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Aczel J. — Lectures on functional equations and their applications
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Название: Lectures on functional equations and their applications
Автор: Aczel J.
Аннотация: The solution of functional equations is one of the oldest topics of
mathematical analysis. D'Alembert, Euler, Gauss, Cauchy, Abel,
Weierstrass, Darboux, and Hilbert are among the great mathematicians
who have been concerned with functional equations and methods of
solving them. In this field of mathematics, as in others, the literature has grown markedly during the past fifty years. (See the chronological bibliography at the end of this volume.) However, results found in
earlier decades have often been presented anew because through the
years there has been no systematic presentation of this field, in spite of
its age and its importance in application. In this monograph, an attempt is made to remedy this situation, at least in part. Results are usually presented with proofs, in contrast to S. Pincherle's German and French encyclopedia articles published in 1906 and 1912, which, of course, were written for a different purpose.
Earlier works (such as those by E. Czuber 1891, E. Picard 1928,
G. H. Hardy, J. E. Littlewood, and G. Polya 1934, M. Frechet 1938, and B. Hostinsky 1939) (see bibliography) also give some attention to functional equations, but the special functional equations treated are subordinate to their applications. We prefer to arrange the subject matter according to actual types of functional equations. We also cover a different and, as we think, somewhat broader range of problems than does the book of M. Ghermanescu 1960[b]. A. R. Schweitzer's plan of 1918 to compile a bibliography of the theory of functional equations was, alas, never carried out; therefore the list of references at the end of this book, although incomplete, can partly serve as a bibliography too.
Рубрика: Математика /
Статус предметного указателя: Готов указатель с номерами страниц
ed2k: ed2k stats
Год издания: 1966
Количество страниц: 510
Добавлена в каталог: 21.05.2005
Операции: Положить на полку |
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Предметный указатель
istjakov, V. P. 353 460
udakov, N. G. 37 446
unihin, S. A. 269 424
upona, G. 269 456
slund, N. 21 474
a n, B. M. 270 478
utov, E. G. 16 495
A zen tat, N. D. 146 462
Abbott, J. C. 270 486
Abel, N. H. 8 10 17 117 139 145 177 188 189 197 201 213 253 327 384 385
Adam, A. 11 151 473 493
Addition theorem 59
Additive function 85
Additive parameter 371
Admissible function 3
Agarwal, N. 63 466
Alaci, V. 80 177 231 304 326 406 422 431 435 441
Albert, A. A. 37 269 416 429
Alexiewicz, A. 34 424
Alexits, G. 107 433
Algebraic addition theorem 61
Algebraic number 68
Almost homogeneous function 231
Alt, W. 61
Alternative equation 380
Amaldi, U. 33 34 395
Amitsur, S. A. 37 445 459
Andr , J. 36 454
Andrade, J. 11 117 120 190 392 394
Andreoli, G. 37 190 234 406 450
Angelesco, A. 63 136 182 405 406 408
Angheluta, T. 11 34 37 61 63 117 129 130 136 165 177 182 189 214 253 279 327 330 411 412 414 416 422 424 445 454 459 466 474 479
Angle of parallelity 84
Apostol, T. M. 37 493
Appell, P. 160 406
Arat , M. 223 493
Archimedes 5
Area of the rectangle 85
Arithmetic mean 234
Arnol'd, V. I. 11 146 311 450 454 459 466 474 487
Arrighi, G. 117 429
Artin, E. 350 423 450
Artzy, R. 270 459 474
Assmus, E. F. 37 480
Associativity equation 253
Atkinson, F. V. 139 487
Aumann, G. 36 37 190 311 414 418 450
Auslander, J. 16 487
Austin, D. G. 353 445 455
Autodistributivity equation 293
Automorphic vector operation 376
Avann, S. P. 270 474
Baer, R. 63 269 409 419 414 422 423
Bahvalov, S. V. 146 201 439 466 474 480
Bajraktarevi , M. 11 17 95 151 251 353 436 439 440 455 487
Baker, I. N. 251 455
Bal, L. 146 201 311 329 439 442 444 445 450 455 459 466
Balatoni, J. 37 445 450
Ballantine, J. P. 151 407
Balogh, A. 353 459 460
Banach, S. 34 145 404 405
Bandyopadhyay, G. 160 445
Barban, M. B. 37 474
Barna, B. 44 160 349 454 479
Barnard, G. A. 151 254 319 429 433
Barrow, D. F. 201 427
Bass, R. W. 353 450
Baxter, G. 139 466
Beckenbach, E. F. 34 427
Beetle, R. D. 234 401
Behrbohm, H. 81 413
Beke, M. 201 407
Belgrano, J. C. 201 329 433 436
Bell, E. T. 37 59 177 254 310 403 408 410 411 415 352 353 364 427 435 455 460 466 474 480
Bellman, R. 12 37 182 189 214 310 347
Belousov, V. D. 11 139 253 269 293 310 311 364 442 446 455 460 466 474 487 496
Bemporad, G. 234 311 407 410
Bennett, A. A. 181 404 497 498
Berg, L. 251 467 480
Bergmann, A. 11 130 350 446 455 460
Berkes, J. 37 480
Bernstein, B. A. 269 418 419
Bernstein, F. 47 106 397
Bernstein, S. N. 319 403 413
Bertrand, J. 234 391 A. 37 480
Bharucha-Reid, A. T. 115 467
Bieberbach, L. 146 311 350 410 411 416
Birkhoff, G. 254 427
Bisconsini, G. 234 398
Bisymmetry equation 278
Bitner, H. A. 201 419
Blaschke, W. 22 146 189 326 327 406 418 446
Bloch, A. 139 406
Blumberg, H. 62 407
Boas, R. P. 17 43 82 436 450
Boccioni, D. 293 311 474
Boggs, H. 310 416
Bogoljubov, J. I. 329 474 480
Bohnenblust, A. 151 254 419
Bol, G. 22 269 310 327 414 417 418
Bolyai, J. 7 37 83 386
Bombiari, E. 37 467
Bonferroni, C. E 34 44 105 418
Borel, . 47 106 406
Boswell, R. D. 63 81 455 460 467
Botos, G. 201 439
Boundedness 33
Bourbaki, N. 16 34 36 254 278 293 421 426 428
Bourlet, C. 34 251 253 327 393
Brenner, J. L. 349 493
Broggi, H. 35 182 234 397 398
Brouwer, L. E. J. 253 398
Brown, W. B. 141 303 451
Bruck, R. H 269 278 423 425 433 435 446 455 460 467 487
Buck, R. C. 16 352 467
Buhvalov, A. M. 201 487
Burchnall, J. L. 63 429
Burstin, C. 17 62 293 401 409
Bush, L. E. 137 234 311 474 493
Caccioppoli, R. 10 34 35 51 79 80 407 409
Campbell, N. R. 62 404 409
Cantor, M. 223 392
Carath odory, C. 350 403
Carlitz, L. 37 62 139 177 189 223 474 487
Carmichael, R. D. 34 137 139 398 399
Carroll, F. W. 34 460 480 493
Carstoiu, I. 117 183 426
Cartan, . 51 252 254 410
Casadio, G. 252 310 420
Castoldi, L. 111 141 460 474
Cater, S. 349 350 480 487
Cauchy, A. L. 6 7 9 10 31 34 35 37 44 45 48 49 60 61 62 65 66 85 117 121 131 134 141 142 143 149 150 170 183 184 213 215 223 318 347 349 369 380 384
Cauchy-Abel equations 213
Cauchy-Pexider vector equations 347
Cauchy’s equations 31
Cayley, A. 8 197 251 387 389
Center of gravity 95
Certaine, J. 269 422
chand Chatterji, P. 128 189 433
Characteristic function 109
Chaundy, T. W. 11 37 63 139 141 177 303 429 455 467
Chevalley, C. 37 190 349 425
Chihara, T. S. 177 439
Chini, M. 182 303 397
Choczewski, B. 16 480
Choudhury, A. C. 278 310 421
Chu, P. C. 182 446
Chung, K. L. 353 446 467
Ciesielski, Z. 37 460
Cioranescu, N. 51 63 131 137 139 412 413
Cipolla, M. 37 398 401
Ciucu, G. 353 359 467
Classical geometry 85
Clifford, A. H. 16 63 254 420 431 455
Climescu, A. 11 62 115 177 214 254 350 353 425 446 456 460 474
Colojoar , I. 16 352 456
Colucci, A. 34 407
Comment, P. 37 451
Commutativity 59
Component 96
Composed Poisson distribution 111
Composite equation 245
Conditional probability 319
Conic section 135
Connected 321
Continuity 19
Continuous group 54
Continuous itteration 251
Corradi, K. 37 480
Corresponding numbers 70
Courant, R. 325
Cox, R. T. 151 254 319 425 475
Crepas, A. 214 303 395
Cross ratio 90
Crstici, B. 141 151 165 177 182 353 456 468 470 475
Cs sz r, A. 37 47 66 107 151 177 214 270 304 435 446 456 480 487
Cs sz r, K. 105 392
Curtis, H. A. 311 475
Curtiss, D. R. 201 399
Cyclic equation 226
Czuber, E. 47 106 234 391
D ems-Levi, G. E. 146 201 329 451 456 460
D rnte, W. 269 409
Daboni, L. 37 115 460
Dar czy, Z. 12 37 66 68 70 95 132 139 151 153 182 353 467 475 480 486 493
Darboux, G. 8 32 34 85 94 95 376 389
das Bagchi, H. 128 189 433
De Bruijn, N. G. 34 429 435
de Finetti, B. 151 240 411
de la Vall e Poussin, C. J. 34 394
Deaux, R. 37 467
Debreu, G. 62 460
Delange, H. 21 37 446 451 475 487
della Casa, L. 34 85 401
Delone, B. N. 37 85 428
Deltheil, R. 47 106 406
Dense set 31
density 107
Deslisle, A. 189 391
Determinant 350
Deuring, M. 37 414
Devid , V. 269 310 442 487
Dias Tavares, A. 47 106 431
Dicker, R. M. 270 487
Dickson, L. E. 61 253 303 310 402 404 405
Dienes, P. 34 401
Dieudonn , J. 349 350 352 422 433
Difference 130
Differentiability 58
Differential equation 186
Dirichlet function 134
Dirichlet, L. 34
distribution 190
Distributivity equation 318
Dobru in, R. L. 359 437
Dodd, E. L. 151 234 240 311 415
Doeblin, W. 303 353 417 418
Doetsch, G. 183
Dokovi , D. Z. 1 11 214 223 227 303 304 326 353 379 475 478 480 484 487
Domain 3
Doob, J. L. 197 353 359 421 437
Doubler, F. H. 139 182 403
Downing, H. H. 324 428
Dr gul nescu, A. 63 82 353 481
Drbohlav, K. 269 451
Dubnov, J. S. 429
Dubreil, P. 278 425
Duncan, R. L. 37 481
Dunford, N. 51 190 423 426
Duporcq, M. E. 201 393
Dwinas, S. 106 111 146 428
Dynkin, E. B. 303 460
D’Alembert, J. 5 6 11 117 120 122 165 166 170 171 177 179 183 201 383
d’Alembert’s equation 117
d’Ocagne, M. 201 405
e Mira Fernandes, A. 353 420
e-neighborhood 268
Eckmann, B. 234 240 439
Edwards, W. 17 253 457
Egerv ry, J. 359 450 451
Eichhorn, W. 11 197 487
Eilenberg, S. 223 421 426
Eliezer, C. J. 177 425
Elliptic function 61
Elyash, E. S. 214 460
Encke, J. F. 234 311 386
Endomorphism of the linear group 218
enlarging 204
Enriques, F. 34 85 400
entropy 111
Epstein, L. I. 201 456
Erd s, J. 160 223 349 460 479
Erd s, P. 21 35 37 43 44 48 82 214 251 418 419 420 425 431 439 442 451 467 475 496
Ermolova, O. V. 329 419
Etherington, I. M. H. 11 79 278 310 330 424 429 439 456 487
Euler, L. 5 6 229 304 324 383 384
Euler’s differential equation 324
Euler’s functional equation 229
Evans, T. 269 278 292 311 431 456 475 481 487
Even component 166
Even function 166
Existence 53
Extension 70
Externality 342
Faddeev, D. K. 231 446 451
Falk, M. 61 397
Fantappi , L. 200 201 421
Farkas, G. 251 390
Faucett, W. M. 254 442
Favre, A. 304 403
Feinstein, A. 231 456
Fej r, L. 279
Feller, W. 353 451
Felscher, W. 293 451 460
Feny , I. 12 95 107 146 165 190 197 201 279 311 330 353 425 428 429 433 446 481
Ferrero, A. 234 389
Field 223
Fihtengol’c, G. M. 34 177 214 429 433 442
Finikov, S. P. 465
Fladt, K. 73 79 80 90 151 177 189 467 479
Flamache, L. 201 422
Flanders, H. 177 481
Flett, T. M. 117 214 488
Foland, E. 253 488
Force field 95
Fortet, R. 303 417
Foundations of probability theory 319
Fr chet, M. 11 34 81 129 141 214 353 359 398 400 401 412 413 414 418 446 451
Franklin, P. 37 62 411
Frattini, G. 81 95 406
Frey, T. 347 470
Fridman, A. A. 34 95 403 429
Friedman, D. 141 481
Frink, O. 278 442
Frobenius, G. 349 397
Fuchs, L. 66 151 254 278 292 293 372 431 437 487 488
Fuller, F. B. 17 251 416
Fulton, C. M. 117 125 278 437 451
Functional determinant 203
Furstenberg, H. 73 274 442