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Lena P., Lebrun F. — Observational Astrophysics (Astronomy and Astrophysics Library Series)
Lena P., Lebrun F. — Observational Astrophysics (Astronomy and Astrophysics Library Series)

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Название: Observational Astrophysics (Astronomy and Astrophysics Library Series)

Авторы: Lena P., Lebrun F.


This ground- and space-based astronomy book focuses on an observational system's inherent limitations which determine the results that the system may achieve, rather than presenting particular systems in detail. This second edition has been entirely restructured and almost doubled in size, in order to improve clarity and to account for the great progress achieved in the field over the last 15 years.

Язык: en

Рубрика: Физика/

Статус предметного указателя: Готов указатель с номерами страниц

ed2k: ed2k stats

Год издания: 1998

Количество страниц: 512

Добавлена в каталог: 19.03.2009

Операции: Положить на полку | Скопировать ссылку для форума | Скопировать ID
Предметный указатель
Equatorial frame      390
Equatorial mount      110
Ergodicity of stochastic process      447
Ergodicity of turbulence      54
Error function      439
ESRF, synchrotron      102 160
Estimation      260 450
Estimator      257
Estimator of mean      452
Estimator, unbiased      451
Etendue beam      80 115 119 212 224
Euler angles      392
Event      435
Exosat satellite      160 361
expectation value      437
External scale of turbulence      54 169
Extinction      92
Extinction, interstellar      93
Fabry — Perot etalon      240
Factor analysis      271
Faint Object Camera (FOC)      320
Fermat's principle      115
Fibre graded-index      131
Fibre multimode      132
Fibre single-mode      132
Fibre step-index      131
Field curvature      112
field effect transistor (FET)      324
Field of a telescope      109
Field of view      10
Field, fully illuminated      111
Field, vignetted      111
Fienup's method      188
Figure of merit      216
Filling factor, geometrical      295
Filtering of stochastic process      448
Filtering time      449
Filtering, frequency      448
Filtering, on-line      265
Filtering, optimal      264
Finesse of a spectrometer      240
FIRST satellite      158
Fluctuations, fundamental      272
Fluorescence      41
Fluoride glasses      132
Flux unit      81
Flux, monochromatic      81
focal ratio      109
Focal scale      110
Format of detector      329 337
Fourier pairs      426
Fourier transform      419
Frame, change of      393
Frame, ecliptic      391
Frame, equatorial      390
Frame, galactic      392
Frame, horizontal      387
Frame, hour      389
Free spectral interval      220 240
Frequency change      244
Frequency doubler      357
Frequency of random variable      437
Frequency standards      410
Frequency standards, atomic      409
Frequency standards, primary      413
Fresnel lens      160
Fried parameter      151 172 195
Fringe visibility      87 130
Full Width at Half Maximum (FWHM), of normal distribution      440
Fundamental catalogues      398
Fundamental plane      386 397
Galactic background      48
Galactic centre      392
Galactic frame      392
Galactic pole      392
Gallex experiment      372
Gamma background noise      259
Gamma burst telescope      165
Gamma burster      165
Gamma bursts      19 165 381
Gamma collimator      166
Gamma detection      358 362
Gamma function      441
Gamma, imaging      161
Gamma, spectrometry      362
Gamma, telescopes      160
Gamma, transmission      69
Gaunt factor      101
Gaussian distribution      439
Gemini telescopes      147
Geocorona      42
Geodesics      114
Geometric optics      109
Geometric reference system      400
Gerchberg — Saxtori algorithm      189
Germanium      301
Germanium bolometer      343
Gladstone's relation      58
GPS satellite network      144
Graham, Mount      147
Grain of photographic plate      258 294 304
Grating      217
Grating, blazed      218
Grating, dispersion of      217
Grating, echelle      219
Grating, holographic      224
Gravitational lens      116
Gravitational optics      107
Gravitational waves      6
Gravitational waves, detection      374
Gregorian reform      418
Grism      223
Gunn effect      248
Gurney — Mott theory      304
Hadley cells      61
Half power beam width      125
Harmonic generator      357
Hecht's equation      367 383
Height      388
Heliosphere      69
Helium      201 205 245
Herschel telescope      147
Hertzsprung — Russell diagram      92
Heterojunction      303
Hipparcos catalogue      400
Hipparcos satellite      73
Holographic ruling      223
Hopkins, Mount      147
Horizontal frame      387
Horn      346
Hot electron bolometer      343
Hot electrons      312
Hour angle      389
Hour frame      389
HPBW      125
Hubble Space Telescope      157 320
HURA mask      163
Hybrid detector      325
Hybridisation      333
Hydrogen, atom      200 201
Hydrogen, atomic      252
Hydrogen, maser      144
Hydrogen, molecular      203
Hydrogen, molecular, emission of      238
Hydrogen-like atom      200 201
Hygrometer, spectral      46
Hyperfine structure      200 202
Hypersensitised photographic plate      304
ICE      203
Image, agitation      151 167
Image, coding      162
Image, geometric      109
Image, intensifier      318
Image, long-exposure      171
Image, processing      184
Image, quality      114
Image, restitution      185
Image, sampling      125
Image, short-exposure      172
Image, slicer      224
Image-object relation      122
Impurity      301
Inelastic reactions      371
Inertial range      54
Infrared detection      278 332 340
Infrared imaging      172
Infrared interferometry      156
Infrared photometry      91 95
Infrared solid-state imagers      332
Infrared spectrometry      216 236 239 240
Infrared telescopes      148
Infrared, transmission of      37 46 61 68
Instrumental profile      233
Instrumental profile, spectral      211
Integral mission      369
Integration time      262
Intensity standards      93
Interference filter      216
Interference filter, grid      216
Interferogram      232
Interferometer intensity      192
Interferometer, Michelson      87
Interferometer, Michelson, spectral      232
Interferometer, millimetre      140
Interferometry by correlation      130
Interferometry, differential      175
Interferometry, heterodyne      154
Interferometry, homodyne      131
Interferometry, multi-telescope      128
Interferometry, pupil plane      130
Interferometry, speckle      174
Interferometry, VLBI      140 401
Intermediate frequency (IF)      353
Internal scale of turbulence      54
International Astronomical Union      26 401 409 416 417
Interplanetary dust      66
Inversion, layer      33
Inversion, subsidence      61
Inversion, temperature      61
Ionosphere      35
Ionosphere, phase perturbation by      182
Ionospheric layers      35
IRAS satellite      158 341
Irradiance      81
ISI interferometer      156
ISO observatory      335
Isoplanicity      123
IUE observatory      23
IUE satellite      157 221
Jansky      81
Jet stream      56
Johnson noise      340
Joule — Thomson refrigerator      333
Julian calendar      417
Julian date      417
Julian Day      417
Junction      303
Junction, superconducting      309
Kao      38 158
Karhunen — Loeve polynomials      178 271
Keck telescopes      147 149
Kinematic reference system      399
Kirchoff — Fresnel relation      120
Kitt Peak      62 147
Klein — Nishina formula      306
Klystron      357
Knox — Thompson method      188
Kolmogorov turbulence      54 178
Kuiper Airborne Observatory      38 158
La Palma site      147
La Silla site      62 147
Lagrange equation      115
Lagrange points      74
Lallemand      317
Lambert's law      84
Large optical mirrors      146
Large optical mirrors, construction of      146
Law of Large Numbers      441 450
LBT telescope      147 149
Leptons      4
Lidar      43
LIGO experiment      377
Line of sight      108
Line Spectrum      199
LISA mission      378
Lithium fluoride      241
Lithium niobate      247
Littrow condition      219
Lobe of radiotelescope      347
Local oscillator      141 348 353
Local standard of rest (LSR)      206
Local thermodynamic equilibrium      44 88
Lorentz profile      40 210
LTE      44 88
luminosity      83
Luminosity, monochromatic      83
Mach's principle      400
Magnetograph      208 230
Magnetosphere      66
Magnitude      90
Magnitude systems      90
Magnitude, absolute      91
Magnitude, bolometric      90
Magnitude, photometric      90
Maser amplifier      356
Maser line      209
Matrix, of detectors      324
Mauna Kea site      45 61 62 135 147
Mean intensity      82
Mean of stochastic process      443
Mean value      438
Median of random variable      438
MEM      187
Mercury iodide      369
Meridian, astronomical      388
Mesopause      32
Mesosphere      32
Meteorites      3
Michelson interferometer      87
Michelson interferometer, spectral      232
MicroChannel plate      318 360
Microdensitometer      313
Mie scattering      50
MIS capacitance      324 325
Mixer      309 312 345 353
Mixer, noise temperature of      350
Mixer, quantum      311
Mixer, SIS      311
Mixing Ratio      33
Modulation transfer function      114 123
Modulation transfer function, detector      294
Modulation, rapid      48
Molecular aggregates      204
Molecular laser      248 357
Molecular transitions      202
Moments      438
Momentum transfer detectors      373
Monochannel detector      292
Monolithic detector      325 334
Moon      74
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