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Bird R.B., Lightfoot E.N., Stewart W.E. — Transport Phenomena |
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Leonard, E.F. 803
Lescarboura, J.A. 70
Lesieur, M. 153
Levenspiel, O. 283 793
Leveque, J. 436
Levich — Koutecky — Newman equation 745
Levich, V.G. 34 46 73 392 393 561 610 621 625 637 653 686
Lewis number 516
Lewis, H.W. 73
Lewis, W.K. 516 704
Li, J.-M. 251
Li, J.C.M. 529
Li, K.-T. 667
Liabis, A.L 793
Libby, P.A. 350
Liepmann, H.W. 350 353
Lifshitz, E.M. 16 19 32 53 58 78 87 93 96 105 112 144 160 176 187 196 365 369 382 409 494 531 587 765 779 858
Lightfoot, E.N. 164 382 555 578 596 616 619 623 633 637 647 686 687 695 696 700 701 702 703 715 717 756 785 786 787 794 800
Lighthill, M.J. 390 392
Liley, P.E. 13
Lim, H.C. 382
Lin, C.S. 162 163
Lin, T.S. 646
Line source of heat 396
Linek, V. 695
Liquid metals 271 429
Liquid — liquid ejector 210
Liu, T.W. 262
Liu,K.-T. 432 611
Lo, T.C. 727
Local transfer coefficients 424 674
Lodge, A.S. 33 232 253
Lodge, T.P. 533
Loeb, A.L. 282
Loeb, G. 700
Logan, B.E. 643
Logarithmic mean concentration difference 745
Logarithmic mean temperature difference 424
Logarithmic temperature profile 410
Logarithmic velocity profile 160 167
Lohrenz, J. 70
London, A.L. 52 382
Longwell, P.A. 145
Lorentz force 784 799
Lorenz number 280
Lorenz, L. 280 349
Love, L.D. 793
Low-order moments, use of 756 761 763
Lu, S.-Y. 282
Lubrication approximation 67
Ludford, G.S.S. 350
Ludviksson, V. 700 701 702 703
Ludwig, C. 764
Lumley, J.L. 153 159 175
Lummer, O. 496
Lynn, R.E., Jr. 37 865
Lynn, S. 558
Lyon,R.N. 332 413
Lyons, J.W. 91 110 237 342
Macdonald, I.R. 191
Mach number 352 479
Macromixing 665
Macroscopic balances by integration of equation of change 198 454 484
Macroscopic balances by integration of equation of change d-form of 461 744
Macroscopic balances by integration of equation of change for angular momentum 202 738
Macroscopic balances by integration of equation of change for energy 455 462 485 738
Macroscopic balances by integration of equation of change for entropy 484
Macroscopic balances by integration of equation of change for internal energy 458
Macroscopic balances by integration of equation of change for mass 198 727
Macroscopic balances by integration of equation of change for mechanical energy 203 207 221 456 461 739
Macroscopic balances by integration of equation of change for momentum 200 738
Macroscopic balances by integration of equation of change summary of equations 209 458 466 740
magnetic susceptibility 784
Magnetophoresis 785
Magnus, W. 381 692
Maier, G.G. 609
Malina, J.A. 414
Maloney, J.O. 472
Manner, M. 517 527
Manometer oscillations 220
Marangoni effect 371 700 702 724
Marangoni, C.G.M. 371 700
Markovitz, H. 147
Marmur, A. 700
Marshall, T.L. 270 287 288 517
Marshall, W.R., Jr. 439 466 468 752
Martin, H. 441
Martin, J.J. 523
Masha, B.A. 149
Mason, E.A. 21 27 274 276 527 574 793 795 796 797 800 865 866
Mass average velocity 515 533
Mass conservation in continuum 11 583
Mass conservation in macroscopic systems 198 727
Mass conservation in molecular collisions 5
Mass conservation in shell balances 545
Mass diffusion see “Diffusion”
Mass flow rate 46 51 55
Mass flux combined 536 537
Mass flux convective 535 537
Mass flux molecular (or diffusive) 515 537 767 860
Mass flux turbulent 658
Mass transfer and chemical reactions 694
Mass transfer boundary-layer model for 708
Mass transfer changing interfacial area 621
Mass transfer Chilton — Colburn relation for 682
Mass transfer coefficients 545 672
Mass transfer coefficients analytical expressions for 676
Mass transfer coefficients apparent 675
Mass transfer coefficients area averaging of 693
Mass transfer coefficients at high net mass transfer rates 703 709
Mass transfer coefficients binary, two-phase 687
Mass transfer coefficients for drops and bubbles 687
Mass transfer coefficients for packed beds 686
Mass transfer coefficients overall 689
Mass transfer coefficients volumetric 695
Mass transfer combined with heat transfer 698
Mass transfer correlations 679
Mass transfer creeping flow around bubble 636
Mass transfer effect of interfacial forces on 699
Mass transfer enhancement by reactions 659
Mass transfer examples of 672 673
Mass transfer falling films 676 677
Mass transfer flow along flat plate 681
Mass transfer flow around arbitrary objects 678
Mass transfer flow around spheres 677 681
Mass transfer flow near rotating disk 679
Mass transfer gas-phase controlled 689
Mass transfer interaction of phase resistances 691
Mass transfer liquid-phase controlled 689
Mass transfer multicomponent 716
Mass transfer penetration model for 706
Mass transfer stagnant-film model 704
Mass transfer with complex interfacial motion 637 641
Massot, C. 382
Matched asymptotic expansions 125
Material derivative 83
Material functions (for polymers) 236
Matrix methods for mass transport 716
Maxwell equation for composites 281
Maxwell equation for composites model of linear viscoelasticity 245 246
Maxwell — Boltzmann distribution 38 860
Maxwell — Stefan equations 538 567 581
Maxwell — Stefan equations applications of 775
Maxwell — Stefan equations diffusivities in 768 861
Maxwell — Stefan equations generalized 768
Maxwell — Stefan equations in matrix form 717
Maxwell, J.C. 25 245 281 371 539
May, J.C. 793
Mayer, J.E. 287 494
Mayer, M.G. 287 494
| Mazet, P.R. 164 414 431 661
Mazur, P. 82 372 717 765
McAdams, W.H. 440 447 448 499 500 516
McAfee, K.B. 573
McCabe — Thiele diagram 747 748 749
McCabe, W.L. 727 746
McClelland, M.A. 122
McComb, W.D. 153
McCune, L.K. 441
McDonald, I.R. 31
McKelvey, J.M. 395
McKloskey, K.E. 14 28
Mean free path 24 274 525
Mean hydraulic radius 183 195 437
Mechanical energy, d-form of macroscopic balance for 461 641
Mechanical energy, equation of change for 81 340 341 589
Mechanical energy, macroscopic balance for 203 207 221 739
Meissner, J. 239
Membrane separation 713 761 785 788 791
Memory of viscoelastic fluids 234 246
Mengoq, M.P. 488
Merk, H.J. 390 632 768
Merrill, E.W. 32
Messmer, J.H. 282
Meter, D.M. 175 194
Metzner, A.B. 414
Mezaki, R. 544
Michels, A.M.J.E. 23
Mickley, H.S. 630 704
Micromixing 665
Migration velocity 111
Millat, J. 21 273
Miller, C 250
Miller, D.G. 765
Milne-Thomson, L.M. 122
Mixed convection 310 445 698
Mixing length 163 410 659
Mixing length modified van Driest equation for 164 661
Mixing of two ideal gas streams 460
Mixing vessel chemical reaction in 663
Mixing vessel torque on 202
Mobile interfaces 637
Mobility 532
Model sensitivity 695 696 736 800
Modified pressure 50 84
Modified van Driest equation 164 661
Modulus of elasticity 245
Modulus storage and loss 238
Moelwyn-Hughes, E.A. 528
Moffat, H.K. 82
Molar average velocity 533 535
Molar flux 535 536 537
Molecular collisions 5
Molecular flux mass 515 588 860
Molecular flux momentum 17 37 588 860
Molecular flux of energy 265 286 588 860
Molecular flux work 860
Molecular theory for gases 23 274 525 858
Molecular theory for liquids 29 279 528
Molecular theory for polymers 253 532
Molecular velocity 23 38 274
Moment of inertia (tensor) 147 817
Moments use of lower 756 761
Momentum conservation in continuum 78 340 341
Momentum conservation in macroscopic system 200 738
Momentum conservation in molecular collisions 5
Momentum conservation in shell balances 41
Momentum conservation relation to homogeneity of space 587
Momentum flux 13
Momentum flux tensor 13 17 24 34 37 588 860
Monchick, L. 27 274 527 574 865 866
Moody, L.R. 179
Moon, P. 452 831
Mooney equation 32
Mooney, M. 32
Moore, D.W. 196
Morduchow, M. 350
Morgan, H. 785
Morioka, L. 443
Morse, P.M. 127 824 830
Moss, O.R. 785
Motion boundary layer 135 387
Motion Boussinesq 339
Motion derivation from Newton’s law 112
Motion equation of alternative form for 113
Motion Euler 85
Motion for free convection 338 589
Motion from Boltzmann equation 859
Motion in terms of stress tensor 80 340 341 587 588 845
Motion in terms of viscosity 84 846
Motion multicomponent systems 589
Motion Navier — Stokes 84
Motion turbulent 158
Moulton, R.W. 162 163 669
Mow, K. 191
Muckenfuss, C. 861
Mueller, J.A. 578
Mueller, W. 151
Muller, S.J. iv
Multicomponent mixtures diffusion in 538 581 716 767
Multicomponent mixtures entropy flux and production in 766
Multicomponent mixtures equations of change for 588 859
Multicomponent mixtures flux expressions 590 767
Multicomponent mixtures matrix methods for 716
Multicomponent mixtures thermal conductivity 276 768
Multicomponent mixtures viscosity (gases) 27
Munn, R.J. 27
Munstedt, H. 204
Murphree, E.V. 162
Murphy, G.M. 218 852
Murray, R.L. 656
Muskat, M. 149
Mustakis, L. 787
Nagashima, A. 13 516
Nakao, S. 787
Nathan, M.R. 289
Natural convection see “Free convection”
Navier — Stokes equation 84 848
Navier, C-L.-M.-H. 18 84
Nealey, P.R. 787
Nelson, R.A. 867
Neogi, P. 533
Nernst — Einstein equation 528
Network theory for polymers 253
Neufeld, P.D. 866
Neumann — Stefan problem 401
Newman, J.S. 421 596 637 653 782 802
Newton, I. 12
Newtonian fluids 12 13 17 19
Newton’s drag law for spheres 187 195
Newton’s Law of Cooling 292 322
Newton’s law of viscosity 12 245 843
Newton’s law of viscosity generalization of 16 18
Nieuwstadt, R 52 155
Nijsing, R.A.T.O. 654 695
Nirschl, J.P. 235
Nissan, A.H. 234
No-slip boundary condition 42
Noble, P.T. 686
Noble, R.D. 731 787
Noether, A.E. 587
Noether’s theorem 587
Nohel, J.A. 33
Non-Newtonian fluids 13 30 240 244 249
Non-Newtonian fluids heat transfer in 400 430 431
Nonequilibrium thermodynamics 765
Norden, H.V. 720
Normal stress coefficients 237 239 251 252
Normal stresses 17 21 59 78 111
Normal stresses in polymers 234 251 252
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