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Bird R.B., Lightfoot E.N., Stewart W.E. — Transport Phenomena |
Предметный указатель |
Toor, H.L. 382 538 568 597 665 667 717
Torque in coaxial annular system 91 244
Torque on mixing vessel 202
Torque on rotating cone 67
Torque on rotating disk 107
Torque on rotating rod 105
Torque on rotating sphere 96 105
Torricelli’s law 109
Torsional oscillatory viscometer 146
Touloukian, Y.S. 13
Towle, W.L. 668
Townsend, A.A. 153 157 161 168
Transpiration cooling 344 365 673
Transport properties 861 864 thermal diffusivity thermal
Treybal, R.E. 672 727
Triangular duct, flow in 105 155
Tribus, M.L. 404 663
Tricomi, F.G. 381 692
Troian, S.M. 700 701
Tschoegl, N.W. 246
Tube, Bingham flow in 260
Tube, compressible flow in 53
Tube, flow caused by rotating disk in 151
Tube, forced convection heat transfer 323 325 328 332 342 406
Tube, heat transfer coefficients 423 428 433
Tube, laminar and turbulent flow in 154
Tube, laminar flow in 48 69 88
Tube, noncircular 155
Tube, nonisothermal flow in 383 384 400 411 416
Tube, polymer flow in 232 242
Tube, recoil of polymers in 233
Tube, start-up of flow in 150
Tube, tapered 66 259
Tube, Taylor diffusion in 643
Tube, turbulent flow in 165
Tube, velocity for turbulent flow in 166
Tubeless siphon 235
Tubular reactor 595
Tuma, J.J. 852
Turbulence chemical reactions and 658 659 663
Turbulence free and wall 163
Turbulence intensity of 157
Turbulence isotropic 165
Turbulence kinetic energy of 176
Turbulence nonisothermal systems 407
Turbulent diffusivity 659
Turbulent flow 41 154 165 168 175
Turbulent friction factors 181
Turbulent heat flux 408 410
Turbulent heat transfer coefficients 429 435
Turbulent mass flux 658 659
Turbulent momentum flux 158
Turbulent Prandtl number 410
Turbulent Schmidt number 659
Turbulent thermal conductivity 410
Turbulent viscosity 162 167
Turian, R.M.L. 33 73 241 331
Tuve, G.L. 216
Two-bulb experiment (diffusion) 572 654 795
Tyn, M.T. 518
Tyrrell, H.J.V. 529
Uhlenbeck, G.R. 274
Ultracentrifuge 772
Ultrafiltration 673 713 789 799
Underdamped system 221 471
Uribe, F.J. 21
Usagi, R. 443
Valeri, F.J. 659
Valstar, J.M. 428 430
Value function (of Dirac) 732 761
van Aken, J.A. 204
van de Vusse, J.G. 605
van den Akker, H.E.A. 665
van den Berg, H.R. 273
van den Brule, B.H.A.A. 267
Van Driest equation for mixing length 164 414 661
van Driest, E.R. 164 661
van Dyke 76 93 126 135
van Ievsel, E.M.F. 33
van Krevelen 519
van Loef, J.J. 522 540
van Reis, R. 787
van Rossum, J.J. 73
van Wijk, W.R. 282 288
Vand, V. 38
Vandenhaende, C. 267
VanVoorhis, C.C. 519
VanWazer, J.R. 91 110 237 342
Vector-tensor notation 807 841
Velev, O.D. 785
Velocity average molecular 23
Velocity correlations (in turbulence) 157
Velocity diffusion 535
Velocity distribution axial annular flow 53 64 65 151 174 325
Velocity distribution cone-and-plate viscometer 67
Velocity distribution Couette flow 64
Velocity distribution falling cylinder viscometer 70
Velocity distribution falling film 42 64 70 89
Velocity distribution flow around bubble 143
Velocity distribution flow around cylinder 128
Velocity distribution flow around sphere 58 95 122 145
Velocity distribution flow in slit 63 68 117 316
Velocity distribution flow into slit 130 145
Velocity distribution flow near a corner 131 139
Velocity distribution flow near a flat plate 136
Velocity distribution flow of stratified fluids 56
Velocity distribution flow through tube 48 69 88 150 166
Velocity distribution in disc-and-tube system 151
Velocity distribution in free convection 318 347
Velocity distribution in jet 168 173
Velocity distribution in porous medium 148
Velocity distribution in shock wave 352
Velocity distribution in turbulent jets 171
Velocity distribution in turbulent tube flow 166
Velocity distribution near a line source 145
Velocity distribution near an oscillating plate 120 150
Velocity distribution near wall suddenly set in motion 115 142
Velocity distribution tangential annular flow 89 151
Velocity fluctuations (in turbulence) 156
Velocity friction 160
Velocity gradient tensor 19 245
Velocity mass average 515 535
Velocity migration 777
Velocity molar average 534 535
Velocity of sound 279
Velocity potential 127
Velocity superficial 149 189
Velocity time-smoothed 157
Velocity volume average velocity 541
Vena contracta 215 471
Venerus, D.C 267
Venturi meter 471 479
Vertical plate free convection 346
Vettering, W.T. 662
Viehland, L.A. 861
Vieth, W.R. 661
View factors (in radiation) 499
Vignes, A. 518
Villat, H. 122 531
Viscoelasticity linear 244
Viscoelasticity nonlinear 249 253 262
Viscoelasticity stress relaxation 260
Viscometer capillary 52 229
Viscometer cone-and-plate 67 261
Viscometer Couette 89 112
Viscometer falling cylinder 70
Viscometer parallel-disk 106 110 261
| Viscometer rolling ball 73
Viscometer torsional oscillatory 146
Viscometer viscous heating in 300
Viscosity Carreau equation for 242
Viscosity complex 238 239 247 251 252 260
Viscosity dilatational 18
Viscosity elongational (or extensional) 238 251 252 257
Viscosity emulsion 31
Viscosity gas kinetic theory for 23 26 861
Viscosity kinematic 13 268 516 871
Viscosity liquid kinetic theory for 29
Viscosity Newton’s law of 12
Viscosity of dense gases 289
Viscosity of polymers 237 251 252 255
Viscosity of various fluids 14 15
Viscosity position dependent 47
Viscosity power law for polymers 242
Viscosity pressure dependence 21
Viscosity reduced 21
Viscosity shear-rate-dependent 239
Viscosity suspension 21
Viscosity temperature dependence 21
Viscosity Trouton 238
Viscosity units for 14 870 871
Viscous dissipation for flow around a sphere 125
Viscous dissipation heating 300 321 334 363 373 402
Viscous dissipation in mechanical energy equation 82
Viscous dissipation in polymer melt 323
Viscous losses 295
Viscous momentum flux 37
Viscous sublayer (in turbulence) 159 409
Viscous sublayer (in turbulence)velocity distribution in 161
Vivian, J.E. 675
Volatility, evaporation rate and 616
Volume average velocity 541
Volumetric mass transfer coefficients 695
Von Halle, R. 731 749
von Helmholtz, H. 133
Von Karman momentum balance 136
Von Karman vortex street 100
Von Karman — Prandtl velocity profile 161
von Karman, T. 136 160 184 194 610
von Mises, R. 350
von Smoluchowski, M.L. 34
Vortices free and forced 145
Vortices Taylor 92
Vorticity equation of change for 113 122 144
Vorticity tensor 250
Vrij, A. 33
Wakeham,W.A. 13 516
Waleffe, F. 153
Walker, J.E. 175
Walker, R.E. 542 569
Walker, W.H. 516
Wall collision frequency 23 39 274
Wall effect for sphere falling in cylinder 195
Wall suddenly set in motion, flow near 115 142
Wall turbulence 153 159
Wall turbulence contrasted with free turbulence 163
Wall turbulence heat transfer in 411 416
Wall turbulence mass transfer in 661
Walters, K. 33 76 91 232 236 237
Wang Chang, C.S. 274
Wang, C.Y. 87
Wang, J.C 646
Wang, K.H. 701
Wang, Y.L. 145
Warner, H.R.Jr. 254
Wasan, D.T. 371 700
Washizu, M.L. 785
Waterman, T.E. 280
Watson, G.M. 795 800
Watson, K.M. 22 272 288 289 362 566 685 741 755 865
Wavelength of radiation 488
Weber number 98
Weber, M. 98
Wedge, flow over 133 139
Wedgewood, L.E. 249 256
Wehner, J.R. 328
Weichert, D. 717
Weidman, D.L. 625
Weinbaum, S. 793 796 798
Weissenberg rod-climbing effect 234
Weissenberg, K. 234
Weissman, S. 527
Welling, P.G. 736
Wendt, J.R. iv
Wenzel — Krames — Brillouin method 404
Werle, H. 76
Westenberg, A.A. 542 569
Westerterp, K.R. 283
Wet and dry bulb psychrometer 683 711 722
Wetted-wall column 673
Whan, G.A. 175
Wheeler, A. 564
Whitaker, S. 46 214 349 439 482
Whiteman, J.R. 404
Wicks, M. 56
Wiedemann — Franz — Lorenz equation 280
Wiedemann, G. 280
Wien displacement law 495
Wien, W. 495
Wiest, J.M. 32 250
Wilcox, W.R. 698
Wild, N.E. 771
Wilding, W.V. 270 287 288 517
Wilhelm, R.H. 328 441
Wilke — Chang diffusivity equation 530
Wilke, C.R. 27 38 349 530 539 548 617 625 648 672 694 727
Williams, M.C. 239 262
Williams, R.J.J. 25 793 794
Williamson, J.E. 441
Wilson, C.L. 659 668
Wilson, E.J. 441 686
Wineman, A.S. 235
Wire heat conduction in 364
Wire radiant heat loss from 509
Wissbrun, K. 232
Wittenberg, L.J. 147
Wong, B.A. 785
Wong, P.-Z. 700
Woodside, W. 282
Work flux 285
Wylie, C.R. 380 386
Wylie, E.B. 127
Wynn, E.B. 523
Xu, J. 749
Yamagata, K. 404
Yamamoto, T. 785
Yan, Z.-Y. 796 798
Yang, B. 251
Yang, R.T. 727
Yarusso, B.J. 259
Yasuda, K. 242
Yield stress Bingham model for fluids with 259 260
Young, J.D. 627
Young, T.C. 625 631 721
Youngren, G.K. 529
Yuan, T.-R. 33
Zaremba, S. 249
Zeh, D. 625
Zeman, L.J. 787
Zia-Ul-Haq 717
Zierler, K. 757
Zipperer, L. 29
Zuiderweg, F.J. 701
Zundel, N.A. 270 287 288 517
Zydney, A.L. 787
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