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Bird R.B., Lightfoot E.N., Stewart W.E. — Transport Phenomena |
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Cohen, K. 731
Cohen, R.E. 242
Colburn, A.P. 420 435 477 592 633 682 704
Coles, D. 93
Collias, D.L. 232
Collier, J.G. 446
Collision binary 5
Collision cross section 25
Collision integrals 27 275 527 866
Collision of molecules with wall 23 39
Colloidal suspensions 531
Colwell, R.E. 91 110 237 342
Combination of variables 115 138 140 170 391 398 614 618 622 628 634 635
Combined flux energy 285 587 588 591
Combined flux mass 526 536 537 587 588
Combined flux molar 536 537
Combined flux momentum 36 79 587 588
Comings, E.W. 273 287 289
Compartmental analysis 733
Complementary error function 117 335 857
Complex potential 127
Complex velocity 127
Complex viscosity 238 247 251 252
Compressible flow 53 86 204 222 350
Compressible fluid free batch expansion of 472
Compressible fluid power requirement for pumping 464
Compressible fluid slightly 85
Comte-Bellot, G. 451
Concentration diffusion see “Diffusion”
Concentration distribution along a flat plate 625 627
Concentration distribution around a long cylinder 601
Concentration distribution around arbitrary objects 633
Concentration distribution effect of mass transfer rate on 571
Concentration distribution for dissolution of wall into film 562 635
Concentration distribution for falling film 558
Concentration distribution in carbon monoxide oxidation 597
Concentration distribution in condensing system 592
Concentration distribution in creeping flow around a bubble 636
Concentration distribution in diffusion with reaction 551 554
Concentration distribution in porous catalyst 563
Concentration distribution in ternary gas diffusion 567 597
Concentration distribution in tubular reactor 595
Concentration distribution in turbulent flow 659 663
Concentration distribution steady-state evaporation 545
Concentration fluctuation 657
Concentration polarization 713 778
Concentration, notation for 533 534
Concentric spheres, flow between 105 106
Condensation 593
Condensing film heat transfer 446
Condiff, D.W. 767
Cone-and-plate viscometer 67 261
Cone-and-plate viscometer viscous heating in 331
Configuration factors (in radiation) 499
Conformal mapping 128
Conservation laws in continua 11 78 82 334 335 338 583
Conservation laws in molecular collisions 4 859
Conservation laws in shell balances 41 291 545
Conservation laws relation to properties of space and time 587
Conservation laws summary 587
Constant-evaporating mixture 574
Continuity equation binary mixture 584 851
Continuity equation modified for porous media 148
Continuity equation multicomponent mixture 582 850
Continuity equation pure fluid 11 340 846
Continuity equation time-smoothed 158 658
Continuous stirred tank reactor 737
Convective flux of energy 283 588
Convective flux of mass 526 533 536 537 588
Convective flux of momentum 34 37 588
Convergent-divergent nozzle 479
Converging tube 477
Conversion factors 868
Convolution 418 763
Cooling fin 307 332
Coriolis force 52
Corner boundary-layer near 139
Corner potential flow near 131
Corotational (Jaumann) derivative 249
Corresponding states correlations 21 272 521
Corrsin, S. 153 171 658
Costing, L.J. 518 717
Cottington, R.L. 14
Couette flow 64
Couette viscometer 89 112
Cowling, T.G. 25 526 770 772 858
Crank, J. 401 583 612 617
Crawford, B.L., Jr. 372
Crawford, M.E. 410 423
Creeping flow 58 85 122 355 393
Creeping flow mass transfer around bubble 636
Critical damping 221 471
Critical enhancement 273
Critical properties 21 272
Critical Reynolds number 46 52 59 92 139 390
Crosby, E.J. 104 575
Cui, L. 785
Cullinan, H.T. 717
Cunningham, R.E. 25 793 794
Curie, P. 765
Curie’s postulate 765
Curl operator 820 824 832
Curry, F.E. 793
Curtiss, C.E. 25 27 90 147 151 232 253 262 267 268 269 275 277 279 289 350 372 516 517 526 527 528 532 533 538 587 766 767 768 858 861 865 866
Curvilinear coordinates 20 825 829 839
Cussler, E.L. 538 665 672 717 787
Cylinder flow near oscillating 236
Cylinder heat transfer coefficient 440
Cylinder nonisothermal flow around 356 398
Cylinder transverse flow around 98 108 195 440
Cylinder unsteady heat conduction 377
Cylinder with rotating disk 151 234
d-forms of macroscopic balances 461 744
Dahler, J.S. 82
Dai, G.C. 259
Dalitz, R.R. 731
Damkohler, G. 328 553 626
Danckwerts, P.V. 619 640 653 695
Daniel, T.L. 236
Daniels, E. 508
Danner, R.P. 270 287 288 517
Darcy, H.P.G. 146
Darcy’s law 148
Darnell, W.R. 65
Daubert, T.E. 270 287 288 517
De Boer, J. 274 493
de Gennes, P.-G. 532
de Groot, S.R. 82 372 717 765
de Kruif, C.G. 33
de Nieto Castro, C.A. 21 273
de Vries, D.A. 282 288
de Waele, A. 241
Dealy, J. 232
Debye length 783
Debye — Hueckel approximation 782
Debye, P. 279
Decay function in turbulence 664
Dedrick, R.L. 736
Deen, W.M. 382 787
Deformation rate tensor 112 241
Dehumidification 602
Deissler, R.G. 414
Delaney, L.J. 546
Denn, M.M. 236
Derivative following the motion 83
Dewald, C. 256
Dialysis 673
Dickel, G. 772
Dielectrophoresis 785
Differential equations solutions 852
| Differentiation of vectors and tensors 819 829 830 832
Diffusion (see also “Forced diffusion” “Pressure “Self “Thermal
Diffusion aqueous salt solution 780
Diffusion barrier 538
Diffusion driving forces for 766 774 860
Diffusion equation 584 608 851
Diffusion Fick’s first law of 515
Diffusion Fick’s second law of 585
Diffusion from bubble 623
Diffusion from instantaneous point source 650
Diffusion from point source in stream 579
Diffusion from rotating disk 610
Diffusion from suspended droplet 572
Diffusion generalized Fick’s law 767
Diffusion Graham’s law of 796 797
Diffusion multicomponent 538 567 581 716 767 768
Diffusion osmotic 538
Diffusion reverse 538
Diffusion Taylor 643
Diffusion unsteady interphase 654
Diffusion with chemical reaction 551 571 574 577 581 585 595 596 617 619 625 653 659 663 696
Diffusion-thermo effect 590
Diffusive flux see “Molecular flux”
Diffusivity binary 515 520 871
Diffusivity concentration dependent 606
Diffusivity corresponding states and 521
Diffusivity experimental values 517 518 519
Diffusivity gas kinetic theory for 525
Diffusivity ionic 799
Diffusivity liquid kinetic theories for 528
Diffusivity matrix 717
Diffusivity Maxwell — Stefan 768 861
Diffusivity measurement 549 570 572 575 648 654 724
Diffusivity multicomponent generalizations 767 768 769 860
Diffusivity tensor 516
Diffusivity thermal 268 516
Dijksman, J.F. 831
Dilatational viscosity 18 82 351
Dilatational viscosity of liquids containing gas bubbles 19
Dimensional analysis and heat transfer coefficients 433
Dimensional analysis and mass transfer coefficients 679
Dimensional analysis of equations of change 97 353 599
Dimensional analysis of interfacial boundary conditions 112 371
Dimensionless groups, summary of 355 356
Dimitropoulos, C.D. 257
Din, E. 865
Ding, E. 402
Dirac, P.A.M. 654 731
Disk-and -cylinder system 151 234
Dispersion, Taylor (axial) 643 650
Dissipation function 82 847
Divergence operator 820 821 824 832
Dizy, J. 521
Doi, M. 253
Dominant balance 419 641
Dong, Z.F. 436
Donnan exclusion 791 800
Dootson, F.W. 764
Dorrance, W.H. 136 624
Dotson, P.J. 254 256 257
Dougherty, E.L. 771
Dougherty, T.J. 33
Douglas, W.J.M. 432
Draad, A.A. 52 155
Drag coefficient see “Friction factor”
Drag force on cylinder 108
Drag force on flat plate 137 138 139
Drag force on sphere 60 125
Drag reduction (by polymers) 236 257
Drainage of liquids 73
Drake, R.M., Jr. 271 387
Drake, W.B. 404
Drazin, P.G. 93
Drew, D.A. 32
Drew, S.W. 787
Drew, T.B. 592 608 684 704
Drickamer, H.G. 771
Drop(let) evaporation from 682 722
Drop(let) freezing of 366
Drop(let) mass transfer to 687
Drude, P. 287
Ducts noncircular 105 155 437
Ducts turbulent flow in 165
Duffie, J.A. 508
Dufour, L. 764
Dukler, A.E. 56
Dullien, F.A. 191
Dullien, F.A.L. 793
Dulong and Petit formula 279
Dumbbell models for polymers 254
Dunlop, P.J. 717
Dust collector 68
Dymond,J.H., 21 273
Dynamic similarity 97
D’Alemberf s paradox 130
Eagle, A. 310
Eagleton, L.C. 546
Ebadian, M.A. 436
Eckart, C.R 372
Eckert number 355
Eckert, E.R.G. 271 387 414 432 439 631
Eddy diffusivity 659 668
Eddy diffusivity thermal conductivity 410
Eddy diffusivity viscosity 162 167
Eder, G. 402
Edwards, B.J. 765
Edwards, D.A. 148 371 647 700
Edwards, S.F. 253
Effective diffusivity 565
Effective diffusivity thermal conductivity 81 370
Effectiveness factor in catalyst 566 577 581
Efficiency of separation 730
Efflux from a tank 109 199 217 228
Egelstaff, P.A. 31
Eggink, R. 428 429
Eian, C.S. 414
Eigenfunctions and eigenvalues 119 376 383 404 430 431
Einstein summation convention 841
Einstein suspension viscosity 32
Einstein, A. 32 279 531
Eirich, F.R. 32
Eisenberg, M. 349 625
Ejector 210 460
El-Sayed, M.S. 191
Elastic response of polymers 238 244
Electric analog of radiation 503
Electric charge 776
Electric charge susceptibility 784
Electro-osmosis 782
Electromagnetic radiation spectrum 488 489
Electrostatic potential 776 781 782
Ellipsoid, heat transfer from 452
Elongation rate 238
Elongational (or extensional) flow 238
Elongational (or extensional) flow viscosity 240 251 252 257
Elzy, E. 630
Emission of radiation 490
Emissivity 492 493
Emmons, H.W. 630
Emulsion viscosity 31 34
End effects 52 229
Energy see “Internal energy” “Kinetic “Potential “Energy Mechanical
Energy conservation in continuum 335 587 589
Energy conservation in macroscopic system 455 461 738
Energy conservation in molecular collisions 6
Energy conservation in shell balances 291
Energy conservation relation to homogeneity of time 587
energy equation 335 847 850
Energy equation boundary layer form of 387 624
Energy equation derivation 333
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