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Bird R.B., Lightfoot E.N., Stewart W.E. — Transport Phenomena |
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Energy equation for multicomponent systems 589
Energy equation in terms of temperature 337 589 608
Energy equation various forms of 340 341 589
Energy fluxes combined 285 335
Energy fluxes convective 265 283 291
Energy fluxes molecular 265 291 768
Energy fluxes radiative 265
Energy fluxes work 285
Energy production 291 334 589
Enlargement, flow in 209 226
Enrichment (in separation process) 730
Enskog theory of dense gases 289
Enskog, D. 25 289
Enthalpy appearance in combined energy flux 285
Enthalpy equation of change for 337 340 341 589
Enthalpy evaluation of 286
Enthalpy partial molar 591
Entrance length 52 142 145
Entropy equation of change for 341 372 765
Entropy flux and production 372 766
Entropy macroscopic balance for 484 485
Equation of state 289
Equations of change (see also “Continuity” “Motion” “Energy” “Angular “Vorticity” “Entropy” “Mechanical
Equations of change derivation by integral theorems 112 373 608
Equations of change from Boltzmann equation 859
Equations of change macroscopic balances from 198 454
Equations of change summary tables 84 340 341 588 843
Equations of change time-smoothed 156 408 658
Equimolar counter-diffusion 572 585
Equipotential line 127
Erdelyi, A. 381 692
Ergun equation 191
Ergun,S. 191 192
Erk, S. 382 423 425
Error function 117 375 857
Eucken correction 275 599
Eucken, A. 276
Euler constant 399
Euler equation of motion 85 399
Euler, E 282
Euler, L. 85 86
Evans, H.L. 630
Evans, R.B., 793 795 800
Evaporation from a plane surface 710 723
Evaporation from droplet 711
Evaporation loss from tank 326
Evaporation steady-state 545 578 581
Evaporation three-component 567
Evaporation unsteady-state 549 613 712
Extensional flow see “Elongational flow”
Extinction coefficient 507
Eyring activated state theory 29 529
Eyring, E.M. 29 530
Eyring, H. 29 31 279 529 530 775
Faber, T.E. 153 359
Facilitated transport 803
Fading memory in viscoelastic fluids 246
Fair, J.R 675 687
Fairbanks, D.F. 648
Falkner — Skan equation 139
Falkner, V.M. 140
Falling cylinder viscometer 70
Falling film Marangoni instability 702
Falling film nonisothermal 344 363 397 403
Falling film on cone 70
Falling film on inclined flat plate 42 89
Falling film on outside of circular tube 64
Falling film on vertical wall 73
Falling film Sherwood number for 676
Falling film with chemical reaction 581
Falling film with dissolution from wall 562
Falling film with gas absorption 558
Fan, X.J. 262
Fanning, J.T. 179
Faraday constant 76 867
Federhofer, K. 201
FENE-P dumbbell model for polymer 254
Feng, C.F. 793
Ferguson, R.M. 310
Ferry, J.D. 238 246
Ferziger, J.H. 25 52 276 599 858
Feshbach, H. 127 824 830
Feynman, R.P. 93 98
Fick, A. 515
Fick’s (first) law of diffusion 514 537 846
Fick’s (first) law of diffusion multicomponent generalization 717 767
Fick’s (second) diffusion law 585
Film model of mass transfer 548 704 712 719 723 724
Film temperature 432
Finite slab unsteady heating of 376
Finite slab with heat production 398
Fixman, M. 529
Flannery, B.P. 662
Flat plate approximate analogies 632
Flat plate Blasius (exact) solution 137
Flat plate free convection near 346
Flat plate friction factor for 194
Flat plate heat transfer coefficient 438
Flat plate heat transfer for flow along 388 390 391
Flat plate mass transfer with reaction 625
Flat plate turbulent flow along 155
Flat plate von Karman momentum balance 136
Flat plate with high mass-transfer rate 627
Fleming, G.K. 788
Flickinger, M.C 787
Flow reactor, temperature profile in 300 328
Flow-average temperature 315
Fluctuations in turbulent flow 156 407 416 657
Fluxes combined 36 285 537
Fluxes convective 34 283 535
Fluxes molecular 13 266 372 515 535 766 859
Fluxes turbulent 158 408 658
Flynn, L.W. 865
Foa, J.V. 214
Fog formation 602
Foraboschi, F.P. 619
Force buoyant 318
Force external 80 776
Force intermolecular 26
Force on cylinder 195
Force on flat plate 138 156
Force on sphere 60 125 186
Forced convection heat transfer 310
Forced convection heat transfer heat transfer coefficients 428 433 438 441
Forced convection heat transfer in slit flow 323 328
Forced convection heat transfer in tube flow 328
Forced convection mass transfer analogy with heat transfer 613
Forced convection mass transfer for flow around arbitrary objects 678
Forced convection mass transfer for flow around spheres 677
Forced convection mass transfer for flow near a rotating disk 679
Forced convection mass transfer in falling films 676
Forced convection mass transfer in tube flow 659
Forced diffusion 519 590 776
Forced vortex 145
Form drag 60
Fourier analysis of turbulent energy transport 416
Fourier, J.B. 267 338
Fourier’s law of heat conduction 266 590 845
Fox, E.A. 605
Frank, E.U. 288
Frank-Kamenetskii, D.A. 539
Frankel, N.A. 33
Franz, R. 280
Fredrickson, A.G. 230 233
Free convection 310 325 326
Free convection Boussinesq approximation 338 589
Free convection heat transfer and forced convection mass transfer 698
Free convection heat transfer coefficients 442
Free convection horizontal plate 358
Free convection vertical plate 346 443
| Free turbulence (versus wall turbulence) 163 415
Free vortex 145
Free-molecule flow 52 794
Freezing of a spherical drop 366
Friction coefficient 531
Friction drag 60
Friction factor definition 178
Friction factor for flow along flat plate 194
Friction factor for flow around cylinder 195
Friction factor for flow around spheres 185
Friction factor for flow in a flat slit 194
Friction factor for gas bubble in a liquid 196
Friction factor for noncircular tubes 183
Friction factor for packed columns 188
Friction factor for rotating disk 194
Friction factor for tube flow 179
Friction loss factor 206
Friction velocity 160 409
Frictionless adiabatic flow 349 362
Friedlander, S.K. 394
Friedman, A.M. 695
Friend, W.L. 414
Frisch, H.L. 32
Frisch, U. 153
Fristrom, R.M. 542 569
Frohlich, H. 32 246
From, J.E. 99
Frossling, N. 439
Froude number 98 355
Froude, W. 98
Fu, B.-M. 793
Fuhs, A.E. 21 32 87 472
Fujii, T. 443
Fuka, J. 128
Fulford, G.D. 46
Fuller, E.N. 521
Fuller, G.G. 236
Gaggioli, R.A. 198
Gal-Or, B. 717
Gamma function 853
Gamson, B.W. 441
Garner, F.H. 234 561 570
Gas absorption see “Absorption”
Gases, kinetic theory of 23 274 525 858
Gates, B.C. 596
Gauss — Ostrogradskii theorem 824
Gauss’s law 783
Geankopolis, C.J. 441 686
Generalized Newtonian models 240 430 431
Geometric similarity 97
Gersten, K. 93 136 140 159 160
Gervang, B. 233
Gex, V.E. 605
Ghez, R. 576 607
Giacomin, A.J. 402
Gibbs — Duhem equation 766 804
Gibbs, J. 647 686
Gibbs, J.W. 841
Gibson, R.E. 23
Giddings, J.C. 521
Giesekus model for polymers 250 251 260 262
Giesekus, H. 33 232 250 262
Gill, W.N. 382 625 646
Gilliland, E.R. 187 722
Ginsburg, B.Z. 803
Giuliani, A. 619
Glasstone, S. 29 529
Glicksman, M.E. 516
Goddard, J.D. 250 803
Godfrey, J.C 675 687 700
Godfrey, T.B., Jr. 14
Gogos, C.G. 232
Goldsmith, A. 280
Goldstein, S. 123 168 310
Goresky, C.A. 643
Gotoh, S. 517 527 574 865
Gottlieb, M. 262 486
Grabowski, E.E. 787 794
Gradient operator 820 824 832
Graetz number 405 430 431
Graetz — Nusselt problem 382 403 405
Graetz, L. 382 436
Graham, A.L. 33
Graham, M.D., M. 486
Graham, T.L. 796 797
Graham’s law of diffusion 796
Grant, C.S. 611
Grashof numbers 319 355
Grashof numbers additivity of 698
Grashof numbers diffusional 600
Grashof, F. 319
Green, D.W. 472 675
Green, N.G. 785
Green, P.F. 533
Greenberg, M.D. 115 127 383 385 591 824
Grew, K.E. 318 772
Grigull, I.L. 349 382 423 425 447
Grmela, M. 765
Grober, H. 382 423 425
Groothuis, H. 561
Guggenheim, E.A. 23 773
Gunn, R.D. 793
Guzman, J.D. 267
Haaland friction factor equation 182
Haaland, S.E. 182
Hadamard — Rybczinski circulation 540 561 700 701
Hagen — Poiseuille equation 51 53 181 243
Hagen, G. 51
Hagenbach, E. 51
Hallman, T.M. 313 383
Hamilton, R.M. 414 516
Hammerton, D. 561 570
Han, R.J. 785
Handler, R.A. 257
Hanks, M.L. 665
Hanley, H.J.M. 21 765 772
Hanna, O.T. 164 414 420 431 631 659 661 668
Hanratty, T.J. 419 420 516
Hansen, J.P. 31
Hanson, C 727
Happel, J. 85 148 178 195 196 452 529 687 787
Hardy, R.C. 14
Harlow, F.H. 99
Harmens, A. 701
Harriott, P. 414 516 727
Harrison, A.B. 785
Hartnett, J.P. 21 269 280 403 423 436 442 482 488
Hartree, D.R. 140
Hase, M. 785
Hassager, O. 67 96 106 232 240 242 246 250 251 253 261 262 300 331 382 428 532 805
Hatta number 696
Hatta, S. 696
Head meters 471
Heading, J. 404
heat capacity 268 269 274
Heat conduction equation 338 373
Heat conduction in annulus 322
Heat conduction in chemical reactor 300
Heat conduction in cooling fin 307
Heat conduction in electric wire 292
Heat conduction in fluid with viscous heating 298
Heat conduction in nuclear fuel rod assembly 296 322
Heat conduction in polymer melt 323
Heat conduction product solutions 400
Heat conduction through composite walls 303 305
Heat conduction unsteady (in solids) 374
Heat conduction with forced convection 310
Heat conduction with phase change 367 401
Heat conduction with temperature-dependent thermal conductivity 326 370
Heat conductivity see “Thermal conductivity”
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