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Bird R.B., Lightfoot E.N., Stewart W.E. — Transport Phenomena |
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Abbot, C.G. 508
Abraham, E.R 186
Abraham, M. 39
Abramowitz, M. 385 560 852
Absorption from growing bubble 648
Absorption from pulsating bubble 652
Absorption from rising bubble 560
Absorption in falling film 558 580
Absorption of radiation 490 506 507
Absorption with interfacial deformation 642
Absorption with reaction 554 555 617 642 653 696
Acceleration terms 85
Acheson, D.J. 18 85 135
Ackerman, G. 704
Acoustical streaming 236
Acrivos, A. 32 33 56 392 393 529 627 633 698 763 785
Activation energy 29 529
Activity coefficient 781
Activity, driving force for diffusion 766 774
Adair, R.K. 186
Adams, M.E. 270 287 288 517
Adamson, R.H. 793
Addition of vectors and tensors 808 812
Adiabatic frictionless flow 349 362 749
Adjacent immiscible fluids flow of 56
Adjacent immiscible fluids mass transfer between 687 699
Adler, R.J. 646
Agitated tank blending of fluids in 604
Agitated tank dimensional analysis for flow in 101
Agitated tank gas absorption with reaction in 555
Agitated tank heat transfer correlations 452
Agitated tank heating of liquid in 466 481
Agitated tank power input to 196
Agitated tank second-order reaction in 761
Agrawal, R. 749
Aidley, D.J. 793
Alberts, B. 787
Alberty, R.A. 23 26 29 39 66 286 334 369 528 544 591 714 778
Allen, C.M.L 643
Allen, R.G. 414
Alopaeus, V. 720
Alvarez, R. 521
Amundson, N.R. 763
Analogies between diffusion and heat conduction 613
Analogies between heat and mass transfer 676 762
Analogies for flat-plate flow 632
Ananthakrishnan, V.V. 646
Andrew, S.P.S. 572 654
Angelo, J.B. 616 623 633 637 687 701
Angle factors (in radiation) 499
Angular momentum conservation in continuum 82
Angular momentum conservation in macroscopic system 202 738
Angular momentum conservation in molecular collisions 6
Angular momentum conservation relation to isotropy of space 587
Annulus axial flow in 53 64 65 70 258
Annulus circulating axial flow in 107
Annulus flow with wall heat flux 368
Annulus free convection heat transfer in 325
Annulus radial flow in 109
Annulus radiation across 509
Annulus tangential flow (nonisothermal) 343 370
Annulus tangential flow in 90 105 110
Annulus tangential polymer flow in 244
Annulus turbulent flow in 174
Annulus unsteady flow in 151
Anzelius, A. 755
Argo, W.B. 283
Aris axial dispersion formula 645
Aris, R. 564 645 793
Armstrong, R.C 67 96 108 232 240 242 246 250 251 253 261 300 331 382 428 532 805
Arnold problem (unsteady evaporation) 613 649 712
Arnold, J.H. 615
Ashare, E. 70
Ashcroft, F.M.L 793
Astarita, G. 402 617
Athalye, A.M.L 647 686
Atkins, B.E. 771
Attenuation of oscillatory motion 121 248
Average temperature 315
Average velocity over cross section 45 51 55 58
Axial (Taylor — Aris) dispersion 643 650
Aziz, A.Rv. 866
Baars, G.M. 605
Babb, A.L. 518
Baehr, H.D. 307 423 448
Bailey, J.E. 695
Baird, D.G. 232
Baird, M.H.L 727
Ball-point pen, viscous heating in 321
Bankoff, S.G. 401 617
Barduhn, A.J. 646
Barenblatt friction factor for tubes 182
Barenblatt — Chorin velocity profile 161
Barenblatt, G.L. 160 182
Barnes, H.A. 33 232
Baron, P. 785
Barrer, R.M. 518 519
Barrett, L.C 380 386
Basset, A.B. 531
Bassingthwaighte, J.B. 643 787 794
Bastick, R.E. 771
Batchelor, G.K. 19 58 78 85 87 106 122 195 196 214
Bateman, H. 755
Bazaire, K.E. 441
Bead-rod models for polymers 262
Bead-spring models for polymers 254 532
Bearman, R.J. 528 861
Beavers, G.S. 149 256
Becher, P. 700
Becker, H.A. 187
Becker, R. 39
Bedford, K.W. 127
Bedingfield, C.H.Jr. 608 684
Beek, J. 283
Beek, W.J. 428 429 430
Beers, K.B. 267
Benard cells 358
Benard, H. 359
Bender, C.M. 417
Benedict, M. 609
Benes, P. 695
Benkreira, H. 665
Beris, A.N. 257 765
Berker, R. 87 106 122
Berkooz, G. 153
Bernhardt, E.C 65 395
Bernoulli differential equation 761
Bernoulli equation for inviscid fluids 86 109 126 486
Bernoulli equation for viscous fluids 203
Bernoulli, D. 86
Bernstein, R.B. 27
Berry, R.S. 23 26 29 274
Berry, V.J. 524 540
Bert, J.P.H. 785
beta function 399
Betts, W.B. 785
Biaxial stretching 238 240
Biery, J.C 219
Binary splitters 730 746
Bingham fluid model 259 260
Bingham, E.C 259
Biot number 308
Biot, J.B. 308
Bird, B. 225
Bird, R.B. 25 27 32 67 70 73 90 96 106 151 175 194 198 221 232 235 239 240 242 246 250 251 253 254 256 257 259 261 267 268 269 275 277 279 289 300 328 331 350 373 382 428 486 516 517 521 526 527 528 532 533 538 587 654 765 766 767 768 772 807 858 861 865 866
Birkhoff, G. 97 130
Bischoff, K.B. 283 736
Black body 490 509
Blake — Kozeny equation 191 797
Blake, F.C. 191
| Blasius formula for laminar flow along flat plate 138
Blasius formula for turbulent tube flow friction factor 182
Blasius, H. 137 182 439
Blending in agitated tank 604
Boas, A. 609
Boger, D.V. 76 236
Boiling heat transfer 446
Boltzmann equation 858 860
Boltzmann, L. 492 858
Borman, G.L. 364
Boundary conditions at interfaces 112 371
Boundary conditions for diffusion problems 545 700
Boundary conditions for flow problems 41 112
Boundary conditions for heat transfer problems 291
Boundary-layer chemical reaction in 625
Boundary-layer complex interfacial motion 637
Boundary-layer equations of Prandtl 135 387 624
Boundary-layer Falkner — Skan equation 139
Boundary-layer flow around objects 633
Boundary-layer flow in packed beds 685
Boundary-layer high Prandtl number limit 392
Boundary-layer integral expressions of von Karman 136 388 624
Boundary-layer model for mass transfer 708 720
Boundary-layer separation 140 186 392
Boundary-layer theory 133 387 623 633 637
Boundary-layer thermal 387
Boundary-layer thickness 117 388 624
Boundary-layer velocity 136 137 387
Boundary-layer with reacting mixtures 623
Boussinesq eddy viscosity 162
Boussinesq equation for free convection 338 589
Boussinesq, J. 162 338
Bouwmans, L 665
Bowen, J.R. 53
Boyle, W.C 578
Bracewell, R.N. 417
Brady, J.R 283
Brandrup, J. 519
Breach, D.R. 125
Brenner, H. 58 85 146 178 195 196 371 452 529 647 652 687 700 787
Brian, P.L.T. 625
Bridgman equation 279
Bridgman, P.W. 279
Brinkman number 300 331 343 355
Brinkman problem 382
Brinkman, H.C. 189 300 382
Brodkey, R.S. 665
Broer, L.J.R 329
Broerman, A.W. 267
Brown, A.P. 785
Brown, H. 772
Brown, H.E. 447
Brown, R. 531
Brownian motion 531
Brush, S.G. 25
Bubble diffusion from 623
Bubble gas absorption from 560 648 652
Bubble mass transfer in creeping flow 636
Bubble mass transfer to drops 687
Bubble moving in a liquid 196
Bubble Rybczynski — Hadamard circulation 561 701
Buckingham, E. 260
Buddenberg, J.W. 27 38
Bueno, J.L. 521
Buffer layer (in turbulence) 159 409
Bulk temperature 315
Bulk viscosity see “Dilatational viscosity”
Buoyant force 60 318 338 589
Burghardt, W.R. 251
Burke — Plummer equation 191
Burke, S.P. 191
Burmeister, L.C 382
Butt, J.B. 795
Butterworth, D. 447
Callaghan, P.T. 514
Callen, H.B. 493 765
Calus,W.F. 518
Capillary see also “Tube”
Capillary flowmeter 65
Capillary number 98
Caracotsios, M. 662
Carbon monoxide oxidation 596
Carley, J.E 65
Carman, E.R 277 287
Carman, P.C 189
Carreau equation for polymer viscosity 242
Carreau, P.J. 242
Carslaw, H.S. 120 142 150 281 338 368 374 377 378 381 385 401 403 509 585 612 617 650 652 654 686
Carty, R. 581
Cascades, linear 746 760 772
Cash, F.M. 65
Catalyst pellet, diffusion and reaction in 563
Catalyst pellet, effectiveness factors for 566
Catalyst pellet, temperature rise in 367
Catalytic oxidation of carbon monoxide 597
Catalytic reactor 552 581
Caton, R. 611
Cauchy — Riemann equations 127
Cauchy, A.-L. 80
Cavity radiation 490 509
Cerdgnani, C. 858
Cers, A. 256
Chambre, P.L. 627
Chandrasekhar, S. 93 359 531
Chang, C.E 236
Chang, H.-C. 46 122
Chang, K.C. 704
Chang, P. 529 530
Channeling in packed beds 189 441
Chapman — Enskog kinetic theory 858
Chapman — Enskog kinetic theory for diffusivity 526 861
Chapman — Enskog kinetic theory for thermal conductivity 275 861
Chapman — Enskog kinetic theory for viscosity 26 861
Chapman, S. 25 526 764 770 772 858
Chapman, T.W. 53
Chatwin, P.C. 643
Chemical reactions heterogeneous 544
Chemical reactions homogeneous 544
Chemical reactions in turbulent flows 659 663
Chemical reactions mass transfer with 694
Chemical reactions with diffusion 551 571 574 577 581 585 595 596 617 619 625 653 659 663 696
Chemical reactor axial temperature profiles 300 328
Chemical reactor radial temperature gradients 327
Cheng, Y.-L. 643
Chester, W. 125
Chiang, A.S. 686
Chielens, J.-C. 267
Chilton — Colburn j-factors 428 437 676 682
Chilton, T.H. 420 633 682
Chinard, F. 758
Cho, Y.L. 21 269 280 403 423 436 442 482 488 696
Chorin, A.J. 160
Christensen, R.M. 268
Christiansen, C. 509
Christiansen, E.B. 187 239
Christiansen, R.L. 254
Churchill, R.V. 386
Churchill, S.W. 368 432 443
Circular tube see “Tube”
Clarke, B. 33
Clear, S.C. 787
Closure problem in turbulence 159
Clusius — Dickel column 18 770
Clusius, K. 772
Coaxial cylinders see “Annulus”
Coca, J. 521
Cochran, W.G. 610
Coe, J.R., Jr. 14
Cohen, E.G.D. 522 540
Cohen, E.R. 867
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