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Dittrich T. (ed.), Hanggi P. (ed.), Ingold G.-L. (ed,) — Quantum transport and dissipation |
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Предметный указатель |
—formalism 259—261 272
Above-threshold ionization 250
Abrahams, E. 1.7
Abramowitz, M. 2.8
Abrikosov, A.A. 1.35 1.60 2.34
Ackerhalt, J.R. 6.91
Action classical 291 298 303 308 335
Action effective 239
Action Euclidean 232
Action-angle variables 303 309 330
Adachi, S. 6.96
Adhikari, S.K. 1.24
Adiabatic theorem 275
Affleck, I. 4.23
Affleck, I.K. 4.28
Agronovich, V.M. 1.19
Aharonov — Bohm effect 34 37
Aharonov, Y. 1.53
Ahmed, H. 1.18 2.74
Akkermans, E. 1.20 1.66 2.92
Altshuler, B.L. 1.5 1.11 1.13 1.19 1.30 1.37 1.42 1.54 3.1
Ambegaokar, V. 3.6 4.8 4.16
Amplitude reflection 338
Amplitude return 307 311 326
Amplitude transmission 338
Anastassakis, E.M. 2.46
Anderson transition 330
Anderson, P.W. 1.7 6.63
Ando, T. 2.15 2.16
Andreev reflection 174 193
Andreev spectroscopy 184
Ankerhold, J. 4.25
Antidot 337
Antonsen Jr., T.M. 6.95
Aoki, H. 2.2
Apel, W. 2.20 2.56 2.66
Approximation diagonal 312
Approximation Markov 342
Approximation semiclassical 231 241 290—319 322—330 335 346
Aravind, P.K. 5.27
Argaman, N. 1.34 1.62 6.46 6.69
Aronov, A.G. 1.5 1.42 1.47 1.54 1.55 1.56
Arovas, D.P. 2.68
Ashcroft, N.W. 1.1 6.62
Ashoori, R. 2.19
Aslamazov, L.G. 3.42
Averin, D.V. 3.1 3.5 3.23 3.40 3.44
Backscattering 24 132
Balian, R. 1.2
Ballentine, L.E. 6.54
Band 324—329 332
Baranger, H.U. 1.36 6.83 6.87
Bardrak, A.D. 5.8
Bargmann representation 298
Bastin, A. 2.37
Bauernschmitt, R. 3.43
Bavli, R. 5.10
Beenakker, C.W.J. 1.17 1.21 1.68 2.73 6.90
Belitz, D. 1.3 1.43
Benoit, A.D. 1.79
Bensch, F. 5.6
Ben—Jacob, E. 3.11 3.12
Berglund, P. 2.48
Bergmann, G. 1.38
Bergmann, R. 6.84
Berry, M.V. 6.13 6.14 6.22 6.26 6.29 6.38 6.42 6.44 6.47 6.110
Betbeder—Matibet, O. 2.37
Biese, G. 2.94
Billiard electron 336—341
Billiard Sinai 288
Bishop, D.J. 1.59
Bloch phase 325
Bloch theorem 324
Bloch — Siegert shift 267
Bloch, F. 5.17
Bluemel, R. 6.80 6.97
Bobbert, P.A. 3.34
Boenig, L. 1.28
Bohigas, O. 6.41 6.49 6.51 6.52
Bohr — Sommerfeld quantization 298
Boltzmann equation 1
Boltzmann, Ludwig 287
Bond, L. 6.56
Borkovec, M. 4.21
Bortfeldt, J. 2.36
Boson 124 137
Boson ansatz 125
Boson statistic 124
boundary conditions 80 84 85 104
Boundary conditions hard wall 85
Boundary conditions periodic 80 127 325
Boundary layer 321
Boundary resistance 63
Brandes, T. 1.51 2.81 2.83
Bransden, B.H. 2.7
Brezin, E. 2.14
Brillouin zone 325
Brody, T.A. 6.39
Bruder, C. 3.8 3.9 3.45
Brumer, P. 5.8
Bubanja, V. 3.18
Buchleitner, A. 6.97
Buettiker, M. 1.16 1.49 1.78 2.40 6.86 6.89
Bulk state 100
Bulk state extended 106
Bulk state localized 100 106 108
Bychkov, Yu.A. 2.54
Caldeira — Leggett Hamiltonian 215
Caldeira, A.O. 3.14 3.49 4.7
Calleja, J.S. 2.93
Callen, H.B. 4.12
Cantorus 293 294 305 321
Casati, G. 5.3 5.7 6.11 6.43 6.73
Castellani, C. 1.6
Caustic 299—301
Cerdeira, H. 2.75 3.10 5.9
Chakraborty, T. 2.59
Chakravarty, S. 1.33 4.1
Chang, A.M. 2.48
Chang, L.L. 2.19
Channel 335 338
Channel closed 338
Channel open 338
Chaos hard 292
Chaos soft 292
Charge fluctuations 207
Charge representation 200
Charging effects 149
Charging energy 153
Chen, C.D. 3.35
Chiral states 86
Chirikov, B.V. 6.11 6.43 6.72 6.73 6.74
Chu, S.—I. 5.2 5.18
Claeson, T. 3.35 3.41
Clark, T.D. 3.38
COE 335
Cohen, D. 6.98
Coherence 109
Coherent Cooper-pair tunneling 183
Coherent state 296
Coherent state amplitude 298
Coherent transport 273
Coherent tunneling 273
Complex trajectory 318 329
Composite Hilbert space 253 254
Conductance 79 131 338—341
Conductance anti-resonance 133
Conductance coefficients 104
Conductance depletion 133
| Conductance fluctuation 133
Conductance frequency dependent 140
Conductance global 104
Conductance oscillations 208
Conductance quantum 126 141
Conductance step 131
confinement 84
Confinement energy 127
Confinement geometrical 79
Confinement harmonic 82 83 86
Confinement potential 84
Constriction 128 129 131 132
Cooper-pair tunneling 183
Cooperon 24 48—50
Correlation function 224—228
Correlation hole 313 314 328
Cotunneling 161 204
Coulomb blockade 149 156
Coulomb interaction 135 139
Creagh, S.C. 6.15 6.61
Crommie, M.F. 1.26
Crossing avoided 255 276 316 321
Crossing exact 255 266 274 277 278 316
Crossing three-level 321
Crossover temperature 242—247
CSE 335
Cue 335
Cummings, F.W. 5.41
Cyclotron frequency 80
Cyclotron orbit 86
Dakhnovskii, Yu. 5.10 5.48
Damping kernel 216—219 239
Davis, M.J. 6.50
De Gennes, P.G. 1.48
De Luccia, F. 4.28
DeBroglie wavelength 299
Decay rate 244—247 334 340 346 348 349
Decoherence 339—340 342 344—345 347
Deflection function 334
Dekker, H. 4.3
Delsing, P. 3.35 3.41
den Nijs, M. 2.49
Dennis, B.S. 2.93
Density matrix 198 219—220
Density matrix equilibrium 220 222 231—233
Density mean spectral 308
Density of states 8 89 133 306 325
Density of states fluctuations 14
Density of states local 10 332
Density of states mean 308
Density operator 294 341
Density quasi-probability 295
Density spectral 306 325
Density tunneling spectral 323
Dephasing 40 41 339—340 342 344—345 347
Dephasing length 337 345
Destructive interference 281
Determinism 287—290
Devoret, M.H. 3.2 3.24 3.26 3.32 3.37
Devreese, J.T. 2.90
Di Castro, C. 1.6
Diagrammatic representation 90
Dietl, T. 2.81
Diffusion 228—229 320 323 326 331 344
Diffusion chaotic 324
Diffusion constant 229 331 333
Diffusion deterministic 324
Diffuson 48—50
Dion, D.R. 5.27
Diosi, L. 6.101
Disorder 88 89 92—94 96 97 99 102 105 108 109 132 324 327—329 337
Dissipation 213—247 283 289 338 341—350
Dissipation Ohmic 214 217 226 240 343
Distribution curvature 317
Distribution delay-time 334 336
Distribution marginal 295
Distribution nearest—neighbor level—spacing 314 315 347
Distribution winding-number 326
Dittes, F.—M. 6.46
Dittrich, T. 5.9 5.19 5.48 6.43 6.45 6.53 6.70 6.94 6.106 6.107 6.108
Dolan, G.J. 1.44
Doniach, S. 1.23
Dorda, G. 2.35
Doron, E. 6.46 6.79
Dorsey, A.T. 4.1
Doublet 318—323 348
Driven bistable system 273
Driven parabolic barrier 263
Driven quantum system, exactly solvable 261—269
Driven tunneling 266 274 280 320
Driven tunneling adiabatic limit 275
Driven two—level system 251 263—268
Driving periodic 319 331 337 341 347
Driving random 342
Drouffe, J.M. 1.41
Drude model 103 128 133 217 240
Dunlap, D.H. 5.45
Duplantier, B. 1.52 2.26
Dynamic susceptibility 223—225
Dyson — Mehta theorem 57
Dyson, F.J. 6.48
Dyson’s threefold way 314
Dzyaloshinski, I.E. 1.35
Eberl, K. 2.94
Eberly, J.H. 5.6
EBK quantization 298 303 318
Eckern, U. 3.6 4.8
Eckhardt, B. 6.12
Economou, E.N. 2.10
Edge state 86 99 106
Edge state model 105
Edwards model 15
Effective action 239
Effective action in imaginary times 189
Effective action in real times 198
Effective-action description of tunneling 189
Efros, A.L. 1.5
Ehrenreich, H. 1.21
Eigler, D.M. 1.26
Eiles, T.M. 3.26
Einstein relation 3 229
Einstein — Brillouin — Keller quantization 298 303 318
Einstein, A. 4.15 6.25
Einstein, Albert 298
Electromagnetic environment 163
Electron turnstile 155 288
Eliashberg, B.M. 2.54
Elliott, R.J. 2.11
Emery, J. 2.90
Energy shell 303 307
Engel, L.W. 2.45
Ensemble circular orthogonal 335
Ensemble circular symplectic 335
Ensemble circular unitary 335
Ensemble Gaussian orthogonal 55 314—316
Ensemble Gaussian symplectic 314—316
Ensemble Gaussian unitary 314—316
Ensemble microcanonical 304
entropy 345
Equation continuity 299
Equation master 158 343
Equipartition rule 62
Ergodicity 288 291 305 313
Ericson fluctuations 336
Ernst, J. 6.81
Ertl, T. 6.36
Esteve, D. 3.24 3.32
Even-odd asymmetry 177
Fainshtein, A.G. 5.4 5.15
Falci, G. 3.18 3.46
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