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Lena P., Lebrun F. — Observational Astrophysics (Astronomy and Astrophysics Library Series) |
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distribution 441
AAT telescope 147
Abbe's condition 159
Aberration, optical 111
Aberration, Seidel 111
Aberration, spherical 111
Absorption, coefficient of 198
Absorption, spectrum 199
Abundance 3 208
Acceptance of a fibre 132
Accretion 19
Acoustic spectrometer 247
Active optics 113 147
Adaptive Fourier analysis 430
Adaptive optics 175
Aerosols 64
Aerosols, scattering by 50
Air mass 52
Airglow 41
Airy function 126
Airy profile 181
Aladin database 22
Aliasing 268
Alkaline halide 365
Allocating frequencies 64
Altazimuth mount 110 147
Amplitude detector 290
Analogue-to-digital converter (ADC) 269
Anamorphic factor 220
Anastigmatic optics 109
Angular resolution 21 22
Anisoplanicity 179
Annihilation 200
Anomaly, South Atlantic 70
Antarctic 64
Antenna 135
Antenna, temperature 346
Anticoincidence devices 365
Aperture 10
Aperture synthesis 130 135
Aperture synthesis, visible and infrared 149
Apodisation 96 128 252
artificial intelligence 65
Artificial laser star 180
Asgat experiment 370
ASIC circuits 270
Astigmatism 112 178
Astrometry 137
Astrometry, VLBI 401
Atmospheric constituents 33
Atmospheric constituents, minor 33
Atmospheric degradation of image 167
Atmospheric refraction 52
Atmospheric scattering 48
Atmospheric transmission 46
Atmospheric turbulence 52
Attenuation 132
Autocorrelation 428 429
Autocorrelation of stochastic process 444
Autocovariance of stochastic process 444
Avalanche photodiode 323
AXAF mission 160
Azimuthal angle 388
Baffle 149
Band gap 300
Bias 261 453
BIB detector 341
Bimorphic mirror 180
bin 212 276
Binning mode 331
Biraud's method 188
Blackbody, fluctuations 85
Blackbody, radiation 84
Blaze 218
Blaze, angle 218
Blaze, wavelength 218
Blocked impurity band detector 341
Boiling 60
Bolometer 343 361
Bolometer, germanium 343
Bolometer, hot electron 343
Bolometer, superconducting 374
Bootstrap method 455
Bose — Einstein statistics 88
Bouguer's line 93
Box function 421
Box function in two dimensions 424
Bracewell solution 185
Bragg diffraction 164 241
Bragg lens 164
Bragg reflection 247
Bragg spectrometer 241
Bragg — Fresnel lens 160
Brightness, reduced 82
Bunching 88
Bureau des Longitudes 408
Bureau International de l'Heure 413
Bureau of Standards (US) 410
Cadmium telluride 369
Caesium clocks 408 411
Calar Alto 147
calendar 417
Calibration 93
Calibration, angular 94
Calibration, energy 93
Calibration, gamma 102
Calibration, infrared 97
Calibration, radiofrequency 94
Calibration, spectral 93
Calibration, time 94
Calibration, ultraviolet, X 100
Calibration, visible 97
Calorimeter 308
Camera obscura 161
Capella 155
Carbon dioxide 35
Carcinotron 357
Cartesian coordinates 385
Cassegrain focus 109
Cat's-eye mirror 239
Catalogue FK4 399
Catalogue FK5 22 399
Catalogue GSC 400
Catalogue Hipparcos 400
Catalogue PPM 400
Catalogue SAO 400
Catalogue Tycho 400 404
CCD, intensified 318
CCD, silicon 327
CCD, thinned 330
CCD, windowing mode 331
Celestial sphere 108
Central limit theorem 441
Cerenkov effect 307 370
CFHT telescope 147
Chacaltaya site 37
Characteristic function of random variable 439
Charge loss 366
Chopping secondary mirror 148
Chronometry 94
CID detector 324 336
Circadian cycle 35
CLEAN algorithm 186
Clementine mission 74
Clocks, stability of 144
Cloud 60
COBE satellite 105 158
Coding, image 162
Coherence of radiation 85
Coherence, area of 173 174
| Coherence, complex degree of 85
Coherence, complex degree of, order n 88
Coherence, etendue 116 119 273
Coherence, length 86
Coherence, spatial 86
Coherence, temporal 86
Coherence, time 86
Collectors, size of 16
Collimating mirror 218
Colour indices 91
Coma 112 178
Compton observatory 165
Compton scattering 161 306 362
Compton telescope 165
Conduction band 300
Confidence interval 262 440
Continuous spectrum 199
contrast 43
Convective instability 33
Convolution 425
Coravel spectrometer 231
Coronograph 51
Correlation product 428
COS-B satellite 166
Cosmic background radiation 105
Cosmic rays 3 66 72
Cosmic rays on CCDs 258
Cosmological background, gravitational 380
Cosmological window 68
Cost of equipment 29
Coude focus 109
Counting 317
Counting photons 318
Coupler 348
Coupling efficiency 132
Crab Nebula 164
Cross talk 324
Cross-correlation 428 432
Cross-power spectrum 429
Cross-spectral density 429 432
Cross-validation 266
Current-voltage characteristic 310
Curvature of focal plane 114
Curve of growth 208
Cut-off wavelength 132
Dark current 258 296 316
Dark signal 290
Data bank 25
Data compression 23 164 269
Data-processing software 24
Declination 389
Deconvolution 185 214
Defocus 178
Deformable mirror 181
Degeneracy factor 88 274
Degree of confidence 260
Degree of freedom 441
Densitometry 296
Depletion Zone 309
Detection limit 260
Detection of gamma rays 358 362
Detection of gravitational waves 374
Detection of neutrinos 371
Detection of radiofrequencies 345
Detection, coherent 290
Detection, incoherent 291
Detection, infrared 332 340
Detection, radiochemical 371
Detection, submillimetre 292 299 308 344 345
Detection, synchronous 288
Detection, ultraviolet 299 327 330 338
Detection, video 350
Detection, visible 229 327 338
Detection, X-rays 294 299 327 358
Detector amplitude 290
Detector format 329 337
Detector hybrid 325
Detector matrix 324
Detector monochannel 292
Detector of momentum transfer 373
Detector Quantum Efficiency (DQE) 296
Detector, monolithic 325 334
Detector, mosaic 324
Detector, multichannel 292
Detector, quadratic 291
Detector, reticon 326
Diatomic molecule 202
Differential measurement 47
Diffraction at infinity 120
Diffraction, Bragg 164 241
Diffraction, Fraunhofer 120
Diffraction, Fresnel 170 194
Diffuse cosmic background 69
Digital correlator 286
Digitisation 269
Digitisation step 269
Diode, avalanche 323
Dirac distribution 422
Dirac distribution in two dimensions 424
Dirac, comb 422
Direct ReadOut (DRO) 334
Direct Voltage Readout (DVR) 334
Discharge tube 95
Discrimination of weak source 43
Dispersion corrector 52
Dispersion of a grating 217
Dispersion of random variable 438
Distortion 112
Distribution function of random variable 436
Distribution function of stochastic process 443
Dome C, Antarctic 64
Dopant 301
Doppler effect 206
Doppler imaging 206
Doppler lines 209
Doppler profile 209
Doppler width 209
Double SideBand reception (DSB) 354
DUMAND project 373
Dynamic range of converter 269
Earth's atmosphere 32
EB-CCD tube 180 319 323
Ebert — Fastie mounting 222
Echellogram 220
Ecliptic 391
Ecliptic frame 391
Ecliptic inclination angle 392
Edison tasimeter 332
Effelsberg radiotelescope 135
Einstein effect 208
Einstein Observatory 159 243 360
Electromagnetic cascade 372
Electromagnetic spectrum 2
Electrometer 304 316
Electron Bombarded Silicon (EBS) tube 319
Electronic camera 317
Electronic transitions 200
Electronic transitions, fine structure 202
Electronic transitions, hyperfine structure 202
Electronographic tube 317
Emission Spectrum 199
Emissivity 96
Emittance 82
Emulsion, density of 313
Emulsion, nuclear 304 317
Ensemble average 438
Entropy maximum method 187
Entropy of data 270
Epitaxy 311
Epitaxy, molecular 311
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