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Lipschutz S. — Schaum's Outline of Probability |
Предметный указатель |
Absorbing state 134
Algebra of sets 5
Bayes’ Theorem 56
Bernoulli distribution 106
Binomial coefficients 19
Binomial coefficients, theorem 19 27
Binomial distribution 105
Birthday problem 43
C(n,r) 21
cells 5
Central limit theorem 108
Certain event 38
Chain (Markov) 130
Class of sets 5
Column of a matrix 126
Combinations 21
Combinatorial analysis 16
Complement of a set 2
Component of a vector 126
Conditional probability 54
Conditional probability, function 63
Contained 1
Continuous random variable 84
Correlation 80
Countable sets 4
Countably infinite 4
Counting 16
Covariance 80
Cumulative distribution function 86
de Morgan’s laws 3
Density function 84
Dependent events 57
Diagonal 134
Diagram, transition 146
Diagram, tree 9 23 55
Difference of sets 2
Discrete, probability space 43
Discrete, random variable 83
Disjoint sets 2
Distribution (of a random variable) 75 83
Distribution, binomial 105
Distribution, Gaussian 106
Distribution, joint 79
Distribution, multinomial 109
Distribution, normal 106
Distribution, Poisson 108
Distribution, standard normal 107
Element 1
Elementary event 38
Empty set 1
Equiprobable space 42
Event 38
Event, independent 57
Expectation 75 83 84
Expected value 75
Factorial notation 16
Failure (binomial distribution) 105
Family of sets 5
Finite, equiprobable space 42
Finite, probability space 41
Finite, sets 4
Finite, stochastic process 55
Fixed vector 127 129
Function 74
Function of random variables 82
Function, cumulative distribution 85
Function, density 84
Function, probability 75
Gaussian distribution 106
Image 74
Impossible event 38
Independent, events 57
Independent, random variables 81 85
Independent, trials 58 68
Indexed sets 5
Infinite, sample spaces 43
Infinite, sets 4
Initial probability distribution 132
Integers 2
Intersection of sets 25
interval 2
Joint, distribution 79
| Joint, probability function 79
Large numbers (law of) 86
Main diagonal 134
Mapping 74
Marginal distribution 80
Markov chain 130
Matrix 126
Matrix, stochastic 127
Mean 75
Member 1
Multinomial, coefficients 20
Multinomial, distribution 109
Multiplication theorem 55
Mutually exclusive events 39
N (positive integers) 2
Normal distribution 106
Null set 1
Odds 42
Ordered, partitions 22
Ordered, samples 18
P(n,r) 17
Partitions 5 22 66
Pascal's triangle 20
permutations 16
Permutations with repetitions 17
Poisson distribution 108
Positive integers 2
Power set 5
Preimage 74
probability 38 40
Probability, conditional 54
Probability, function 40 76
Probability, product 50
Probability, vector 127
Process (stochastic) 56
Product, probability space 60
Product, set 4
R (real numbers) 2
Random events 42
Random variables 74
Random variables, continuous 84
Random variables, discrete 83
Random variables, function of 82
Random variables, independent 81 86
Real numbers 2
Regular stochastic matrix 128
Relative, complement 2
Relative, frequency 38
Repeated trials 58
Row of a matrix 126
Sample, mean 87
Sample, point 38
Sample, space 38
Sampling 18
Scalar multiplication 126
Set 1
Square matrix 126
Standard deviation 78 83 85
Standard, normal distribution 107
Standard, units 107
Standardized random variable 79
State space 130
Stationary distribution 133
Stochastic, matrix 128
Stochastic, process 55
Subset 1
Success (binomial distribution) 105
Tchebycheff’s inequality 86
Techniques of counting 16
Transition, diagram 146
Transition, matrix 130
Tree diagram 9 23 56
Trials, independent 58 68
Uncountable sets 4
Uniform space 42 43
Union of sets 2
Universal set 1
Variance 78 83 84
Vector 126
Vector, probability 127
Venn diagrams 3
Weighted average 76
Z (integers) 2
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