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Richard A. DeFusco CFA, McLeavey D.W., Runkle D.E. — Quantitative Methods For Investment Analysis
Richard A. DeFusco CFA, McLeavey D.W., Runkle D.E. — Quantitative Methods For Investment Analysis

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Íàçâàíèå: Quantitative Methods For Investment Analysis

Àâòîðû: Richard A. DeFusco CFA, McLeavey D.W., Runkle D.E.


As part of the CFA Institute Investment Series, the Second Edition of Quantitative Investment Analysis has been designed for a wide range of individuals, from graduate-level students focused on finance to practicing investment professionals. This globally relevant guide will help you understand quantitative methods and apply them to today's investment process.

In this latest edition, the distinguished team of Richard DeFusco, Dennis McLeavey, Jerald Pinto, and David Runkle update information associated with this discipline; improve the presentation and coverage of several major areas, including regression, time series, and multifactor models; and introduce an even greater variety of investment-oriented examples—which reflect the changes currently taking place in the investment community. Throughout the text, special attention is paid to ensuring the even treatment of subject matter, consistency of mathematical notation, and continuity of topic coverage that is so critical to the learning process.
Valuable for self-study and general reference, this book provides clear, example-driven coverage of a wide range of quantitative methods. Topics discussed include:

* The time value of money
* Discounted cash flow applications
* Common probability distributions
* Sampling and estimation
* Hypothesis testing
* Correlation and regression
* Multiple regression and issues in regression analysis
* Time-series analysis
* Portfolio concepts

And to further enhance your understanding of the tools and techniques presented here,don't forget to pick up the Quantitative Investment Analysis Workbook, Second Edition—an essential guide containing learning outcomes and summary overview sections along with challenging problems and solutions.
With each author bringing his own unique experiences and perspectives to the table, the Second Edition of Quantitative Investment Analysis distills the knowledge, skills, and abilities you need to succeed in today's fast-paced financial environment. Filled with in-depth insights and practical advice, Quantitative Investment Analysis, Second Edition offers a comprehensive treatment of quantitative methods that combines best practices with solid theory.

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Absolute dispersion      126
Absolute frequency      93 103
Accrued interest      74
Active factor risk, analysis example      660—663
Active factor risk, definition      657
Active management      633
Active return definition      652
Active risk, comparison example      658—659
Active risk, definition      655
Active risk, squared      657 658
Active specific risk definition      657
Adjusted beta definition      628
Analyzing sources of returns      652—655
Analyzing sources of risk      655—663
Annual percentage rate (APR)      12
Annuity      see also "Ordinary annuity"
Annuity payments size, solving for      29—33
Annuity, definition      13
Annuity, due      13
Annuity, perpetual      23
Arbitrage Pricing Theory (APT)      633 637—643
Arbitrage pricing theory (APT), assumptions of      637
Arbitrage pricing theory (APT), capital asset pricing model versus      637 638
Arbitrage pricing theory (APT), examples      639—642
Arbitrage pricing theory (APT), factor risk premium      638
Arithmetic mean      103—107 243
Arithmetic mean, definition      103
Arithmetic mean, disadvantage of      107
Arithmetic mean, Foolish Four and      307
Arithmetic mean, population mean and      103—104
Arithmetic mean, properties of      106—107
Arithmetic mean, returns examples      117—118 119
Arithmetic mean, sample mean and      103 104—105
Arithmetic mean, usage example      109—110
Arithmetic mean, using geometric and      153—155
Arithmetic mean, variations of      107
Arithmetic mean, weighted mean formula versus formula of      113
Asian call option      267
Asset selection risk definition      657
Asset's risk measurement      135
Autocorrelations of time series      52—530 545 551
Autoregressive (AR) time-series models      527—540
Autoregressive (AR) time-series models, comparing forecast model performance      536—538
Autoregressive (AR) time-series models, covariance-stationary series      528—529
Autoregressive (AR) time-series models, detecting serially correlated errors in      529—532
Autoregressive (AR) time-series models, determining which model to use      567—568
Autoregressive (AR) time-series models, instability of regression coefficients      538—540
Autoregressive (AR) time-series models, mean reversion      532—533
Autoregressive (AR) time-series models, moving-average versus      551—553
Autoregressive (AR) time-series models, multiperiod forecasts and chain rule of forecasting      533—536
Autoregressive (AR) time-series models, seasonality and      553
Autoregressive conditional heteroskedasticity (ARCH) models      559—562 568
Autoregressive model      517—518
Autoregressive moving-average models      558—559
Average versus mean usage      104
Back simulation      271
Bank discount basis      73—74
Bank discount basis, definition      73
Bank discount basis, example      73—74
Bank discount basis, yield      74
Bayes' formula      180 211—215
Benchmark      633
Bernoulli random variable      236—239 244
Bernoulli trial      236 238 239
Beta definitions      618
Beta definitions, adjusted      628
Beta definitions, fundamental      629
Beta definitions, standardized      643
Bid-ask spread, explaining      443—447
Bid-ask spread, nonlinearity and      480—483
Bid-ask spread, variable bias and, omitted      478—479
Binomial distribution      236—246
Binomial formula      217
Binomial model of stock price movement      245
Binomial option pricing model      232 236
Binomial tree      245 246
Black — Litterman asset allocation model      623
Black — Scholes — Merton option pricing model      260 262
Black — Scholes — Merton option pricing model, Monte Carlo simulation versus      272
Black — Scholes — Merton option pricing model, probability distribution and      232
Black — Scholes — Merton option pricing model, volatility and      264
Block brokers      237—238 240—242
Bond portfolio example, expected number of defaults in      244
Bond-equivalent basis      77
Bond-equivalent yield      77
Box — Pierce Q-statistic      530
Breusch — Pagan test      465—467
Capital allocation line (CAL)      610—617 636
Capital Asset Pricing Model (CAPM)      618—619
Capital asset pricing model (CAPM), arbitrage pricing theory versus      637 638 666—667
Capital asset pricing model (CAPM), asset allocation and      623 625
Capital asset pricing model (CAPM), assumptions of      618
Capital asset pricing model (CAPM), definition      618
Capital asset pricing model (CAPM), heteroskedasticity and      464
Capital asset pricing model (CAPM), probability distribution and      232
Capital asset pricing model (CAPM), risk adjustment and      414
Capital budgeting      58
Capital market line (CML)      617 618
Capital structure      58
Cash flow additivity principle      30 35
Cash flow(s)      see also "Discounted cash flow applications"
Cash flow(s), future value of series of      13—15
Cash flow(s), future value of single      4—13
Cash flow(s), incremental      58
Cash flow(s), ordinary annuity and      13—14
Cash flow(s), present value of series of      18—26
Cash flow(s), present value of single      15—18
Cash flow(s), unequal      15
CD equivalent yield      see "Money market yield"
Central limit theorem      292—295 328
Central limit theorem, definition      292
Central limit theorem, example      293—294
Central limit theorem, Monte Carlo simulation and      293—294
Central limit theorem, normal distribution and      263
Central limit theorem, population distribution and      339
Central limit theorem, sampling and      286
Central tendency, measure of      103—120
Central tendency, measure of, arithmetic mean      103—107
Central tendency, measure of, comparison of values of means      120
Central tendency, measure of, geometric mean      115—119
Central tendency, measure of, harmonic mean      119—120
Central tendency, measure of, median      108—110
Central tendency, measure of, mode      110—112
Central tendency, measure of, weighted mean      112—115
Chain rule of forecasting and multiperiod forecasts      533—536
Chebyshev's inequality      137—138 249
Coefficient of variation (cv)      139—140
Combination      217
Common size statements      483
Company fundamental factors      651
Company share-related factors      652
Complement      192
Compounding      see also "Interest rate(s)"
Compounding, continuous      10—12
Compounding, definition      4
Compounding, examples      9—10 11
Compounding, frequency of      9—10
Compounding, future value effect from      11
Compounding, importance of      5
Conditional expected values      196
Conditional variances      198—199
Confidence interval      253—254 325
Confidence interval for population mean      297—303
Confidence interval, chi-square test and      352
Confidence interval, construction of      297—298
Confidence interval, definition      297
Confidence interval, degree of confidence      207
Confidence interval, hypothesis tests and      332 405 406
Confidence interval, one-sided      297
Confidence interval, regression forecasts and      416—418
Confidence interval, reliability factors for      299
Confidence interval, sample size selection      303 304—305
Confidence interval, Sharpe ratio and      300 302—303
Confidence interval, two-sided      297
Consistent estimator      296—297
Constants-proportions strategy      114
Continuous compounded return      262 264
Continuous random variables      232 246—266
Continuous random variables, applications of normal distribution      257—260
Continuous random variables, definition      233
Continuous random variables, integration and      195
Continuous random variables, lognormal distribution      260—266
Continuous random variables, normal distribution      250—257
Continuous random variables, rate of return as      233
Continuous random variables, uniform distribution      246—249
Correlation, analysis      376—395
Correlation, analysis examples      384—391
Correlation, analysis limitations      381—384
Correlation, analysis uses      384—391
Correlation, coefficient      377
Correlation, coefficient, calculating and interpreting      379—381
Correlation, coefficient, testing significance of      392—395
Correlation, definitions      207 591
Correlation, examples      384—391 392—394
Correlation, exchange rate return      386—387
Correlation, linear association and      377
Correlation, matrix      207
correlation, positive      395
Correlation, properties of      207—208
Correlation, scatter plots and      376—377 378 379 383
Correlation, serial      see "Serial correlation and regression errors"
Correlation, spurious      384
Correlation, style analysis      386
Cost averaging      120
Counting, principles of      215—218
Counting, principles of, applying      218
Counting, principles of, labeling problems      216—217
Counting, principles of, multiplication rule of      215
Covariance      204—205
Covariance, computing between random variables      210
Covariance, definitions      204 379
Covariance, effect on portfolio variance      205
Covariance, finite      542
Covariance, historical      209
Covariance, matrix      205—206 625
Covariance, observations about      205
Covariance, return estimating      209
Covariance, sample      379—381
Covariance, stationaiy      562 563 564 565 567
Covariance-stationary series      528—529 541
Credit ratings for bonds      90
Cross-sectional data      105—106 291 395—396 418 449
Cross-sectional data and time-series      289—291
Cumulative distribution function (cdf)      234 236 247—248
Cumulative frequency      94
Cumulative frequency distribution      100 101 102—103
Cumulative probabilities for standard normal distribution      686—687
Cumulative relative frequency      94 103
Data snooping      see "Data mining"
Data, graphics presentation of      99—103
Data, graphics presentation of, cumulative frequency distribution      100 101 102—103
Data, graphics presentation of, frequency polygon      100
Data, graphics presentation of, histogram      99—100 101
Data-mining, bias      306—308
Data-mining, definition      306
Data-mining, intergenerational      306—307
Data-mining, signs of use of      307—308
Deciles      120
Default risk premium      3
Degrees of freedom (df)      300—301 335
Degrees of freedom, level of significance table      689
Dependent variable(s)      395 442 490—492
Descriptive statistics      88—89
Dickey — Fuller test for unit root      545—546 562 564 565
Diffuse priors      215
Discount definition      2 73
Discount yield      see "Bank discount basis"
Discounted cash flow applications      57—86
Discounted cash flow applications, introduction      57
Discounted cash flow applications, money market yields      72—77
Discounted cash flow applications, net present value and internal rate of return      58—65
Discounted cash flow applications, portfolio return measurement      65—72
Discounted cash flow applications, summary      77—78
Discrete random variables      195 232—246
Discrete random variables, binomial distribution      236—246
Discrete random variables, definition      232—233
Discrete random variables, uniform distribution, discrete      234—236
Discriminant analysis      490
Dispersion, measures of      126—144
Dispersion, measures of, Chebyshev's inequality      137—138
Dispersion, measures of, coefficient of variation      139—140
Dispersion, measures of, definition      126
Dispersion, measures of, interquartile range      127
Dispersion, measures of, mean absolute deviation      127—129
Dispersion, measures of, population variance and population standard deviation      129—132
Dispersion, measures of, range      126—127
Dispersion, measures of, relative      139
Dispersion, measures of, sample variance and sample standard deviation      132—135
Dispersion, measures of, semivariance, semideviation, and related concepts      135—137
Dispersion, measures of, Sharpe ratio      141—144
Distribution-free tests      see "Non-parametric tests"
Diversification, portfolio      602 605—609
Dollar-weighted return      see "Money-weighted rate of return"
Dummy variables in regressions, using      458—462
Durbin — Watson (DW) statistic, critical values for      694
Durbin — Watson (DW) statistic, testing for correlated errors and      526—527
Durbin — Watson (DW) statistic, testing for serial correlation and      470—472 529
Durbin — Watson (DW) statistic, time-series forecasting and      567
Dutch Book Theorem      184
Earnings per share (EPS), forecasting      194
Earnings per share (EPS), nature of statistics and      88
Economic forecasts, evaluating      384—385
Effective annual rate (EAR)      12
Effective annual yield (EAY)      75 76
Efficiency definition      296
Efficient frontier      594 599 602
Error autocorrelations      530
Error term      395
Estimators      see also "Sampling"
Estimators, consistent      296—297
Estimators, point      295—297
Estimators, precision of      298
Estimators, properties of      296
Estimators, questions answered by      295
Estimators, unbiased      296 300
European option      267
European-style option      267
Event(s), definition      180—181
Event(s), dependent      189
Event(s), independent      189
Event(s), multiplication rule for independent      189
Excess kurtosis      150
Exhaustive definition      181
Expected value(s)      115
Expected value(s) of product of uncorrelated random variables, multiplication rule      211
Expected value(s) of random variable      194—195
Expected value(s), calculation of portfolio      203
Expected value(s), conditional      196—197
Expected value(s), definition      194
Expected value(s), properties of      203
Expected value(s), total probability rule for      197
Expected value(s), weight and      203
F-distribution table      690—693
Face value of T-bill      72
Fat tails      252
Financial risk definition      260
Finite population correction (fpc) factor      336
First-differencing      542
Fisher effect regression with lagged dependent variable      486—487
Fisher effect regression with measurement error      488—489
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