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Cantu-Paz E. — Efficient and accurate parallel genetic algorithms
Cantu-Paz E. — Efficient and accurate parallel genetic algorithms

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Название: Efficient and accurate parallel genetic algorithms

Автор: Cantu-Paz E.


The book can be read in several ways, depending on the readers' interests and their previous knowledge about these algorithms. Newcomers to the field will find the background material in each chapter useful to become acquainted with previous work, and to understand the problems that must be faced to design efficient and reliable algorithms. Potential users of parallel GAs that may have doubts about their practicality or reliability may be more confident after reading this book and understanding the algorithms better. Those who are ready to try a parallel GA on their applications may choose to skim through the background material, and use the results directly without following the derivations in detail. These readers will find that using the results can help them to choose the type of parallel GA that best suits their needs, without having to invest the time to implement and test various options. Once that is settled, even the most experienced users dread the long and frustrating experience of configuring their algorithms by trial and error. The guidelines contained herein will shorten dramatically the time spent tweaking the algorithm, although some experimentation may still be needed for fine-tuning.

Язык: en

Рубрика: Computer science/Генетика, нейронные сети/

Статус предметного указателя: Готов указатель с номерами страниц

ed2k: ed2k stats

Год издания: 2000

Количество страниц: 162

Добавлена в каталог: 11.11.2005

Операции: Положить на полку | Скопировать ссылку для форума | Скопировать ID
Предметный указатель
Reeves, C.      16
Relative speedup      54
Relaxation      55
Replacement method      44
Replacement policies      100
Replacements      97 105
Representation      3 53
Restrictions on topology      81
Ring      76 77 92 124 128
Robertson, G.      122
Roulette wheel selection      99
Rudolph, G.      44 53 123 142
Sarma, J.      123
Scalability      35 53 81
Schema      5—6
Schema theorem      53
Schema, order      5
Schemata      5 14—16 see
Schwefel, H.      99
Schwehm, M.      124
Search space      5
Selection      4 18 20 98—100
Selection differential      102 104
Selection intensity      97 100 102—110
Selection intensity, extensions      141
Selection pressure      44 97 99
Selection, intensity      16 30
Selection, pressure      30 31
Separable functions      53 142
Serial implementation      10
Set partitioning      53
Shapiro, B.      124
Shared memory      35
Shifting balance      8
Shifting balance model      51
signal      17 22 30
Signal to noise ratio      23
Sipper, M.      126
Slave      see "Master-slave"
Slaves      7
Slowing down convergence      110
Small populations      16
Solution quality      9 22 55 80
Solution quality, relaxation      55
Source of diversity      23
Speedup      39 54—55
Speedup, ideal      40
Speedup, maximum      41
Speedup, near-linear      39 52
Speedup, superlinear      52 54
Speedups, superlinear      97
Spiessens, P.      123
Sprave, J.      98 125
Standard deviation      103
Stanley, T.J.      44
Starkweather, T.      53 116
State      69
State, absorbing      71 73
State, transient      71 73
Steady state      44
Stepping stone model      8
Sterling, T.      11
Stochastic process      20 69
Stochastic remainder selection      99
Stochastic universal selection      99
Subpopulation      7 see
Superlinear speedups      55
Supply of building blocks      15
Survivors      105
Symmetric multi-processors      10
synchronous      10 34
Syswerda, G.      44 103
Takeover time      44 99 100—102 124 142
Tamaki, H.      124
Tanese, R.      52
Templates      5
Termination criteria      4 23
Thierens, D.      97 103 114 143
Tight linkage      26
Tomassini, M.      6 9 122
topology      49 51 59 74—77 100 105
Topology, degree      76
Topology, dynamic      141
Topology, extensions      141
Torus      128
Tournament selection      4 21 30 46 99
Tournament size      30
Tradeoff      9 33 37 62 83
traits      4
Transient state      71 73
Transition matrix      70 71 75
Transputer      35
Transputers      54
Trap      see "Trap functions"
Trap functions      25 68 85
TREE      90
Truncation selection      99
Two-armed bandit      17
UMDA      24
Uni-directional ring      77 92
Uniform crossover      4 24 103
Uniformly-scaled problems      19 28
Variance      17
Wall-clock time      55
Web      11
Whitley, D.      9 44 97 116 122
Wolpert, D.      3
Wright, S.      8 50
Zeigler, B.P.      44
1 2
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