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Dugdale J.S. — Entropy and its Physical Meaning |
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liquid 149—151 156—158 170
liquid, entropy 156—158
liquid, superfluid phases 150—151
melting curve 150 156—158
solid 156—158
solid, entropy 156—158
- dilution refrigerator 170—171
- mixtures, liquid 162 170—171
- mixtures, solid 162
liquid 151—152 156—157
liquid, entropy 156—157 170 190
liquid, heat capacity and -point 151—152
liquid, superfluidity 151 169
melting curve 156—157
solid 156
Absolute temperature scale 35—36
Absolute zero 145—164 177—179
Adiabatic demagnetisation 171—174
Adiabatic irreversible process 59—62
Adiabatic reversible process 12—13 177
Alloys 153—154
Assemblies that share energy 93—95
assembly 70
Atomic description of large-scale system 67—70
Atomic hydrogen 133
Black, Joseph 3—5
Blackbody (cavity) radiation 165—166
Boltzmann 67—68 70 76—77 79 118 124 141
Boltzmann distribution of energy 84—88
Boltzmann factor 87
Boltzmann's constant 86 98—99 125
Born, M. 12 21
Bose — Einstein condensation 131—133
Bose — Einstein distribution 118 129—131
Bose — Einstein gas 131—134 152
Bose — Einstein statistics 129 152
Bose — Einstein, energy of 135
Bose — Einstein, entropy of 136
Bose — Einstein, heat capacity of 137
Brownian movement 140
Caloric 5 32
Calorimetric entropy 160—162
Calorimetry 5
Carnot cycle 30—32 39—40 44—45
Carnot engine as refrigerator 36 166 176 191
Carnot's theorem 32—35
Carnot, Lazare 34
Carnot, Sadi 27—32
Cavity (blackbody radiation) 165—167
Characteristic temperature 91 106—108 156
Chemical equilibrium and the third law 163
chemical potential 182
Chemical reactions 12 163
Clapeyron equation 48
Classical gas 115—125 128 134
Classical gas, energy of 135
Classical gas, entropy of 136
Classical gas, heat capacity of 137
Classical statistics 118 128
Classical statistics, range of application in gases 129—131
Claude 167
Clausius 33 42 62
Clausius statement of the second law 33
Clausius theorem 40
Clausius — Clapeyron equation 51—53 155—156
Collins helium liquefier 168
Conducting wall 12—13
Cooling by evaporation 168—170
Critical point (temperature) 47—48 52 149 169
Curie's law 155 162 174
Degeneracy, parameter 130—131
Degeneracy, quantum 105
Degeneracy, temperature 131
Degree, size of 13 36
Degree, size of, Kelvin 36
Dilution refrigerator 170—171
Disorder and entropy 101—102
Disorder and entropy, frozen-in 102 162—163
Distinguishable and indistinguishable particles 81 115
Distribution numbers 71—67
Distribution of velocities in a gas 68—69 123
Dulong — Petit law of heat capacities 108
Einstein solid 105—108
Energy distribution 68—69 71—72 76—78 82—87 128—129
Energy, equipartition of 124
Energy, forms of 69—70
Energy, states, levels 80—81 124
Energy, zero point 80 106 149
Enthalpy 50—51 54
Entropy , statistical interpretation 77—78 98—101 164 171—172
Entropy and disorder 101—102
Entropy and heat capacity 43—44 111—112
Entropy and heat flow 57—59
Entropy and latent heat 46—48
Entropy and probability 99 141
Entropy at low temperatures 145—164
Entropy constant of a gas 122
Entropy in irreversible processes 57—62
Entropy in statistical mechanics 95—100 159—160 169
Entropy measurement of 43—44 160—161
Entropy of alloys 153—154
Entropy of closed systems 62
Entropy of Einstein solid 106—107
Entropy of gas mixtures 122
Entropy of ideal gas 42 44 119—122 131 133 136
Entropy of magnetic solid 110—112 191
Entropy of melting 47 155—158
Entropy of mixtures 122 152—154
Entropy of perfect gas 42 44 119—122 131 133 136
Entropy of solid-like assembly 103—105
Entropy of vaporisation 46—47 159—160 190
Entropy, definition of 39—40
Entropy-temperature diagrams 44—45 47 107 136 157—158 169 171 178 190
Equation of state 14 49 125
Equipartition of energy 124
Extensive variables 15 118 122
External work method of liquefaction 167—168
Fahrenheit 3
Fermi — Dirac distribution (statistics) 127—130
Fermi — Dirac gas 131 133—135 149—150 156
Fermi — Dirac gas, entropy of 134 136
Fermi — Dirac gas, heat capacity of 134 137
Fermi — Dirac gas, internal energy of 134—135
First law of thermodynamics 19—24 33 48 163 177
Fluctuations 139—141
Fluctuations and the second law of thermodynamics 140—141
Free energy 50—53 104 106 124—125 148 156
Frozen-in disorder 102 162—163
Gas mixtures 122
Gas scale of temperature 13—14 35 165 173
Gas-like assemblies 81 115—137
Gases and the third law 159—162
Gases, liquefaction of 167—168
Gibbs free energy 50—53 182
Gibbs paradox 183
| Glasses 43 162—163
heat capacity 3—4 6 23 43—44
Heat capacity near absolute zero 158—159
Heat capacity of Einstein solid 107—108
Heat capacity of gases 122 134 137 159
Heat capacity of magnetic solid 111—112
Heat capacity of two-level solid 89—91
Heat engines 27—35
Heat engines and thermodynamics 27—28
Heat exchanger 167
Heat switch 173
Heat, definition of 20—21
Heat, mechanical equivalent of 7—8
Heat, nature of 5—8 22
Helmholtz free energy 104 106 124—125
Hydrogen, atomic 133
Hydrogen, liquid 169
Insulating wall 12—13
Intensive variables 15
Internal energy (function) 11 19—24 70 156 163
Internal energy (function), atomic interpretation 22—23 70
Internal energy (function)of perfect gas 24 45 134—135
Inversion temperature 167
Irreversible processes 15—16 43 59—62
Irreversible processes, entropy changes in 59—62
Isotopic mixtures 152—153 162
Joule 7—8 24
Joule — Thomson effect 53—55 167—169
Joule's law 24
Kelvin (William Thomson) 33 35—36 140 177
Kelvin (William Thomson), absolute temperature scale 35—36
Kelvin (William Thomson), first temperature scale 35 42
Kelvin (William Thomson), statement of second law 33
Lambda point in liquid 151—152 156—157 169
Latent heat 3 46—48 156 168
Lattice vibrations 108 159
Law of increase of entropy in closed systems 62
Linde 167
Linde method of liquefaction 167 176 191
Liquefaction of gases 167—168 176 191
Localised elements 81—82 118
Localised elements, assembly of 82—91
Low temperatures, measurement of 173—175
Low temperatures, production of 166—173
Magnetic method of cooling 167 171—174
Magnetic solid 109—112 155 173—176
Magnetic susceptibility and the third law 155
Maxwell 68 140
Maxwell — Boltzmann distribution of velocities 68—69 123
Maxwell's demon 140
Maxwell's thermodynamic relations 49—51
Mayer 7
Mechanical equivalent of heat 7—8
Melting curve at low temperatures 155—158
Microstate 72 80—81
Molecules with two energy levels, an assembly of 87—91
Molecules, energy levels of 80—81
Negative temperatures 113
Nernst 145
Nernst heat theorem 145 163
Noise in electrical circuits 140
Non-equilibrium states 99 162—163
Nonlocalised elements 81 118
Nuclear demagnetisation 172—173
Nuclear paramagnetism 172—173
Open systems 12 182
Order-disorder transition 171
Ordering at low temperatures 101—102 164
Paramagnetic salts 89 109 171—172
Paramagnetism, electronic 171—172
Paramagnetism, nuclear 172—173
Partition function 104—105 119—121 123 125
Pauli exclusion principle 118 127 149 152
phase diagram 52—53 149
Phase separation in liquids 153
Phase separation in solids 153
Planck 70 80 99—101 124 165
Planck's discussion of 100—101
Probability, Thermodynamic 99
Quantum energy states 80—81 124
Quantum statistics 127—137
Quasi-static processes 14—15 32 96
Recurrence paradox in statistical mechanics 141
Reversible change, reversibility 15—16 32—33 43 58 96 146 166 171 177—178
Ruhemann, B. 145
Ruhemann, M. 145
Rumford, Count (Benjamin Thompson) 5—7
Sackur — Tetrode equation 121—122 134—135 160
Second law of thermodynamics 27—36 49 140—141 163 177
Simon 145 163—164 179
Simon liquefier 168 175
Solid Einstein model 105—108
Solid magnetic 109—112 135 171—174
Solid of molecules with two energy levels 87—91
Solid-like assembly 82—84 87—91
Stationary states 80—81
Statistical entropy 160—162
Statistical mechanics 68 77 93—102 141
Stirling's approximation 83
Superconductivity 147—149
Superconductor, heat capacity 148 159
Superfluidity in 150—152
Superfluidity, 133 151—152 169
Temperature 3 11—13 35—36 165—166 173—175
Temperature in statistical mechanics 93—99
Temperature, absolute 35—36 173—175
Temperature, definition 13
Temperature, scales 13—14
Temperatures, negative 113
Thermal equilibrium 3 13—15
Thermal expansion and the third law 154
Thermodynamic functions and appropriate variables 49—51
Thermodynamic, coordinates 11—12
Thermodynamic, equilibrium 12
Thermodynamics, characteristic variables 11—12
Thermodynamics, first law 19—24 33 48 163 177
Thermodynamics, second law 27—36 49 140—141 163 177
Thermodynamics, third law 102 106 110—111 122 145—164 177—179
Thermodynamics, zeroth law 3 13 49
Thermometer 3 13 175
Third law of thermodynamics 102 106 110—111 122 145—164 177—179
Third law of thermodynamics and chemical equilibrium 163
Third law of thermodynamics and unattainability of absolute zero 177—179
Thompson, Benjamin (Count Rumford) 5—7
Thomson W. (Lord Kelvin) 33 35—36 140 177
Triple point 47 52 149 168—169
Unattainability of absolute zero 177—179
Vapour pressure 168—170
Velocity distribution in a gas 68—69 123
Work in irreversible processes 15—16
Work in quasi-static processes 14—15
Work in statistical mechanics 96
Work of liquefaction 176 191
zero point energy 80 106 149
Zeroth law of thermodynamics 3 13 49
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