Авторизация |
Поиск по указателям |
Graham R.L., Knuth D.E., Patashnik O. — Concrete mathematics |
Предметный указатель |
Thackeray, Henry St. John 590
The top ten binomial coefficient identities 174
Theisinger, Ludwig 599 603
Theory of numbers 102—152
Theory of probability 367—424
Theta functions 469 509
Theta operator 219—221 296
Thiele, Thorvald Nicolai 383 384 599
Thinking 489
Thinking, big 2 427 444 469 472
Thinking, not at all 56 489
Thinking, small see “Downward generalization Small
Three-dots (...) notation 21 50 108
Titchmarsh, Edward Charles 599 605
Todd, H. 487
Tong, Christopher Hing 601
Totient function 133—135 137—144 357 448—449
Toto 556
Tournament 418—419
Tower of Brahma 1 4 264
Tower of Hanoi 1—4 26—27 109 146
Tower of Hanoi, variations on 17—19
Trabb Pardo, Luis Isidoro 601
Transitive Law 124
Transitive law, failure of 396
traps 154 157 183 222
Trees, binary 117
Trees, of bees 277
Trees, spanning 334—336 342 354—355 360
Trees, Stern— Brocot 116—123 291—292 364 510
Triangular array, summation over 36—41
Triangular numbers 6 366
Tricomi, Francesco Giacomo Filippo 599 605
Trigonometric functions 272—273 300 303 365 423
Trinomial coefficients 168 171 476 546
Triphages 420
Trivial, clarified 129 403 590
Turan, Paul 604
Typeface viii—ix 625
Uchimura, Keisuke 579 604
Unbiased estimate 378 415
Unbiased rounding 492
Uncertainty principle 467
Unexpected sum 167 215
Unfolding a recurrence 6 100 159—160 298
Unfolding a recurrence, asymptotically 442
Ungar, Peter 599
Uniform distribution 87 381—382 404—405
Uniformity, deviation from 152 (see also “Discrepancy”)
Unique factorization 106—107 147
UNIT 147
Unit fractions 95 150
Unwinding a recurrence 6
Up-down permutations 363
Upper index 154
Upper negation 164—165
Upper parameters 205
Upper summation 160—161 176
Useless identity 223
Uspensky, James Victor 587 599 602
Vandermonde, Alexandre Theophile 169 599 603
Vandermonde, convolution 169—170 187 198 201 211—212 236
Vanilla 36
Vardi, Ilan 510 526 577 602 605
| Variance of a probability distribution 373—383 405—411
Veech, William Austin 499
Venn, diagram 17 20
Venn, John 484 599 602
Venture capitalists 479—480
Violin siring 29
Vocabulary 75
Voltaire, de (= Arouet, Francois Marie) 436
Vyssotsky, Victor Alexander 526
WagStaff, Samuel Standfield, Jr. 131 599
Wall, Charles Robert 580 603
Wallis, John 599 604
Wapner, Joseph A. 43
War 8 85 420
Waring, Edward 599 604
Waterhouse, William Charles 599
Watson, John Hamish 228 391
Waugh, Frederick Vail 599 604
Weaver, Warren 599
Weisner, Louis 501 600
Wermuth, Edgar Martin Emil 577
Weyl, Claus Hugo Hermann 87 600
Wham-O 421 429
Wheel 74 360
Wheel of Fortune 439
Wheel, big 75
Whidden, Samuel Blackwell viii
Whipple, Francis John Welsh 600 603
Whipple, identity 241
Whitehead, Alfred North 91 489 577 600
Wilf, Herbert Saul 81 500 600 603
Williams, Hugh Cowie 600 602
Wilquin, Denys 603
Wilson, Martha 148
Wilson, Sir John, theorem 132 148 501 582
Wine 419
Witty, Carl Roger 494
Wolstenholme, Joseph 600 604
Wolstenholme, theorem 531
Wood, Derick 600 602
Woods, Donald Roy 598
Woolf, William Blauvelt viii
Worm and apple 416
Worm on rubber band 260—261 264 298 479
Worpitzky, identity 255
Worpitzky, Julius Daniel Theodor 600
Wreath 500
Wrench, John William, Jr. 574 580 605
Wright, Edward Maitland 111 589 600 602
Wythoff (= Wijthoff), W.A. 586
Yao, Andrew Chi-Chih ix 601
Yao, Foong Frances, ix 601
Youngman, Henry (= Henny) 175
Zag see “Zig”
Zapf, Hermann viii 600 625
Zave, Derek Alan 600 604
Zeckendorf, Edouard 600
Zeckendorf, theorem 281 538
Zero, not considered harmful 24—25 159
Zero, strongly 24
Zeta function 65 263—264 272 356—357 449 511 542 547 569 571 575
Zig 7 19
Zig-zag 19 485
Zipf, George Kingsley, law 405
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