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Bird R.B., Lightfoot E.N., Stewart W.E. — Transport Phenomena |
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Schuhmann, D. 611
Schultz, J.S. 803
Schultz-Grunow, P. 93
Scott, D.S. 793
Scriven, L.E. 82 112 360 371 700
Seader, J.D. 727 742 787
Second viscosity 18 19 82 351
Secondary flow in noncircular tubes 155 233 234 236
Secondary flow in tangential annular flow 92
Secondary flow near oscillating cylinder 236
Secondary flow near rotating sphere 96
Secrest, D. 599
Seinfeld, J.H. 643
Self diffusion and self diffusivity 513 521
Self diffusion and self diffusivity corresponding states and 522
Self diffusion and self diffusivity gas kinetic theory for 526 861
Self diffusion and self diffusivity in liquids 529
Self diffusion and self diffusivity in undiluted polymers 532
Sellars, J.R. 404
Selman, J.R. 596 686
Semi-infinite slab unsteady heating of 375 397
Semi-infinite slab with sinusoidal wall heat flux 379
Semi-infinite slab with variable thermal conductivity 400
Sengers, J.V. 13 273 516
Separation factor 730 731
Separation factor locus 100 392
Separation of variables 115 376 383
Separative capacity 731
Shah, R.K. 382
Shair, R.H. 738
Shankar, A. 646
Shaqfeh, E.S.G. 236
Shaw, D.A. 419 420 516
Shear rate 237
Shear rate stress 17 60
Shear rate thinning 239 240
Shear rate waves (effect of elasticity) 243
Sheehan, P. 793
Shell balance method 40 291 543
Sherwood number 420 675 676
Sherwood number for 679
Sherwood, T.K. 591 617 618 661 672 668 694 722 727
Shettler, P.D. 521
Shock wave, stationary 350
Short, B.E. 447
Sibul, H.M. 270 287 288 517
Sieder, E.N. 435
Siegel, R. 313 383 488 499 506
Silbey, R.J. 23 26 29 39 66 286 334 369 528 544 591 714 778
Silicon oxidation 607
Silveston, P.L. 359 793
Simha, R. 32
Similarity solutions see “Combination of variables”
Similarity, dynamic and geometric 97
Simultaneous heat and mass transport 592
Sinkule, J. 695
Sinusoidal response method 115 379
Sirkar, K.K. 731 787 791
Sisson, R.M. 630
Skan, S.W. 140
Slater, M.J. 675 687 700
Slattery, J.C. 198 371 521 700
Sleicher, C.A. 164 412 431 663
Slip coefficient 66
Slip coefficient flow 52 794
Slit Bingham flow in 259
Slit Bingham flow in flow with uniform cross flow 110
Slit Bingham flow in forced convection heat transfer 323 325 405
Slit Bingham flow in free convection heat transfer 316 326 328
Slit Bingham flow in friction factor for flow in 194
Slit Bingham flow in heat transfer coefficients 428
Slit Bingham flow in laminar Newtonian flow in 63
Slit Bingham flow in polymer flow in 243 258
Slit Bingham flow in potential flow into 130
Slit Bingham flow in Taylor dispersion in 650
Slit Bingham flow in unsteady flow in 117
Slot, flow toard and into 107
Smith, J.C. 727
Smith, J.M. 283
Sneddon, I.N. 386
Solar constant 501
Solar constant heat penetration 402
Solids steady potential flow of heat in 386
Solids unsteady heating of 378 379 400
Sorensen, J.P. 122 394 442 517 527 625 686
Soret coefficient 770
Soret, Ch. 674
Sound propagation of 369
Sound velocity of 279
Source terms in energy equation 292 296 298 300 334 589
Southwell, R.V. 359
Spalding, D.B. 611 633 756
Sparrow, E.M.L. 149 313 383 414
Specific internal energy 335
Specific surface 190
Spencer, D.E. 452 831
Speziale, C.G. 159
Sphere cooling by immersion in liquid 379
Sphere falling in a cylinder 195
Sphere flow around stationary 58 122 144
Sphere flow near rotating 95
Sphere friction factor for 185
Sphere heat transfer coefficients 424 439
Sphere heat transfer from 393
Sphere Sherwood number for 677
Sphere unsteady heating or cooling 368 377 379
Spherical bubble creeping flow around 143
Spherical shell, heat conduction in 363
Spinning disk see “Rotating disk”
Splitters, binary 730 746 760
Spotz, E.L. 527 866
Sprenkle, R.E. 216
Spriggs, T.W. 246
Square duct, flow in 106
Squeezing flow 110 261
Squires, P.H. 65
Squyers, A.L. 630 704
Stagnant film model for mass transfer 584 704 712 719 723 724
Stagnation point 100 129 144
Stagnation point temperature 484
Standart, G.L. 719 720
Stanek, V. 793
Stanton number 428
Stearn, A.E. 31
Stebbins, C.C. 270 287 288 517
Stefan — Boltzmann constant 282 492 493 494 867
Stefan — Boltzmann law 492
Stefan — Maxwell equations see “Maxwell — Stefan equations”
Stefan, J. 492 538
Stegun, I.A. 385 560 852
Stein, W.D. 803
Stejskal, E.O. 514
Stephan, K. 307 423 448
Stepisnik, J. 514
Stern, S.A. 731 787
Sternling, C.V. 360 371 700
Stewart, G.N. 757
Stewart, J. 400
Stewart, W.E. 90 106 122 140 235 349 392 394 417 432 440 441 442 443 517 521 527 574 611 616 619 623 625 626 630 631 632 633 637 646 686 687 704 709 717 719 720 721 793 795 865
Stewartson, K. 136 387 624
Stichlmair, J. 675 687
Stilbs, P. 514
Stokes flow see “Creeping flow”
Stokes — Einstein equation 529
Stokes, G.G. 18 58 82
Stokes, R.H. 782 799
Stokes’ law for flow around sphere 61 125 186
Stover, B.J. 29 530
Straatemeier, J.R. 558
Strain tensor (infinitesimal) 245
| Strain-rate tensor 112 241
Strathmann, H. 791
Strathmann, J.L. 273
Stream function 121 127
Stream function equations satisfied by 123 151
Stream function for three dimensional flow 122 151
Stream function in turbulent flow 170 173
streamline 122 127
Streamline Bernoulli equation for 86
Streeter, V.L. 127 153 189
Stress normal 17 21 59 78 111 234 237 239
Stress relaxation 260
Stress shear 17
Stress tensor combined 37 588
Stress tensor components of 17
Stress tensor molecular 17 34 37 857
Stress tensor sign conventions for 19 588
Stress tensor symmetry of 18 82
Stress tensor turbulent 158
Stress viscous 17
Stripping section of column 747
Strom, J.R. 187 196
Strutt, J.W. (Lord Rayleigh) 93 281 359
Sturm — Liouville problems 115 383
Substantial derivative 83
Suehiro, J. 785
Suetin, P.E. 523
Sulfur dioxide converter 739
Sun radiant energy from 501
Sun temperature of 496
Superficial velocity 149 189
Supersonic flow 461
Sureshkumar, R. 257
Surface tension see “Interfacial tension”
Suspensions, viscosity of 31
Svehla, R.A. 865
Swarbrick, J. 793
Sweep diffusion 609
Swidells, J.R. 14
Swift, G.W. 70
Tadmor, Z. 232
Talary, M.S. 785
Tallmadge equation 191
Tallmadge, J.A. 191
Tambour, V. 717
Tammann, G. 570 576
Tank draining of 109 199 217 228
Tank gas discharge from 484 485
Tank holding (pollution control) 728
Tanner, J.E. 514
Tanner, R.L. 232 235 254
Tapered tube 66 259
Tate, G.E. 435
Taylor dispersion 643 650
Taylor series 853
Taylor vortices 92
Taylor, B.N. 867
Taylor, G.L. 34 93 163 411 643 647
Taylor, R. 538 716
Taylor, T.D. 393
Tee, L.S. 521 574 865
Temperature controller 468
Temperature distribution annulus 322
Temperature distribution chemical reactor 300 326 327 328
Temperature distribution composite wall 303 305
Temperature distribution cone-and-plate viscometer 331
Temperature distribution cooling fin 307 332
Temperature distribution electrically heated wire 292 295 329
Temperature distribution embedded sphere 365
Temperature distribution falling film 343
Temperature distribution flow around a cylinder 356
Temperature distribution forced convection slit flow 323 328 330
Temperature distribution forced convection tube flow 310 328 332
Temperature distribution free convection annular flow 325
Temperature distribution free convection slit flow 316
Temperature distribution hot-wire anemometer 327
Temperature distribution in boundary layers 387 388 391
Temperature distribution in oscillatory flow 402
Temperature distribution in solids 375 376 379 386 397 398 400
Temperature distribution in systems with phase change 401
Temperature distribution in turbulent jets 415
Temperature distribution near wall in turbulent flow 409
Temperature distribution nuclear fuel assembly 296 322
Temperature distribution plug flows 325
Temperature distribution polymer flow in slit 323
Temperature distribution slit flow with viscous heating 298 322 323
Temperature distribution sphere 368
Temperature distribution tangential annular flow 343
Temperature distribution transpiration cooling 344
Temperature distribution tube flow 383 384
Temperature distribution viscous heating 363
Temperature equation of change for 337 340 589 608 859
Temperature errors in measurement 508
Temperature fluctuations in turbulence 408
Temperature reduced 21 272 521
Temperature stagnation 484
ten Seldam, C.A. 273
Tennekes, R. 153 176
Tensor moment of inertia 817
Tensor momentum flux 17 37
Tensor rate of deformation 241
Tensor strain (infinitesimal) 245
Tensor stress 17 37
Tensor symmetric 816
Tensor unit 815
Tensor velocity gradient 19
terminal velocity 61
Teukolsky, S.A. 662
Than, P.T. 256
Theodorou, D.N. 533
Thermal conductivity Bridgman’s equation 279
Thermal conductivity definition 266 768
Thermal conductivity Eucken correction 275 598
Thermal conductivity experimental data 269 270 271
Thermal conductivity for anisotropic materials 267 283
Thermal conductivity for monatomic gas 275 861
Thermal conductivity for polyatomic gas 276 598
Thermal conductivity gas kinetic theory 274 861
Thermal conductivity of composites 281 370
Thermal conductivity of dense gases 289
Thermal conductivity of solids 280
Thermal conductivity pressure dependence 272
Thermal conductivity temperature dependence 272
Thermal conductivity units 269 870
thermal diffusion 519 590
Thermal diffusion Clusius — Dickel column for 318 770
Thermal diffusion factor 770
Thermal diffusion ratio 770 771
Thermal diffusivity 268 516
Thermal diffusivity measurement of 395 396
Thermal radiation 488
Thermocouple 309
Thermodynamics of irreversible processes 765
Thiele modulus 555 566
Thiele, E.W. 555 564 746
Thodos, G. 272 441 865
Thomas, W.D. 611
Thome, J.R. 446
Thompson, P.A. 700
Tichacek, L.J. 771
Tiedt, W. 175
Tien, C. 625
Tilted trough experiment 235
Time derivatives 83 249
Time smoothed equations of change 158 408 658
Time smoothed quantities (in turbulence) 157 407 657
Time smoothed velocity near wall 159
Tobias, C.W. 349 596 625 686
Tollmien, W. 171
Toms, B.A. 236
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