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Chase R.B., Jacobs E.R. — Operations management for competitive advantage
Chase R.B., Jacobs E.R. — Operations management for competitive advantage

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Название: Operations management for competitive advantage

Авторы: Chase R.B., Jacobs E.R.


Operations management (ОМ) has been a key element in the improvement in productivity in businesses around the world. Creating a com реи'live tulvtmutge through operations requires an understanding of how the operations function contributes to productivity growth. However, our intent in this book is to do more than just show you what companies arc doing to create competitive advantage through OM. Our overriding goal is to create a competitive advantage for you in the marketplace by conveying a set of skills and tools that you can actually apply.
Three hot topics in business today are Supply Chain Management. Six Sigma, and Enterprise Resource Planning Systems. These topics arc studied in the book from the view of the operations function with up-to-date high-level managerial material to clarify the "big picture" of what these topics are and why they are so important to business today. Applications that range from high-tech manufacturing to high-touch service are used in the balanced treatment of the traditional topics of the field. Operations management requires a global perspective for many of the topics. Operations management is best done with significant cross-functional integration. Accounting, finance, marketing, human resources management, purchasing, logistics, and engineering impact how firms arc run operationally. To highlight our emphasis on services, globalization, and cross-functional integration, we've used the logos you see here in the text margin next to these discussions.

Язык: en

Рубрика: Технология/

Статус предметного указателя: Готов указатель с номерами страниц

ed2k: ed2k stats

Издание: 11th edition

Год издания: 2006

Количество страниц: 806

Добавлена в каталог: 18.03.2011

Операции: Положить на полку | Скопировать ссылку для форума | Скопировать ID
Предметный указатель
"Balancing the Professional Service Firm" (Maister)      377
"First-hour" principle      681
"Management Consulting Industry" (Collis)      375
"Reengineering Work: Don't Automate, Obliterate" (Hammer)      18
$AT\&T$      182 200
$M\&M$ Mars      432
$\bar{X}$ charts      357—360 364
3M      451
5 Ps of production      378
80-20 rule      380
@Risk      388 704
A.T. Kearney      375
ABC inventory planning      610—611
ABC inventory planning, ABC analysis      386 589 609
ABC inventory planning, ABC classification      610—611
Abernathy, W.      16
Absolute error      195
Accenture      375 391 406 415
Acceptable quality level (AQL)      361—362
Acceptance sampling      325 361—363
Acceptance sampling, operating characteristics (OC) curves      362—363
Acceptance sampling, single sampling plan      361—362
accounting      737
Accurate response      564
Ackoff, R.L.      395 400
Activities      77
Activities in parallel      170
Activity chart      185 189—190
Activity direct costs      87
Activity relationship diagram      233
Activity-based costing (ABC)      503 753—755
Activity-system map      33
Adaptive control      768
Adaptive forecasting      523
Addiction archetype      397—398
Additive seasonal variation      531—532
Adler, P.S.      133
Advanced Optical Components      565
Advanced planning option      51
Aft, L.S.      207
After-sale support      27
Aggregate operations plan      560 562—566 see
Aggregate operations plan, inventory on hand      562
Aggregate operations plan, mixed strategy      564
Aggregate operations plan, production planning environment      563—564
Aggregate operations plan, production rate      562
Aggregate operations plan, pure strategy      564
Aggregate operations plan, relevant costs      564—566
Aggregate operations plan, workforce level      562
Aggregate planning techniques      560 566—576 see
Aggregate planning techniques, cut-and-try example, $CA\&J$ Company      566—571
Aggregate planning techniques, level scheduling      573—574
Aggregate planning techniques, linear programming and      574—576
Aggregate planning techniques, mathematical techniques      574—576
Aggregate planning techniques, services (Tucson example) and      571—573
Aggregate production plan, backordering costs      565
Aggregate production plan, basic production costs      564
Aggregate production plan, budgets      565—566
Aggregate production plan, costs of production rate changes      564
Aggregate production plan, inventory holding costs      565
Aggregate production plan, relevant costs of      564—566
Aggregate sales and operations planning      see "Sales and operations planning $(S\&OP)$"
Agile supply chains      413
Albright, S.C.      69 317
Alcoa      361 450
Allen, M.      495
Alliances      72
Allison-Koerber, D.      518n
Alternative workplaces      182
Alwan, L.      370
Amazon.com      38
Ambient conditions      246
American Airlines      269 576
American Automobile Association (AAA)      269
American Express Company      182 269 382
American Software      500
Amortization      751
Amran, M.      448
Analysis for Production and Operations Management (Bowman and Fetter)      16
Analysis of variance      697
Andersen, B.      179n
Anderson, D.R.      69
Annuity      758 760
Anupindai, R.      179
Apgar, M.      IV 207n
Apple Computer      42 115
Appraisal costs      323
Apte, U.      774
Aquilano, N.J.      16 107
Archetypes      397—398
Archetypes, limits-to-growth/success      397
Archetypes, shifting-the-burden/addiction      397—398
Archetypes, success-to-the-successful      398
Ardalan, A.      448
Argote, L.      149 149n
Arm's length relationships      415
ARPANET      18
Arrival patterns      294—295 see
Arrival rate      292
Arvin Meritor, Inc.      482—483
Aslup, F.      370
Assemble-to-order      631
Assemble-to-stock      631
Assembly chart      215—216
Assembly drawing      215—216
Assembly line      16 209 211 234—235
Assembly line, current thoughts on      242
Assembly line, two-stage assembly line (example)      698—701
Assembly processes      210
Assembly-line balancing      235—237
Assembly-line balancing, precedence relationship      235
Assembly-line balancing, steps in      236
Assembly-line balancing, workstation cycle time      235
Asset utilization      29
Assignable variation      347
Assignment method      672—674
Atkinson, A.      388 395n
Attribute      354
Attribute measurements      354—356
audits      384—385
Auto replacement parts inventory      614—615
Autocorrelation      513 531
Automated guided vehicle (AGV)      769
Automated manufacturing planning and control systems $(MP\&CS)$      772
Automated materials handling (AMH) systems      769
Automated storage and retrieval systems (AS/RS)      769
Automatic assembly      211
Automation      182
Autonomous work groups      184
Available to promise      635
Average aggregate inventory value      408
Avoidable costs      751
Back-office operations, layout for      249
Backflush      484
Backordering costs      565
Backward scheduling      664 736
Bailey, C.D.      149
Baker, K.R.      690
Baker, S.      270n 286
Bakke, N.A.      448
balanced scorecard      31 39 41 388
Balancing loops      387 396
Balasubramanian, S.      287
Baldrige National Quality Award      18 278 320—321 413
Balking      295
Ballou, R.H.      467
Bancroft, N.      509
Bank of Montreal      388
Banker, R.      388 395n
Banks, J.      717n
Bar chart      77—78
Barnes $\&$ Noble      38
Bartow, D.      489
Base-case financial model      117—119
Basic manufacturing building block      726
Basic production costs      564
Batch arrival      295
Batch shop      210
Batch sizes      732—735
Behara, R.S.      400n
Bell, C.      287
Benchmarking      162
Benchmarking for quality improvement      320
Benchmarking, work standards and      190
Bernowski, K.      344
Berry, L.L.      337n 345n
Berry, W.L.      427 585 627 661
Best operating level      432
Best practices      333 500
Best-known alternative      750
Bias errors      524
Bideau, P.      373
Bill of materials (BOMs)      630 637
Bill of materials (BOMs), defined      637
Bill of materials (BOMs), example of      642
Bill of materials (BOMs), low-level coding      639
Bill of materials (BOMs), modular bill of materials      638
Bill of materials (BOMs), product structure file      637—638
Bill of materials (BOMs), super bill of materials      638
Billington, P.J.      585
Bitner, M.J.      246 261 261n
Bitran, G.R.      286
Black and Decker      111
Black belts      331
Black, J.T.      768n 774
Blakeslee, J.A., Jr.      344
Blaupunkt      416
Blochlige, I.      690
Blocking      159
BMW      25 336 433 451 487—489
Bodie, Z.      766 766n
Boeing      184
Bogue, E.M.      391 395 395n
Bollinger, S.      261
Bond discount      757
Bonuses      200—201
Book value      751
Boothroyd, G.      133 133n
Booz Allen Hamilton      416
Boston Consulting Group      375
Bottleneck analysis      387
Bottlenecks      159 166 435 470 730 743
Bottlenecks, capacity-constrained resources (CCR) and      725—726
Bottlenecks, finding bottlenecks      728—729
Bottlenecks, nonbottleneck      725
Bowen, H.K.      479—480
Bowersox, D.J.      427
Bowman, E.      16
Box Jenkins technique      514
BP Amoco      277
Brain surgery projects      377
brainstorming      110
Brandimarte, P.      585
Break-even analysis      213—215
Break-even analysis, specific process equipment selection      213—215
Breakthrough projects      72
Bremmer, B.      495
Bristol — Myers Squibb      506
British Airways      485
Brooks, R.B.      627
Brown $\&$ Root Energy Services      31
Browne, J.      690
BRP      see "Business process reengineering (BRP)"
BRP Capture      386
Brucker, P.      690
Brue, G.      331n 344
budgets      565—566
Buffa, E.S.      16
Buffer inventory      730—731
Buffering      159
Build-to-order model      629
Build-to-stock model      629
Bulfin, R.L., Jr.      627
Bullwhip effect      410
Burger King      160—162
Burnout loop      396
Burns, J.      272n
Burrill, C.      370
Burt, D.N.      427
Business climate      451
Business education      8—9
Business process reengineering (BPR)      9 18 389 see
Business processes      24
call centers      704
Campbell Soup      406 410—411
Cannibalization      36
Capability index      351—354 364
Capacity      725 see
Capacity additions      435—436
Capacity additions, external sources of      435—436
Capacity additions, frequency of additions      435
Capacity additions, maintaining system balance      435
Capacity cushion      436
Capacity flexibility      434—435
Capacity focus      434
Capacity in service organizations      267
Capacity loop      397
Capacity management      403
Capacity management, operations and      430—431
Capacity management, operations hierarchy and      430—431
Capacity management, strategic capacity planning      431
Capacity planning, adding capacity considerations      435—436
Capacity planning, best operating level      432
Capacity planning, capacity cushion      436
Capacity planning, capacity flexibility      434—435
Capacity planning, capacity focus and      434
Capacity planning, capacity requirements determination      436—440
Capacity planning, capacity utilization rate      432
Capacity planning, concepts of      432—435
Capacity planning, decision trees and      438—440
Capacity planning, economies/diseconomies of scale      432—434
Capacity planning, experience curve      433—434
Capacity planning, intermediate-range planning      431
Capacity planning, long-range planning      431
Capacity planning, maintaining system balance      435
Capacity planning, service capacity      441—442
Capacity planning, services vs. manufacturing      441
Capacity planning, short-range planning      431
Capacity requirements      436—440
Capacity requirements planning      562
Capacity requirements planning, MRP program and      645—646
Capacity utilization rate      432
Capacity utilization, service quality and      441—442
Capacity, defined      430—431
Capacity, maximum practical capacity      431
Capacity, time horizon for      430—431
Capacity-constrained resource (CCR)      730 732
Capacity-constrained resource (CCR), bottlenecks and      725
Capacity-constrained resource (CCR), defined      725
Capital investment decisions      see "Financial analysis"
Carrying costs      590—591 735
Case team      389
Case worker      389
Cash flow      722
Category managers      587
Caterpillar Tractor      14 647
Causal loop analysis      387
Causal loop diagramming      396—397
Causal relationship      513—514
Causal relationship forecasting      537—539
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