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Lienhardt J.H. IV, Lienhardt J.H. V — A heat transfer textbook |
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Mixtures, transport properties, liquid diffusion coefficients 620—623
Mixtures, transport properties, thermal conductivity of gas mixtures 624—627
Mixtures, transport properties, viscosity of gas mixtures 624—627
Mixtures, velocities and fluxes in 604—608
Mobility 620
Modest (1993) 47 536 553 563 592
Mohr and Taylor (1999) 694 697
Molar concentration 601
Mole flux 605
Mole fraction 601
Mole-average velocity 605
Molecular weight 601 616
Momentum equation 279—282
Momentum integral method see "Integral conservation equations"
Moody diagram 359
Morse and Feshbach (1953) 245 266
Mothballs 682
Mueller-Steinhagen (1999) 84 97
Nakai and Okazaki (1975) 378 395
Natural convection 20 397—427
Natural convection in enclosures 426
Natural convection in mass transfer 645—648
Natural convection with forced convection 426
Natural convection with uniform heat flux 424—425
Natural convection, dimensional analysis 401—404
Natural convection, governing equations 399—402
Natural convection, horizontal cylinders 416—418
Natural convection, inclined and horizontal plates 420—423
Natural convection, spheres 418—420
Natural convection, subermerged bodies 420
Natural convection, turbulent 404 413 421
Natural convection, validity of b.l. approximations 414—416
Natural convection, variable-property effects 414 422
Natural convection, vertical cylinders 418
Natural convection, vertical plates 401—413
Natural convection, vertical plates, analysis compared to data 412—413
Natural convection, vertical plates, Squire — Eckert analysis 405—410
Natural convection, vertical plates, wide-range correlation 412
Navier — Stokes equation 279
Nernst — Einstein equation 620 677
Neumann conditions 142
Newcomen's engine 193
Newton's law of cooling 19
Newton's law of viscous shear 281
Newton, Isaac 19
Nomenclature 725—731
Norris, Buckland, Fitzroy, Roecker, and Kaminski (1977) 692 695
NTU, number of transfer units 121
Nucleate boiling see "Boiling"
Nukiyama (1934) 457 517
Nukiyama, S. 457—459
Number density 601
Nusselt (1915) 403 452
Nusselt (1916) 430 455
Nusselt number, defined 275
Nusselt number, defined, average 307 310
Nusselt number, defined, for developing internal flow 352—353
Nusselt number, defined, for fully developed internal flow 349
Nusselt number, defined, for mass transfer 643
Nusselt, E.K.W. 121 275 403 430 436 442
Ocean, salt concentration in 674
Ohm's law 63
Ohm's law, gray body radiation analogy 549—559
Ohm's law, thermal resistance analogy see "Thermal resistance"
Okado and Watanabe (1988) 466 517
Oppenheim (1956) 549 592
Overall heat transfer coefficient 78—85
Overall heat transfer coefficient, typical values 82
Parsons (1993) 81 97 693 695
Partial density 600
Partial pressure 602
Peak heat flux 462 472—485
Peak heat flux, external flows 494—496
Peak heat flux, general expression for 478
Peak heat flux, horizontal plate 478—481
Peak heat flux, internal flows 504—505
Peak heat flux, various configurations 481—485
Peak heat flux, very small objects 482
Peak heat flux, Zuber — Kutateladze prediction 480
Peclet number 366
Pera and Gebhart (1973) 420 421 454
Perkins, Friend, Roder, and Nieto de Castro (1991) 693 697
Perry, Green, and Maloney (1997) 128 136
Petukhov (1970) 323 338 360 361 394
Petukhov equation 360
Physical constants 719
Pi-theorem see "Buckingham pi-theorem"
Pioro (1999) 469 518
Pipe flow see "Internal flow"
Pitschmann and Grigull (1970) 487 519
Planck's constant 31
Planck's law 31
Planck, M. 31
Plesset and Zwick(1954) 231 265
Pohlhausen, K. 286 303
Poirier and Geiger (1994) 48 612 639 686
Poiseuille's law 348
Poiseuille, J. 348
Pope (2000) 330 339
Poulikakos (1994) 46
Prandtl number 296—299
Prandtl number, Eucken formula 677
Prandtl number, relation to b.l. thickness 299—300 304
Prandtl number, turbulent Prandtl number 322
Prandtl, L. 270 271 282 315
Prausnitz, Lichtenthaler, and de Azevedo (1986) 631 687
Pringsheim, E. 30
Properties of substances see "Thermophysical property data"
Property reference state see "Film temperature" "Film
Psychrometer, sling 663
Pumping power 126
Quenching 485
Radiation see "Thermal radiation"
Radiation heat transfer coefficient 74
Radiation shield 34 539 553
Radiosity 549
Raithby and Hollands (1998) 419 422 423 425 426 453
Ramilison and Lienhard (1987) 491 519
Ramilison, Sadasivan, and Lienhard (1992) 492 520
Raoult's law 631
Ravigururajan and Bergles (1996) 364 395
Rayleigh (1915) 151 190
Rayleigh number 403
Rayleigh number for mass transfer 646
Rayleigh number for uniform wall heat flux 424
Reactions, heterogeneous 606 627 673—675 683
Reactions, homogeneous 627 673
Reed (1987) 366 395
Reflectance 28
Reflectance, diffuse and specular 530—531
Reid, Prausnitz, and Poling (1987) 612 613 619 620 623—625 686
Relativity, theory of 156
Resistance see "Thermal resistance"
Resistance thermometer 457
Restrepo and Glicksman (1974) 423 454
Reversibility and heat transfer 8
Reynolds (1874) 311 338
Reynolds (1974) 598 685
Reynolds number 271
Reynolds — Colbum analogy for laminar flow 311—313
Reynolds — Colbum analogy for mass transfer 666
Reynolds — Colbum analogy for turbulent flow 322—325
Reynolds, O. 272 311
Rich (1953) 420 454
Richardson, L.F. 313
Rohsenow (1952) 468—471 518
Rohsenow (1956) 432 455
Rohsenow and Choi (1961) 46
Rohsenow and Hartnett (1973) 66 96
Rohsenow, Hartnett, and Cho (1998) 48 385 396
| Rose, Uehara, Koyama, and Fujii (1999) 442 443 456
Rose, Utaka, and Tanasawa (1999) 507 522
Roughness see "Surface roughness effects"
Ruedenberg (1925) 244 246 266
S.I. System 14 721—725
Sadasivan and Lienhard (1987) 434 455 486 519
Samurai sword 220—221
Sanders and Holman (1972) 403 452
Savery's engine 193
Scattering 564
Schetz (1984) 47 321 338
Schlichting (1968) 279 286 303 325 338
Schlichting and Gersten (2000) 47
Schmidt number 609
Schmidt, E. 275 609
Schneider (1955) 181 191
Schneider (1963) 215 265
Schrock and Grossman (1962) 501 521
Scriven (1959) 231 265
Seban and Shimazaki (1951) 366 395
Second law of thermodynamics 8—10
Self-diffusion 610 614
Sellars, Tribus, and Klein (1956) 352 394
Separation of variables solutions 146-150
Sernas (1969) 472 518
Shah (1982) 501 521
Shah and Bhatti (1987) 352 353 393
Shah and London (1978) 352 373 374 394
Shah and Sekulic (1998) 84 97 128 136
Shakespeare, Venus and Adonis 525
Shakespeare, Wm., Macbeth 457
Shamsundar (1982) 117 136
Sharan and lienhard (1985) 496 520
Shekriladze and Gomelauri (1966) 506 522
Sherwood number 643
Sherwood, T.K. 643
Sieder and Tate (1936) 360 394
Sieder — Tate equation 360
Siegel and Howell (2001) 47 542 563 574 578 591 592
Similarity transformations 224 282—284
Simultaneous heat and mass transfer 663—673
Simultaneous heat and mass transfer, energy balances for 670—673
Skartveit, Olseth, Czeplak, and Rommel (1996) 576 593
Skin drag see "Skin friction coefficient"
Skin friction coefficient 287
Skin friction coefficient for laminar flow 290
Skin friction coefficient for turbulent flow 322 325
Skin friction coefficient for turbulent pipe flow 358—364
Skin friction coefficient versus profile drag 312
Solar energy 574—582
Solar energy, solar collectors 582
Solar energy, wavelength distribution 529
Solubility 631
Soret effect 612 675
Span and Wagner (1996) 692—694
Sparrow and Cess (1978) 528 592
Sparrow and Gregg (1959) 433 434 439 455 456
Sparrow and Gregg (1961) 414 453
Sparrow and Lin (1963) 443 456
Species conservation 627—648
Species conservation, boundary conditions for 630—634
Species conservation, equation of 627—629
Species conservation, equation of, for stationary media 635—639
Species conservation, equation of, for steady state 635—638
Species conservation, equation of, for unsteady diffusion 638—639
Species-average velocity 604
Specific heat capacity 18 292
Specific heat capacity for mixtures 627
Specific heat ratio 624
Speed of light in vacuum 31 719
Stagnant film model 658—659 681
Stanton number 312
Stefan tube 648
Stefan — Boltzmann constant 30 719
Stefan — Boltzmann law 30
Stefan — Maxwell equation 676
Stefan, J. 648
Stegosaurus 163
Steiner and Taborek (1992) 499 503 520
Steradian, defined 531
Stewart, Jacobsen, and Wagner (1991) 692—695
Stokes — Einstein equation 621
Stokes' Law 621
Stokes, G.G. 621
Stott, Tett, Jones, Allen, Mitchell, and Jenkins (2000) 581 593
Stream function 276—278
Streamlines 276
Streeter and Wylie (1979) 150 155 190
String rule 586
Strouhal number 376
Sublimation 633 643 666 682 684
Suction 659
Sun and Lienhard (1970) 484 519
Surface roughness effects on friction factor 358 362—364
Surface roughness effects on nucleation 467—468
Surface roughness effects on pool boiling 489—492
Surface roughness effects on turbulent forced convection 362—364
Surface roughness effects on turbulent transition 327
Surface tension 465—467
Sutherland (1905) 620 687
Sutherland, W. 621
Svehla (1962) 615 686
Sweat cooling 672
Taborek (1979) 127 136
Taitel and Dukler (1976) 503 521
Taylor (1995) 721 722
Taylor instability 472—474
Taylor, G.I. 472
Tegeler, Span, and Wagner (1999) 693 697
Temperature gradient, defined 50
Temperature response charts 208—218
thermal conductivity 10—16 51
Thermal conductivity, equations for gases 624—627
Thermal conductivity, Eucken correction 624
Thermal conductivity, simple kinetic theory model 297—298
Thermal conductivity, temperature dependence 50—51
thermal diffusion 612
Thermal diffusivity 18
Thermal expansion, coefficient of 401
Thermal expansion, coefficient of, for an ideal gas 403
Thermal radiation 27—34 525—583
Thermal radiation, black body 28—31
Thermal radiation, black body exchange 536—548
Thermal radiation, diffuse and specular 530—531
Thermal radiation, enclosures, gray, algebraic solutions 559—563
Thermal radiation, enclosures, nonisothermal, nongray, or nondiffuse 563
Thermal radiation, gaseous see "Gaseous radiation"
Thermal radiation, gray body 527
Thermal radiation, gray body exchange 534—536
Thermal radiation, gray body exchange, electrical analogy 549—559
Thermal radiation, gray body exchange, with a specified wall flux 556
Thermal radiation, gray body exchange, with an adiabatic surface 556
Thermal radiation, infrared radiation 27—28
Thermal radiation, intensity 531—533
Thermal radiation, Kirchhoff's law 533—536
Thermal radiation, monochromatic emissive power 30
Thermal radiation, Monte Carlo method 563 574
Thermal radiation, Planck's law 31
Thermal radiation, radiant exchange described 31—34
Thermal Radiation, radiation heat transfer coefficient 74
Thermal radiation, radiation shield 34 539 553
Thermal radiation, small object in large environment 33 552
Thermal radiation, solar 574—583
Thermal radiation, Stefan — Boltzmann law 30
Thermal radiation, transfer factor see "Transfer factor"
Thermal radiation, view factor see "View factor"
Thermal radiation, wavelength distribution 27—31 527—530
Thermal radiation, Wien's law 30
Thermal resistance 62—66
Thermal resistance for a cylinder 69
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