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Good P.I., Hardin J.W. — Common Errors in Statistics : (and How to Avoid Them) |
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A prior distribution 81—83
A prior probability 86
Acceptance region 101—102
Accuracy vs. precision 187
Agronomy 33 66
Algorithms 137 160 161
Allocation sequence 36
Aly's statistic 62—63
Analysis of variance 62 65
Angiograms 93
Animals 7
Antibodies 26
Arima 157
Arithmetic average See Mean
Aspirin 35 66
Association 136
Association, spurious 143
Association, versus causation 136 141
assumptions 4 32 51 61 63 71—78 89 101 129 148
Astronomy 8 74 103
Asymptotic 51 165
Asymptotic approximation 60
Asymptotic relative efficiency 43—44
Audit 139
Autocorrelation 104
Autoregressive process See Time series
Axis label 111 122
Axis limit 10
Axis range 110
bacteria 96
Balanced design 65
Bar chart 108 117
Baseline 58 110
Bayes analysis 89
Bayes factor 85
Bayes theorem 80—84
Behrens — Fisher problem 54
Bias estimation 103 174
Bias sample 7 35—36 47 87 102—104 140 150+B397
Bias-corrected and accelerated 47 61
Blinding 36 92
BLOCKS 33 59 71
Blood 9 27 74
Blood pressure 26
Bonferroni correction 72
Bootstrap 49 70 90 152 173
Bootstrap, limitations 78
Bootstrap, nonparametric 45
Bootstrap, parametric 48 99
Bootstrap, percentile, primative 48 61
Bootstrap, sample 29—30 46 57 147+B221
Bootstrap, test 51—56
Bootstrap, tilted 79
Box and whiskers plot 96—99
Boyle's law 5 130
Cancer 17 21 84 87 135 140
Caption 122
CART 152 155
Categories 26 71
Cause and effect 133 134 155 158
Censored data 94 103
Census 5 139
Central limit theorem 98—99
Chi-square, statistic 100
Chi-square, statistic vs. distribution 70
Chi-square, test 19 67
Clinical significance 54
Clinical trials 9 22 30 31 35 80 84 88 93 143
Clinician 33
Cluster 6 56
Cold fusion 8
Computers 20
Confidence interval 47 61 73 101—102
Confounded effects 4 70—71 87 102 129 133
Contingency table 16 70 89 100
Contour Plot 115 117
Controls 33—35
Controls, positive 35
Correlation 45 134
Correlation, spurious 140 146
Corticosteroids 7
Cost 27
Cost-benefit analysis 21
Covariances 57
Covariates 59
Criminology 134
Cross-validation 173
Crossovers 93
Curve-fitting 141
Cutoff value 63 100
Cuts 103
Data collection 26 41
Deaths 94
Decimal places 96
Decisions 21—22 41 106
Deduction 19 73
Delete-one 139 159
density 113
Deterministic vs. stochastic 5 187
Discrimination 135 143
Disease process 15
dispersion 95
distribution 43 138 188
Distribution, a prior 84
Distribution, asymmetric 137
Distribution, chi-square 61
Distribution, cumulative 188
Distribution, empirical 188
Distribution, exponential 86
Distribution, F 57
Distribution, function 9
Distribution, heavy-tailed 43
Distribution, mixture 48 52 99
Distribution, multinomial 67
Distribution, multiparameter 48
Distribution, multivariate normal 55
Distribution, nonsymmetric 43 48 60 63 67 96
Distribution, normal 29 96 99
Distribution, Poisson 96
Distribution, sampling 60
Distribution, symmetric 81—83 43
Distribution, uniform 70 96 97
Dropouts 30 31
drugs 20 32 93
Eligibility 93
Emissions 22
Endpoints 102
Epidemiology 87 156
Error frequency 139
Error probabilities 14
Error terms 64 137 142
Estimate 4 148
Estimate, consistent 42
Estimate, efficient 42
Estimate, interval vs point 45
Estimate, least-squares 45
Estimate, mini-max 44
Estimate, minimum loss 44
Estimate, minimum variance 44 137
Estimate, optimal 43
Estimate, plug-in 45
Estimate, semiparametric 42
Estimate, unbiased 44 137
Estimation 41
Experimental design 69
Experimental design, unbalanced 52 89
Experimental unit 32
Extrapolate 9
F-distribution 60
| F-ratio 19 62—65 100
Factors 7 22
False dimension 108
False negative See Type I error
False positive See Type II error
False third dimension 109 110
Fisher's Exact Test 18
Forecast 102
Found data 104
Fraud 8 18 53 136
Gee 56 59 148
Geometric mean 96
Goodness of fit 140 158
Grammar 125
Graphics 94 107
Grid line 109 117 125
Group 68
Group randomized trials 58 104
Growth 96
Heterogeneity 88—89
Hierarchical models 88
histogram 96
Hodges — Lehmann estimator 43
Hypertension 12
Hypothesis 4 25 142 152
Hypothesis testing 15
Hypothesis, alternative 16—19 63—64 85 188
Hypothesis, null 14 57 64 80 84 89 188
Hypothesis, ordered 19
Hypothesis, post-hoc 7
Hypothesis, primary 16 63 86
Immunology 133 135
Income 26
induce 74
Induction 19
Interaction 65—69
Interquartile range 47
Interval estimate 49 79 89
Intraclass correlation 58
Jackknife 159 173
Joncjkeere — Terpstra statistic 64
k-fold resampling 158
k-sample analysis 63 89
Kepler's law 5
Kinetic molecular theory 132
Kruskal's gamma 100
labels 123
Lattice 68
Law 6 80 135
Least-absolute deviation 43
Least-squares 43
legend 118 119
Likelihood 16
Linear vs. nonlinear 129
Link function 147—149+B45
Litter 32
Location parameter 29
Logical assertion 12
Logistic regression 148 150 180
Losses, absolute deviation 20 41 44 64 86 96 137 141 142
Losses, jump 42
Losses, least square 44 142
Losses, monotone 42
Losses, square deviation 42
Losses, step function 42
Mail 32
Main effect 65 69
Malmquist bias 103
Mann — Whitney test 64
Marginals 17 70
Maximum 46 98
Maximum likelihood 41 45
Maximum tolerable dose 13
Mean absolute deviation 160
Mean, arithmetic 14 29 44 49 56 94 97
Measurements 26 27 42 103 105 130
Median 30 43—46 79 95—99
Medical device 35
Medicine 13 173—174
Meta-analysis 87 90 103
Minimum 46 98 99
Minimum effective dose 23
Missing data 4 69 72 92—93
Mitosis 34
Model 133 146
Model, choosing 3 129 152
Model, general linear 147
Model, nonlinear 131
Model, parametric vs. non-parametric 188
Model, physical 142
Model, range of application 159
Monotone function 63 69 130
MRPP 138
Multivariate analysis 142
Negative findings 106
Neural network 152
Neurology 103
Newton's law 20 74
Neyman — Pearson theory 15
Nominative label 112
Nonresponders 30—31 72
Normal alternatives 54
Normal distribution 67 71 145
Normal scores 53
O'Brien's test 55
Objectives 4 11
Observational studies 87
Observations, dependent 56 148
Observations, exchangeable 51
Observations, identically-distributed 33
Observations, independent 45
Observations, independent, identically distributed 32 51 101
Observations, multivariate 56
Observations, transformed 64
Odds 85
One-sided vs. two-sided 16—17
Ordinal data 114 187
Outliers 78 138
Overfitting 160
p-value 10 54 71—75 100—105
Parameters 45 48 51 55 73 88 101 131
Parameters, location 29 43
Parameters, scale 29
Parameters, shift 44
Paternity 81
Patterns 7 22
Percentiles 45 47 79 99
Permutation test 14 19 21 51—56 59—63 67 70—71 77 89 145+B397
permutations 69 138
Perspective plot 115 117
Phase III trials 23
Physician 34
Pie chart 117 118 125
Pitman correlation 64
Pivotal quantitty 49 57 78
Placebo 35
Plotting region 110 122
Plotting symbol 118 122 123
Poisson regression 148
Poisson variable 147
Poker 9
Polar coordinates 117
POLYLINE 114 118 119
Polynomial 132
Population 3—5 25 31—33 74
Population statistics 5
Poverty 134
Power 16 28—30 54 55 63 72 85
Power, post-hoc 104
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