190
Nodes, wet, interior, fluid nodes 190
Noise 163
Nondeterministic rules 54
Normal distribution 154
Normalization 57
Normalized momenta 114
Numerical distribution functions 134
Numerical instability 11
Observable 65
Occupation number 48
One-dimensional cellular automata 18
Pair interaction (PI) 118 129 130
PARADISE 22; see “Garden of Eden”
Partial differential equation 21
Pauli principle 40
Penrose lattice 15
Phase space 64
PI 115 118 129 130
Platonic solids 105
Poiseuille flow 190
Poisson equation 137
Polyeder theorem 112
Polygon 264
Polyhedron 264
Polytope 264
Polytope, regular 264
Porous media 137 243
Pressure depends explicitly on velocity 128 159
Pressure-corrected LBM 204
Principle of duality 249
Propagation 37 40 57
Pseudo-random choice 54
Quantum cellular automata 36
quantum mechanics 138 244
Quiescent configuration 20
Random generator 39 50
Random rule 115
Rayleigh — Benard convection 244
Rayleigh — Taylor instability 244
Reaction-diffusion equations 138 242
Reduced densities 139
Reference system 90
Relativistic flows 138
Relaxation toward equilibrium 50 69 83
Renyi entropy 158
Rescaling of time 74
Residue class 18
Rest mass parameters 214
Reversible 22 37 121
Reynolds coefficient 75 117
Reynolds number 8 85 229
Reynolds number, grid 227
Rossby number 227
Rule 18; see “Automata rule”
Rule number 19
Rule, local 16
Schlafli symbol 109 264
Schlafli's criterion 265
Self-dual 105
Semi-detailed balance 58 67 87 113 115 138
Shannon entropy 22; see “Entropy”
Sharp distribution 154
Similarity, law of dynamic 9
simplex 108
Site 39
Sound speed 73
Sound waves 83
Spectral methods 10
Specular reflection 80
Spurious invariants 10 36 41 54 135
Staggered invariants 54 135
Statistical mechanics 36
Stream function 220
Streaming 37 40 57
Stueckelberg condition 58
Sub-lattice 40 118
Supersonic flows 134
Symmetric rule 20
Symmetry 245
Symmetry group 90 91 105
Thermal LBM 205
Thermal LGCA 128
Totalistic rule 20 22—26
Trace 157
traffic flow 36
Transition matrix 58
Transition probability 57
Transsonic flows 134
Turbulence 145 183 243
Turing machine 16 30
union 248
Universality Theorem 54
Universe as a cellular automata 17
Update rule 18; see “Automata rule”
Von Karman vortex street 70 85 123
von Neumann neighborhood 29
Vorticity 76 87
Vorticity equation 183 220 230
Wave propagation 244
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