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» Физика » Термодинамика, статистическая физика »

Содержимое каталога
1. Abe S. Okamoto Y. Nonextensive statistical mechanics and its applications2000
2. Annamalai K. Puri I.K. Advanced thermodynamics for engineering2002
3. Balescu R. Equilibrium and nonequilibrium statistical mechanics1975
4. Bergersen B. Statistical mechanics2001
5. Bird R.B. Lightfoot E.N. Stewart W.E. Transport Phenomena (2nd Edition)2002
6. Boon J.P. Yip S. Molecular hydrodynamics1980
7. Bopp F. Thermodynamik auf statistischer Grundlage1965
8. Bryan G.H. Thermodynamics: an introductory treatise1906
9. Chandler D. Introduction to modern statistical mechanics1987
10. Chandrasekhar S. Stochastic problems in physics and astronomy1943
11. D'Agostini G. Bayesian reasoning in physics1999
12. Dalvit D.A.R. Frastai J. Lawrie I.D. Problems on statistical mechanics1999
13. Dittrich T. (ed.) Hanggi P. (ed.) Ingold G.-L. (ed,) Quantum transport and dissipation1999
14. Dorfman J.R. Introduction to Chaos in Nonequilibrium Statistical Mechanics1999
15. Dotsenko V. An introduction to the theory of spin glasses and neural networks1994
16. Dugdale J.S. Entropy and its Physical Meaning1996
17. Escobedo M. Mischler S. Valle M. Homogenous Boltzmann equation in quantum relativistiс kinetic theory2003
18. Fermi E. Thermodynamics1937
19. Frenkel D. Notes on Statistical Thermodynamics2001
20. Gallavotti G. Statistical Mechanics: A Short Treatise1999
21. Galperin Y.M. Statistical physicsn/a
22. Gibbs J.W. Elementary principles of statistical mechanics1902
23. Guggenheim E.A. Thermodynamics1967
24. Huang K. Statistical Mechanics1987
25. Isihara A. Statistical physics1971
26. Jaynes E.T. Bayesian methods1996
27. Jaynes E.T. Foundations of probability and statistical mechanicsn/a
28. Jaynes E.T. How does the brain do plausible reasoning?1988
29. Jaynes E.T. Information theory and statistical mechanics1963
30. Jaynes E.T. Information theory and statistical mechanics1957
31. Jaynes E.T. Information theory and statistical mechanics II1957
32. Jaynes E.T. Predictive statistical mechanics1984
33. Jaynes E.T. Prior information and ambiguity in inverse problems1984
34. Jaynes E.T. Probability theory as logic1989
35. Jaynes E.T. Probability theory: the logic of science1996
36. Jaynes E.T. The minimum entropy production principle1980
37. Jaynes E.T. Where do we go from here?1985
38. Jaynes E.T. Where do we stand on maximum entropy?1978
39. Kubo R. Toda M. Hashitsume N. Statistical physics II. Nonequilibrium statistical mechanics1985
40. Kubo R. Thermodynamics1968
41. Lapeyre B. Pardoux E. Sentis R. Methodes de Monte-Carlo pour les equations de transport et de diffusion1998
42. Leff H.S. Rex A.F. Maxwell's Demon 2: Entropy, Classical and Quantum Information, Computing2003
43. Lieb E.H. Yngvason J. The physics and mathematics of the second law of thermodynamics1999
44. Lieb E.H. Models in statistical mechanics1969
45. Lienhardt J.H. IV Lienhardt J.H. V A heat transfer textbook (3-rd edition)2008
46. Linder B. Thermodynamics and introductory statstical mechanics2004
47. Mackey M.C. Time's arrow: the origins of thermodynamic behavior1991
48. Mallett M.J.D. Blümler P. Thermal and statistical physics2001
49. Mecke K. (ed.) Stoyan D. (ed.) Statistical Physics and Spatial Statistics: The Art of Analyzing and Modeling Spatial Structures and Pattern Formation2000
50. Mirlin A.D. Statistics of energy levels and eigenfunctions in disordered systems2000
51. Natermann T. Statistische Physik1999
52. Nayak C. Many-Body Physics1999
53. Nelson E. Quantum fluctuations1985
54. Pitts D.R. Sissom L.E. Schaum's outline of theory and problems of heat transfer (2nd edition)1997
55. Planck M. Treatise on thermodynamics (third edition)1945
56. Rau J. Statistical mechanism in a nutshell1998
57. Reichl L.E. Modern Course in Statistical Physics (2nd edition)1998
58. U.S.Department of Energy Fundamentals Handbook. Thermodynamics, Heat Transfer and Fluid Flow (vol. 1)1992
59. Walecka J.D. Fundamentals of statistical mechanics2000
60. Winterbone D.E. Advanced thermodynamics for engineers1997
61. Wolf-Gladrow D.A. Lattice-gas cellular automata and lattice Boltzmann models2000
62. Wolfram S. Statistical mechanics of cellular automata1983
63. Ахиезер А.И. Пелетминский С.В. Методы статистической физики1977
64. Базаров И.А. Термодинамика1991
65. Балеску Р. Равновесная и неравновесная статистическая механика (Том 1)1978
66. Балеску Р. Равновесная и неравновесная статистическая механика (Том 2)1978
67. Бараш Ю.С. Силы Ван-Дер-Ваальса1988
68. Бахарева И.Ф. Нелинейная неравновесная термодинамика1976
69. Био М. Вариационные принципы в теории теплообмена1975
70. Боголюбов Н.Н. Боголюбов Н.Н. (мл.) Введение в квантовую статистическую механику1984

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