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Hatrl D.L., Jones E.W. — Genetics: Principles and Analysis
Hatrl D.L., Jones E.W. — Genetics: Principles and Analysis

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Íàçâàíèå: Genetics: Principles and Analysis

Àâòîðû: Hatrl D.L., Jones E.W.


In recent decades, few disciplines have experienced the explosion of knowledge and research that genetics has. Inspired in part by controversies and the publicity that this new information generates, many of today's students come to a course in genetics with great enthusiasm. Sustaining this enthusiasm while at the same time teaching students about the beauty, logical clarity, and unity of the subject can be a challenge for any teacher. In the fourth edition of Genetics: Principles and Analysis, Dan Hartl and Beth Jones have written a text that will provide you and your students with a clear, comprehensive, rigorous, and balanced introduction to genetics at the college level. It is a guide to learning a critically important and sometimes difficult subject. But the tools for learning extend beyond the confines of the textbook. Your students will have the opportunity to become active participants in the learning process by making full use of today's teaching and learning technology. Developed as an integrated and unified program, no other textbook will engage your students and connect them to the subject of genetics like Hartl/Jones.

ßçûê: en

Ðóáðèêà: Áèîëîãèÿ/

Ñòàòóñ ïðåäìåòíîãî óêàçàòåëÿ: Ãîòîâ óêàçàòåëü ñ íîìåðàìè ñòðàíèö

ed2k: ed2k stats

Èçäàíèå: fourth edition

Ãîä èçäàíèÿ: 1998

Êîëè÷åñòâî ñòðàíèö: 1298

Äîáàâëåíà â êàòàëîã: 30.11.2005

Îïåðàöèè: Ïîëîæèòü íà ïîëêó | Ñêîïèðîâàòü ññûëêó äëÿ ôîðóìà | Ñêîïèðîâàòü ID
Ïðåäìåòíûé óêàçàòåëü
$F_1$ generation      33—34 36
$F_2$ generation      36 61—64
$P_1$ generation      35
3'-OH, in nucleic acids      175
30-nm fiber      233
5-bromouracil, mutagenicity of      567—568
A (aminoacyl) site      431
ABO blood group      60—61 68—70 71 638—639 672
Acentric      260
Acquired immune deficiency syndrome (AIDS)      208 213 388
Acridine, misalignment mutagenesis and      571
Acrocentric      260 261
Adaptation      652
Adaptation diversity and      23—24
Adaptation sensory      713—714
Addition rule, probability and      49
Additive      681
Adenine      9 174 175 177 180
Adenosine triphosphate (ATP), RNA synthesis and      418
Adenyl cyclase      468
Adjacent-1 segregation      289 291 295
Adjacent-2 segregation      290 291 295
African mitochondrial Eve, hypothesis of      620
agreeableness trait      731
Agrobacterium tumefaciens      380—381 386
AIDS (acquired immune deficiency syndrome)      208 213 388
Alanine, chemical structure of      413
Albinism      53—54 649
Alcohol dehydrogenase      501
Alkylating agents, mutagenicity of      570
Allele frequency      628—632
Allele frequency calculation of      628—629
Allele frequency enzyme polymorphisms and      629—630
Allele frequency Hardy — Weinberg principle and      635—637
Allele frequency random genetic drift and      660
Alleles      40
Alleles fixed      629
Alleles multiple      60—61 638—639
Alleles wildtype      61 67
Alleles X-linked      639
Allelic identity by descent      646—647
Allelism complementation and      160—161
Allelism of mutations      55—56
Allopolyploidy      263—264 266
Allotetraploidy      263
Allozymes      630
Alpha satellite      247 248
Alternative promoters      500—501
Alternative segregation      291 292 295
Alternative splicing      501—503
Alu sequences      240
Alzheimer's disease      730
Ames test      586
Amino acid replacement      630
Amino acids      12 15
Amino acids chemical structure of      413
Amino acids DNA and      423
Amino acids proteins and      412—415
Amino acids sequence of      181—182
Amino acids structure of      412
Amino terminus      412 414
Aminoacyl tRNA synthetases      431 444—445
Amniocentesis      274
Amnion      274
Amphiuma, genome of      222
Amylopectin      65 246
Anacystis nidulans      614
Analog      213
Analog nucleotide      568—569
Anaphase      85 86
Anaphase I      89 94
Anaphase II      95
Anchor cell (AC)      526 527
Anemia      17—18 20—21
Anemia sickle-cell.      17—18 388 558
Aneuploid      269
Animal behavior      714—724
Animals embryonic development in      514—519
Animals germ-line transformation in      377—380
Animals random mating in      632—639
annealing      see “Renaturation”
Antennapedia      542
Anterior genes      534
Anthers      266
Antibiotic-resistant mutants      311 348—349 608 609—610
Antibodies      69—70 483—487
Antibody variability      485—487
Anticodons      431 432—433
Antigens      69—70
Antimorph      67
Antiparallel      181
Antirrhinum      67
AP endonuclease      566 578
Apoptosis      524—525
Aporepressor      462 472—473
Apterous      541
Arabadopsis thaliana      389 390 392 544
Arabadopsis thaliana flower development in      545
Archaea      22 613—614
Archenteron      517
Arginine      229 413
Artificial selection      683—687
Artificial selection for learning ability      724—726
Artificial selection long-term      686—687
Ascospores      150 151 154 156
Ascus      150 151 158
Asparagine, chemical structure of      413
Aspartic acid, chemical structure of      413
Aspergillus, mitotic recombination in      158
Assortative mating      633
Astyanax      680 681 682
Asymmetrical single-strand break model      590 591
ATP (adenosine triphosphate), RNA synthesis and      418
Atrial septal defect      691
Attached-X chromosome      134—137
Attachment sites      341—343
Attenuation      473—476
Attenuator      473
Attractants      704—705
AUG (initiation codon)      432 443
Autogamy      614—615 616
Automated DNA sequencing      401—405
Autonomous determination      514—517
Autopolyploidy      263
Autoradiogram      212 228
Autoregulation      462
Autosomes      97
Auxotroph      312
Avery, Oswald      4
Azacytidine      488
AZT      568—569
B form of DNA      177
b-galactosidase      462 463 468
Bacillus amyloliquefaciens      202 383
Bacillus thuringiensis      386
Backcross      41
bacteria      22
Bacteria antibiotic-resistant      311 348—349
Bacteria chemotaxis in      704—714
Bacteria chromosomes of      225—227
Bacteria coordinate regulation in      436 461
Bacteria genetic engineering and      384—385
Bacteria genetic organization of      308—311
Bacteria mutants of      311—312 348—349
Bacteria transformed      3—6
Bacteria transposable elements in      347
Bacterial attachment sites      341—343
Bacterial transformation      312—314
Bacteriophage 1vectors      364 365
Bacteriophage P1 vector      364 365
Bacteriophages      222 308
Bacteriophages as organisms      328
Bacteriophages attachment sites      341—343
Bacteriophages bacteriophage      1 340—345 476—479
Bacteriophages genetics of      328—340
Bacteriophages life cycle of      309—311
Bacteriophages mutants of      330—331
Bacteriophages Pl      390
Bacteriophages repressor      344
Bacteriophages specialized transducing      325 345—346
Bacteriophages T2      6—9
Bacteriophages T4      332—340
Bacteriophages temperate      329 340—346
Bacteriophages virulent      329 331—336
Bamlil (restriction enzyme)      202—205
Band, chromosome      206 234
Barnase      383 384
Barnett, Leslie      442
Barr body      227
Barstar      383—384
Base composition      175—176 177
Base pairing      9—10 177—181
Base pairing complementary      9—10 179—181
Base-analog mutagens      567—569
Base-substitution mutations      557—558
Bases      9 174
Beadle, George W.      322 415 420
behavior      704
Behavior genetics      704—739
Behavior genetics animal behavior      714—724
Behavior genetics chemotaxis in bacteria      704—714
Behavior genetics human behavior, genetic differences in      727—734
Behavior genetics learning      724—727
Benzer, Seymour      334 336 339 442
Bicoid      534—536 538
Bidirectionally      189
Binding site      465
Binomial distribution      106—109
Biochemical pathway      19—20
Bithorax      542
Bivalent      92
Blackburn, Elizabeth H.      249
Blastoderm      529 530 531 535
Blastoderm syncytial      529
Blastula      514 515
Blindness, red-green color      283—286
Blood diseases      297—298
Blood groups ABO      60—61 68—70 71 638—639 672
Blood groups MN      628 635—636
Blunt ends      204 362
Bovine spongiform encephalopathy      724
Box, Joan Fisher      713
Brachydactyly      636
Brachystola magna      96
Branch migration      138 139 587
Brassica napus      383
Brenner, Sydney      439 442
Bridges, Calvin      103
Broad-sense heritability      682 683 685—686 734
Broad-sense heritability of personality traits      731—732
Brookfield, John F.Y.      641
Burke, David T.      393
Caedobacter taeniospiralis      614
Caenorhabditis elegans      222 246 377 389 392 480 513 515—517 520—522 524
Calico cat, X-chromosome inactivation in      277—278
Camera lucida      96
cAMP-CRP complex      468
Campbell, Allan      343
Campbell, Keith, H.S.      380
Cancer Chernobyl disaster and      575—577
Cancer chromosome abnormalities and      297—299
Cancer hereditary nonpolyposis colon      401
Cancer radiation-induced      572
Candidate gene      732—733
Cap, messenger RNA      425
Carbon-source mutants      312
Carboxyl terminus      412 414
Carcinogens, detection of      585—586
Carle, Georges F.      393
Carpels      545
Carrier      53
Cascade effect      537
Casein      503—504
Cassettes      482
CCG repeats, genetic instability of      279—280
cDNA      369—370 386 397
Celiac disease      691
Cell cycle      83—84
Cell fates      514
Cell lineages      519—529
Cellular oncogene      298
Centimorgan      128
Central dogma of molecular genetics      12 13 16
Central limit theorem      674
Centromeres      85 86
Centromeres genetic stability of chromosomes and      260—261
Centromeres structure of      246—247
Chain elongation      421
Chain initiation      421
Chain termination      421—422
Chance, role in evolution      24
Chaperones      414
Chargaff s rules      176—177
Chargaff, Erwin      175—176 180
Charged tRNA      431
Chase, Martha      6—9
Chemoreceptors      709—710
Chemoreceptors methylation of      712
Chemosensors      709
Chemotaxis      704
Chemotaxis cellular components      709—710
Chemotaxis in bacteria      704—714
Chemotaxis molecular mechanisms in      710—712
Chemotaxis mutations affecting      706—709
Chernobyl nuclear accident, genetic effects of      575—577
Chi-square method, genetic prediction and      109—114
Chiasma      93 128
Chickens barred features of      103
Chickens ovalbumin synthesis in      493—494
Chimeric gene      285
Chimeric vectors, detecting      371—372
Chlamydomonas, drug resistance in      608 609—610
Chlorophyll      606
Chloroplasts      605 606 608 613
Chorion      274
Chromatid interference      141
Chromatids      85 86
Chromatin      228—234
Chromatin arrangement in chromosomes      230—234
Chromatin nucleosomes in      228—230
Chromocenter      234
Chromomeres      92
Chromosome abnormalities      see “Chromosomes”
Chromosome complements      82—83
Chromosome interference      143—144
Chromosome map      127
Chromosome painting      264—266
Chromosome painting of human chromosomes      270—272 273
Chromosomes      81—121 221—257
Chromosomes abnormality in number      260—281
Chromosomes abnormality in spontaneous abortion      280—281
Chromosomes abnormality in structure      260 281—299
Chromosomes acentric      260
Chromosomes acrocentric      260 261
Chromosomes attached-X (compound-X)      134—137
Chromosomes cancer and      297—299
Chromosomes centromere and telomere structure      246—252
Chromosomes centromeres and genetic stability of      260—261
Chromosomes chromatin fibers in      230—234
Chromosomes dicentric      260
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
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