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Kerker M. — The scattering of light |
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Abbott, C.G. 39 620
Abramowitz, M. 71 641
Absorption 14 (see also “Cross section absorption” “Efficiency absorption”)
Absorption, coefficient 15
Absorption, index of 15
Achromatic point 403—405
Activity, from turbidity 511—512
Activity, heteropoly acids from turbidity 522
Activity, polystyrene solutions from turbidity 524
Adams, G. 470 641
Aden, A.L. 67 189 192 194 314 315 316 370 620
Adey, A.W. 269 281 283 317 620
Adiabatic compressibility 496
Adler, S.B. 82 620
Adsorption constant 537—538
Aerosol generator 320—323
Aerosol generator, rotating disk 323
Aerosol generator, spinning disk 323
Aerosol(s) 319—323
Aerosol(s), linolenic acid 371
Aerosol(s), mercury 392
Aerosol(s), nuclei 321
Aerosol(s), octanoic acid 360 364 368
Aerosol(s), silver chloride 360 371
Aerosol(s), sodium chloride 360 368
Aerosol(s), sulfur 392
Aerosol(s), sulfuric acid 368
Aerosol(s), uniform particle size 322
Aerosol(s), vanadium pentoxide 368
Agarwal, A. 82 89 625
Agdur, B. 283 620
Aggregation number polyions 540
Aggregation number polyions, Albedo 123—125
Aggregation number polyions, surfactant micelle 544
Aibini, F.A. 419 426 620
Aiken, H.H. 70 620
Aitken, J. 397 620
Alexandropoulos, N. 562 622
Alexandrowicz, Z. 523 620
Alfrey, T. 322 643
Allen, T. 392 630
Altschul, M. 562 620
Ampere's law 8
Anacker, E.W. 549 620
Ander, P. 554 556 620 642
Anderson, H.R. 473 624
Andreasen, M.G. 218 220 620
Andrews, T. 562 620
Angelakos, D.J. 250 632
Angstadt, R.L. 520 543 620 643
Angular distribution coefficients 76
Angular intensity functions 156—183
Angular intensity functions, altitude chart 162—165
Angular intensity functions, optical absorption, effect of 178
Angular intensity functions, positions of extrema 175—177
Angular intensity functions, ray optics 179—181
Angular intensity functions, variation with angle 173—175
Anisotropy factor, molecular 585
Anisotropy factor, molecular, additivity effect 595
Anisotropy factor, molecular, effect of solvent 593
Anisotropy factor, molecular, temperature coefficient 591
Anisotropy, randomly coiled macromolecules 614—615
Anisotropy, tobacco mosaic virus 614
Anomalous diffraction 108
Anomalous diffraction, oriented cubes 127
Anomalous diffraction, range of validity 429
Anomalous diffraction, size distribution of spheres exhibiting 454—456
Arago, D.F.J. 28 620
Arnush, D. 441 620
Aroney, M.J. 595 620
Ashley, L.E. 15 620
Asymmetry factor 94
Asymmetry factor, for large absorbing spheres 183—185
Atack, D. 562 620
Atlas, D. 79 128 132 135 146 148 149 150 151 211 314 576 578 582 618 621 627
Atlas, S.M. 509 621
Atmosphere, optical phenomena 1—2
Atmosphere, propagation of radio waves 233 238
Atmosphere, scattering particles 30
Axial ray 141
Babinet's principle 24 96 106
Bach, D.R. 582 639
Backscatter 127—156 (see also “Sphere coated”)
Backscatter, cross section 128
Backscatter, cross section, dielectric 132—134 154—156
Backscatter, efficiency 128
Backscatter, gain 128
Backscatter, harmonic analysis of 152—153
Backscatter, ice 148
Backscatter, metal-capped 149
Backscatter, plasma 153—154
Backscatter, Plexiglas 148—151
Backscatter, Rayleigh scatterer 129
Backscatter, spheres, absorbing 133
Backscatter, spheroids, small 582
Backscatter, spheroids, small, totally reflecting 129
Backscatter, water drops 155
Bailey, E.D. 331 621
Baker, M.C. 518 621
Bakhtiyarov, V.G. 456 621
Banerjee, A.K. 543 624
Barakat, R. 262 263 306 621
Baranov, V.G. 462 626
Barlow, H.M. 25 621
Barnes, M.D. 324 335 397 621 632
Barus, C. 397 621
Bashaw, J. 570 624
Batchelder, A.C. 554 639
Bateman, H. 39 51 621
Bateman, J.B. 324 330 336 339 621
Battan, L.J. 79 81 128 132 135 137 138 211 212 217 218 219 576 621 629
Bauer 613 641
Baumstark, J.S. 323 641
Beattie, W.H. 78 332 356 383 440 486 621 634
Beebe, E. 462 474 621
Beidl, G. 486 621
Bello, A. 499 621
Benedict, E. 203 639 640
Benoit, H. 424 427 435 437 438 439 446 447 448 501 535 537 538 539 540 588 606 608 609 612 613 614 615 616 621 623 625 629 633 634 637 642 643 644
benzene see “Rayleigh ratio”
Berner, A. 398 621
Berry, G.C. 424 425 623
Bessel functions 43 61—71 239 273 393
Bessel functions, asymptotic approximations 68
Bessel functions, half integral order 69
Bessel functions, integral order 70 257
Bettelheim, F.A. 461 625
Beyer, G.L. 327 622
Bhagavantam, S. 487 582 583 622
Bhatnagar, H.L. 339 340 341 342 468 604 622 628 641
Bidissymmetry 598 600
Bisbing, P.I. 244 622
Bischof, M. 486 621
BLANK 256 622
Blum, J.J. 540 622
Blumer, H. 75 622
Boel, M. 434 622
Boling, G. 283 620
Boll, R.H. 78 622
Booth, C. 486 621
Borch, J. 462 622
Born approximation 414 431
Born, M. 15 39 41 51 61 62 63 224 622
Bothorel, P. 593 594 595 622 624 632 643
Boundary conditions, coated sphere 191
Boundary conditions, dielectric sphere 41 45
Boundary conditions, dielectric surfaces 10
Boundary conditions, for benzene 499
Boundary conditions, perfect conductors 10
Boundary conditions, point matching method 92
| Bowkamp, C.J. 53 622
Bradford, E.B. 322 323 622 643
Brady, G.W. 569 570 622 626
Bregman, J. 553 639
Bremmer, H. 232 622
Brewster angle 26 28
Bridge, N.J. 589 590 622
Briggs, H.B. 82 629
Brill, O.L. 451 453 486 622 639
Brillouin scattering 3
Brillouin, L. 107 566 622
Brinkman, H.C. 533 622
Bromwich, T.J. 58 232 622
Brown, A. 554 639
Brown, J. 25 621
Brown, W.F. 494 622
Browning, S.R. 81 629
Brucke, E.W. 27 622
Brumberger, H. 473 562 569 622 624 636
Brushmiller, J.G. 570 629
Bryant, F.D. 126 632 635
Bryant, H.C. 154 155 622 626
Bubble 196 217—218
Buckheim, W. 501 642
Buckingham, A.D. 589 590 622
Bueche, A.M. 458 462 468 624
Buley, E.R. 245 622
Bullough, R.K. 509 510 604 622
Bullrich, K. 79 173 174 627
Burberg, R. 256 622
Burke, J.E. 306 622 623
Burman, R. 240 273 274 623 627
Burnett, G.M. 445 623
Bushuk, W. 437 438 623
Cabannes factor 489 498 501 514 583—586
Cabannes, J. 582 585 623
Cambi, E. 70 623
Cantow, H. 502 623
Carpenter, D.K. 448 623
Carr, C.I. 492 623
Casassa, E.F. 424 425 444 557 623
Casimir, H.B. 53 622
Cauchy dispersion formula 324
Cauchy distribution 241
Caulfield, D. 462 623
Cellulose, swollen, light scattering by 474
Cerf, R. 596 623
Cesari, M. 436 633
Chambron, J. 614 634
Characteristic function 451
Characteristic function, for single particle 475
Characteristic impedance 237
Characteristic length 477
Charge fluctuations, isoionic polyelectrolytes 531
Chayamova, E.A. 456 640
Chemical potential, from excess turbidity 511
Chen, C.L. 280 623
Chen, H.H.C. 269 211 623
Chen, J. 283 284 295 298 626
Cheng, D.K. 269 270 277 623
Chin, J.H. 392 393 394 623
Chistova, E.A. 70 623
Chiu, G. 72 73 74 165 625
Chou, A. 518 630
Chow, Y. 278 623 642
Christenson, E.J. 306 623
Chromaticity 402—405
Chromey, F.C. 78 80 623
Chu, B. 444 473 569 570 623 624
Chu, C.M. 76 78 80 623 624
Churchill, S.A. 282 632
Churchill, S.W. 72 76 78 250 282 283 284 295 298 313 622 623 624 626
Claesson, S. 499 502 623
Claffey, W. 562 622
Clark, G.C. 72 76 78 250 313 622 623 624
Clasen, R.J. 67 81 98 99 126 178 625
Clausius — Mossotti equation 491 492 494 495
Clausius, R. 28 624
Clebsch, A. 55 624
Clement, C. 593 594 624
Clever, H.L. 514 639
Clough, S.B. 466 467 470 624 641
Cluster integrals 560
Coagulation, Brownian 369
Coalson, R.L. 474 621 622 624 641
Cobb, C.M. 78 620
Coefficient of variation 357
Coexistence curve 562
Cohen, G. 502 504 624
Cohen, G.L. 324 363 368 509 630
Coherence length 477
Coherence of separate beams 23
Cohn, S.H. 72 627
Coleman, B.D. 531 532 642
Coll, A. 510 624
Collins, L.F. 207 208 635
Colloids with narrow size distributions 317—325
Color theory 402—405
Color, of sky 396
Color, purity of 402—403
Color, scattered light 396—398
Color, star light 411
Color, sulfur sols 324 397
Color, transmitted light 338
Comblike branched molecules 424
Complementary color 405
Comrie, L.J. 69 626
Conservative dichroism 598—599
Cooke, D. 261 264 285 298 300 301 302 303 309 310 624 631
Cooper, M.J. 573 624
Copley, D.B. 543 624
Copolymer 438—439
Copolymer, apparent molecular weight 438
Copolymer, apparent radius of gyration 439
Correlation distance 459
Correlation function 451 459—461 564—565 569
Correlation function, cylindrically symmetric systems 472
Correlation function, exponential function 460
Correlation function, for single particle 475
Correlation function, from angular distribution of intensity 462
Correlation function, orientation 469 588
Correlation function, three-phase medium 474
Correlation function, two-phase medium 471
correlation length 566
Correlation volume 460 471
Correlation volume, single particle 475
Cotton — Mouton effect 596
Coulomb's law 8
Coulter counter 383 387
Coumou, D.J. 448 492 493 496 497 499 500 502 503 504 511 512 585 589 591 592 624 635
Courchene, W.L. 570 629
Coutarel, L. 320 368 624
Cox, A.J. 154 155 622
Cox, A.L. 319 320 389 392 630
Craig, H.R. 543 624
Creeping wave 131
Critical density 562
Critical micelle concentration 544
Critical opalescence 562—573
Critical opalescence, detergent solutions 570
Critical opalescence, dissymmetry 563
Critical opalescence, electrical field effects 571—573
Critical opalescence, polymer solutions 570
Critical point 562
Critical temperature 562
Cross section, absorption 49
Cross section, absorption, spheroid 579
Cross section, extinction 49
Cross section, scattering 37 49 54
Cross section, scattering, spheroid 579
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