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Fermi E. — Thermodynamics |
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Absolute entropy 139
Absolute temperature 8
Absolute thermodynamic temperature 35 41
Absolute thermodynamic temperature, compared with gas thermometer temperature 42 53
Acidity of a solution 126 127
Adiabatic expansion of a gas 27 32 33
Adiabatic transformations 25
Adiabatic, equation of, for a Van der Waals gas 75
Adiabatic, equation of, for an ideal gas 26
Arbitrary additive constants of energy 13 14
Arbitrary additive constants of entropy 52 139 147
Atmospheric pressure 27
Atomic heat 21 143
Avogadro 8
Avogadro, number 57
Basic reaction of a solution 126 127
Boiling point of a solution 130 135 136
Boltzmann 56 140
Boltzmann, constant 57
Boyle’s law 8
Calorie 17
Carnot see “Carnot cycle”
Carnot cycle 31
Carnot cycle, efficiency 34
Carnot cycle, properties 46
Carnot, reversible 32 35
Chemical content of a phase 86 87 88
Chemical equilibria, in gascous systems 98 109
Chemical equilibria, in solutions 123
Chemically homogeneous fluid 1
Chemically homogeneous solid 2
Chemically homogeneous systems 1
Clapeyron’s equation 63 66 68 84
Clausius’s postulate 30
Components of a system 86 87 88
Compressibility, adiabatic 26 27 32 33
Compressibility, isothermal 32 33
Compressibility, of a liquid 64
Conditions of equilibrium 56 57 80 83
Conservation of energy, principle of 11
Conservation of energy, principle of, for thermodynamic systems 15 17
Constant pressure transformations 7 82 83
Constant temperature transformations 78 79
Constant, arbitrary additive see “Arbitrary additive constants”
Constant, Boltzmann’s 57
Constant, Planck’s 141
Continuity of state 63 64 70 71
Corresponding states, equation of 73
Critical isothermal 64 69
Critical point 64 69
Critical pressure 64
Critical volume 64
Cycles 6
Dalton’s law of partial pressures 10
Debye 143
Debye, formula for specific heats 143 144
Debye, temperature 143
Degree of freedom o r variability of a system 91
Density of an ideal gas 9
Description of a phase 86
Differential expression for the first law 20
Dilute solutions 113
Dissociation of a solute in solution 122 123 125 126 127
Dissociation of a solute in solution, effect of on boiling point, freezing point, and vapor pressure of the solution 137
Dissociation of a solute in solution, effect of on osmotic pressure 123
Distribution of a solute, between a gaseous and a liquid phase 129 130
Distribution of a solute, between two liquid phases 127 128
Dulong and Petit, law of 143
Dynamical state of a system 1 3
Effect of pressure, on chemical equilibria 111 112
Effect of pressure, on freezing point of water 68
Effect of temperature on chemical equilibria 110 111
Efficiency of a heat engine 34
Electrolyte in solution 137
Endothermal reactions 109
Energy, additive constant of 13 14
Energy, conservation of 11 15 17
Energy, definition, for dynamical systems 12
Energy, definition, for thermodynamical systems 16
Energy, of a gas at absolute zero 23
Energy, of a Van der Waals gas 74
Energy, of an ideal gas 23
Energy, partial 107
entropy 46 48 139 140 144
Entropy constant 52 139 147 148
Entropy, additivity 53
Entropy, as a perfect differential 60
Entropy, definition 50
Entropy, of a solid 145
Entropy, of a Van der Waals gas 75
Entropy, of an ideal gas 61 148
Entropy, statistical interpretation 57 141
Equation, Clapeyron’s 63 66 68 84
Equation, of corresponding states 73
Equation, of state 2
Equation, of state, of a Van der Waals gas 69
Equation, of state, of an ideal gas 8
Equilibrium, conditions of 56 57 80 83
Equilibrium, constants 99 106 109 130
Equilibrium, of liquid and solid 63 64 92 93
Equilibrium, of liquid and vapor 63 64 92 93
Equilibrium, of one component in two phases 127 128 129 130
Equilibrium, of solid and vapor 92 93
Equilibrium, states 4 50
Equivalence of the gas thermometer temperature and the absolute thermodynamic temperature 42 43
Exothermal reactions 109
First law of thermodynamics 11
First law of thermodynamics, applied to a cycle 17
First law of thermodynamics, in differential form 20
First law of thermodynamics, statement of 19
Free energy 77 78
Free energy, and equilibrium conditions 79 80
Free energy, of a solution 117
Free energy, of an ideal gas 82
Free energy, partial 107
Freezingpoint of a solution 130 137
Gas constant 8
Gas thermometer 8
Gas, perfect or ideal 8 9
Gas, perfect or ideal, adiabatic transformation 25
Gas, perfect or ideal, energy 23
Gas, perfect or ideal, entropy 61 148
Gas, perfect or ideal, free energy 82
Gas, perfect or ideal, work performed by 9
Gaseous reactions 98 109
Gay — Lussac 8
Gibbs 91
Gram-molecule 9
Heat 15 17
Heat, atomic 21 143
Heat, molecular 21
Heat, of fusion 109 110
Heat, of reaction 109 110
Heat, of transformation of solid phases 145
Heat, of vaporization 66
Heat, specific 21
Heat, specific, at low temperatures 142 143 144
Heat, unit of 17 18 19
Heat, work and, analogy between 14 15
Heat, work and, analogy between, capacity 20
Heat, work and, analogy between, engines 35 44
Heat, work and, analogy between, sources 29
Helmholtz 95 110
Helmholtz, equation 95
Homogeneous systems 1 2
hydrolysis 125 126
Ideal gas 8
Inflection, point of 64 69
| Ionization, thermal 151 153
Isobaric transformations 7
Isochore of Van’t Hoff 81
Isochore of Van’t Hoff, as applied to the electric cell 95
Isochore transformation 7 79
Isoentropic transformation 75
Isothermal compression and expansion 32 33
Isothermal critical 64 69
Isothermal transformation 7
Isothermals of a saturated vapor 63
Joule effect 94
Joule’s experiment 22
Kelvin’s postulate 30
Kinetic equilibrium of chemical reactions 99
Kinetic interpretation of osmotic pressure 121 122
Kinetic proof of the law of mass action 99
Latent heat 66 137
Law, Avogadro’s 8
Law, Boyle’s 8
Law, Dalton’s 10
Law, Gay — Lussac’s 8
Law, of Dulong and Petit 143
Law, of mass action for gaseous equilibrium 99
Law, of mass action for solutions 125
Le Chatelier, principle of 109 111
Le Chatelier, principle of, as applied to chemical equilibria 111 112
Lowering of freezing point 130 137
Lowering of vapor pressure of a solution 134
Mass action, constant 109
Mass action, law of, for gaseous equilibria 99
Mass action, law of, for solutions 125
Mass action, law of, kinetic proof 99
Maximum work that a system can perform 78
Mechanical systems 1
Membranes, semipermeable for gases 101
Membranes, semipermeable for solutions 118
Mixture of gases 10
Molecular heat 21
Monatomic vapor 148
Monatomic vapor, entropy constant 148 149
Monatomic vapor, vapor pressure 149
Natural processes, direction of 56 57
Nernst’s theorem 139
Nernst’s theorem, applied to gases 147 148
Nernst’s theorem, applied to solids 142
Nonhomogeneous systems 3
Nonreversible engines and cycles 36 37
One-component systems 91
One-phase systems 91
Osmotic pressure 118 121
Osmotic pressure, in relation to the kinetic theory 122
Osmotic pressure, in relation to the pressure of an ideal gas 122
Osmotic pressure, of a normal solution 123
Osmotic pressure, of an electrolyte 123
Partial entropy 107
Partial free energy 107
Partial pressure 9
Partial pressure, Dalton’s law of 10
Partial thermodynamic potential 107
Perfect gas 8
Perfect gas, pressure of 8 9
Perpetuum mobile of the second kind 29
Phase 86
Phase, chemical content 86—88
Phase, rule 91
Phase, space 140
Planck’s constant 141
Point, critical 64 69
Point, of inflection 64 09
Point, triple 93
Probability of a thermodynamic state 57 141
Probability of a thermodynamic state, as related to the entropy 57 141
Quantum theory and specific heats 143
Quantum theory in relation to the entropy constant 141 142
Ratio of specific heats 24 25
Reaction box of Van’t Hoff 101
Reaction, endothermal and exothermal 109
Reaction, gaseous 98
Reaction, heat of 109 110
Refrigerating machine 44
Reversible cycles 32
Reversible electric cell 94
Reversible engines 32 35 36
Sackur — Tetrode formula 148
Sackur — Tetrode formula, applied to the calculation of the entropy of mercury vapor 150
Sackur — Tetrode formula, applied to the calculation of vapor pressure of a monatomic solid 149
Saha, N.M. 154
Saturated vapor 63
Saturated vapor, isothermals of 63
Second law of thermodynamics 29
Second law of thermodynamics, statement of 30
Semipermeable membranes, for gases 101
Semipermeable membranes, for solutions 118
Solutions, boiling point of 130 135 136
Solutions, theory of dilute 113 114 115
Solutions, vapor pressure of 130 132 135
Specific heat 21
Specific heat, Debye formula for 143 144
Specific heat, of a solid at low temperatures 143 144
Specific heat, of an ideal gas 23
Specific volume, energy, entropy 65 84
Standard state, for energy 12
Standard state, for entropy 50
State, dynamical 1 3 57 141
State, equation of 2
State, thermodynamical 1 3
Statistical interpretation of entropy 57 114
Statistical weight of a state 148
Sublimation 94
Systems containing moving parts 3
Temperature, absolute thermodynamic 35 41
Temperature, critical 64
Temperature, Debye 143
Temperature, gas thermometer 8
Thermal engines 44
Thermal insulators 16
Thermal ionization of a gas 151 153
Thermionic effect 151 155
Thermodynamical potentials 77
Thermodynamical potentials, at constant pressure 82
Thermodynamical potentials, at constant volume 80
Thermodynamical probability 57 140
Thermodynamical state of a system 1 3
Thermodynamical systems 1
Third law of thermodynamics 139
Transformations 4
Transformations from gray to white tin 145
Transformations, adiabatic 25
Transformations, constant pressure 7 82 83
Transformations, constant temperature 78 79
Transformations, cyclical 6
Transformations, isobaric, isochore, isothermal 7
Transformations, reversible 4
Triple point of water 93
Unit of heat 19
Van der Waals, energy of a gas 74
Van der Waals, equation of corresponding states 73
van der Waals, equation of state 69
Van der Waals, isothermals 70
Van’t Hoff, isochore 81
Van’t Hoff, reaction box 101
Vapor pressure, formula 67 149
Vapor pressure, of a solution 130 132 135
Variables of state 4
Work 5
Work, geometrical representation of 6
Work, performed by an ideal gas 9
Zero entropy, state of 139 140 141
Zero, absolute 8
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