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Agresti A. — An introduction to categorical data analysis |
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statistic 29 34 89 194.See
96 114 156 185 194 197
See Linear-by-linear association
statistic 28 89.See
Abortion, opinion on legalization 11—12
Accident rates 87 100
Adjacent categories logit 216—218 276
Adjusted residual 31
Adjusted residual and Pearson statistic 51—52 155 235
Adjusted residual for independence 31 181 242—243
Adjusted residual for Poisson GLMs 91 155—156 262 271
Adjusted residual for symmetry 235
Adjusted residual, binomial GLMs 118 274
Admissions into graduate school 168—169 202
Afterlife, belief in 17—20 46 146—149 209—211
Agreement 242—246
AIDS, opinion items 167—168 249
Alcohol and infant malformation 35—38 98
Alcohol, cigarette, and marijuana use 152—157 172 178—180
Alligator food choice 207—209 220
Arrests and soccer attendance 100—101
ASE 24
Aspirin and heart attacks 20—25 45
Association graphs 174—180
Astrology, belief in 46
Automobile accident rates for elderly men and women 87 100
Automobile accidents in Florida 169—170
Automobile accidents in Maine 158—162 164 225
AZT and AIDS 119—122 138
Backward elimination 127—129 179—180 273
Baseball and complete games 136
Baseline-category logits 206—211
Bayesian methods 13 51 192
Bernoulli variable 7 74
Binary data 19
Binary data, dependent proportions 227—229
Binary data, independent proportions 19—22
Binary data, matched pairs 227—229
Binary data, models 74—80 103—135 229—233
Binomial distribution 7
Binomial distribution and GLMs 74
Binomial distribution and logistic regression 77—78
Binomial distribution, comparing proportions 19—27 227—229
Binomial distribution, independent binomial/multinomial sampling 19
Binomial distribution, likelihood function 8—10 144
Binomial distribution, mean and standard deviation 7
Binomial distribution, overdispersion 219—220
Binomial distribution, Poisson, connection to 99
Binomial distribution, proportion, inference for 8—12 15
Binomial distribution, residual 115 118
Birth control and premarital sex 170—171 181
Birth control and religious attendance 200—201
Birth control opinion and political, religious, sex items 170—171
Bradley — Terry model 246—249 256 278
Breast cancer 48 50 138
Breast examination and age 221
Breslow — Day statistic 63—64 66 122 269
British rail accidents 101
Busing, opinion, and other racial items 169
Cancer of larynx and radiation therapy 50
Canonical link 73 132
Carcinoma, diagnoses 242—246
Case-control study 26 108 231—233 264
Cataracts and head covering 253—254
Categorical data analysis 1—279
Challenger space shuttle and O-rings 135
Chemotherapy and lung cancer 222—223
Chi-squared distribution: df 28 32 111 154 259
Chi-squared distribution: mean and standard deviation 28
Chi-squared distribution: reproductive property 32 52
Chi-squared distribution: table of percentage points 279
Chi-squared statistics: and sparse data 34 194
Chi-squared statistics: independence 30 52 267—269
Chi-squared statistics: invariance to category ordering 34
Chi-squared statistics: likelihood-ratio 28—30.See also Likelihood-ratio statistic
Chi-squared statistics: linear trend 35 188
Chi-squared statistics: normal components 52
Chi-squared statistics: partitioning 32—33 52 261
Chi-squared statistics: Pearson 28. See also Pearson chi-squared statistic
Cholesterol and cereal 224 254
Cholesterol and heart disease 131 132
Cholesterol and psyllium 224 254
Cigarettes, marijuana, and alcohol 152—157 172 178—180
Clinical trial 27 58 192—193
Cochran — Armitage trend test 39
Cochran — Mantel — Haenszel test 61
Cochran — Mantel — Haenszel test and logit models 122 186 233—234
Cochran — Mantel — Haenszel test and marginal homogeneity 229—230 233—234
Cochran — Mantel — Haenszel test and McNemar test 229—230
Cochran — Mantel — Haenszel test, computer software 190 269 274—275
Cochran — Mantel — Haenszel test, nominal variables 189—190 274
Cochran — Mantel — Haenszel test, odds ratio estimate 62 122 231 251
Cochran — Mantel — Haenszel test, ordinal variables 188—189 274—275
Cochran'sQ 233 251 261
Coding factor levels: logit models 120—121
Coding factor levels: loglinear models 148—149
Coffee and myocardial infarction 140
Coffee market share 235—237 239—240
Cohen's kappa 246 276 278
Cohort study 27
Cola taste testing 255
Collapsibility 176—180
Colon cancer and diet 250
Comparing models 124—129 156 194 196—198
Computer chip defects 98—99
Conditional association 54 57 152 176
Conditional distribution 17
Conditional independence 58
Conditional independence, Cochran — Mantel — Haenszel test 61 122 186 269 274—275
Conditional independence, exact test 64—65 269
Conditional independence, generalized CMH tests 188—190 274—275
Conditional independence, logit models 120—122 185—186
Conditional independence, loglinear models 151 156 173 185—187
Conditional independence, model-based tests 156 185—190
Conditional ML estimate 132 231 233 264
Conditional symmetry 253
Condoms and education 139—140
Confounding 53 177
Contingency table 16—17 258
Continuation-ratio logit 218—220 276
contrast 273
Controlling for a variable 53 55
Correlation 35 129 188 268
Correspondence analysis 261
Court assignment and juvenile rearrest 249
Credit cards and income 98
Cross-over experiment 250
Cross-product ratio 23
Cross-sectional study 27
Crossover experiment 250
Cumulative distribution function 78 211—212
Cumulative logit models 211—215 223 276
Death penalty, and racial items 54—58 67 167
Degrees of freedom: chi-squared 23 259
Degrees of freedom: comparing models 197
Degrees of freedom: independence 30 259
Degrees of freedom: logistic regression 111
Degrees of freedom: loglinear models 154 196
Degrees of freedom: Poisson GLM 89
Design matrix 198
Developmental toxicity 219—220
Deviance 96 114 127 196
Dfbeta 117
Diabetes and MI for Navajo Indians 232—233
Diagnoses of carcinoma 242—246
Diagnostics 89—92 112—118 155—156 272
Diarrhea and Cephalexin 134—135
Diet and colon cancer 250
Dissimilarity index 162 180
| Drug use (Dayton) 152—157 172 178—180
Dummy variables 87 118—121 273
Educational aspirations and income 49
Efficient score test see Score test
EL50 104—105
Elderly drivers and accidents 87 100
Empty cells 190—193
Environment and city spending 253
Esophageal cancer 141
Estimated expected frequencies 30
Exact inference: tables 44—45 268
Exact inference: computer software 44 133 268—269
Exact inference: conditional independence 64—65 269
Exact inference: conservativeness 43—44 50
Exact inference: Fisher's exact test 39—44 268
Exact inference: logistic regression 132—135 272
Exact inference: LogXact 133 267 272
Exact inference: odds ratios 44 66 269
Exact inference: ordinal data 45 268
Exact inference: StatXact 44 65 267 268 269
Exact inference: trend in proportions 45
Expected frequency 27 30
Explanatory variable 2
Exponential family 97
Exponential function (exp) 4 103
Extramarital sex and premarital sex 238—239 241—242
Factor 118 120—121 272
Fisher scoring 94 260 264
Fisher's Exact Test 39—44 268—269
Fisher, R.A. 40 259—261 265
Fitted values 76 84
Four-way tables 158—162 164—166 175 178—180
Gender gap and party identification 30—33
General estimating equations 264
General Social Survey 11
Generalized additive model 106
Generalized CMH tests 188—190 274—275
Generalized linear model 72—73
Generalized linear model, binomial (binary) data 74—80 103—135
Generalized linear model, computer software 269—271
Generalized linear model, link functions 73 269
Generalized linear model, normal data 73—74 97
Generalized linear model, Poisson (count) data 80—93 145—167
Geometric distribution 14
Ghosts, belief in 46
GLM See Generalized linear model
Goodman, Leo 262
Goodness-of-fit statistics: continuous predictors 89—90 112—114
Goodness-of-fit statistics: deviance 96 114 127
Goodness-of-fit statistics: likelihood-ratio chi-squared 89 114—115 196
Goodness-of-fit statistics: logistic regression 112—115 142
Goodness-of-fit statistics: loglinear models 154—157 196
Goodness-of-fit statistics: Pearson chi-squared 89 196 260
Goodness-of-fit statistics: Poisson GLMs 89—92 196
Government spending 171—172 199—200 253
Graduate admissions and gender 168—169 202
Graduation rates for athletes 138
Graphical association 174—180 264
Guns in home 14
Hat matrix 117
Health and law enforcement spending 253
Heart attacks and aspirin 20—25 45
Heart attacks and smoking 25—27
Heart disease and snoring 75—80
Heterogeneous linear-by-linear association 203
Hierarchical models 150
history 257—265
HIV and early AZT 119—122 138
HIV diagnostic test 51
Homogeneity of odds ratios 59 63—64 66 122 269
Homogeneous association 59—60 63 66 260 269
Homogeneous association, logit models 120—122 163 177
Homogeneous association, loglinear models 151—152 158 163 185
Homogeneous linear-by-linear association 187—188 203 224
Horseshoe crabs and satellites 81—93 99—100 105—107 112—118 122—129 137—138 142—144
Hosmer — Lemeshow test 113—114 273
Human suffering by region 222
Hypergeometric distribution 39—40
Identity link 73
Identity link, binary data 74—76
Identity link, count data 85 101 102
Incomplete table 191
Independence 18 30
Independence, chi-squared test 30 267—268
Independence, conditional independence 58 151 185—190 269
Independence, exact tests 39—45 268
Independence, logit models 109—110 214—215 217
Independence, loglinear model 145—148 184—185
Independence, nominal test 188—190
Independence, ordinal tests 34—39 184—185 188—189 215 217
Infant malformation and alcohol 35—38 98
Infinite parameter estimate: logistic regression 133—135 191—193 204
Infinite parameter estimate: loglinear model 191—193 203
Influence 92 117 272
Information matrix 94 198
Interaction 59 128—129 141 151 262
Iterative model fitting 93—94 195—196
Job discrimination 65—66 69 70
Job satisfaction and income 49 186—190 202 218 223
Joint distribution 17
Journal prestige rankings 255
Juveniles, court assignment, and rearrest 249
Kappa 246 276 278
Kruskal — Wallis test 189
Kyphosis and age 136
Leverage 91 117
Likelihood equations 14—15 195
Likelihood function 8—9 88 94—95
Likelihood-ratio statistic 28—29 88—89
Likelihood-ratio statistic and sample size 194
Likelihood-ratio statistic, chi-squared distribution 28 196
Likelihood-ratio statistic, comparing models 114—115 156 185 194 196—198
Likelihood-ratio statistic, degrees of freedom 28
Likelihood-ratio statistic, deviance 96—114
Likelihood-ratio statistic, generalized linear model 96
Likelihood-ratio statistic, goodness of fit 89 113—115 196
Likelihood-ratio statistic, logistic regression 109
Likelihood-ratio statistic, loglinear models 154
Likelihood-ratio statistic, partitioning 32—33 198
Linear predictor 72
Linear probability model 74—76 270
Linear trend in proportions 34—39 74—76
Linear-by-linear association 182—185 187—188 201 217 274
Link function 72—73 269
Link function, canonical 73 132
Link function, identity 73
Link function, log 73 80
Link function, logit 73
Link function, probit 79—80
Local odds ratio 183
LOG function 4
Log link 73 80
Logistic distribution 78 144
Logistic regression 77—79 103—135 229—234
Logistic regression and case-control studies 108 231—233
Logistic regression and normal distributions 108
Logistic regression, comparing models 124—129 144 196—198
Logistic regression, computer software 269—273
Logistic regression, degrees of freedom 111
Logistic regression, diagnostics 117—118
Logistic regression, exact 132—135
Logistic regression, GLM with binomial data 77—79
Logistic regression, goodness of fit 111—118 142
Logistic regression, inference 109—111 185—186 195—199
Logistic regression, infinite ML estimates 133—135 191—193 204
Logistic regression, interpretation 103—108
Logistic regression, linear approximation 104 109
Logistic regression, matched pairs 229—233
Logistic regression, median effective level 104—105
Logistic regression, model selection 126—129 165—167
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