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Lena P., Lebrun F. — Observational Astrophysics (Astronomy and Astrophysics Library Series) |
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Spectral line 199
Spectral line, equivalent width 199 205
Spectral line, flanks of 199
Spectral line, intensity 205
Spectral line, polarisation 205
Spectral line, profile 205
Spectral line, wings of 199
Spectral mask 227
Spectral multiplexing 232
Spectral resolution 211
Spectral width 86
Spectroheliogram 230 231
Spectroheliograph 214 230
Spectrometer 210
Spectrometer, acoustic 247
Spectrometer, autocorrelation 247
Spectrometer, Bragg 241
Spectrometer, Coravel 231
Spectrometer, Fabry — Perot 239
Spectrometer, fibre optic 228
Spectrometer, finesse of 240
Spectrometer, Fourier transform 232 239
Spectrometer, grating 217
Spectrometer, heterodyne 244
Spectrometer, holographic Fourier 235
Spectrometer, imaging 210 214
Spectrometer, interferometric 215
Spectrometer, multichannel 213 246
Spectrometer, resonance 250
Spectrometer, robot arm 229
Spectrometer, sequential 213
Spectrometry, gamma 362
Spectrometry, heterodyne 251
Spectrometry, infrared 216 240
Spectrometry, radiofrequency 244
Spectrometry, submillimetre 248
Spectrometry, ultraviolet 216 224
Spectrometry, visible 224 237 240
Spectrometry, wide-field 226
Spectrometry, X-ray 241
Spectrophotometry 80
Spectrum 429
Spectrum amplitude 429
Spectrum phase 429
Spherical coordinates 385
Spin-orbit coupling 200
Standard deviation 438
Stationary process 444
Stenope 161
Stochastic process 442
Stochastic process, transformation of 446
Stokes parameters 83 248
storage capacity 336
Strato sphere 32
Stratopause 32
Stratosphere 32
Stratospheric balloon 158
Strehl ratio 181
Strong interaction 4
Structure constant of refractive index 58 169
Structure constant of temperature 56
Structure function 55
Structure function of phase 169
Subaru telescope 147
Submillimetre, detection 278 292 299 308 344 345
Submillimetre, spectrometry 248
Submillimetre, telescopes 148 157
Submillimetre, transmission of 46
Super-resolution 175 192
Supercomputers 25
Superheterodyne receiver 353
Supernova remnant (SNR) 244
Synchrotron radiation 101
System temperature 349
Taylor turbulence 59
Telescope 133
Telluric absorption bands 36
Temperature, antenna 346
Temperature, brightness 99
Temperature, colour 105
Temperature, noise 246 275 310 348
Temperature, potential 57
Temperature, system 349
Temporal frequencies 420
Temporal reference system 408
Temporal width 86
Themistocle experiment 370
Thermal emission of atmosphere 44
Thermal noise of resistor 280
Thermosphere 32
Thinned CCD 330
Thomson scattering cross-section 305
Throughput 80 115 212 224
Throughput advantage 235
Throughput of a spectrometer 234
Time scales 408
Time variability 18
Time, apparent solar 409
| Time, atomic 410
Time, civil 410
Time, Coordinated Universal (UTC) 414
Time, dynamical 415
Time, Ephemeris (ET) 415
Time, International Atomic (TAI) 412
Time, Local Sidereal 395
Time, mean solar 410
Time, Terrestrial Dynamical (TDT) 416
Time, Universal (UT) 410
Time-frequency analysis 430
Tip-tilt 178
Tololo site 147
Transfer equation 198
Transfer equation, inversion of 198
Transparency function 161
Triad, local 389
Triangulation, localisation by 165
Triplet corrector 113
Tropopause 32
Troposphere 32 53
Truncation 285
Tunnel effect 311
Turbulence, effect on images 167
Turbulence, frozen 59
Turbulence, homogeneous 54
Turbulence, ionospheric 60
Turbulence, spatial filtering by 171
Turbulent dissipation 53
UKIRT telescope 147
Ultraviolet detection 275 299 327 330 338
Ultraviolet photometry 100
Ultraviolet spectrometry 216 224
Ultraviolet telescopes 157
Ultraviolet, transmission of 38
Undersampling 268
URA mask 163
Valence band 300
Van Allen belts 70
Varactor 356
Variance of random variable 438
Vega 97
Vela pulsar 328
Venus, spectrum of 236
Vernal equinox 390 398
Vertical, local 387
Very Large Array (VLA) 140 142 143 349
Very Large Telescope (VLT) 147 149 150
Vibrations, man-made 64
Video detection 350
Vidicon tube 319
VIRGO experiment 377
Virtual reality 65
viscosity 53
Visible detection 275 299 327 338
Visible imaging 172
Visible photometry 97
Visible spectrometry 224 237 240
Visible telescopes 146 149 157
Visible, transmission of 61
Voigt profile 210
Wave packet 421
Wavefront, analyser 180
Wavefront, measurement of 177
Wavefront, perturbations of 168
waveguide 131 346
Wavelets 433
Wavenumber 82
Weak interaction 4
Weber's experiment 375
Weighting telescope 165
Westerbork radiotelescope 140
White pupil 230
White spectral density 446
Wide band receiver 352
Wien's Law 84
Wiener — Khinchine theorem 283 429
Wiener — Kolmogorov filter 264
Wigner — Ville representation 430
Windowing 430
Windowing mode of CCD 331
Wire chamber 305
Wolter telescope 159
X-ray detection 294 299 327 358
X-ray photometry 100
X-ray spectrometry 241
X-ray telescopes 159
X-ray transmission 69
XMM observatory 160
Young slits 87
Zeeman effect 205 207 210 230
Zelenchuskaya site 62 147
Zenith 387
Zenith distance 37
Zernike polynomials 113 177
Zernike — van Cittert theorem 115
Zodiacal Emission 66
Zodiacal light 67
Zodiacal nebula 66
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