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Balakrishnan N. (ed.), Rao C.R. (ed.) — Advances in Reliability
Balakrishnan N. (ed.), Rao C.R. (ed.) — Advances in Reliability

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Название: Advances in Reliability

Авторы: Balakrishnan N. (ed.), Rao C.R. (ed.)


The area of Reliability has become a very important and active area of research. This is clearly evident from the large body of literature that has been developed in the form of books, volumes and research papers since 1988 when the previous Handbook of Statistics on this area was prepared by P.R. Krishnaiah and C.R. Rao. This is the reason we felt that this is indeed the right time to dedicate another volume in the Handbook of Statistics series to highlight some recent advances in the area of Reliability.
With this purpose in mind, we solicited articles from leading experts working in the area of Reliability from both academia and industry. This, in our opinion, has resulted in a volume with a nice blend of articles (33 in total) dealing with theoretical, methodological and applied issues in Reliability.

Язык: en

Рубрика: Математика/

Статус предметного указателя: Готов указатель с номерами страниц

ed2k: ed2k stats

Год издания: 2001

Количество страниц: 860

Добавлена в каталог: 23.06.2009

Операции: Положить на полку | Скопировать ссылку для форума | Скопировать ID
Предметный указатель
"Worth" of the experiment or test      487
${\chi}^{2}$ distribution      791
(k-1)-step Markov dependence      247
A consecutive k-out-of-n: F(G)      239
A priori distribution      487
Accelerated, life test      623
Accelerated, lifetime tests      623
Accelerated, test      611
Accelerated, tests      458
Acceleration, factor      626
Acceleration, function      625
Acceptance, constant      463
Acceptance, number      458
Acceptance, sampling plans      415
Action space      486
Active redundancy      302
Adaptive rejection sampling      532
Aging      69
Aging, properties      307 361
Alternating renewal process      806
Approximate estimators      431
Approximations      394
Arbitrary continuous distributions      386
Arrhenius, function      612
Arrhenius, law      626
Asymptotic covariance matrix      462
Attribute sampling      458
Audit laboratory testing      693
Availability      2 7
Bartlett's test      322
Bathtub failure rate functions      189
Bathtub-shaped      69
Bayes      529
Bayes, decision function      487
Bayes, risk      487
Bayesian      523 527—530 538
Bayesian, analysis      634 733
Bayesian, models      708 724
Bayesian, robustness      496
Best linear invariant estimation      406
Best linear unbiased, estimates      432
Best linear unbiased, estimation      336 396
Best linear unbiased, estimators      465
Beta      140
Beta, process      785
BFR      73
Bias      431
Binary multistate system      7
Bivariate, normal distribution      641
Bivariate, Weibull distribution      652
Blackwell Renewal Theorem      17
blue      336 344
Bounded relative error property      35
Burn-in      70 185 573
Burr      307
Cause-of-failure      529
Cause-specific      534
Cause-specific, hazards      520
Cause-specific, probability density function      520
Censored, data      685
Censored, Weibull data      518
Censoring      669
Central limit theorem      18
Change point      74
Chapman — Kolmogorov equation      3
Characteristic life      612
Characterization      105 106 117 121
Circular connected X-out-of-(n,m): F(G) lattice      240
Circular consecutive k-out-of-n: F systems      250
Closure properties      115 124 135
Coherent system      216
Common location parameter      351
Competing, failure modes      604
Competing, risk      77
Competing, risk model      605
Competing, risks      523 535
Component-level tests      659
Compound, Gompertz      140
Compound, Weibull      140
Computer algebra systems      283
Conditional probability generating functions      282
Conditioning methods      28
Confidence, intervals      790 804
Confidence, limits      616
Connected (r,s)-or-(s,r)-out-of-(n,m): F(G)      241
Connected (r,s)-or-(s,r)-out-of-(n,m): F(G), lattice system      241
Consecutive, k-out-of-n systems      238
Consecutive, k-out-of-n: F      238
Consecutive, system      281
Consistency      781
Constant-stress model      612
Construction techniques      81
Consumer's risk      460
Continuous time Markov chain      2
Correct selection (CS)      813
correlation methods      26
Countable mixture      144
Counting process      43
Cox, model      626
Cox, proportional hazard model      729
Cumulative, exposure      614
Cumulative, exposure model      623 627
Cumulative, TTT-statistic      476
Cutset      292
Decision procedures      485
Degradation data      458
Degrees of censoring      460
Demonstration testing      682
Dependent competing risks      519
Detection of wearont      807
Deterioration      44
DFR      361
Diagnostic probability      500
Directed, Markov distribution      284
Directed, tree      283
Dirichlet process      785
Discrete, bathtub shape      95
Discrete, distribution theory      282
Discrete, time Markov chains      2
Distributions of stopping times      789 792 798
Dominance relations      105—107 114 117
Double proof load design      646
Doubly truncated exponential distribution      389
Duane model      715
Dynamic, importance sampling measure      33
Dynamic, stresses      611
Embedded Markov chain      15
Embedded Markov chain, method      38
Equilibrium distribution in higher dimension      106 124 135
Ergodic Markov chain      6
Expected Fisher information      438
Expected stopping, time      800 803
Expected stopping, times      789
Exponential      630
Exponential, distribution      303 377 460 783 789 792
Exponential, distributions      307 330
Exponential, power      78
Exponentiated Weibull      79
Extreme-value, distribution      462
Extreme-value, distributions      383
Eyring law      627
Eyring — Weibull model      613
Failure, intensity function      709 711 722
Failure, mode      538
failure, modes      523
Failure, process      708
Failure, rate      69
Failure, rate ordering      365
Failure, truncated      49
Failure-step stress test      624
Field, life      611
Field, reliability      585
Finite mixture      144
Finite-state Markov chain      245
Fisher information      438 642
Fisher information, matrix      463 710
Follow-up survey      587
Freund's bivariate exponential distribution      328
Full conditional      531
Functional central limit theorem      19
Gamma, distribution      196 319
Gamma, mixture      82
Gauss hypergeometric distribution      359
Generalized, beta distribution      356 358
Generalized, Eyring relationship      612
Generalized, order statistics      311 314
Generalized, Pareto distribution      307
Generating, function      296
Generating, functions      267 799
Gibbs sampler      530
Goel — Okumoto model      711
Gompertz      140
Goodness of fit      538
Goodness of fit, tests      57
Graphical interpretation      716 717
Hartley's test      323
Hazard function      200 207 310 777 781
Hazard measure      199—201 209—211
Hazard measure, order      203
Hazard measure, ordering      199 200 203—206
Hazard rate      199 208—210 212
Hazard rate, function      142
Hazard rate, functions      189
Hazard rate, order      202
Hazard rate, ordering      199 203 210
Heterogeneous populations      140 185
hierarchical structures      227
Higher order equilibrium distribution      111 125 132
Hm ordering      206 208
Homogeneous, Markov chain      3
Homogeneous, populations      140
Hr ordering      205
Hypergeometric function      356
Identifiability      146
Identification probability      499
IFR      361
IFRA      362
Importance sampling      2 29 32
Indicator of the event      266
Indifference zone      813
Inference      373
Intensity function      43
Inter-event times      474
Interval, censored      538
Interval, censoring      533
Inverse, Gaussian — Weibull mixed model (IG-W)      168
Inverse, power function      612
Inverse, Power Law      626
Inverse, transform method      23
Inverted gamma distribution      318
Jeffrey's prior      528 530
Jelinski      721
jth component in the mixture      144
k-out-of-n system      215
k-out-of-n systems      302
k-out-of-n: G systems      238
kth record values      314
Laplace — Stieltjes transform      14
Laplace's trend test      478
Latent variables      530 533
Law of Large Numbers      17
Least squares median ranks estimator      407
Lieberman and Resnikoff (1955) procedure      459
Life, distribution      611
Life, distributions      140
Life, testing      139 373
Lifetime      292
Likelihood function      779
Likelihood ratio      26
Likelihood ratio, confidence limits      617
Likelihood ratio, ordering      366
Linear connected X-out-of-(n,m): F(G) lattice system      240
Linear consecutive k-out-of-n: F systems      241
Linear-hazard-rate      196
Location-scale      530 534
Location-scale, distribution      459
Location-scale, family      306 326
Log-concave      533
Log-concavity      531
Log-power model      717
Logistic distribution      431
Lognormal distribution      620
Lomax distributions      307 333
Loss of utility      486
Maintainability      7
Majorization      216
Marginal count data      595
Markov chain, Monte Carlo (MCMC)      529 733
Markov chain, Monte Carlo techniques      782
Markov chain, of first-order      249
Markov model      708 721
Markov renewal, equation      16
Markov renewal, process      15
Markov trees      284
Masked      523 524 532 535
Masked, cause-of-failure      524 536 538
Masked, group      499 500
Masking      524 529 534
Masking, group g      499
Masking, probability      500
Mathematical programming      661
Maximum likelihood      651 709
Maximum likelihood, (ML) estimates      681
Maximum likelihood, estimation      333 336 395 630
Maximum likelihood, estimator      783 784
Maximum likelihood, estimators (MLEs)      306 317 431 460
Maximum likelihood, fitting      615
MCMC      530—533
Mean residual life      70 222
Mean residual life, function      199 200 206
Mean residual life, ordering      199 200
Mean squared error      431
Mean time, between failure      8
Mean time, to failure      8
Mean time, to repair      8
Mean up time      8
Mean value function      709
Mean, cumulative function (MCF)      693 694
Mean, down time      8
Measure Specific Dynamic Importance Sampling      34
Method of competing risk      36
Miner's rule      615 620
Minimal cut      266
Minimal repair      46 471
Minimal repair, scheme      316
Minimum random subset      525
Mission time      92
Mixing proportion      144
Mixture      143
Mixture of distributions      186
Mixtures of exponential components      157
Mixtures of Gompertz components      162
Mixtures of Inverse Gaussian components      153
Mixtures of lognormal components      149
Mixtures of normal components      147
Mixtures of Rayleigh components      159
Mixtures of Weibull components      160
ML estimates      616
MLE      306 336 344 354
Model of additive accumulation of damages      626
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