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Balakrishnan N. (ed.), Rao C.R. (ed.) — Advances in Reliability |
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Modified semi-Poisson model 172
Modular decomposition 220
Modulated power law process 66
Moments 373
Monte Carlo methods 2
MRL, function 222
MRL, order 202
MRL, ordering 205
MRS 533
Multiple, step-stress test 624
Multiple, systems 60
Musa — Okumoto model 714
New products 545
No-data problem 489
Node criticality 217
Non-homogeneous, discrete time Markov chain 9
Non-homogeneous, Poisson process 315
Non-identifiability 530 535
Non-monotonic aging classes 91
Nonparametric 653
Normal distribution 409
Normal-exponential mixed model 166
Observed Fisher information 438
OC curve 459^61
One-dimensional case 239
One-parameter models 396
One-sided sampling plans 420
Operating, characteristic 800
Operating, characteristics 789
Optimal, censoring schemes 373
Optimal, test plans 630 637
Optimization 663
Order, statistic 303
Order, statistics 200 206 212 295 311 314 750 754 772
Parallel, system 13
Parallel, systems 670
Parametric empirical Bayes models 65
Pareto distribution 140 307 333 382
Partial, masking 525
Partial, ordering 199 200 203 307
Partially accelerated life test 624
Pearson, distributions 332
Pearson, I distributions 307
Perfect repair 46
Permutation equivalent 217
Pfeifer's records 311
Phase-type distributions 13
Piecewise exponential distributions 190
Pivotal, quantities 431
Pivotal, quantity 690
Poincare equations 228
Poisson, binomial variables 216
Poisson, process 43 783 790 792
Population, cdf 617
Population, reliability 611
Posterior distribution 781 784
Power-law process 43 475 480
Preference zone 814
Prior distribution 782 784
Probability, coverages 431
Probability, generating functions 282
Probability, plot 750 772
Producers risk 459
Progressive, censoring 373
Progressive, Type II censored order statistics 311
Progressive, Type II censoring 314
Progressive, Type-I right censoring 432
Progressively Type-II censored samples 431
Proof load 641
Proportional hazard, model 195 626
Proportional hazard, models 512
Proportional, closeness 790 791 793 803
Proportional, failure rate 221
Proportional, MRL 224
Pseudo-likelihood 599
Quality control 569
Rare event estimation 2
Reconstruction of reliability polynomial 233
Record values 200
Recursive computation 388
Redundancy 568
Redundant, cold standby system 13
Redundant, systems 302
Regenerative simulation 33
Regrets 487
Relative error 29
Relayed, bipolar consecutive k-out-of-n: F system 239
Relayed, consecutive k-out-of-n: F 239
Relayed, unipolar consecutive k-out-of-n: F system 239
Release time modeling 730
Relevation transform 316
Reliability 2 7 45 139 227 281 373 457
Reliability polynomial 227
Reliability polynomial of monotone structures 228
Reliability, improvement 44 568
Reliability, testing 789 802
Reliability, tests 659
Renewal, process 46
Renewal, repair 46
Repair 576
Repairable, system 131 132 790
Repairable, systems 45 105 698 699 805
Residual lifetime 69
Reverse hazard, measure 210
Reverse hazard, rate 210
| Reverse time hazard function 594
Roller-coaster 99
S-shaped models 713
Sample size 463
Sample size, determination 679
Sampling acceptance 789
Scale mixtures 196
Scaled TTT-transform 470 472 473
Schick 723
Sectional models 74 77
Selection and ranking 813
Semi — Markov, model 2
Semi — Markov, processes 2
Sequential, estimation 790 795 803
Sequential, k-out-of-n systems 303 304
Sequential, probability ratio test 797
Sequential-order statistics 303 309 311
Series, system 13
Series, systems 666
Shape parameter 612
Shock models 315
Simple step-stress test 624
Simulation 373 682
Simultaneous selection of extreme populations 813
Software reliability 707 733 808
Software reliability, growth model 709 720
Software reliability, models 707
Specification limits 459
St ordering 206
Stabile stress distribution 619
State of nature 485
Stationary Markov chain 246
Step-stress 611 623
Step-stress, testing 623
Stochastic, order 202
Stochastic, ordering 200 204 365
Stopping variable 791
Stratified sampling 28
Stress, corrosion crack initiation 680
Stress, function 625
Stress, profiles 611 614
Stress-strength models 354
Strong Markov property 792
Subset selection (SS) 813
Sums of independent random variable 200
Supermajorized 216
Survival analysis 789
Symmetric proof load design 649
Symmetry assumption 501 526
System reliability 693 694 704
System-based component test plans 659
System-level tests 659
Taboo probability 245
Tail-ordering 366
Taylor approximation 463
test plans 621
Tests of exponentiality 83
Time, stress pattern 624
Time, truncated 49
Time-step stress test 624
Time-varying stresses 611
TTT-plot 85 469 472
Two-dimensional consecutive k-out-of-n: F systems 240 268
Two-parameter, exponential distribution 462
Two-parameter, models 401
Two-sided sampling plans 424
Two-stage optimization 662
Type I censoring 432 457 624
Type-II, censoring 432 458 463 624
Type-II, progressive censoring 458
U-shape 70
UMVUE 336 344 354
Uniform distribution 307 379
Uniformly minimum variance unbiased, estimation 336
Uniformly minimum variance unbiased, estimators (UMVUEs) 306
Upside-down bathtub 88
Used products 549
Variables-sampling plans 458 461
Variance reduction methods 2 25
Warrant policies, combination 547
Warrant policies, cumulative 548
Warrant policies, extended 551
Warrant policies, FRW 546
Warrant policies, PRW 547
Warrant policies, RIW 549
Warranty, cost basis 556
Warranty, costs 551 593
Warranty, data 577 585
Warranty, reserves 575
Warranty, servicing 574
Weak submajorization 216
Wearout 72 807
weibull 140
Weibull, distribution 195 307 336 383 462 600 612 681 715 749 750 753 772 781
Weibull, distributions 331
Weibull, lifetime 631
Weibull, mixture 82
Weibull, nonhomogeneous Poisson process 44
Weibull, process 43 715
Weibull-exponential mixed model 172
Weight function 213 214
Weighted least squares 431
Weighted least squares, estimators 433
Weighted random variable 213 214
Weinman multivariate exponential distribution 328
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