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Pitts D.R., Sissom L.E. — Schaum's outline of theory and problems of heat transfer |
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Absorption, monochromatic 309
Absorptivity 289 309 315
Acceleration, particle 133
Adiabatic line 60
Angle factor see "Configuration factor"
Angstrom (unit) 289
Archimedes’ Principle 124
Back substitution 64 76 77
Barometer 131
Bernard cells 229
Bernoulli’s equation 129 139 140
Bessel’s differential equation 28
Biot modulus (number) 87 88 104 105 108
Black surfaces 296
Blackbody 2 291
Blackbody, radiation 291
Blackbody, radiation functions 293
Blackbody, spectral distribution 292
Blasius’ equation 145 147
Block change 64
Boiling 245
Boiling, crisis 246
Boiling, curve 245
Boiling, film 245 246 248
Boiling, flow (convection) 249
Boiling, Nucleate 245 246 250 260
Boiling, pool 245 246
Boundary conditions, sine-function 70
Boundary layer thickness 159 164 202 203 213
Boundary layer thickness, hydrodynamic 165 169
Boundary layer thickness, thermal 165 169
Boundary layer, hydrodynamic (isothermal) 144
Boundary layer, thermal 149
Bromley equation 248
Buoyancy force 124
burnout 246 256
Burnout point 246
Characteristic dimension 88 103 104
Clausius — Clapeyron equation 267
Coefficient, convective heat transfer 2
Coefficient, monochromatic absorption 309
Coefficient, overall heat-transfer 54
Colburn factor 189
Composite wall 33 34
Compressibility, liquids (table) 341 350
Concentric spheres, free convection 231 240
Condensation 245
Condensation, dropwise 251
Condensation, laminar flow 252
Condensation, turbulent flow 254
Conductances 61 66
Conduction 1
Conduction equation 30
Conduction equation, general 16 87
Conduction equation, plane wall 18
Conduction equation, radial systems 19
Conduction equation, steady-state 16 32
Conduction equation, steady-state, multidimensional 56
Conduction equation, time-varying 87
Conduction equation, two-dimensional 70 71
Conductivity see "Thermal conductivity"
Configuration factors 296 316 317
Configuration factors, gray body 306
Configuration factors, modified 302 321
Configuration factors, properties 298
Conservation of energy 129
Conservation of mass 127
Continuity equation 127 135 137 140
Continuity equation, differential form 127 136
Continuity equation, vector form 127
Continuum 3
Control volume 149
Convection 1 see
Convection, forced 144 184
Convection, mixed 231
Convection, natural see "Free convection"
Convective acceleration 125
Convective boundary conditions 22
Convective boundary conditions, chart solutions 92
Convective boundary conditions, semi-infinite body 91
Convective boundary conditions, slab of finite thickness 91
Convective heat-transfer coefficient 189 203
Conversion factor 328
Cooling tower 216
Coordinate systems 17
Critical constants, gases 358
Critical length 185 206
Critical radius 48 54
Critical thickness 25
Cross flow, single cylinder 198
Cross flow, single sphere 198
Cross flow, tube bundles 199
Curved boundary, nodal equation 69
Curvilinear square 59 60
Cylinder, cross flow 198
Cylinder, hollow 37
Darcy — Weisbach equation 152 172 190 208
density 3 10
Density, gases (table) 344
Density, liquids (table) 341 350
Density, metals (table) 335 347
Density, nonmetals (table) 338 348
Dittus — Boelter equation 194 209
Divergence 128
Drag 164 169 203 205 213
Drag, coefficient 196 213
Drag, coefficient (table) 197
Drag, form or profile 160 195 213
Drag, friction 188
Drag, skin-friction 160 195 213
Ebullition 245
Eddy diffusivity 186
Eddy viscosity 126
Effectiveness, heat exchanger 274 284
Effectiveness, heat exchanger, table 276
Eigenvalues 92
Electrical analog, conduction 61 86
Electrical analog, radiation 305
Electromagnetic spectrum 289
Emissive power 290
Emissive power, blackbody 291 313
Emissive power, hemispherical 290
Emissive power, monochromatic 292
Emissive power, total 314
Emissivity 2 315
Emissivity, carbon dioxide 310 311
Emissivity, gas 324
Emissivity, monochromatic 294 309
Emissivity, table 359
Emissivity, total 294
Emissivity, water vapour 312
Empirical correlations, free convection 226
Enclosed spaces, free convection 226 see "Vertical
Enclosures, black 301
Enclosures, gray 306 323
energy equation 141
Energy equation, integral 225
Energy equation, steady 165
Energy gradient 128
English Engineering system 5 6
Enthalpy 129
Enthalpy, change, in condensation 265
Entrance region, heat-transfer 194 212
Entry length, friction factor 191
Entry length, friction factor, tube flow, hydrodynamic 174
Entry length, friction factor, tube flow, thermal 174
Equation of motion 137 184
Equation of motion, steady laminar flow 158
Equivalent beam length 311
Equivalent length 191 208
| Error function 89
Euler number 127
Eulerian approach 125
Excess temperature 245 258
Film boiling 282
Film boiling, flow 251
Film temperature 150 190 239 248 255
Fin efficiency 29 53
Finite-difference approximations 99
Finite-difference equation, explicit 99
Finite-difference equation, implicit 102
Fins 25 50
Fins, annular 28 52 53
Fins, nonuniform cross section 27
Fins, rectangular 26 55 79
Fins, rod 49 50 51
Fins, triangular 29
Fins, uniform cross section 25
Fins, vertical 264
Fittings, pipe 191
Flat plate, flow with heat transfer 189
Flat plate, isothermal flow 188
Flow field 133
Flow with heat transfer 193
Flow, fully developed 151
Flow, incompressible 127
Flow, irrotational 137
Flow, laminar 125 144
Flow, nonuniform 125
Flow, slug 151
Flow, steady 125
Flow, turbulent 125 184
Flow, uniform 125
Flow, unsteady 125
Fluid derivative see "Substantial derivative"
Fluid dynamics 124
Fluid mechanics 123
Fluid statics 123
Flux plotting 72
Form drag see "Drag form
Fouling 275
Fouling factors 275 283
Fourier equation 16
Fourier equation, law 1 31 32
Fourier equation, modulus (number) 88 103 105
Free convection 221
Free convection, integral solution 225
Free convection, similarity solution 223
Freehand plotting 60 73 74 84
Friction factor 152 207
Friction factor, table 153
Frictionless fluid 123 see
Froude number 127 135
Gauss — Seidel method 67 83
Gaussian elimination 63 76 77 102 322
Gaussian elimination, computer program 77
Gaussian elimination, flow diagram 65
Gaussian error function 89
Graetz number 241
Grashof number 221 235 236 239 240 241
Gravitational acceleration 10
Gray body 2 294 295
Gray body, heat transfer 321
Gray enclosure 306 323
Gray surfaces 303
Groeber chart, cylinder 95
Groeber chart, slab 93
Groeber chart, sphere 96 98
Hagen — Poiseuille equation 153 171
Hausen equation 157
Head, elevation 129
Head, pressure 129
Head, total 129
Head, velocity 129
Heat exchanger 268
Heat exchanger, correction factors 272
Heat exchanger, counterflow 268 278
Heat exchanger, crossflow 268 281 284 286
Heat exchanger, double-pipe 268 278 283 284
Heat exchanger, flat-plate 268
Heat exchanger, parallel-flow 268
Heat exchanger, shell-and-tube 268 280 285
Heat flow lanes 59
Heat generation 16 20 39 40
Heat transfer coefficient 206 209 226
Heat transfer coefficient, laminar tube flow 155
Heat transfer coefficient, local 170
Heat transfer coefficient, overall 23
Heat transfer coefficient, sphere 214
Heat transfer, steady-state 6
Heisler chart, cylinder 95
Heisler chart, slab 93
Heisler chart, sphere 95 96 97
Hohlraum 291 313
Horizontal cylinder, forced convection 232
Horizontal layers, free convection, air 229
Horizontal layers, free convection, liquids 229
Horsepower 141
Hydraulic diameter 153
Hydraulic diameter, gradient 128
Hydraulic diameter, radius 137
Hydrometer 132
Hydrostatic equation 123 131 140
Impact tube 140 see
Incompressible laminar boundary layer 165
Insulation, critical thickness 25 47
Insulation, pipe 35 43
Integral equation, energy 151 166 167
Integral equation, momentum 147 161 202
Intensity, blackbody 294
Intensity, radiation 291
Internal energy 16 129
Irradiation 304
Isotherms 59 60
j-factor 189
Kirchhoff's law 293 314
Lagrangian method 125
Laminar tube flow, Nusselt number 172
Laminar tube flow, pressure drop 171 172
Laminar tube flow, thermal profile 177
Laminar tube flow, velocity distribution 170
Laminar tube flow, velocity profile 174 176 177
Langhaar equation 152
Laplace equation 17 56 61
Latzo Equation 190 194
Leibniz’ rule 90
Liquid metals 200
Log-mean temperature difference 270 282 283
Loss coefficient 191
Losses, minor 191
Lumped analysis 88 103 104 105 108
Lumped analysis, multiple system 106
Lumped system 108
Mach number 127
Manometer 132
Manometer, differential 132
Mass velocity 127
Matrix 78
Matrix, inversion 63
Minor losses 191
Molecular weights, gases 358
Momentum equation, integral 225
Moody’s diagram 191 208
Multidimensional system 98
Navier — Stokes equations 184
Newton’s Law of Cooling 2 106 154
No-slip condition 144
Nodal equation 63 64 78
Nodal equation, explicit 100 102
Nodal equation, exterior corner 79
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