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Dittrich T. (ed.), Hanggi P. (ed.), Ingold G.-L. (ed,) — Quantum transport and dissipation |
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Liouville equation 289 302
Liouville operator 220—222
Lira, K.Y. 2.46
Littlejohn, R.G. 6.15 6.27
Lloyd, P. 2.12
localization 32 88 94 279
Localization and transport 99
Localization Anderson 324 329
Localization delocalization transition 99 330
Localization distance 97
Localization dynamical 331—333 349
Localization length 99 331—333
Localization model 108 109
Localization weak 24—44 134 312 326 327
Long-time dynamics 257
Lorentzian lineshape 336
Louisell, W.H. 6.92
Lu, J.G. 3.22
Luttinger liquid 135
Luttinger liquid elementary excitations 138 141
Luttinger liquid, conductance of 139
Luttinger, J.M. 2.18 2.86
Lutz, C.P. 1.26
Lyapunov exponent 302
Maassen v.d.Brink, A. 3.34
MacDonald, A.H. 2.64 2.70
MacKinnon, A. 2.27 2.32 2.38 2.41
Magalinskii,, V.B. 4.5
Magnetic field 79 84 314 325 341 347
Magnetic flux density 85
Magnetic length 80 86
Magnetoresistance 36 339 341
Magnus, W. 5.13
Mahan, G.D. 2.97
Main, J. 6.36
Makarov, D.E. 5.40
Manakov, N.L. 5.1 5.4 5.15
MAP 292 330 342
Map stochastic 346
Maradudin, A.A. 1.19
Marcus, C.M. 6.82 6.88
Marcus, R.A. 6.28
Martinis, J.M. 3.26
Masek, J. 2.76
Maslov index 292 298 300
Matrix monodromy 292 308
Matrix scattering 335 338
Matrix stability 292 308
Matsubara frequency 226—228 238 240
Mattis, D.C. 2.87
Matveev, K.A. 3.13 3.19 3.31 3.33
Mayer—Kuckuk, T. 6.81
Mazenko, G. 1.10
Mazur, P. 4.4 4.9
McDonald, I.R. 1.67
Mean free path elastic 337
Mean free path inelastic 337 345
Megaloudis, G. 3.38
Mehlig, B. 6.70
Mehta, M.L. 6.40
Meisels, R. 2.46
Mello, P.A. 6.39 6.87
Melngailis, J. 1.59
Memory 342
Menschig, A. 6.84
Mermin, N.D. 1.1 6.62
Mesoscopic 5
Messiah, A. 2.6
Metastable state 213 240 241
Metastable state, decay of 240—247
Metiu, H. 5.10
Millikan, F.P. 2.102
Milonni, P.W. 6.91
Miyazaki, S. 6.66
Moiseyev, N. 5.6 5.23 5.47
Molinari, L. 5.3
Montambaux, G. 1.20 1.66 2.92
Montroll, E. 4.9
Mosser, V. 2.19
Mostowski, J. 5.6
Mottola, E. 3.11
Mouchet, A. 6.67
Mount, K.E. 6.26
Moyal bracket 301 344 346
Mullen, K. 3.12
Multiprobe conductor 64
Multiprobe geometry 6
Myiake, S.I. 2.22
Nazarov, Y.V. 1.69
Nazarov, Yu.V. 3.21 3.23 3.40 3.41 3.43 3.44
Neu, P. 5.40
Newbury, R. 1.18 2.74
Nightingale, M.P. 2.49
Noid, D.W. 6.28
Noise 342—345
Noise quantum 344
Noise thermal 344
Nozieres, P. 1.4 2.37 2.85
Number level 310 311
Number quantum 298 335
Number winding 292 325
Odd electron 177
Odintsov, A.A. 3.15 3.34 3.40 3.43
Oelschlagel, B. 5.48 6.106
Ohtsuki, T. 2.25 2.33
Olschowski, P. 4.27
Ono, Y. 2.33
Onsager symmetry 1 65 72
Orbit generalized 322 325 326
Orbit hyperbolic 292
Orbit inverse-hyperbolic 292
Orbit periodic 291 304 307 312 322
Orbit primitive 308
Orbit self-retracing 312
Osheroff, D.D. 1.44
Ott, E. 6.4 6.95
Ovchinnikov, Yu.N. 3.42
Ovsiannikov, V.D. 5.1 5.4
Ozorio de Almeida, A.M. 6.6 6.17
O’Connell, R.F. 6.20
O’Connor, P.W. 6.31
Paalanen, M.A. 2.43
Pandey, A. 6.39
Panyukov, S.V. 3.16 3.50
Parity 318 320 322 338 348
Parity effects 176
Partition function 220 233 244—246
Pastur, L.A. 1.29
path integral 229—234
Path integral imaginary-time 232
Path integral real-time 230
Path-integral formulation of tunneling 189 240—247
Payne, M.C. 1.74
Paz, J.P. 6.30
Peacock, D.C. 1.18 2.74
Pekola, J.P. 3.17
Pepper, M. 1.18 2.35 2.74
Percival, I.C. 6.18 6.101
Perelomov, A.M. 5.25
Periodic-orbit sum 308 322 325 326
Perturbation monochromatic 254
Perturbation polychromatic 259
Peskin, U. 5.23
Petschel, G. 6.65
Pfeifer, P. 5.23
Pfeiffer, L.N. 2.93
Phase-breaking length 109
Phase-coherence length 31 40
Pichard, J.—L. 1.20 2.92 6.90
Pietilaeinen, P. 2.59
| Pillet, C.—A. 6.100
Pinczuk, A. 2.93
Pines, D. 1.4
Plata, J. 5.33 5.36 5.40 6.55
Platzman, P.M. 2.64
Ploog, K. 2.19
Poincare recurrence time 216
Point diabolic 316 317
Point turning 299 319
Poisson bracket 301 346
Poisson distribution 315 329
Pokrovsky, V.L. 2.60
Pollak, M. 1.5
Popov, V.S. 5.25
Positivity 342
Potential cubic 240
Potential double-well 317—320 347
Potential Morse 309
Prance, H. 3.38
Prance, R.J. 3.38
Prange, R. 2.4
Prange, R.E. 6.75
Principle correspondence 289 325
Principle uniformity 292 313
Probability reflection 338
Probability return 276 280 327
Probability transmission 338—340
Prokhorov, A.M. 5.7
Propagator 16 230 256 268
Propagator classical 326
Propagator over full period 256
Propagator quantum-echanical 300 306
Propagator spectral representation 258
Propagator stroboscopic 273
proximity effect 196
Pruisken, A.M.M. 2.43
Quantization of conductance 126 127 132 134 139
Quantization of energy 82 127
Quantization of Hall conductivity 105 110 111
Quantization of transport 79 132
Quantization torus 298 303 318
Quantum coherence 273
Quantum control 282
Quantum dot 83 337 339
Quantum fluctuations 208
Quantum Hall effect 79 88 99
Quantum Hall effect fractional 110 118 123 142
Quantum Hall effect integer 100 101 105
Quantum map 256 258
Quantum measurement 289 296 333
Quantum point contact 7 62—66 127
Quantum tunneling 213 243 245 247
quantum wire 79 82 83 126 127 129 138
Quasidegeneracy 318—323 329 348
Quasienergy 252 254 255 263 269 271 331
Quasimomentum 325
Quasiperiodicity 289 303 332 346
Quasirandomness 332
Rabi frequency 264 266 267
Rabi, I.I. 5.28
Radons, G. 6.33
Ralph, D.C. 3.22
Ralph, J.F. 6.102
Ramakrishnan, T.V. 1.3 1.7 6.71
Rammer, J. 1.57
Random potential 8 14—15
Random-matrix theory 54—60 314 329 335 340 346
Rapoport, L.P. 5.1 5.4 5.15
Real-time evolution 198
Regime ballistic 337
Regime diffusive 328 337
Regime disordered 337
Regular island 292
Reichl, L.E. 6.9
Reinhardt, W.P. 6.19
Reiss, H.R. 5.5
Representation irreducible 322 325
Representation phase-space 294
Reservoir 63 338 340 see
Resolvent 16
Response function 222 223 226
Rezayi, E.H. 2.65
Rice, S.A. 5.8
Richter, A. 6.81
Richter, K. 6.84
Rimberg, A.J. 6.82
Riseborough, P.S. 4.30
Risken, H. 6.104
Ristow, G.H. 5.30
Ritchie, D.A. 1.18 2.74
Ritus, V.I. 5.12
Robbins, J.M. 6.15 6.16 6.60 6.110
Robnik, M. 6.47
Roncaglia, R. 6.56
Rotating-wave 251
Rotating-wave approximation 264
Rotvig, J. 5.46
Rubin model 218—219
Rubin, R.J. 4.10
Rubner, J. 6.33
Ruder, H. 6.36
Ryzhkin, I.A. 2.34
S matrix 335 338
Saito, N. 6.23
Saku, T. 2.84
Saleur, H. 2.26
Sambe, H. 5.14
Sassetti, M. 2.95 2.99 5.48
Scar 304 305
Scattering 8—15
Scattering chaotic 333—341
Scattering irregular 333—341
Schanz, H. 6.70
Scharf, R. 6.68
Schlapp, W. 2.46 2.81
Schlautmann, M. 6.103
Schmid, A. 1.33 1.57 3.28
Schmit, C. 6.49
Schoeller, H. 3.10 3.47
Schoen, G. 2.75 3.5 3.6 3.7 3.8 3.10 3.11 3.18 3.20 3.27 3.28 3.30 3.34 3.36 3.45 3.46 3.47 4.8 5.9
Schonhammer, K. 1.28
Schramm, P. 4.20
Schrieffer, J.R. 2.68
Schroedinger equation, stochastic 343
Schueller, C. 2.94
Schulman, L.S. 1.32 2.17 4.18
Schulz, H.J. 2.92
Schuss, Z. 3.12
Schuster, H.G. 6.3
Schweitzer, L. 2.32 2.38
Schweizer, H. 6.84
Schwinger, J. 5.28
Scully, M. 6.20
Seiler, R. 2.89
Self-averaging 14 45—47
Self-similarity 290 292 293 324 333 334 341 346 348 349
Senitzky, I.R. 4.4
Separatrix 317 320
Serota, R.A. 1.77
Shahar, D. 2.45
Shakeshaft, R. 5.7
Shao, J. 5.37
Shapiro, M. 5.8
Sharvin, Y.V. 1.47 1.72
Shaw, R. 6.5
Shekhter, R.I. 1.70 2.78 3.19 3.31 3.33
Shepelyansky, D.L. 5.7 6.74 6.76 6.77
Shih, M.—L. 6.91
Shirley, J.H. 5.11
Shirts, R.B. 6.19
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