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Guggenheim E.A. — Thermodynamics |
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Absolute activities 73 95
Absolute activities of ions 270 302
Absolute activities, Standard 243
Acid-base equilibria 290
Acidity constant 291
Activities see “Absolute activities” “Relative
Activity coefficients, in dilute solutions 226
Activity coefficients, in electrolyte solutions 273
Adam 186 211 212
Adcock 198 200
Adiabatic, change in closed system 26
Adiabatic, change of a gas 101
Adiabatic, change of radiation 360
Adiabatic, compressibility 89
Adiabatic, demagnetization 355
Adiabatic, process 7
Adsorption 167
Affinity 35 240
Allotropic changes 249
Amount of substance 2
Antisymmetric eigenfunctions 73
Apparent quantities 221
Athermal mixtures 205
Avogadro constant 70 94
Azeotropy 178
Bakker 45
Bjerrum 227 268 279 280
Blackman 112 115
Blaisse 126
Bohr's magneton 352
Boiling point, of dilute solution 232
Boiling point, of electrolyte solution 272
Boiling point, of liquid mixture 179
Boltzmann constant 67 94
Boltzmann factor 67
Boltzmann statistics 61 75
Boltzmann's relation 63
Born 11 59
Bose — Einstein statistics 61 74
Boyle temperature 100 137
Boyle's law 90 100
Bragg 257
Brensted 280 281 287 288 290
Brewer 3
Brillouin 353 357 358
Broer 345
Brown 198
Callen 18 371
Calorie 87
Capacitor 333
Capillary rise 53
Carnot 10 17 44
Carnot's cycle 44
Casimir 349
Cells, electrochemical 307 et seq. see
Celsius scale of temperature 18
Changes, Adiabatic 26
Changes, Isothermal 27
Changes, Natural 14 26
Changes, Reversible, and reversible processes 13
Charge numbers of ions 269
Chemical content of a phase 19
Chemical equilibrium 35 240
Chemical equilibrium, Acid-base 290
Chemical equilibrium, between gases and solids 246
Chemical equilibrium, between pure solids or liquids 248
Chemical equilibrium, Gaseous 245
Chemical equilibrium, Heterogeneous, involving solutions 252
Chemical equilibrium, Homogeneous, in solutions 251
Chemical equilibrium, in electrolyte solutions 277 289
Chemical equilibrium, in gravitational field 332
Chemical potentials 21 32
Chemical reactions 34 240 see
Chemical reactions, Extent of 37
Clapeyron's relation 119
Clarke 252
Classical and statistical thermodynamics 59
Classical degrees of freedom 77
Clausius 11 17 18
Closed phase 14
Closed system 14
Clusius 115
compared with gases 90
components 24 33
Components, in systems of chemically reacting species 265
Compressibility, adiabatic 89
Compressibility, isothermal 38
Compression factor 95
Concentration, Volume 239 252
Condensed phases 108
Conjugate acid and base 290
Contact potential 304
Content, Chemical, of a phase 19
Continuity between liquid and gas 129
conventional 102
Conventional chemical potential 102
Conventional entropy 102
Conventional, in electrolyte solutions 270
Conventional, in gravitational field 328
Conventional, Standard 243
Cooperative systems 255
Corresponding states, of crystals 116
Corresponding states, of fluids 135 et seq.
Corresponding states, of solids 140
Corresponding states, of surface tension 166
Courant 22
Critical mixing 195
Critical mixing, in simple mixtures 200
Critical mixing, in symmetrical mixtures 203
Critical point 126
Critical properties 126 128 136
Cryoscopic constant 231
Crystals, at very low temperatures 111
Crystals, Debye's formulae for 112
Crystals, Einstein's formulae for 116
Crystals, Zero-temperature entropy of 144 148 see
Curie point 260 351
Curie's law 354
Cycle, Carnot's 44
Cycle, Isothermal 44
Cycle, Reversible 43
Cycle, Thermodynamic efficiency of 44
Dalton's law of partial pressures 175
de Donder 37
de Groot 362 365 367
Debye 112 281 285 356
Debye — Hueckel limiting law for electrolyte solutions 281
Debye — Hueckel limiting law for electrolyte solutions, extension of, to less dilute solutions 284
Debye's formulae for crystals 112
Defay 17 37 362
Degree Kelvin 18
Degree of order 257
Degrees of freedom, of a chemically reacting system 265
Degrees of freedom, of a molecule 77
Degrees of freedom, of a phase 24
Degrees of freedom, of a system 34
Demagnetization, adiabatic 355
Demagnetizing coefficient 350
Denbigh 362
Diamagnetic substances 351
dielectric constant 335 343
Diffusion 375
Dilute solutions 220 et seq. see
Dilute solutions, of electrolytes 272 et seq. see
Displacement, electric 334 342
Distribution, Nernst's, law 233
Distribution, Nernst's, law, in electrolyte solutions 275
Donnan 306
Donnan membrane equilibrium 306
Double layer, Electric 368
| Duhem 25
Duhem — Margules equation 185
Eastman 251
Ebullioscopic constant 232
Efficiency, Thermodynamic, of a cycle 44
Ehrenfest 259 264
Eigenfunctions 61 73
Einstein 116
Einstein's formulae for crystals 116
Electric, conductivity 367 372
Electric, displacement 334 342
Electric, double layer 368
Electric, field strength 333 339
Electric, insulators and conductors 362
Electric, moment 341
Electric, of molecule 336
Electric, polarization 342
Electric, work 334 344
Electro-osmotic pressure 367
Electrochemical cells 307 et seq.
Electrochemical cells, with transference 321 326 369
Electrochemical cells, without transference 316
Electrochemical potentials 299
Electrochemical systems 298 et seq.
Electrode potentials 309
Electrokinetic effects 366
Electrolyte solutions 268 et seq.
Electrolyte solutions, Chemical equilibrium in 277 289
Electrolyte solutions, Ideal dilute and real 272
Electrolyte solutions, Limiting behaviour of 280
Electrolyte solutions, Limiting law for 281
Electrolyte solutions, Specific interactions in 286
Electrolyte solutions, Surface tension of 293
Electrolytes, strong 268
Electrolytes, weak 293
Electromotive force 308 311
Electromotive force, Standard 317
Electromotive force, Standard, of half-cell 320
Electromotive force, Temperature dependence of 313
Electronic degrees of freedom 105
Electrostatic systems 333 et seq.
Electrostriction 335
Energy 9
Energy, of system in motion 378
Energy, surface 210
Enthalpy 22
Enthalpy, in electrolyte solution 277
Enthalpy, of chemical reaction 241
Enthalpy, of combustion 242
Enthalpy, of evaporation 121
Enthalpy, of formation 242
Enthalpy, of fusion 84 120
Enthalpy, of sublimation 121
Enthalpy, of transition 249
Enthalpy, Standard 243
entropy 14
Entropy, and heat 16
Entropy, Calorimetric 145 245
Entropy, Conventional 102
Entropy, Dependence of, on P 87
Entropy, Dependence of, on T 82
Entropy, of evaporation 121
Entropy, of fusion 85 120
Entropy, of hydrogen 151
Entropy, of mixing in ideal mixture 188 219
Entropy, of mixing of isotopes 150
Entropy, of paramagnetic substance 355
Entropy, of sublimation 121
Entropy, of system in motion 379
Entropy, of transition 249
Entropy, spectroscopic 146 245
Entropy, Standard 243
Entropy, Zero-temperature, of crystals 144 148
Eoetvos 164
Equations of state 141
Equilibrium, and reversible change 14
Equilibrium, chemical 35 240 see
Equilibrium, conditions for 27
Equilibrium, constant 247 251 277 291
Equilibrium, Contact 307
Equilibrium, distribution between phases 32
Equilibrium, Donnan membrane 306
Equilibrium, for two phases of a pure substance 118
Equilibrium, for two phases of a pure substance, at different pressures 132
Equilibrium, Frozen 34
Equilibrium, hydrostatic 31
Equilibrium, Liquid-vapour, for mixtures 177
Equilibrium, Membrane 34
Equilibrium, Membrane, Non-osmotic 304
Equilibrium, Membrane, Osmotic 305
Equilibrium, metastable 28
Equilibrium, Osmotic 182
Equilibrium, product 241
Equilibrium, stable 28
Equilibrium, thermal 8 15
Equilibrium, Thermal, for systems in motion 379
Evaporation, Enthalpy and entropy of 121
Everett 17 37
Ewald 198
Excess functions 191
Expansivity, Thermal 38
Extensive properties 18
Extent of reaction 37 62
Faraday constant 298
Ferguson 164
Fermi — Dirac statistics 61 74
Ferromagnetic substances 351
First law of thermodynamics 9
Fletcher 107
Flory 206
Fluctuations 65
Fluids, Corresponding states of 135
Fluids, Equations of state for 141
Fluids, Interdiffusion of 375 see “Liquids”
Fowler 95 105 108 151 157 357
Freezing point, of dilute solutions 230
Freezing point, of electrolyte solutions 272 see
Freundlich 369
Frozen equilibrium 34
Fugacities, in dilute solutions 227
Fugacities, in gas mixtures 177
Fugacities, in ideal mixtures 188
Fugacities, in liquid mixtures 180
Fugacities, of condensed phases 134 180
Fugacities, of gases 97
Fugacities, of saturated solutions 236
Fusion, Enthalpy and entropy of 84 120
Galvanic cells 307 et seq. see
Gas constant 94
Gas mixtures, Fugacities in 177
Gas mixtures, Perfect 173
Gas mixtures, Slightly imperfect 175
Gases, Adiabatic changes of 101
Gases, at high temperatures 97
Gases, compared with condensed phases 90
Gases, Corresponding states of 135
Gases, Equations of state for 90 141
Gases, Fugacity of 93
Gases, in gravitational field 329
Gases, Interdiffusion of 375
Gases, Isothermal behaviour of 90
Gases, Joule — Thomson throttling of 92
Gases, Mixtures of see “Gas mixtures”
Gases, perfect 95
Gases, Perfect, in electric field 336
Gases, Slightly imperfect 98
Gases, Virial coefficients of 90
Gerke 314
Giauque 83
Gibbs 23 24 25 34 45 48 49 55 238 300 313
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