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Graham R.L., Knuth D.E., Patashnik O. — Concrete mathematics |
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difference 267
see “Euler’s constant”
(if and only if) 68
: Imaginary part 64
see “Mobius function”
see “Nu function”
see “Phi”
26 70 146 232 471 540 570
(implies) 71
see “Big Theta notation”
see “Euler’s totient function”
see “Theta operator”
... (ellipsis) 21 50 108
6 see “Finite calculus”
A see “Difference operator”
A-notation 65
Aaronson, Bette Jane ix
Abel, Niels Henrik 578 603
Abramowitz, Milton 42 578
Absolute convergence 60—61 64
Absolute error 438 441
Absolute value of complex number 64
Absorption identities 157—158 247
Acton, John Emerich Edward Dalberg, baron 66
Adams, William Wells 578 604
Addison-Wesley ix
Addition formula 158—159 245 247
Additional Stirling number identities 251
Aho, Alfred Vaino 578 602
Ahrens, Wilhelm Ernst Martin Georg 8 578 602
Akhiezer, Naum Il’ich 578
Alfred [Brousseau], Brother Ulbertus 580 602
Algebraic integers 147
Algorithms, analysis of 138 399—412
Algorithms, divide and conquer 79
Algorithms, Euclid’s 103 123 289—290
Algorithms, Fibonacci’s 95 101
Algorithms, Gosper’s 224—226 519
Algorithms, greedy 101 281
Algorithms, self-certifying 104
ALICE 31 394—396 416
Allardice, Robert Edgar 2 5 78
American Mathematical Society viii
AMS Euler ix 625
Analysis of Algorithms 138 399—412
Analytic functions 196
Ancestor 117 277
Andre, Antoine Desire 578 604
Andrews, George W. Eyre 215 316 515 579 603 604
Answers, notes on viii 483 606
Anti-difference operator 48 54 456—457
Approximation 8 76 87—89 110 114 425—482
Approximation of sums by integrals 45 262—263 455—461
Archibald, Raymond Clare 581
Argument of hypergeometric 205
Arithmetic progression 26 30 362
Armageddon 85
Armstrong, Daniel Louis 80
Ascents 253—254 256
Askey, Richard Allen 603
Associative law 30 61 64
Asymptotic approximations 438
Asymptotics 8 76 110 114 425—482
Asymptotics for sums 87—89 452—482
Atkinson, Michael David 579 602
Austin, A. K. 581
Automaton 391
Automorphic numbers 505
Average of a reciprocal 418
Average, defined 370
Average, variance 409—411
Bachmann, Paul Gustav Heinrich 429 448 579
Bailey, Wilfrid Norman 223 579 603
Ball, Walter William Rouse 579 602
Banach, Stefan 419
Barlow, Peter 579 603
Barton, David Elliott 577 582
BASEBALL 73 148 195 616 620 621
BASIC 173 432
Basic fractions 134 138
Basic Stirling number identities 250
Basis of induction 3 10—11 306—307
Bateman, Harry 595
Baum, Lyman Frank 556
Beatty, Samuel 579 602
Bee trees 277
Beeton, Barbara Ann Neuhaus Friend Smith viii
Bell, Eric Temple 318 579 604
Bell, numbers 359 479
Bender, Edward Anton 579 605
Bernoulli numbers 269—276 301 303 353 456
Bernoulli numbers, calculation of 274
Bernoulli numbers, generalized see “Stirling polynomials”
Bernoulli numbers, generating function for 271 337 351
Bernoulli, Jakob (=Jacobi=Jacques=James) 269 456 579
Bernoulli, Johann (=Jean) 593
Bernoulli, numbers see “Bernoulli numbers”
Bernoulli, polynomials 353 456—458
Bernoulli, trials 388 (see also “Coins flipping”)
Bernshtein (=Bernstein), Sergei Natanovich 605
Bertrand, Joseph Louis Frangois 145 579 602
Bertrand, postulate 145 487 528
Bessel, Friedrich Wilhelm, function 206 512
Beyer, William Hyman 579
Biased coin 387
Bicycle 246 486
Bieberbach, Ludwig 589
Bienayme, Irenee Jules 580
Big Ell notation 430
Big Oh notation 76 429—435
Big Omega notation 434
Big Theta notation 434
Bijection 39
Bill 394—396 416
Binary logarithm 70
Binary notation (radix-z) 11—13 15 70 113
Binary partitions 363
Binary search 121 183
Binary trees 117
Binet, Jacques Philippe Marie 285 289 580
Binomial coefficients 153—242
Binomial coefficients, combinatorial interpretation 153 158 160 169—170
Binomial coefficients, definition 154 211
Binomial coefficients, dual 515
Binomial coefficients, indices of 154
Binomial coefficients, middle 187 242
Binomial coefficients, reciprocal of 188
Binomial coefficients, top ten identities of 174
Binomial coefficients, wraparound 238 (exercise 75) 301
Binomial convolution 351 353
Binomial distribution 387—388 401 414 418
Binomial distribution, negative 388—389 414
Binomial number system 234
Binomial series, generalized 200—204 232 240 349
Binomial theorem 162—163 199 206 221
Blom, Gunnar 580 605
Bloopergeometric series 232
Boas, Ralph Philip, Jr. viii 574 580 605
Boggs, Wade Anthony 195
Bohl, Piers Paul Felix 87 580
Bois-Reymond, Paul David Gustav du 426 580 589
Boncompagni, Prince Baldassarre 585
Bootstrapping 449—452
Borchardt, Carl Wilhelm 589
Borel, Emile Felix Edouard Justin 580 605
Borwein, Jonathan Michael 580 604
| Borwein, Peter Benjamin 5130 604
Bound variables 22
boundary conditions 24—25 75 86 159
Bowling 6
Box principle 95 130 497
Brahma, Tower of 1 4 264
Brent, Richard Peirce 292 510 540 580
Bricks 299 360
Brillhart, John David 580 602
Brocot, Achille 116 580
Broder, Andrei Zary ix 601
Brooke, Maxey 580 603
Brousseau, Brother Alfred 580 602
Brown University ix
Brown, Mark Robbin 601
Brown, Morton 487 580
Brown, Roy Howard ix
Brown, Thomas Craig 581 602
Brown, Trivial 581
Brown, William Gordon 344 581
Browning, Elizabeth Barrett 306
Bubblesort 434
Buckholtz, Thomas Joel 593.
Burr, Stefan Andrus 581 604
Calculators 67 330
Calculus vi 33
Calculus, finite and infinite 47—56
Candy 36
Canfield, Earl Rodney 577 581 605
Cards, shuffling 423
Cards, stacking 259—260 295
Carlitz, Leonard 604
Carroll, Lewis (=Dodgson, Rev. Charles Lutwidge) 31 279 581 582 599
Carry 70 233 283 537
Cassini, identity 278—279 286 289 296 300
Cassini, Jean Dominique 278 581
Catalan numbers 181 203 303
Catalan numbers, combinatorial interpretations 344—346 541
Catalan numbers, generalized 347
Catalan numbers, table of identities 203
Catalan, Eugene Charles 203 347 581
Cauchy, Augustin Louis 581 602
Cauchy, inequality 64
Cech, Eduard vi
Ceiling function 67—69
Center of gravity 259—260
Certificate of correctness 104
Chace, Arnold Buffum 581 602
Chaimovich, M. 581
Chain rule 54 469
Change 313—316 360
Change, large amounts of 330—332 478
Changing the index of summation 30—31 39
Changing the tails of a sum 452—455
Cheating viii 158 309 374 387
Chebyshev, inequality 376—377 414 416 555
Chebyshev, Pafnutil Lvovich 38 145 581 602
Chebyshev, summation inequalities 38
Cheese slicing 19
Chen, Pang-Chieh 601
Chinese remainder theorem 126 146
Chu Shih-Chieh 169
Chung, Fan-Rong King ix
Clausen, product identities 241
Clausen, Thomas 582 603 604
Clearly, clarified 403 556
Cliches 166 310
Closed form 3 7 108 317 548
Closed interval 73—74
Cobb, Tyrus Raymond 195
Coins 313—316
Coins, biased 387
Coins, fair 387 416
Coins, flipping 387—396
Coins, spinning 387
Collingwood, Stuart Dodgson 279 582
Collins, John 594
Colombo, Cristoforo (=Columbus, Christopher) 74
Colors 482
Columbia University ix
Combinations 153
Common logarithm 435
Commutative law 30 61 64 308
Commutative law, relaxed 31
Complete graph 354
Complex factorial powers 211
complex numbers 64
Complex numbers, roots of unity 149 204 361 530 550 572
Composite numbers 105
Composition of generating functions 414
Concrete Math Club 74
Concrete mathematics, defined vi
Conditional convergence 59
Conditional probability 402—405 410—411
Confluent hypergeometric series 206
Congruences 124—126
Connection Machine 131
Contiguous hypergeometrics 514
Continuants 287—295 298 300 487
Continued fractions 287 290—295 304 540
Convergence 206 317 517
Convergence, absolute 60—61 64
Convergence, conditional 59
Convex regions 5 20 483
Convolution 197 319 339—350
Convolution, binomial 351 353
Convolution, identities for 202 258
Conway, John Horton 396 566 582
Cotangent function 272 303
Counting, combinations 153
Counting, cycle arrangements 247—248
Counting, derangements 193—196 199—200
Counting, integers in intervals 73—74
Counting, necklaces 139—141
Counting, parenthesized formulas 343—345
Counting, permutations 111 253—254
Counting, set partitions 245
Counting, spanning trees 335 354
Counting, with generating functions 306—316
Coupon collecting 558
Cover, Thomas Merrill 605
Coxeter, Harold Scott Macdonald 579
Cramer, Carl Harald 510 582 603
Cray X-MP 109
Crelle, August Leopold 582 602
Cribbage 65
Crispin, Mark Reed 598
Crowe, Donald Warren 582 602
Crudification 433
Cubes, sum of consecutive 51 63 269 275 353
Cumulants 383—387 414 415 424
CUNY (= City University of New York) ix
Curtiss, David Raymond 582 603
Cycles 139 245 248 486
Cyclic shift 12
Cyclotomic polynomial 149
D see “Derivative operator”
David, Florence Nightingale 577 582
Davison, John Leslie 293 578 582 604
de Branges, Louis 589
de Bruijn, cycle 486
de Bruijn, Nicolaas Govert 430 433 486 582 604 605
De Moivre, Abraham 283 467 582
Definite sums, analogous to definite integrals 49—50
Degenerate hypergeometric series 210 216 222 235
Derangements 193—196 199—200 379—380 386—387 414
Derivative operator 33 47 1191 219—221 296 319 350—351 456—457
Descents see “Ascents”
dgf see “Dirichlet generating function”
Dice 367—370 413 415
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