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Chandler D. — Introduction to modern statistical mechanics
Chandler D. — Introduction to modern statistical mechanics

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Название: Introduction to modern statistical mechanics

Автор: Chandler D.


Leading physical chemist David Chandler takes a new approach to statistical mechanics to provide the only introductory-level work on the modern topics of renormalization group theory, Monte Carlo simulations, time correlation functions, and liquid structure. The author provides compact summaries of the fundamentals of this branch of physics and discussions of many of its traditional elementary applications, interspersed with over 150 exercises and microcomputer programs.

Язык: en

Рубрика: Физика/Термодинамика, статистическая физика/

Статус предметного указателя: Готов указатель с номерами страниц

ed2k: ed2k stats

Год издания: 1987

Количество страниц: 274

Добавлена в каталог: 12.08.2005

Операции: Положить на полку | Скопировать ссылку для форума | Скопировать ID
Предметный указатель
Absorption      258—261
action      176
Adiabatic      5
Adiabatic, thermodynamic processes      6 8
Adiabatic, walls      5
Associated and nonassociated liquids      215 218
Born — Oppenheimer approximation      106—109 152 188 189
Bose condensation      95
Bosons      89 90 94—96
Boyle temperature      206
Broken symmetry      125—131 153 158 178 181
Brownian motion      264—265
Capillary waves      183 see
Causality      256
Cavity distribution function      213 227
Chemical equilibria      111—12 113 211—213
Chemical kinetics      242—246 267—269
Chemical potential in chemical equilibria      111
Chemical potential in phase equilibria      37—52
Chemical potential of a classical ideal gas      74 112 117
Chemical potential, excess and solvation      211 213 225 226
Chemical potential, thermodynamic definition      16—17
Chemical potential, weighting particle number fluctuations      70—74 86 95—100
Clausius — Clapeyron equation      39—40 52
Coexistence lines and regions      38—44
Compressibility, definition      35 36
Compressibility, governing density functions      83
Compressibility, stability criteria      35 36 71
Configuration space and distribution      190 192—229
Conformational equilibria and transitions      84 113 209 213 215
Conservation of energy in first law      5
Conservation of particles in diffusion      247
Continuity, equation of      247 248
Convexity      29 71 see "Stability"
Coordination shells      198 214 215 217 218
Correlation functions      127 178—179 see "Time
Correlation length or range of      59 127—129 178
Coupling parameter method      210
Critical exponents      123 135 147
Critical fluctuations and opalescence      84 129—131
Critical point      38 39 44 45 83 130—131 see
Critical temperature      121—149 166
Curie temperature      121 166
de Broglie wavelength      115 194
Debye solid      94
Density fluctuations      72 73 83 84
Detailed balance      165 242
Diffraction      see "X-ray scattering"
Diffusion      246—252 267 269
Dirac delta function      80 244—245 247 256
Dissipation      261 see "Response
Einstein solid      94
Energy of many phases      29—34
Energy of surfaces      29 45—49
Energy, conservation      5
Energy, fluctuations      65—66
Energy, internal      4
Energy, kinetic      190—193 203
Energy, minimum principle      12
Energy, potential      203—204
Ensemble, Canonical      62—66
Ensemble, definition      57
Ensemble, equivalency      65
Ensemble, generalized      69—71
Ensemble, Grand Canonical      70—71
Ensemble, microcanonical      59—62
Enthalpy      19
Entropy for ideal gases      106 117
Entropy, statistical definition      61
Entropy, thermodynamic definition      9—16
Equilibrium between phases      37
Equilibrium, criteria      28—53
Equilibrium, states      6 7
Ergodic      58 161 239—240 see
Exponential relaxation      252 265
Extensive properties      4 22—24
Fermi energy      98
Fermi function      97—100
Fermi momentum      98
fermions      89 90 96—100 114—116
Fick’s law      248
Fields, thermodynamic      33
First law of thermodynamics      4—8
First-order transition      39 40
Fixed points      142—143 147
Fluctuation-dissipation theorem      see also "Absorption" "Langevin
Fluctuation-dissipation theorem, application to chemical relaxation      243 244
Fluctuation-dissipation theorem, application to diffusion      249—251
Fluctuation-dissipation theorem, derivation      252—254
Fluctuation-dissipation theorem, statement      241 254—255
Flux      245 247 248
Fractals      158
Friction      261 see
Functional      176 255 256
Gibbs entropy formula      70 71 74—79
Gibbs free energy      19
Gibbs — Bogoliubov — Feynman bound      138 228
Gibbs — Duhem equation      22—24
Green — Kubo formulas      251
Hard disk fluid, equation of state      227
Hard disk fluid, Monte Carlo of      218—223
Hard rod fluid      224 225
harmonic oscillator      90 93 109 223 260 261—262 265—266
Heat      5
Heat capacity of Ising model      123 147—148
Heat capacity of low temperature metal      100
Heat capacity of water      218
Heat capacity, definition      16
Heat capacity, governing energy fluctuations      66
Heat capacity, stability criteria      34 71
Helmholtz free energy, excess (relative to ideal gas)      205 206 211
Helmholtz free energy, from the canonical partition function      64
Helmholtz free energy, thermodynamic definition      19
Henry’s law      225
Henry’s Law, constant      211 226
homogeneous functions      22—24 26
Hydrogen bonding      215—218
Hydrophobic effect      53
ICE      218
Ideal gas      72—74 86—118
Importance sampling      163
Inertial motion      250
Inexact differential      6
Infrequent event      171 see
Integral equation theories      220
Intensive properties      10
INTERFACE      see "Surface"
Internal constraint      11—13 28—53
Internal energy      see "Energy" "First
Intramolecular distribution      213 214
Irreversible      9 see
Ising model      120—158
Ising model of phase transitions      120—149
Ising model, isomorphic to quantum tunneling system      149—153
Ising model, Monte Carlo trajectory      164—185
Kadanoff transformation      140 144
Langevin equation, and the second fluctuation-dissipation theorem      264
Langevin equation, derivation      261—263
Langevin equation, for vibrational spectra      265—266
Langevin equation, generalized      264
Langevin equation, without memory      264
Lattice gas      124—125 130—131
Legendre transforms      16—20 62 69
Lennard — Jones potential      202—203
Linear response      234—236 see "Response
Linear response of harmonic systems      262
Liquid      41—45 see
Liquid structure of molecular fluids      213—218
Liquid structure of simple fluids      197—201
localization      see "Self-trapping" "Two-state
Long ranged order      120 125—131
Magnetization of independent spins      80—81
Magnetization, fluctuations      81 128—129 174
Magnetization, Markovian approximation      264
Magnetization, spontaneous      120—137 171—175 182
Magnetization, thermodynamic work      50
Mass action, law of      112
Master equation      165
Maxwell construction      41—44
Maxwell relations      20—22
Maxwell — Boltzmann distribution      see "Velocity or momentum distribution"
Mean field theory      131—138 219 220
Metals      97—100
Mixed valence compound      81—83 see
Molecular dynamics simulation      159
Monte Carlo      159—187 219—223
Monte Carlo, Metropolis algorithm      165 176 220 221
Monte Carlo, non-Boltzmann sampling      168—175
Monte Carlo, quantum path integral      175—178
Monte Carlo, smart or force-bias      180
Natural process      see "Irreversible"
Neutron scattering      207
Non-equilibrium, ensemble average      236 237 242 253
Non-equilibrium, statistical mechanics of      234—270
Normal modes      92
Occupation numbers      89—103
Order parameter      127
Order-disorder transition      121 see
Pair correlation function      197 224 see
Pair potential      202—203
Partial molar      24
Partition function for solvation      209
Partition function in classical limit      100—104 189—191
Partition function of harmonic lattice      92—94
Partition function of ideal gases      86—117
Partition function of Ising magnet      121—123 135—149
Partition function of lattice gas      124—125
Partition function, canonical      64
Partition function, grand canonical      71
Partition function, rotational      109—110
Partition function, translational      105
Partition function, two-level quantum system      149—151 157
Partition function, vibrational      110
Pass, in Monte Carlo      173 174
Path integrals and sums      151 189 see quantum
Pauli exclusion principle      90 203 see
phase diagram      38—44
Phase rule      38
Phase space      56 189—192 236 240 242 252 254
Phase transitions      see also "Equilibrium between
Phase transitions, statistical mechanics of      119—158
Phonons      89 92
Photon gas      90—91
Planck distribution      91
Potential of mean force      202 see
Quantum effects in fluids      189 194 195 see "Fermions"
Quasi-ergodic      162—163 169 170
Radial distribution function      197
Radial distribution function for gas      198—199 205
Radial distribution function for hard disks      221—223 226—227
Radial distribution function for molecular liquids      213—218
Radial distribution function for simple fluid      198—209
Radial distribution function for simple solid      199—200
Radial distribution function for solvation      210—211 226
Radial distribution function in perturbation theory      228
Random number generator      164—165 179
Rare event      169—170
Rate constant      242—246 268 269
Reduced configurational distribution, functions      195—229
Reduced configurational distribution, generic      196
Reduced configurational distribution, specific      196
Regression hypothesis      237 239 241 243 248 see
Relaxation      58 236—270 see "Regression "Time
Renormalization group (RG)      139—149 155
Response functions      255—258
Reversible      8
Reversible work function for atoms in liquids      201—202
Reversible work function for fluids at low density      205
Reversible work function for magnetization of the Ising model      126 158 171—175
Reversible work function for solvation and chemical equilibrium      209—213 225—226
Second law of thermodynamics      8—13
Second law of thermodynamics, implications to equilibria and stability      28—53
Second law of thermodynamics, statistical meaning      61
Second law of thermodynamics, variational statement of      11—13
Second-order phase transition      39 40
Self-consistent mean field      133
Self-diffusion constant      248—252 267—269
Self-similarity      158
Self-trapping      153 181—182
Semiconductor      116
Simulation      54 159 219 see
Solids, conduction electrons      97—100 116
Solids, harmonic approximation      92—94
Solids, radial distributions      199—200
Solvation energy      83 210 see
Spinodal      44
Stability, thermodynamic criteria      13—15 33—37 41 44 49—53 71
State(s)      see also "Occupation numbers" "Phase
State(s), density of      60
State(s), equilibrium macroscopic      6 7
State(s), function      9
State(s), microscopic      55
State(s), stationary quantum      56 58
Stationary system      see "Time correlation functions"
Statistical uncertainty in simulations      162
Stirling’s approximation      67
Stochastic molecular dynamics      265
Stokes’ law      267
Structure factor      208
Surface, energetics      44—49 122 125—131 174
Surface, fluctuations      49 131 179 183
Surface, Gibbs dividing      47—48
Surface, tension      45 126
susceptibility      50 81 128 see
Symmetry number      109
Temperature      see also "Ensemble canonical"
Temperature, thermal equilibrium      13—16
Temperature, thermodynamic definition      10
Thermal wavelength      112 115 116 193—194
Thermodynamic perturbation theory      135—38 169 227—228
Time correlation functions      238—70
Time correlation functions and absorption      260
Time correlation functions and response functions      257
Time correlation functions for chemical populations      243—246
Time correlation functions for orientations      240—241
Time correlation functions for velocities      240—241 251—252 265 266 269
Time correlation functions, stationarity property for equilibrium systems      239 251
Trajectory      56—57 160—163 221—222 239—240 245 246
Transition state theory      245—246
Triple point      38 44
Two-state quantum system, broken symmetry of      153 158 178 181
Two-state quantum system, canonical ensemble of      82—83
Two-state quantum system, isomorphism with Ising magnet      149—154 157
Two-state quantum system, Monte Carlo of      175—178 180—182 185—187
Umbrella sampling      169—175
Van der Waals equation      43 52 83
Van der Waals picture      229
Velocity or momentum distribution      192—194
Virial coefficient      206
Virial theorem      205 226—227
viscosity      267 268 269
Water, density maximum      25 218
Water, equilibrium with ice      40—42
Water, heat capacity      218
Water, hydrogen bonds      216
Water, liquid structure      216—218
Water, quantum effects      195
Work      5
X-ray scattering      207—209
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