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Skorokhod A.V., Prokhorov Y.V. (Ed) — Basic Principles and Applications of Probability Theory |
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12 88
-algebra (field) 14 27
-algebra (field), Borel 29
-algebra (field), cylinder 47
-algebra (field), predictable 107
-algebra (field), tail 56
-entropy 240
-optimum 218
Absolute continuity 15
Adapted processes 104ff
Adaptedness 106
Additive control cost 223
Algebra(s) 24ff 46 47 53ff 100ff 140ff 210
Algebra(s), independent 54
Algebra(s), of events 11 24
Algebra(s), product 24
Almost surely 35
Amount of information 235ff
Analytic set 221 222
Arithmetic distribution 69
Arzela, C. 136
atom 21 28
Axioms 21 28
Axioms, Kolmogorov 14
Axioms, von Mises 14
Backward (first) equation 156ff
Bayes theorem 22
Bayes, T. 22ff 209ff
Bayesian decision 209
Bellman's equation 223 230
Bellman, R. 223 230 234 273
Bernoulli's scheme 24
Bernoulli's theorem 16 25
Bernoulli, J. 16 24 25 61 67
Bernstein, S.N. 23
Binomial distribution 25 26 39
Binomial probabilities 22
Birkhoff's theorem 126
Birkhoff, G.D. 126
Bochner's theorem 45
Bochner, S. 45ff 118
Boltzmann, L. 20
Borel -algebra 29
Borel — Cantelli lemma 56
Borel, E. 29ff 56ff 82 85 93ff 139 141 161 180 202ff 267
Bose — Einstein statistics 20
Bose, S. 20
Brownian motion 8 84
Buffon's problem 29
Buffon, G. 29
Cantelli, F.P. 56 65 66 82 97 180
Cauchy problem 145
Cauchy, A. 64 90 145 166 167 182 184
Causes (hypotheses) 22
Central limit theorem 132 202
Central moment 31
Change-point problem 266ff 273
Channel capacity 246ff
Channel capacity, ergodic 254
Chaos 5
Chapman — Kolmogorov equation 99 149ff
Chapman, D.G. 99 149ff
Characteristic function 44ff 59 69 74 75 85—87 132
Characteristic function, general 86
Characteristic function, joint (n-dimensional) 42ff
Characteristic functional 44ff
Charge 150
Chebyshev's inequality 35
Chebyshev's theorem 60
Chebyshev, P.L. 35 60 61 197
Clapeyron, B. 9
Coding 248
Communication channel 244
Communication channel, determinate (noiseless) 245
Communication channel, noisy 245
Complete, group of events 22ff
Complete, measurable process 108
Complete, set of functions 45 57 88 122
Completeness 35 105
Conditional expectation 31—33 129 136
Conditional probability 21ff 32ff 213ff 238
Conditional probability, regular 34
Confidence interval 197
Consistency 42 49
Continuous random variable 29ff
Control cost 216ff
Control cost, additive 223
Control strategy 217
Controlled diffusion process 233
Controlled stochastic process 215
Controlled stochastic process, discrete 215
Controlled stochastic process, Markov 223
Convergence, almost surely 35
Convergence, in probablity 35
Convergence, of sequences 82
Convergence, weak 119
Convergence, with probability 1 13 16 35
Convolution equation 74
Covariance (function) 42ff 101ff 162 176 178 202 205 259
Critical region 203 204
Cylinder -algebra 47
Cylinder set 47ff
Cylinder set base 50
Decision function 208ff
Decision function, minimax 209
Decoding 248ff
Delay time 40
DeMoivre — Laplace theorem 26
density 30 32 39—41 44 88 155 162 176 204 205 212 240ff 260ff
Denumerable homogeneous Markov process 161
Determinism 5
Diffusion coefficients 161ff 171 178 233 234
Diffusion operator 162 165
Diffusion process 161ff 171 178 233
Dirac, P. 20
Dirichiet, P.G. 185
Dirichlet problem 173
Discrete random variable 30
Disorder problem See change-point problem 266
distribution 17 19 26ff 58ff 64ff 74ff 85ff 93 99ff 104 120ff 132ff 147ff 155 162 167 177 189 196ff 216ff 223 226 240 245 251 267ff
Distribution function(s) 30 38 39 49 59 198
Distribution function(s), finite-dimensional 42 43 48 124 150
Distribution function(s), joint 41 42 58
Distribution function(s), sample (empirical) 198 199
Distribution span 69 71
Distribution, continuous 155 240
Distribution, discrete 39
Distribution, exponential 39 40
Distribution, geometric 39
Distribution, n-dimensional 41
Distribution, normal (Gaussian) 40 41
Distribution, Poisson 26 39 83
Distribution, symmetric 62
Distribution, uniform 39 41
Distribution, weak 50 52
Donsker — Prokhorov theorem 135
Donsker, M. 135
Doob, J.L. 94 139ff
Einstein, A. 20
Elementary events, llff 19ff 236
Elliptic equations 185
Empirical distribution function 198ff
Encounter problem 29
entropy 235ff 249ff
Entropy, conditional 238 241
Entropy, properties 237
| Equal likelihood 10 28
Ergodic channel 253ff
Ergodic theorem 17
Ergodic theorem, maximal 127
Estimator 196ff 209 265
Estimator, unbiased 196ff
Events 7 10ff 39 53ff 61ff 71 80 96 105 113 147 149 195 225 236 238
Events, complete group 22ff
Events, mutually independent 23
Exit time (first) 154 170
Expectation 30ff 60 68 110 111 129 132 140ff 166 175ff 186 208 211 218 266
Expected value See Expectation
Fatou, P. 90
Fermi — Dirac statistics 20
Fermi, E. 20
Filtering 257 266ff
Filtering, nonlinear 274
Filtering, nonpredictive 265
Finite-dimensional distributions 48 99 125 149 151 228
Finite-dimensional distributions, consistency 48
Flow of -algebras 105 108 170
Forward (second) equation 156 159 271
Fourier, J.B.J. 44 75 76 145 206 262ff
Fubini, G. 88 100 102
Fundamental sequence 37
Gaussian distribution 40ff 87 202 205
Gaussian measure 87 91
Gaussian random function 44 104
Generating function 60
Geometric distribution 39
Geometrical probabilities 28
Gikhman, I.I. 139 145 273
Goodness-of-fit 200
Harmonic function 226
Hegel, G.W.F. 6
Homogeneous Markov chain 125 226
Homogeneous Markov chain, denumerable 161
Homogeneous Markov chain, temporally 151
Independence 15 16 23 53ff 137 139 177
Independent algebras 24 53
Independent increments 78ff 104 110 140 176ff 268
Independent increments, stationary 86 110
Independent random elements 57
Indicator function 12 28
Indistinguishable processes 109
Interval estimation 197
Invariance principle 132
Ito, K. 145
Jordan decomposition 88
Jordan, C 88
Jump component 85
Kac's formula 167
Kac, M. 145 167 168 187 189
Kakutani, S. 88
Karhunen theorem 116
Karhunen, K. 116 118
Khinchin, A. Ya. 145 187 189
Kolmogorov equation(s) 156 162 271
Kolmogorov — Smirnov test 200
Kolmogorov's inequality 61
Kolmogorov's theorems 48 96
Kolmogorov's three-series theorem 65
Kolmogorov's zero-one law 56
Kolmogorov, A.N. 14ff 48 56 61ff 82 87 94ff 139 141ff 165 187 189 200 201 271 274
Ladder functionals 74
Laplace transform 59 68
Laplace, P. 6 26 40 59 68 176
Law of Large Numbers 10 16 17 60 61 130
Law of Large Numbers, strong 65 199
Law of normal fluctuations 17
Law of rare events 26
Lebesgue, H. 29 37ff 93 102 121 179
Levy's decomposition 79
Levy's formula 83
Levy, P. 79 83 86
Lindeberg's condition 133
Lindeberg's theorem 133
Lindeberg, J.W. 133ff
Lyapunov's theorem 134
Lyapunov, A.A. 134
Markov chain 125
Markov chain, controlled 223ff
Markov chain, filtering 269
Markov process, controlled 234
Markov process, definition 98
Markov process, filtering 269
Markov process, homogeneous (with stationary transition probabilities) 151 225ff 242 271
Markov process, realization 225
Markov property 125
Markov, A.A. 98 99 125 139 145ff 165ff 177 178 187 189 223ff 240ff 269ff
Martingale 110ff 150ff 164ff 182ff 274
Martingale, uniformly integrable 114
Maximal ergodic theorem 127
Maxwell distribution 8
Maxwell — Boltzmann statistics 20
Maxwell, J.C. 8 20
Mean 5 30 41ff 69 83ff lOlff 132 162 179 199ff 248 258
Measurable mapping 38 42 87 124
Measurable random function 100
Measure(s) 15 24 38 45ff 57 86ff 102 116 119 121ff 136 140 145ff 156 159 165 177 202ff
Measure(s), absolute continuity of 87
Measure(s), continuity set of 120
Measure(s), derivative of 88
Measure(s), ergodic 131
Measure(s), invariant 125 140
Measure(s), orthogonal 88
Measure(s), product 88 91 206
Measure(s), Radon 121
Measure(s), singular 87 88
Measure(s), tight 121
Measure(s), weakly compact 122
Measure-preserving transformation 124
Message(s) 205 236 237 244ff
Metric transitivity 130
Minimax decision function 209
Minimax risk 210
Minlos — Sazonov theorem 51
Minlos, R.A. 5]
Mises, R. von 14 67
Modification 79 80 93 97ff 109 110 135 153 161 205
Modification, measurable 100ff 109 110
Modification, of martingales 114 115
Modification, regular 93
Moivre, A. de 26 40
moment 31
Moment function 43
Monotone collection 27 109
Monotone collection, theorem 27
Multinomial probabilities 25
Newton, I. 6
Neyman — Pearson theorem 204
Neyman, J. 203ff 273
Nikodym, D. 15 32 87
Noisy (noiseless) channel 245ff
Nonarithmetic distribution 70
Nonlinear filtering 274
Nonpredictive filtering 265
Nonrandomized control 225
Normal distribution 44 132 133 162 200 205 206
Null hypothesis 202
Optimum ( -)control 216 225ff 234
Optimum stopping 273
Optimum strategy 218
Order statistics 198 199
Overshoot 74 77
Overshoot time 74
Parabolic equations 145
Pearson, E.S. 203ff
Petrovsky, I.G. 145 187 189
Phase space 38 147
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