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Packel E. — The Mathematics of Games and Gambling |
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(AI) 107
Arms race 101
artificial intelligence 107
Astragalus, I 3
Atlantic City 85
Backgammon 3 25 27 30 44 51 64
Banzhaf, J. F. 105 114 115 137
Baseball, batting order 47
Baseball, team 64
Bearing off 27 32
Berliner, H. 137
Bernoulli, J. 3 136
betting systems 78
Bingo 3 62 66
Binomial coefficients 71
Binomial distribution 67 68 73 83 84
Binomial theorem 70
Blackjack 81 82 83 85 122 133 134
Blots 27 30 31 44 45
Bluff 55 57
Bookmaker 133
Breakage 119
Bridge 3 15 47 58 59 64
Bridge, duplicate 65
CALL 55 57
Cancellation systems 79 80 84
Cardano, G. 2 6 7 136
cards 2 3 15
casino 66
Characteristic function form 87 102
Checkers 3 51 111
Chess 3 30 51 109 111
Choosing with replacement 49
Choosing without replacement 49
Chuck-a-Luck 3 42 44 46 51 64
Coalitions 102
Coalitions, minimal winning 104 114
Coalitions, winning 103
Combination 47 49 50 63
Complementary probabilities 71
Complete information 92
Computers 107 111
Computers, digital 107
Coulson, J. 8
Craps 3 38 39 41 42 43 45 51 64 68 133
Craps, casino 39 68
Craps, street 38 39
Crawford, F 27 34 136
David, F. N. 2 136
de Mere, C 12 24
Dealing without replacement 81
Deegan, J. 105 115 137
Dice 14
Difference equation 130
Disjoint events 19 22
Distnbution, binomial 67 83 84
Distnbution, normal 73
Dominated strategies 95 97 101
Dostoyevsky, F. 8 9 67 83 136
double 34 37
Doubling 35
Doubling, cube 3 27 33 38 45
Drawn without replacements 15
Drop 55 57
Duplicate bridge 65
Epstein, R. A. 137
Events, disjoint 19 22
Events, elementary 16 44
Expectation 20 21 22 23
Expectation, mathematical 20 22
Experiment 19
Exponential functions 73
Extensive form 87 89
Factorial 49
Fair game 22 46 131 133
Fermat, P. 2 12
Field 45
Finesse 59 60 61 62
flush 15
Frequency charts 72
Gambler, casual 4
Gambler, compulsive 5
Gambler, professional 5
Gamblers Anonymous 5
Gambler’s ruin 128 129 134
Game, bid 65
Game, fair 22 46 131 133
Game, of Nonsense 88 92 99
Game, theory 2 3 86
Game, tree 88 89 91 107 108 109 115
Games, 2-person 86 92
Games, against nature 86
Games, cooperative 102
Games, n-person 86
Games, nonzero-sum 87 99
Games, of perfect information 90
Games, simple 102 103 114
Games, simple, n-person 102
Games, theory of 2 3 86
Games, zero-sum 87 93 112 113
Geometric progression 131
Go 3 51
Heuristics 111
HEXPAWN 107 108 111 115
Histograms 72
Hole in the show pool 121
Horse, race 3 47 62
Horse, racing 116 122
House, edge 40 43 64 119
House, odds 19
Huygens, C. 2 136
Illinois Lottery News 127
Improper simple game 114
Independent 12 19 68
Independent, events 13 15
Independent, experiments 19
Independent, trials 68
Information set 90 113
Inside straight 25
Insurance 82 85
Jacoby, O. 27 34 62 136
Keeler, J 35 137
Kemeny, J. G 137
Keno 3 62 63 64 66 84 122
Las Vegas 62 79
Law of Averages 71 76
Leibniz, G 2
Life insurance 3
Linear programming 99
Lotteries 3 122
Lotteries, state 122
Lotteries, state, Illinois 122 128
| Magriel, P. 137
Majority game 103
Martingale, strategy 78
Martingale, system 84
Matching pennies 89
Maximin, principle 97 113
Maximin, strategy 96 113
Minimal winning coalitions 104 114
Minimal winning coalitions, MWC 104 114
Model 55 57
Morgenstern, O. 3 86 136
Morning line 116 117
n-person games 86
n-person games, simple 102
Natural 38
Niven, I. 70 136
Nonsense, game of 88 92 99
Nonzero-sum games 87 99
Normal approximation 72 83 84
Normal distribution 73
Normal form 87 92 93 112 113
Numbers racket 4
Odds 16
Odds, against 16 17 117
Odds, for 16
Odds, free 40 42 43
Odds, house 19
Optimal strategy 89
Ore, O 6 136
Packel, E 115 137
Pari-mutuel betting 116
Pascal, B. 2 12 23 136
Pascal, B., triangle 70 71
Pascal, B., wager 23
Pass, don’t 38
Payoff 87 92
Permutation 47 49 50
Phifer, K.G. 137
Phillies 70
Pivot 115
Place 116
Place, pool 119
Point 38
Poker 3 15 51 52 53 55 58 64
Poker, draw 52
Poker, stud 52
Pools 116 119
Pools, place 119
Pools, show 119
POT OF GOLD 123 124 125
Power 87 114
Power, index 104 105
President 107
Prisoners’ dilemma 99 101
probability 16
Probability, complementary 71
Probability, rules 20
Problem of points 13 24
Proper simple game 114
Race track 76
raise 55 57
Randomizer 1 3
Rapoport.A. 137
Redouble 37
Reduced form 96
Reese, T 137
Reinforcement schemes 5
Repeated plays 67 102
Resorts International Casino 85
Revere, L. 82
Roulette 8 9 21 23 25 51 64 72 79 83 84 133
Roulette wheel 3 5 17 51
Roulette wheel, European 25 67 83
Roulette wheel, Las Vegas 72
Roulette, Las Vegas 72
Saddle point 96 99 114
Scarne, J. 137
Shames, L. 137
Shapley, L 105 114 115 137
Show 116
Show, pool 119
Show, pool, hole in the show pool 121
Shubik, M. 105 114 115 137
Side payment 100
Simple game 102 103 114
Simple game, improper 114
Simple game, proper 114
Singleton, R. 137
Slam bidding 65
Slam bidding, grand slam 65
Slam bidding, small slam 65
Slot machine 5 25 76
Snell, J.L. 137
Spencer, S. 35 137
St.Petersburg paradox 26
Standard die 3
Standard normal curve 73
Steiner, G. 137
Strategy 78 89 112
Strategy, dominated 95 97 101 113
Strategy, Martingale 78
Strategy, maximin 96
Strategy, mixed 97 99 113 114
Strategy, optimal 89 107
Strategy, optimal pure 96
Strategy, pure 96 97 113 114
Suit distribution 58 59
Surrender 85
Swing 115
systems 83
Systems, blackjack 83
Systems, cancellation 79 80 84
Systems, Martingale doubling 84
Theory of games 2 3 86
Thorp, E.O. 82 136
Tic Tac Toe 90 111 112
Totalizator 116
TREE 107
Twenty-one 81
Two-person games 86 92
Tyndall, W. 137
United Nations Security Council 103
United States Congress 106
utilities 87 92
Value 104
von Neumann, J. 3 86 107 136
voting 87
Weighted voting game 103 114
Weights 103
Win 116
Yankees 70
Zero-sum game 87 93 112 113
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