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Lienhardt J.H. IV, Lienhardt J.H. V — A heat transfer textbook |
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Abramovic and Klofutar (1998) 693 696
Absorptance 28 533—536
Absorptance, gaseous 563—574
Adiabatic saturation temperature 664
Air, composition 603
Air, thermophysical properties 714
Al-Arabi and El-Riedy (1976) 420 454
Arp, McCarty, and Friend (1998) 694 697
Arpaci (1991) 46 235 266
ASM Handbook Committee (1990) 692 695
Atkins (1986) 566 592 612 631 686
Aung (1987) 427 455
Avogadro's number 601 719
Baehr and Stephan (1998) 207 219 265
Baidakov and Sulla (1985) 466 517
Barrow and Sitharamarao (1971) 414 453
Batteries, lead-acid 674
Beer's law 567
Bejan (1995) 47
Bejan and Lage (1990) 412 453
Bellman and Pennington (1954) 472 518
Berdahl and Fromberg (1982) 576 593
Berdahl and Martin (1984) 577 593
Berenson (1960) 488—490 519
Bergles and Rohsenow (1964) 494 520
Bernoulli equation 282
Bhatti and Shah (1987) 356 363 373 394
Bich, Millat, and Vogel (1990) 694 697
Binney, Dong, and Lienhard (1986) 467 517
Biot number 23—24
Biot number for fins 165—168
Biot number, lumped capacity behavior 23—24
Biot, J.B. 24
Bird, Stewart, and Lightfoot (1960) 48
Black body 28—29
Black body, emissive power 527
Black body, Stefan — Boltzmann law 30
Black, J. 269
Blanc's law 620
Blasius, H. 282
Blowing 659
Blowing factor 659
Boelter, Cherry, Johnson, and Martinelli (1965) 46 208 237 239 265 360 394
Boiling 457—504
Boiling crisis see "Peak Heat Flux"
Boiling number 500
Boiling, convective 498
Boiling, Forced convection boiling 493—505
Boiling, Forced convection boiling, in external flows 493—496
Boiling, Forced convection boiling, in tubes 496—505
Boiling, peak heat flux see "Peak heat flux"
Boiling, pool boiling 457—493
Boiling, pool boiling, boiling curve 459—462
Boiling, pool boiling, effect of surface condition 489—492
Boiling, pool boiling, film boiling 462 486—487
Boiling, pool boiling, gravitational influences 492
Boiling, pool boiling, hysteresis 457—459
Boiling, pool boiling, inception 464—468
Boiling, pool boiling, minimum heat flux 488—489
Boiling, pool boiling, nucleate boiling 464—471
Boiling, pool boiling, Rohsenow correlation 468
Boiling, pool boiling, slugs and columns 460
Boiling, pool boiling, subcooling 492
Boiling, pool boiling, transition boiling 462 489—492
Boiling, small objects 482 487
Boltzmann's constant 31 719
Bond number 482
Bonilla, C.F. 480
boundary conditions 70 142—143
Boundary layers 19 269—330
Boundary layers, Blasius solution 282—286
Boundary layers, concentration b.l. 640—645 654—660
Boundary layers, laminar momentum b.l., forced convection 276—291
Boundary layers, laminar momentum b.l., natural convection 398—416
Boundary layers, laminar momentum b.l., thickness 283 409
Boundary layers, laminar thermal b.l., effect of Pr 299—300 304
Boundary layers, laminar thermal b.l., forced convection 292—311
Boundary layers, laminar thermal b.l., natural convection 398—416
Boundary layers, laminar thermal b.l., thickness 304
Boundary layers, relation to transient conduction 225
Boundary layers, turbulent b.l. 313—330
Boundary layers, turbulent b.l., thickness 321
Boundary layers, turbulent transition, forced convection 272—274
Boundary layers, turbulent transition, natural convection 413 416 421
Boussinesq (1877) 322 338
Boussinesq, J. 322
Bowman, Mueller, and Nagle (1940) 116 136
Bromley (1950) 486 487 519
Bromley, FeRoy, and Robbers (1953) 496 520
Bronowski (1973) 220 265
Bubble growth 229—231 464—471
Buckingham (1914) 151 190
Buckingham (1915) 151 190
Buckingham Pi-Theorem 151—154
Buckingham pi-theorem, applications of 154—158
Buckingham, E. 151
Bulk enthalpy 343
Bulk temperature 343—346 367—369
Bulk velocity 343
burnout see "Peak Heat Flux"
Burton, R., The Anatomy of Melancholy 397
Caloric 3
Carbon oxidation 606—608
Carburization 634
Carslaw and Jaeger (1959) 46 215 226 232 233 235 246 248 265
Catalysis 662 675 683
Catalysis, catalytic reactor 683
Catton (1978) 426 455
Cebeci (1974) 418 419 453
Cercignanl (2000) 619 686
Chapman and Cowling (1964) 611 612 614 685
Chen (1963) 499 520
Chen and Armaly (1987) 427 455
Chexal, Horowitz, McCarthy, Merilo, Sursock, Harrison, Peterson, Shatford, Hughes, Ghiaasiaan, Dhir, Kastner, and Koehler (1999) 505 522
Childs and Hanley (1968) 619 686
Chilton and Colburn (1934) 666 687
Chilton, T.H. 480
Churchill (1976) 327 339
Churchill (1977) 426 455
Churchill and Bernstein (1977) 378 379 395
Churchill and Chu (1975) 404 412 416 417 453
Churchill and Ozoe (1973) 306 310 338
Clausing and Berton (1989) 422 454
Colburn (1933) 360 394
Colburn equation 360
Colburn j-factor 312
Colburn, A.P. 311 312 480
Collier and Thome (1994) 47 498 504 506 520
Collision diameters 616—617
Collision integrals 616—617 619 624
Condensation, dropwise condensation 506—509
Condensation, film condensation 428—443
Condensation, film condensation, cone 439
Condensation, film condensation, conservation equations for 429—431
Condensation, film condensation, dimensional analysis 428—429
Condensation, film condensation, effective gravity 436
Condensation, film condensation, helical tube 440
Condensation, film condensation, horizontal cylinder 438
Condensation, film condensation, inclined plate 438
Condensation, film condensation, latent heat correction 434
Condensation, film condensation, noncondensible gases 443 685
Condensation, film condensation, rotating disk 439
Condensation, film condensation, sphere 439
Condensation, film condensation, tube bundles 442
Condensation, film condensation, turbulent transition 440—442
Condensation, film condensation, vertical plate 429—436
Condensation, forced convective condensation 505—506
Conduction 10—19 49—74 141—181 193—251
Conduction, dimensional analysis of semi-infinite region 221—222
Conduction, dimensional analysis of steady 150—163
| Conduction, dimensional analysis of transient 194—196
Conduction, fins 163—181
Conduction, heat diffusion equation, multidimensional 49—56
Conduction, heat diffusion equation, one-dimensional 17—19
Conduction, lumped capacity see "Lumped capacity solutions"
Conduction, multidimensional 146—150
Conduction, multidimensional, steady 235—247
Conduction, multidimensional, transient 247—251
Conduction, one-dimensional steady 58—62 144—145
Conduction, one-dimensional transient 203—235
Conduction, one-dimensional transient, cylinder 207—208
Conduction, one-dimensional transient, heat removal during 208—212
Conduction, one-dimensional transient, one-term solutions 218
Conduction, one-dimensional transient, slab 203—208
Conduction, one-dimensional transient, sphere 207—208
Conduction, one-dimensional transient, temperature response charts 208—218
Conduction, semi-infinite region 220—235
Conduction, semi-infinite region, contact of two 231—233
Conduction, semi-infinite region, convection at surface 225—228
Conduction, semi-infinite region, heat flux to 228
Conduction, semi-infinite region, oscillating surface, temperature 233—235
Conduction, semi-infinite region, step-change of 228—229
Conduction, semi-infinite region, step-change of 221—225
Conduction, shape factors 241—247
Conduction, shape factors, table of 245 246
Conduction, thermal resistance see "Thermal resistance"
Conduction, volumetric heating 54
Conduction, volumetric heating, periodic 215—218
Conduction, volumetric heating, steady 58—61 144—145 158—163
Conduction, well-posed problems 141—143
Conductivity see "Thermal conductivity"
Configuration factor see "View factor"
Conrad, J., Heart of Darkness 597
Conservation of energy see "Energy equation" "Heat
Conservation of mass, general equation 335
Conservation of mass, relation to species conservation 628
Conservation of mass, steady incompressible flow 276—278
Conservation of momentum 279—282
Conservation of species see "Species conservation"
Considine (1975) 128 136
Contact resistance see "Thermal resistance"
Continuity equation see "Conservation of mass"
Convection 19—22
Convection number 500
Convection, topics see "Boiling" "Boundary "Condensation" "Forced "Heat "Natural
Conversion factors 721—725
Conversion factors, example of development 14
Cooling towers 599—600
Correlations, critically evaluating 384—386
Corriher (1997) 256 266
Counterdiffusion velocity 637 649
Critical heat flux (CHF) see "Peak heat flux"
Cross flow 374—384
Cross flow, cylinders, flow field 374—377
Cross flow, cylinders, heat transfer 377—380
Cross flow, cylinders, tube bundles 380—384
Dadarlat, Gibkes, Bicanic, and Pasca (1996) 693 696
Dalton's law of partial pressures 602
Damkohler number 683
Darcy — Weisbach friction factor 127 358 361 363
Davis and Anderson (1966) 494 520
de Cervantes, M., Don Quixote 49
Ded and Lienhard (1972) 484 519
Departure from nucleate boiling (DNB) see "Peak Heat Flux"
deReuck and Craven (1993) 693 696
Dergarabedlan (1953) 231 266
Dhir (1975) 429 430 455
Dhir and Lienhard (1971) 430 436 439 455 486 519
Diffusion coefficient 64 608—623
Diffusion coefficient, binary gas mixtures 614—619
Diffusion coefficient, dilute liquid solutions 620—623
Diffusion coefficient, hydrodynamic model for liquid solutions 620—623
Diffusion coefficient, kinetic theory model for gases 610—613
Diffusion coefficient, multicomponent gas mixtures 619—620
Diffusional mass flux 604
Diffusional mass flux, Fick's law for 608—613
Diffusional mole flux 605
Diffusional mole flux, Fick's law for 611
Diffusivity see "Thermal diffusivity"
Dilute gas 610 619
Dimensional analysis 150—163
Dirichlet conditions 142
Dittus — Boelter equation 360
Drew and Mueller (1937) 459 517
Dry ice 684
Duffle and Beckman (1991) 575 578 581 593
Dufour effect 613
Dukler and Taitel (1985) 503 521
Dunn and Reay (1994) 511 512 522
Earth, age of, Kelvin's estimate 261
Eckert and Drake (1972) 691 692 694
Eckert and Drake (1987) 46 235 266 405 453
Eckert number 308
Eddy diffusivity for heat 322
Eddy diffusivity for momentum 318
Edwards (1976) 569 574 592
Edwards (1981) 536 574 592
Edwards and Matavosian (1984) 570 574 592
Effectiveness see "Heat exchangers" "Fins"
Eigenvalue 204
Einstein (1956) 620 687
Einstein, A. 155 621
Electromagnetic spectrum 27
Emittance 33 527—530
Emittance, diffuse and specular 530—531
Emittance, gaseous 563—574
Emittance, hemispherical 531
Emittance, monochromatic 527
energy equation 292—294
Energy equation for boundary layers 294
Energy equation for pipe flow 345
Energy equation with mass transfer 667
Energy equation, analogy to momentum equation 294—296
Entropy production 9
Entropy production for lumped capacity system 24
Entry length see "Internal flow"
Equimolar counter-diffusion 679
Error function 223
evaporation 663—666 672
Falling liquid films 332 429—431 440—442
Farlow, Thompson, and Rosner (1976) 163 190
Fay and Gollub (2002) 579 593
Fenghour, Wakeham, and Vesovic (1998) 692—694
Fenghour, Wakeham, Vesovic, Watson, Millat, and Vogel (1995) 692—694
Fick's law 63 598 608—613
Film absorption 681
Film boiling see "Boiling"
Film coefficient see "Heat transfer coefficient"
Film composition 647 660 669
Film condensation see "Condensation"
Film temperature 295 308 414 669
Fins 163—181
Fins with tip heat transfer 171—173
Fins without tip heat transfer 168—171
Fins, condition for one-dimensionality 165—166
Fins, design considerations 176—177
Fins, effectiveness 176
Fins, efficiency 176
Fins, purpose of 163
Fins, root temperature 174—176
Fins, thermal resistance of 177—178
Fins, variable cross-section 179—181
Fins, very long fins 173
First law of thermodynamics 7—8
Flux see "Heat flux" "Mass
Flux plot 236—241
Forced convection 20
Forced convection within tubes see "Internal flow"
Forced convection, boundary layers see "Boundary layers"
Forced convection, condensation see "Condensation"
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