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Kerker M. — The scattering of light |
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Scattering coefficients, electric coefficients 100
Scattering coefficients, real refractive index 97
Scattering coefficients, real refractive index, small 90
Scattering coefficients, totally reflecting spheres 102
Scattering functions, approximations 83
Scattering functions, cylinders, tabulations 281—285
Scattering functions, spheres, tabulations 75—82
Scattering ratio 373
Schafer, K. 420 625
Scharfman, H. 194 196 207 659
Schekman, A.I. 323 641
Scheraga, H.A. 596 625
Schiff, L.I. 414 659
Schmidt, P.W. 440 451 453 484 486 622 632 639
Schmidt, R.L. 500 514 591 659
Schoenberg, M.D. 319 320 389 392 630
Schultz, F.V. 277 616 617 634 639 641
Schulz, K. 320 321 654
Schwarzschild, K. 58 659
Second virial coefficient 508—509 519
Second virial coefficient, apparent 510 558
Seitz, W. 255 283 659
Selective adsorption 534
Sellberg, F. 283 620
Senftleben, H. 203 659 640
Senior, T.B.A. 88 131 616 627 640
Seshadri, S.R. 262 277 640
Shakhparanov, M.I. 492 499 500 588 640
Shifrin, K.S. 39 78 80 182 395 454 455 456 458 621 640
Shil, S.K. 500
Shimoyama, T. 359 635
Shiobara, S. 298 301 640
Shull, C.G. 484 640
Shumaker, J.B. 531 651
Siau, J. 518 630
Sicotte, Y. 448 509 510 588 638 640
Siegel, K.M. 616 —641
Sieger, B. 306 641
Silberberg, A. 436 625
Silica sols 324
Silver sols 207
Simple electrolytes, turbidity of 517
Sinclair, D. 36 108 313 319 335 349 397 409 410 632 641
Singer, S.J. 518 621
Skylight, color and polarization 26—30 582
Sleator, F.B. 616 641
Sliepcevich, C.M. 61 63 66 69 72 84 108 250 313 388 389 390 391 392 393 394 623 628
Sloan, R. 80 630
Small-angle light scattering 456—458
Small-angle scattering, ellipsoidal particles 440 (see also “X-ray scattering”)
Smart, C. 76 113 313 317 318 324 330 368 379 396 499 517 527 631 637 641
Smellie, R. 324 641
Smith, L.B. 177 345 346 347 631
Smoluchowski, M. 488 563 641
Snell — Descartes law 22
Sokerov, S. 609 642
Soleillet, P. 19 641
Sommerfeld, A. 22 641
Spack, G. 436 633
Specific surface from correlation function 473 476
Specific surface of two-phase media 471
Spectrum locus 403
Sphere(s), coated, backscatter 207—220
Sphere(s), coated, core with complex refractive index 203—207
Sphere(s), coated, dielectric core, absorbing coating 211—212
Sphere(s), coated, empirical expressions 201—203
Sphere(s), coated, gold cores encased in silver 207
Sphere(s), coated, numerical results 198—207
Sphere(s), coated, plasma coating 212—216
Sphere(s), coated, ray optics 213—217
Sphere(s), coated, size distribution of 370—373
Sphere(s), coated, small sphere limit 197—198
Sphere(s), coated, surface waves 210
Sphere(s), coated, theory of 189—198
Sphere(s), coated, totally reflecting core, dielectric coating 196 207—211
Sphere(s), coated, with variable refractive index 245—249
Sphere(s), history of theory of scattering by 54—59
Sphere(s), in inhomogeneous medium 235—236
Sphere(s), in uniform electric field 32
Sphere(s), multilayered 220—223 226—232
Sphere(s), neighboring 250—254
Sphere(s), notation in theory of 60—64
Sphere(s), radially symmetric lenses 224—226
Sphere(s), small, Rayleigh theory 31—39
Sphere(s), small, totally reflecting 156—157
Sphere(s), tabulated scattering functions 75
Sphere(s), theory of scattering 39—50
Sphere(s), wavelength dependence of scattering efficiency 338—343
Sphere(s), with continuously variable refractive index 232—250
Sphere(s), with diffuse surface 242—245
Spherical coordinates 32
Spherical lenses 224
Spheroids 479 575—583 616—619
Spherulites 462—467
Spherulites, anisotropic 464—465
Spherulites, ring structure 465
Stacey, K.A. 509 554 641
Standard deviation 353 356
Stationary ray 151
Stegun, I. 71 641
Stein, R.S. 462 463 464 465 466 467 468 470 475 486 582 590 591 624 625 630 636 637 641
Steinberg, I. 511 641
Stephen, M.J. 589 622
Stephens, J.J. 68 80 81 641
Stern, R.A. 307 641
Stern, S.C. 323 641
Steubing, W. 54 55 641
Stevenson, A.F. 342 358 359 373 374 375 377 379 381 383 604 616 617 641 644
Stigter, D. 508 514 516 560 641
Stockmayer, W.H. 437 533 536 588 613 621 641
Stokes law 389
Stokes parameters 17—19 35 48
Stokes, G.G. 17 30 641
Stokes, R. 517 638
Stoylov, S.P. 609 642
Stratton, J. 26 31 33 39 40 51 55 61 63 71 83 189 218 642
Strauss, U.P. 554 642
Strazielle, C. 535 538 539 540 642
Structure factor 449
Struve function 290
Stuart, H.A. 501 614 637 642
Subbarao, M.K. 317 633 642
Subramanian, S. 515 642
Sucrose 514—515
Sulfur hydrosols 58 324 360 368 396—401
Surface waves 25—26 131—132 139 152—156 158 210—211
Surfactants 543—549 560
Swarner, W.G. 212 215 216 217 284 297 637 642
Sweitzer, C.W. 515 642
Tabibian, R.M. 330 344 349 628 642
Tai, C.T. 232 240 274 278 642
Takahashi, A. 550 642
Takaku, K. 232 238 636
Takata, K. 79 643
Tamamura, S. 334 639
Tan Creti, D.M. 473 570 623 624
Tanford, C. 423 436 642
Tang, C.C.H. 269 283 299 316 317 642
Tanner, A.G. 540 629
Tartar, H.V. 549 642
Teorell, T. 334 642
Tezak, B. 334 335 625
Theimer, O. 588 642
Thilo, G. 269 642
Thomas, A.S. 283 284 285 642
Thomas, D.T. 139 142 143 147 151 152 216 218 631 637 642
Thompson, D.R. 562 642
Thomson equation 450
Thomson, J.J. 55 57 90 642
Ticknor, L.B. 514 639
| Timasheff, S.N. 519 531 532 555 632 642
Tobias, R.S. 541 543 544 553 635 642
Todd, J. 66 70 643
Tonks, L. 185 643
Total reflection 21 26
Transmission 38
Transmission line theory 237—238
Transverse electric (TE) wave 41 51 190 256—265
Transverse magnetic (TM) wave 41 51 190 256—265
Trap, H.J.L. 548 643
Trembly, R. 437 643
Tribus, M. 392 393 394 623
Trinks, W. 250 312 643
Tristimulus values 402 403 406
Tuma, J. 74 628
Turbidimetric titration see “Polymers”
Turbidity 38 (see also “Rayleigh ratio”)
Turbidity average radius 327 331 333
Turbidity maximum 335—338
Turbidity spectra see “Particle size distribution”
Turbidity, 12—tungstosilicic acid 518—522 528—529
Turbidity, at critical micelle concentration 544
Turbidity, binary solutions 505—532
Turbidity, bovine serum albumin 554—555
Turbidity, detergents 544
Turbidity, dispersion of Rayleigh scatterers 38
Turbidity, effect of addition of neutral electrolyte 518—519
Turbidity, effect of addition of neutral electrolyte, of electrical field 571—573 606—613
Turbidity, electrolytes 515—531
Turbidity, molecular weight from 508
Turbidity, multicomponent solutions 533—561
Turbidity, polyions 540—543
Turbidity, pure liquids 489—504
Turbidity, specific 84—86 339
Turbidity, wavelength dependence 338—343
Twersky, V. 31 250 265 306 622 643
Tyndall effect 27 28 36
Tyndall, J. 2 27 58 643
Tyree, S.Y. 519 520 541 543 544 553 620 624 627 629 642 643
Uhlenbeck, G.E. 569 629
Ulevitch, I.N. 330 332 333 634
Ullman, R. 446 462 537 621 623 643
Unanue, A. 595 643
van Aartsen, J.J. 466 467 470 614 624 625 630
van de Hulst, H.C. 19 39 50 60 62 64 76 96 108 117 122 125 162 180 255 256 257 265 266 281 290 483 484 643
van der Waarden, M. 330 629
van Grunderbeeck, F. 337 644
Vanadium pentoxide, refractive index 365
Vand, V. 113 641
Vanderhoff, J.W. 322 323 622 643
Van’t Hoff equation 508
Vapor pressure, correlation with light scattering 512 517 520—522 539
Vasicek, A. 20 643
Vassy, E. 339 625
Vavra, J. 499 502 625
Velline, C.O. 92 93 635
Velocity of light 11—12
Verwey, E.J.W. 561 643
Viezee, W. 67 98 99 126 625
Vincent, J. 436 633
Vink, H. 557 643
Vinnemann, C.D. 79 173 174 627
Vitkuske, J.F. 322 643
Voishvillo, N.A. 421 643
Volkov, T.I. 462 626
Volume surface mean radius 334
von Ignatowsky, W. 255 643
von Sacken, J.C. 486 621
von Schaeffer, C. 255 283 643
Vrij, A. 556 558 559 560 636 643
W.K.B.approximation 431
Wachtel, R.E. 320 643
Wada, E. 596 597 598 628 636
Wait, J.R. 31 232 237 238 255 256 262 266 276 277 281 426 626 643
Waiter, C.H. 226 276 632 639
Wakashima, H. 79 643
Wales, M. 383 643
Walker, C.B. 420 643
Walker, G.W. 58 643
Wallace, T.P. 349 360 362 368 639 644
Wallach, M.L. 78 358 359 373 375 376 377 378 379 380 381 382 383 608 609 612 613 628 641 644
Walstra, P. 88 113 114 387 395 644
Walter, H. 78 644
Walton, A.G. 330 644
Wang, R.T. 92 93 617 618 627
Wasik, S.P. 549 644
Water structure 503—504
Watillon, A. 337 387 624 644
Watson, G.N. 64 616 644
Watson, W.H. 92 644
Wave equation 11 13 40 41 43
Wave equation, cylindrical coordinates 257
Wave equation, spherical coordinates 42
Wavelength exponent 339—343
Wawra, H. 486 627
Waxier, R.M. 492 644
Weber, H.H. 387 644
Weigel, D. 471 644
Weil, C.G. 451 453 486 622 639
Weill, G. 427 447 588 590 591 633 637 644
Weinstock, S.E. 320 638
Weir, C.E. 492 644
Wellman, P. 256 644
Weneck, E.J. 324 330 336 339 627
Wesslau, H. 445 644
Weston, V.H. 196 644
Westwell, A.E. 549 620
Wexler, R. 618 621
Whalley, E. 500 629
Whinnery, J.R. 231 638
Whitby, K.T. 320 323 632 644
White light, scattering of 405—413
Whittaker functions 240
Whittaker, E.T. 93 616 644
Widom, B. 570 644
Wilcox, C.H. 53 644
Wiles, S.T. 317 644
Wilhelmsson, H. 269 284 644
Wilhelmsson, K.H.B. 276 644
Wilkes, G.L. 462 644
Williams, B.L. 554 642
Williams, C.L. 565 626
Willis, E. 200 246 321 324 330 369 370 372 373 625 641 644
Wilson, C.T.R. 397 644
Wilson, I.B. 319 320 336 632 644
Wilson, P.R. 465 468 647
Wims, A. 570 622 633
Wineman, P.L. 554 642
Wippler, C. 438 439 446 606 609 610 612 627 644
Witeczek, J. 374 645
Woermann, D. 570 624
Wolf, E. 15 39 41 51 61 62 63 224 622
Wood, J.A. 492 493 499 636
Woodbridge, R.F. 388 636
Wooding, E.R. 272 307 630
Woodward, D.H. 313 644
Wrischer, M. 325 625 629
Wu, T.T. 255 637
Wyatt, P.J. 188 232 234 235 239 242 244 245 644 645
X-ray scattering 422
X-ray scattering, small angle 450—454
Yajnik, M. 374 645
Yamada, N. 610 629
Yamakawa, H. 540 645
Yang, J.T. 508 645
Yee, H.Y. 92 645
Yeh, C. 273 274 277 283 284 299 306 639 645
Yoest, R.L. 520 643
Yu, H.H.S. 320 632
Yvon, J. 588 645
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