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Bardou F., Bouchaud J., Aspect A. — Levy statistics and laser cooling |
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Absorbing wall see “Wall”
Aging 59
Anomalous diffusion 1
Anomalous random walks 1
Arrhenius law 43
Broad distributions 42—59 (see also “Power-law distribution” “Sprinkling
Broad distributions, connection with non-ergodicity 97
Broad distributions, generalized Central Limit Theorem 44
Broadband Doppler cooling on a narrow transition 141
Central limit theorem 3 24—25 43
Central Limit Theorem, generalized 24 28 33 43—49
Central Limit Theorem, generalized, proof 45
Change of variable as origin of broad distribution 43
Characteristic momentum 69
CLT see “Central Limit Theorem”
Coefficient of variation 52
Coherence length 13
Confined model (of recycling) for Raman cooling 168 169
Confined model (of recycling) for Velocity Selective Coherent Population Trapping 159 163
Confined model (of recycling), definition 26
Confined model (of recycling), distribution of recycling times 39—40
Confined model (of recycling), tests of the statistical approach 111 113 116
Cooled atoms see “Height (width) of the peak of cooled atoms” “Momentum “Trapped
Cooled atoms fraction see “Momentum distribution (important features)” “Trapped
Cooled atoms fraction, definition 74
Cooled atoms fraction, optimization 135
Cooled atoms fraction, relation to non-ergodicity 97 98
Cooling see “Laser cooling”
Damping (of momentum) see “Friction”
Dark state 2 3 10 11 165 166
Delay function 14—20 (see also “Monte Carlo simulations” “Quantum “Stochastic
Delay function in Velocity Selective Coherent Population Trapping 146
Delay function, method 14 104
Deterministic model (for trapping times) 29—30 33
Devil’s staircase 54
Diffusion 2 8 9 “Random “Spatial
Dimensionality, influence on recycling time distribution 39
Dimensionality, influence on trapping time distribution 32
Dimensionality, role in subrecoil cooling, tests of the statistical approach 120—122
Discrete Laplace transform see “Laplace transform”
Dissipation 8
Distributions see “Broad distributions” “Exponential “Levy “Narrow “Power-law “Sprinkling
Domination of rare events see “Levy sum (hierarchy in)”
Doppler cooling 2 8 25
Doppler cooling, broadband see “Broadband Doppler cooling”
Doppler cooling, narrow transition see “Broadband Doppler cooling”
Doppler effect 8 152
Doppler model (of recycling) for Velocity Selective Coherent Population Trapping 157 158 162
Doppler model (of recycling), definition 26
Doppler model (of recycling), distribution of recycling times 37—38 172—176
Doppler model (of recycling), tests of the statistical approach 106
Doppler shift 11 148 150
Elementary step of the momentum random walk 22 28 160 169
Ensemble average 61
Ensemble average, versus time average 60—62 67 99
Ergodicity see “Ensemble average” “Time “Non-ergodicity”
Experiments on subrecoil cooling, comparison with optimized cooling conditions 134
Experiments on subrecoil cooling, overview 102—103
Experiments on subrecoil cooling, role of friction in higher dimensions 121
Experiments on subrecoil cooling, role of friction in one dimension 120
Experiments on subrecoil cooling, width and shape of the peak of cooled atoms 116—120
Exponential distribution 43 52
Exponential model (for trapping times) 30—31 33
Feynman path integral 174—175
First return time see “Recycling time”
Fluctuations 8 (see also “Levy sum”)
Fluorescence see “Spontaneous emission”
Fluorescence, rate 2 147
Friction 25 (see also “Confined model”)
Friction in standard laser cooling 2 7
Friction in subrecoil cooling 10 11 25—26 140 159
Friction, role in subrecoil cooling, tests of the statistical approach 120—122 Fig.
Gaussian distribution 4 44
Generalized CLT see “Central Limit Theorem”
Generalized momentum 11
Generalized Optical Bloch Equations 13 (see also “Velocity Selective Coherent Population Trapping”)
Generalized Optical Bloch Equations for the Doppler model 107 109
Generalized Optical Bloch Equations for the unconfined model 110
Generalized Optical Bloch Equations, tests of the role of friction in two dimensions 121
Generalized Optical Bloch Equations, trapped atoms proportion 107 109 110
Generalized Optical Bloch Equations, width and height of the cooled peak 116
Glasses 59
GOBE see “Generalized Optical Bloch Equations”
Half-width see “Width of the peak of cooled atoms”
Hamiltonian, effective 14 147
Hamiltonian, effective, exact diagonalization 149
harmonic oscillator 174
Height of the peak of cooled atoms see “Momentum distribution (important features)”
Height of the peak of cooled atoms for finite and 81
Height of the peak of cooled atoms for infinite and 85
Height of the peak of cooled atoms for infinite and finite 76
Height of the peak of cooled atoms in optimized conditions 134
Height of the peak of cooled atoms, definition 73
Height of the peak of cooled atoms, optimization see “Optimization of the peak of cooled atoms”
Height of the peak of cooled atoms, physical interpretation and connection with the sprinkling distribution 74 92
Height of the peak of cooled atoms, relation to non-ergodicity 99
Heuristic arguments on subrecoil cooling 69—70
Hierarchical structure see “Levy sum”
Hypergeometric function 76
Interaction time 12 23
Isotropic random walk see “Random walk (isotropic)”
Jump rate 3 9—12 20—21 147
Jump rate in p=0 see “Non-vanishing jump rate at p=0”
Jump rate, calculation for Raman cooling 164—168
Jump rate, inhomogeneous 9—11 22
Jump rate, models 25—28 (see also “Models”)
Jump rate, non-quadratic 32
Jump rate, quadratic 28—31
Jump rate, quantum calculations for Velocity Selective Coherent Population Trapping 146—154
Jump rate, simplified 20—21
Jump, momentum see “Momentum (jumps)”
Jump, quantum see “Quantum jump”
Kundt tube 10
Laplace transform 36
Laplace transform of a Levy distribution 45
Laplace transform of a power-law distribution 47
Laplace transform, discrete 36
Laplace transform, notation 45
Largest term see “Levy sum”
Laser cooling see “Doppler cooling” “Non-ergodic “Raman “Sisyphus “Standard “Subrecoil “VSCPT”
Laser cooling, experiments see “Experiments on subrecoil cooling”
Laser cooling, introduction to 1—2
Laser wavelength 13
Law of Large Numbers 4 (see also “Levy sum N-dependence”)
Levy distribution 4 45
Levy distribution, Laplace transform 45
Levy distribution, properties 48
Levy statistics 4 42—59
Levy sum 44
Levy sum, definition 44
Levy sum, fluctuations 52
Levy sum, hierarchy in 50 54 55 70
Levy sum, largest term 51
Levy sum, N-dependence 49
Levy sum, numerical illustration 53
Levy sum, predictability 53
Levy sum, properties 49—55
Levy sum, repeatability 53
Logarithmic corrections when 86 177—179
Many-atom effects 142
MCWF see “Monte Carlo (Wave Function)”
Median momentum 73 (see also “Momentum distribution (important features)”)
Models of recycling see “Recycling (region)” “Unconfined “Confined “Doppler
Models of the inhomogeneous random walk Section 3.2
Models of trapping see “Trapping region” “Trapping “Trapping
Molasses 8
Momentum distribution 69—87 (see also “Heuristic arguments on subrecoil cooling”)
Momentum distribution for finite and finite 79
Momentum distribution for infinite 83
Momentum distribution for infinite and finite 75
| Momentum distribution, along a given axis 72—73
Momentum distribution, characteristic momentum see “Characteristic momentum”
Momentum distribution, cooled atoms fraction see “Cooled atoms fraction”
Momentum distribution, explicit forms 75 80 84
Momentum distribution, expressions of 71—75
Momentum distribution, flatness around p=0 76 81 96 119 Fig.
Momentum distribution, height see “Height of the peak of cooled atoms”
Momentum distribution, important features 77 82 85 86
Momentum distribution, median see “Median momentum”
Momentum distribution, modulus distribution 71
Momentum distribution, overview of main results 86
Momentum distribution, rate equation see “Rate equation”
Momentum distribution, self-similarity 77 82 85 118 Fig.
Momentum distribution, shape see “Shape of the peak of cooled atoms”
Momentum distribution, tails see “Tails of the peak of cooled atoms”
Momentum distribution, tests of the statistical approach see “Tests (of the statistical approach)”
Momentum distribution, trapped atoms see “Trapped atoms”
Momentum distribution, width see “Width of the peak of cooled atoms”
Momentum of a single photon 2
Momentum, confinement see “Friction”
Momentum, damping see “Friction”
Momentum, diffusion see “Diffusion”
Momentum, generalized see “Generalized momentum”
Momentum, jumps 28
Momentum, median see “Median”
Momentum, random walk see “Random walk”
Momentum, trapping see “Dark state”
Monte Carlo, simulations 14—16 (see also “Delay function” “Quantum “Raman “Stochastic
Monte Carlo, Wave Function 16
Narrow distribution see “Sprinkling distribution”
Narrow distribution, Central Limit Theorem 44
Non-ergodic cooling 3 100
Non-ergodicity 24 67 96—100 122
Non-ergodicity with non-vanishing jump rate at p=0 96
Non-ergodicity, connection with broad distributions 97
Non-ergodicity, cross-over between non-ergodic and steady-state behaviour with non-vanishing jump rate at p=0 96
Non-ergodicity, fraction-limited 97 98 100
Non-ergodicity, global 97 98 100
Non-ergodicity, non-ergodic versus ergodic histories 98 99
Non-ergodicity, various degrees 97
Non-stationarity 96—100
Non-stationarity, momentum distribution flatness as a signature of non-stationarity and non-ergodicity 96
Non-vanishing jump rate at p=0 93—96
Normal distribution see “Gaussian distribution”
Optical molasses 8
Optimization of the peak of cooled atoms 124—136
Optimization of the peak of cooled atoms, comparison with experiments 134
Optimization of the peak of cooled atoms, cooled atoms fraction 135
Optimization of the peak of cooled atoms, features of the optimized cooling 133—135
Optimization of the peak of cooled atoms, intuitive explanation of the existence of an optimum 128—129
Optimization of the peak of cooled atoms, optimization parameter 126 127
Optimization of the peak of cooled atoms, parametrization see “Parametrization of the cooling process”
Optimization of the peak of cooled atoms, possible improvements 140
Optimization of the peak of cooled atoms, random walk interpretation of the optimized solution 135—136
Optimization of the peak of cooled atoms, using Levy sums 131—132
Optimization of the peak of cooled atoms, using the expression of the height 130—131
Order statistics see “Levy sum (hierarchical structure)”
Parameters of the statistical models for Raman cooling 168—170
Parameters of the statistical models for Velocity Selective Coherent Population Trapping 155—160
Parameters of the statistical models, correspondence with atomic and laser parameters 145—171
Parametrization of the cooling process 126—128
Peak of the momentum distribution, contribution to the sprinkling distribution see “Sprinkling distribution”
Peak of the momentum distribution, height see “Height of the peak of cooled atoms”
Peak of the momentum distribution, tails see “Momentum distribution” “Sprinkling
Peak of the momentum distribution, width see “Width of the peak of cooled atoms”
Phase space density 74
Poisson process 59
Power-law distribution 42—44 (see also “Broad distribution”)
Power-law distribution, Laplace transform 47
Power-law distribution, random generator 53
Power-law tails 43
Predictability see “Levy sum”
Proportion of trapped atoms see “Trapped atoms”
Quadratic jump rate see “Jump rate”
Quantum Jump 14
Quantum jump simulations see “Delay function” “Velocity
Quantum jump simulations for the confined model 112
Quantum jump simulations for the Doppler model 107
Quantum jump simulations for the unconfined model 109
Quantum jump simulations, tests of the role of friction in one dimension 120
Quantum jump simulations, trapped atoms proportion 107 109 112
Quantum jump simulations, width and shape of the peak of cooled atoms 113
Quantum jump, description 14—15 (see also “Delay function” “Monte “Stochastic
Quasi-steady-state for the tails see “Tails of the peak of cooled atoms”
Raman cooling 2 10—11 25 28 34
Raman cooling, correspondence between statistical parameters and atomic and laser parameters 164—171
Raman cooling, experiments see “Experiments on subrecoil cooling”
Raman cooling, jump rate 164—168
Raman cooling, Monte Carlo simulations 105
Raman cooling, optimization parameter 127
Raman cooling, sequence of pulses 165—168
Raman cooling, single pulse excitation 164—165
Random generator see “Power-law distribution”
Random recoil 9
Random walk see “Diffusion”
Random walk in Hilbert space 16—19 142
Random walk in standard cooling 8
Random walk in subrecoil cooling 9—12 16
Random walk of the momentum 2 8 9 19—22
Random walk, anomalous see “Anomalous random walks”
Random walk, inhomogeneous 9—12 16 22
Random walk, interpretation of optimum cooling 135—136
Random walk, isotropic 25
Rare events see “Levy sum (hierarchy in)”
Rate equation for the momentum distribution 88—91
Recoil, limit 9 12
Recoil, random 8 9
Recoil, single photon 2
Recoil, temperature see “Temperature”
recycling 22—28 34—41 “Confined “Unconfined “Doppler
Recycling, region 22—23 26
Recycling, time 23—25
Recycling, time distribution 34—41 162 171
Recycling, versus trapping see “Trapping”
Renewal density 58 (see also “Sprinkling distribution”)
Renewal process 58 138
Renewal process in quantum optics 58
Repeatability see “Levy sum”
Return time see “Recycling (time)”
Scaling 4 (see also “Law of large numbers” “Levy N-dependence”)
Scattering rate 2 (see also “Jump rate”)
Second-order correlation function 58 59
Self-similarity see “Momentum distribution”
Self-similarity in Levy sums 55
Shape of the peak of cooled atoms see “Momentum distribution (important features)” “Quantum
Shape of the peak of cooled atoms for finite and 81
Shape of the peak of cooled atoms for infinite and 85
Shape of the peak of cooled atoms for infinite and finite 76
Shape of the peak of cooled atoms, results of the statistical approach for VSCPT (confined) 113
Shape of the peak of cooled atoms, tests of the statistical approach 113—120 Figure Figure Figure
Sisyphus cooling 2 8 159
Sojourn time 12
Spatial diffusion 74
Spontaneous emission 8 14
Sprinkling distribution 55—59
Sprinkling distribution as a source term for the momentum distribution rate equation 89
Sprinkling distribution for infinite and 66
Sprinkling distribution for infinite and finite 65
Sprinkling distribution of a broad distribution 59
Sprinkling distribution of a narrow distribution 58
Sprinkling distribution of exit events 62
Sprinkling distribution of return events 61 62
Sprinkling distribution, contributions of the peak and of the tails 89
Sprinkling distribution, definition 55
Sprinkling distribution, examples 57
Sprinkling distribution, interpretation of the time dependence 90
Sprinkling distribution, Laplace transform 55
Sprinkling distribution, logarithmic corrections when 178
Sprinkling distribution, role in the height of the peak of cooled atoms see “Height of the peak of cooled atoms (physical interpretation)”
Sprinkling distribution, role in the momentum distribution expressions 75
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