Авторизация |
Поиск по указателям |
Kuo H.-H. — Gaussian Measures in Banach Spaces |
Предметный указатель |
boundary 209
partition 208
surface 208
-topology 94 99 102 109
Abstract Wiener space 54 63 86 153
Brownian motion 108 214
Characteristic functional 19
Classical Wiener space 63
Compact operator 7
Conditional Banach space 199
Cone 171
Covariance function 128
Covariance operator 15
Cylinder function 54
Cylinder set 36 54 63 92
Cylinder set measure 92
Degenerator operator 13
Dichotomy theorem 110 125 127
Divergence 213
Divergence theorem 208 213
Donsker's delta function 50
Donsker's flat integral 112
Donsker, M.D. 51
Equivalence and orthogonality 110 125 127
Feldman — Hajek's theorem 118
Fernique, M.X. 159 216
Frechet differentiability 145 168
Gauss measure 54 74
Gaussian measure 1 28 128 153
Generalized Laplacian 171
Goodman, V. 83 208
Green measure 165 184
Gross — Sazonov's theorem 102
Gross, L. 63 109 151 216 217
H-differentiability 145 168
Hellinger integral 116
Helms' theorem 130
Hilbert — Schmidt operator 2 3
Hilbert — Schmidt type n-linear map 103
Intergration by parts 149
Ito's integral 108
Ito's lemma 197 198 200
J-functional 129
Kac's formula 48
Kakutani's theorem 116
| Kallianpur, G. 157
Kuelbs, J. 153
Kuo, H.-H. 85
Laplacian 168
Levy's continuity theorem 98 99 109
Linear transformation of Wiener measure 141
Lions, J.L. 51
Martingale 130
Mean 18
Measurable semi-norm 59
Nonanticipating 189
Normal (outward) 212
Normal distribution 56 93
Normal projection 211
Piech, M. Ann 187
Polar decomposition 8
Positive definite functional 19
Potential 165 184
Potential theory 165
Prohorov's metric 97
Prohorov's theorem 20 29 97
Quasi-invariance 151
Riemann — Wiener manifold 214
Rotation invariance 33
S-operator 16
Sazonov, V.V. 102 109
Segal, I.E. 56 92
Shepp, L.A. 110 151
Simple nonanticipating process 192
Skorokhod, A.V. 163 216
Stochastic integral 87 188
Stochastic integral equation 202
Strong regularity 171
Surface measure 212
Test operator 174
Trace class operator 2 9
Trace class type bilinear map 104 199
Translation of Wiener measure 113 146
Uniformly -continuous near zero 109
Varadhan, S.R.S. 110
Weak convergence 97
Weak distribution 92
Wiener measure 36 74
Wiener process 159 170 189
Wiener, N. 43
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