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Cantu-Paz E. — Efficient and accurate parallel genetic algorithms |
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selection 99
see "Topology degree"
computation/communication ratio 38
see "Migration rate"
Abramson, D. 35
Absorbing barriers 20
Absorbing state 71 73
Absorption probability 72
Absorption time 71
Adamidis, P. 6 52
Additive fitness function 18
Additive fitness functions 16
Aggregate population size 90
Alba, E. 6
Algorithmic benefits 10
Alleles 5
Alphabet 5
Anderson, E.J. 124
Andre, D. 116
Approximate fitness 28
assumptions 21 54 57 83 90 144
Asynchronous 10 34
Average fitness 102
Baeck, T. 30 36 99 103
Baker, J.E. 98
Baluja, S. 24 122 124
Bandwidth 38
Bayesian optimization algorithm 26
bb see "Building blocks"
Belding, T. 117
Bennett, F. 11
Beowulf 11 54
Bethke, A. 34
bi-directional ring 77 92
Bianchini, R. 129
Bin packing 124
binary strings 5
binomial 56
Binomial distribution 69 83 103
Biological implications 9
Booker, L. 98
Bossert, W. 50
Bound 80
Bounding case 45 49—65 86
bounds 143
Branke, J. 122
Braud, A. 46
Braun, H.C. 51
Brindle, A. 99
building blocks 5—6 14
Building blocks, correct 6 68
Building blocks, critical number 82 83
Building blocks, deciding between 14 17—20
Building blocks, expected number 15 21 68
Building blocks, mixing 15 24
Building blocks, supply 15 24 27
Calegari, P. 10
Capcarrerre, M. 126
Cartwheel topology 91
Catastrophe 143
Cellular GAs 9 122
Cellular programming 126
Central limit theorem 18
Chakraborty, U.K. 44
Chromosome 2
Classification see "Parallel GAs"
coarse-grained 7 49
Cohoon, J.P. 8
Collateral noise 17 20
Colonization 143
Communication time 37
Community model 129
Compact GA 24
Competition 18 21
Compression 143
Computation time 37
Conclusions 143—145
Connection Machine 122 125
Contributions 144
Controversy on speedups 54
Critical path 125
Crossover 3 4 16 23 24 27
Darwinian evolution 4
Davidor, Y. 10
Davison, B.D. 45
De Jong, K. 17 44
Deb, K. 25
Deception 5
Deceptive see "Deceptive function"
Deceptive functions 25 68 80
Decomposition 14
Degree 76 80 82 92
Deme 7
Deme count 49
Diameter 142
Difference equation 101
Diffusion 9 122
Disruption 26
Dissertation ix
Distributed memory 35 49
Diversity 51 52
Dymek, A. 54
Dynamic environment 51
Dynamic neighborhoods 142
Efficiency 39 52
Eiben, A.E. 4
Elredge, N. 8
Embarrassingly parallel 1
Emigrants 105
encodings 3
Epoch 60 67 80
Epochs, multiple 68 88 91
Epochs, until convergence 71 95
Ethernet 42
Etxeberria, R. 143
Evolution strategies 36 54 126
Evolutionary programming 36
Exact models 143
execution time 37—38 83 94
Exponential time 143
Extended compact GA 26
Extended neighborhood 89—91 95
Extensions 141—143
Facet 14 143
Fair comparisons 55
Fast messy GAs 54
fine-grained 9 122—126
Fitness distribution 18
Fitness function 3 18
Fitness-proportionate selection 98
Fixed topology 96
Fogarty, T. 35
Fully-connected demes 58—64 68—74 80 86—87
Fundamental matrix 71
Gambler's ruin 13—31 57 60 68 80 92
Gambler's ruin, assumptions 21
Gambler's ruin, extensions 141
Gaussian 56
Generation 21
Generation gap 44
Generations until convergence 104 108
Genetic algorithms 2—5
Genetic programming 36 54
genitor 44
Global parallel GAs 7
Goldberg, D.E. 3 14 17 54 99 114 129
Goodman, E. 53
Gordon, V.S. 10 125
Gorges-Schleuter, M. 123
| Grefenstette, J. 34 50 127
grid 9
Grosso, P. 51
Gruau, F. 127
Hamming distance 98
Hancock, P. 99
Hardware 11 38 94
Harik, G. 3 13 26
Hart, W. 9 126
Hauser, R. 35
Herrera, F. 52
Heterogeneous algorithm 53
Heuristic 3
hierarchical 10 126—134
hierarchical topology 53
Hillis, D. 125
Hirsh, J. 36
Holland, J. 15 98
Hybrid 10 34 126—134
Hypercube 77
Hypergraphs 125
Identity matrix 71
Immediate neighbors 88 90
Implicit parallelism 15
Independent partitions 19
Indirect contribution 88
Injection island 53
Intensity see "Selection"
Island model 7 49
Isolated demes 51 55—58
Iterated gambler's ruin 68
Job shop scheduling 124
Kargupta, H. 26
Kirley, M. 123 142
Koza, J. 53 116
Kroeger, B. 124
landscape 143
latency 38
Learning problem structure 143
Levine, D. 53
limitations 104 144
Lin, S.C. 52 128
Linear ranking 99
Linear speedups 131
Linkage 26
Linkage equilibrium 24
Literature reviews 6
Little model 15
Locus 5
Long run 70 95
Macroscopic variables 104
Mahfoud, S. 142
Manderick, B. 122
Markov chains 44 53 69 92 95
Massively Parallel 122
Master see "Master-slave"
master-slave 7 33—48 64
Mathematica 108 133
Mating pool 99
Mating restriction 142
Merkle, L. 54
mesh 122
Mesh shape 142
Messy GAs 26 54
Migrants 97
Migration 7
Migration rate 82
Migration, frequency 49 51 58
Migration, policy 60 97
Migration, rate 49 59 73—74
Miller, B. 30 103
Mixing 14
Mixing coefficient 90 92
Modern GAs 26 143
Muehlenbein, H. 10 16 24 97 103 143
Multi-modal problems 142
Multi-objective problems 125 142
Multi-parent recombination 4
Multimodal problems 125
Multiple epochs 88
Multiple populations see "Multiple-deme"
Multiple-deme 7
Munetomo, M. 51
Mutation 3 16 23 36
Near-linear speedups 36 40
Neighborhood 76
Neighborhood radius 123
Neighborhood size 123
Neural network 42
Niching 142
Noise 17 23 28
Noise, collateral 17 20
Noisy problem 28
Non-uniformly scaled problems 25
Normal distribution 18 28 83 106
Normal distribution, approximation 22 84
Ochoa, G. 30
One-max 23 28 103 111
Oppacher, F. 50
Optimal degree 85 94
Optimal deme size 85
Optimal mutation rate 97
Optimal number of demes 86 95
Optimal number of epochs 94
Optimal number of slaves 38
Order see "Schema order"
Order statistics 56 105
Oussaidene, M. 36 53
Overlapping substrings 27
Panmictic groups 90
Panmictic unit 45
Parallel efficiency see "Efficiency"
Parallel GAs, classification 6
Parallel operators 36
Parallel speedup see "Speedup"
parents 98
Partition 5 20 60
Pelikan, M. 143
Persistent state 71
Pettey, C. 51 53 98 122
Pollination model 98
Population 2 13
Population genetics 8
Population size 142
Population, size 3 13—31 49
Population, structure 9
Premature convergence 51
Probabilistic models 143
Probability of absorption 72
Probability of deciding correctly 18
Probability of success 20 69 72 76
Probability of success in the long run 71
Probability, transition 70
Problem classes 142
Problem difficulty 13 23 25 27
Problem size 13 16 23
Proportional selection 30 46
Proportionate selection 99
Punch, W. 10 35 53 98
Punctuated equilibria 8
PVM 42
Qi, X. 24
Random deletion 143
Random walk 13 20
Rank-based selection 98
Rastrigin function 53
Recombination 36
Rectangular grid 122
Reducing selection pressure 110
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