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Bird R.B., Lightfoot E.N., Stewart W.E. — Transport Phenomena |
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Notter,R.H., 164 412 431
Nozzle, adiabatic frictionless 749
Nunge, R.J. 382 646
Nusselt number 316 322 413 420 428 680
Nusselt, W. 382 423 447 762
Oberhettinger, R 381 692
Odelevskii, V.L 282
Oettinger, H.C 253 516 528 531 532 765
Ofte, D. 147
Ogunnaike, B. 752
Olander, D.R. 714
Oldroyd models for polymers 250 251 262
Oldroyd, J.G. 32 240 246 249
Oldshue, J.Y. 665
Ollis, D.F. 695
Onsager, L. 717 765
Onsager’s reciprocal relations 765
Oppenheim, A.K. 502
Ordinary diffusion see “Diffusion”
Orifice 215 471
Orzag, S.A. 417
Oscarson, J.L. 270 287 288 517
Oscillating cup-and-bob viscometer 147
Oscillating cylinder 236
Oscillating manometer 219
Oscillating motion and complex viscosity 238 247
Oscillating motion and viscosity 262
Oscillating motion and viscous heating 402
Oscillating normal stresses 239
Oscillating wall temperature 379
Oscillating wall, flow near 120 150 248
Oscillatory steady state 151 379
Osmotic diffusion 538
Osmotic diffusion pressure 714 800
Ostwald — de Waele model for viscosity 241
Ostwald, W. 241
Overall heat transfer coefficient 305 425 476
Overall mass transfer coefficient 689
Overdamped system 221 471
Owens, E.J. 272 865
O’Neill, J.G. 785
O’Sullivan, D.G. 417
Packed bed (or column) absorber height 742 759
Packed bed (or column) creeping flow in 103
Packed bed (or column) estimation of interfacial area in 694
Packed bed (or column) friction factor for 189
Packed bed (or column) heat transfer coefficients for 441
Packed bed (or column) mass transfer coefficients for 685
Packed bed (or column) thermal conductivity of 283
Packed bed (or column) unsteady operation 753
Panton, R.L. 131
Pao, Y.-H. 620
Papoutsakis, D. 382
Parallel disks, radial flow between 108
Parallel plates see “Slit”
Parallel-disk compression viscometer 110
Parallel-disk viscometer 106
Partial molar properties 591 766
Particle diameter 190
Particle trajectories 69 195
Partington, J.R. 31
Pascal, P. 288
Passman, S.L. 32
Paton, J.B. 65
Patterson, G.N. 52
Pauly, S. 519
Pearson, J.R.A. 125
Peclet number 268 316 355 600 676
Peclet, J.-C.-E. 268
Pellew, A. 359
Penetration model of mass transfer 560 706 712 720
Penetration thickness 117 375 402
Peppas, N.A. 402
Pereira, A.N.G. 274
Periodic steady state 120 151 248
Perka, A.T. 611
Permeability 149
Permselective membrane 776
Permutation symbol 82 113 811
Perry, J.K 52 482
Perry, R.H. 216 472 675
Petersen, R.J. 789
Pethig, R. 785
Petrie, C.J.S. 239
Pettyjohn, R S. 187
Pfeffer, R. 442 798
Phase shift 121 248
Pigford, R.L. 397 466 468 559 591 609 617 618 672 694 727 752
pipe see “Tube”
Pipe bend thrust on 212
Pipeline flow 207 464
Pipkin, A.C. 235
Pitaevskii, L.P. 858
Pitot tube 154 225
Planck distribution law 493 495
Planck, M. 487 493 496
Planck’s constant 494 867
Plane Couette flow 64
Plate, oscillating 120
Plug flow 259
Plug flow forced convection heat transfer 325
Plug flow reactor 737
Plummer, W.B. 191
Plyat, Sh.N. 282
Pohlhausen, E. 390 439 632
Poiseuille, J.L. 51
Poiseuille’s law 51 53 181 243
Poison, A. 529
Poling 23 27 31 276 279 517 521 527 530 568 597 599
Poljak, G. 502
Polk, C. 785
Polymeric fluid anisotropic thermal conductivity 267
Polymeric fluid elongational flow of 251 252 257
Polymeric fluid FENE-P dumbbell model for 254
Polymeric fluid linear viscoelastic properties 244
Polymeric fluid molecular theories for 253
Polymeric fluid network theories for 253
Polymeric fluid normal stress coefficients 251 252
Polymeric fluid Nusselt numbers for 430 431
Polymeric fluid viscosity 241 251 252 255
Polymeric fluid viscous heating in 300
Pomerantsev, V.V. 539
Pomraning, G.C. 506
Porosity 149
Porous medium Darcy’s law for flow in 148
Porous medium mass transport in 793
Porter, J.H. 661
potential energy 334
Potential energy in energy equation 336 340 589
Potential energy in mechanical energy equation 81 340
Potential energy of interaction between molecules 26
Potential flow of fluids 126
Potential flow of heat 385
Poulaert, B. 267
Powell, R.E. 279 775
Powell, R.W. 97 103
Power law expression for polymer flow in tubes 232
Power law expression for polymer viscosity 241 242 243 244
Power law expression for turbulent flow in tubes 154 167
Power requirements for pumping 207
Pozrikidis, C. 114
Prager, W. 16 240 812 816 841
Prandtl boundary-layer equations 135 387 624
Prandtl friction factor expression 182
Prandtl mixing length 163 410 659
Prandtl number 268 316 355 516 676
Prandtl number (turbulent) 410
Prandtl, L. 135 160 163 182 268
Prausnitz, J.M. 23 27 31 276 279 517 521 527 530 568 597 599
Prdhomme, R.K. 53 647
| Present, R.D. 526
Press, W.H. 662
Pressure diffusion 519 590 772
Pressure ideal gas 39 860
Pressure modified 50 84
Pressure reduced 21 272 521
Pressure thermodynamic 17
Pringsheim, E. 496
Prober, R. 140 630 631 632 717
Probstein, R.R. 187
Products of vectors and tensors 809 813 817 827
Prostokishin, V.M. 160
Protein centrifugation 776 799
Protein purification 761
Protein viewed as hydrodynamic particle 779
Proudman, L. 125
Pseudo-steady-state see “Quasi-steady-state”
Pseudocritical properties 21
Psychrometer 683 711 722
Putnam, G.L. 162 163 669
Pyun, C.W. 529
Quasi-steady-state assumption 74 110 111 195 200 217 228 367 473 572 576 607 608 795
Q’Hern, H.A. 523
Radiation absorption and emission 490
Radiation between black bodies in vacuo 497
Radiation between nonblack bodies 502
Radiation black body 490
Radiation effect on psychrometer 722
Radiation heat transfer by 487
Radiation shield 503 509
Radiation spectrum of electromagnetic 488
Radiation transport in absorbing media 506
Radius of curvature 112
Ragatz, R.A. 22 272 288 362 566 685 741
Raithby, G.D. 442
Rajagopalan, R. 445
Ramkrishna, D. 382
Ramos, A. 785
Randall, C.A. 785
Ranz, W.E. 133 189 439 696
Ratajski, E. 402
Rate of strain tensor 112 241
Rate-of-climb indicator 72
Ray, W.H. 752
Rayleigh number 348 355 359 442
Rayleigh, Lord see “J.W. Strutt”
Reaction enhancement of mass transfer 617 642 659
Reactor continuous stirred tank 737 760
Reactor plug flow 737
Reactor start up 752 760
Recoil of polymers 233
Rectifying section of column 747
Redlich, O. 289
Reduced variables 21 272 521
Reflux 747
Reichardt, H. 164 165 166 171 416
Reichle, C. 785
Reid, R.C. 23 27 31 276 279 517 521 527 530 568 596 599
Reid, W.H. 93
Reiner 242 260
Reis, J. 686
Rektorys, K. 128 255
Relative volatility 730
Relaxation modulus 246 247
Relaxation modulus time 245
Renardy, M. 33
Reptation 532
Residence time distribution 69
Resistances, additivity of 305 687
Retardation time 246
Reverse diffusion 538
Reverse osmosis 789
Rey, L. 793
Reynolds analogy 410 659
Reynolds decomposition (turbulence) 156 407 657
Reynolds number 98 355 676
Reynolds number critical 46 52 56 59 92 139
Reynolds stresses 158
Reynolds stresses equation of change for 176
Reynolds stresses in ducts 165
Reynolds stresses in vicinity of wall 164
Reynolds, O. 46 155
Rheometry 231 236
Rhodes, M.L. 793
Rice, S.A. 23 26 29 274
Richardson, J.G. 189
Riedel, L. 279
Rigid sphere model gas diffusivity 526
Rigid sphere model gas thermal conductivity 274
Rigid sphere model gas viscosity 25
Rippling of films 46 703
Robertson, J.M.L 122 127
Robinson, R.A. 782 799
Robinson, R.C. 521
Rod climbing by polymers 234 237
Rodriguez, R.L. 756
Rohsenow, W.M. 21 269 280 403 423 436 442 482 488
Rolling-ball viscometer 73
Roper, G.H. 571
Rosenhead, L. 99 136
Roseveare, W.R. 279 775
Roshko, A. 250 353
Rosner, D.E. 672
Ross, J. 23 26 29 274
Ross, R.C. 630 704
Ross, S. 700
Rotating cone pump 71
Rotating disk diffusion from 610
Rotating disk forultrafiltration 713
Rotating disk friction factor for 194
Rotating disk Rotating liquid, shape of surface of 93 110
Rotating sphere, flow near 95
Rothfeld, L.B. 589 793
Rouse, H. 84 140
Rowley, R.L. 270 287 288 517
Ruckenstein, E. 445 633
Russel, R.J. 234
Russel, W.B. 33 34 531
Russell, D. 861
Rutten, P.W.M. 518 646 774 776
Rybczynski — Hadamard circulation 540 700 701
Saab, H.H. 262
Sack, R. 32 246
Saffman,P.G. 113
Sahimi, M. 793
Sakai, K. 787
Sakonidou, E.P. 273
Sandall, O.C. 164 414 420 431 659 661 668
Sands, M.L. 93 98
Sarofim, A.F. 499
Satterfield, C.N. 596
Savenije, E.P. 831
Saville, D.A. 34 531
Saxena, S.C. 13 276
Saxton, R.L. 771
Scale factors 97 392
Scale-up 360
Scattergood, E.M. 786 800
Schacter, J. 731 749
Schaeffer, D. 700
Schetz, J.A. 21 32 87 472
Schieber, J.D. 253 262 267 531
Schiichting, H. 93 136 140 154 159 160 168 170 171 173 174 194 387 389 406 438
Schmidt number 420 516 600 676
Schmidt, E.H.W. 516
Schowalter, W.R. 32 34 236 531
Schrader, M.R. 700
Schrage, R.W. 446
Schrodt, T. 581
Schroeder, R.R. 6 87
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