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Maritz J.S., Lwin T. — Empirical Bayes Methods With Applications (Chapman & Hall/CRC Monographs On Statistics & Applied Probability) |
Предметный указатель |
Acceptance sampling 254
Aitchison 195 265
Alternatives to EB 205
Applications of EB 242
Approximate Bayes 18
Approximation of G 81 82
Approximations to prior 19
Asymptotic optimality 16 64 67
Atwood 180
Bartlett 56
batting averages 248
Bayes, cut-off rules 157
Bayes, decisions 8
Bayes, empirical Bayes 209
Bayes, point estimate 4
Bayes, risk 4
Behboodian 34 55
Bennett 138
Berger 71 132 270
Berkey 243 247
Beta prior 88 102
Binomial distribution 32 88 101 252
Bohrer 255
Bootstrap 131 164 203
Bowman 62
box 176
Bryk 149 243 250 251
Cacoullos 138
Calibration 263
Campling 254
Cancer mortality 258
Chesson 27 37 41
Choi 56
Clevenson 256
components 1
Composite hypotheses 9 164
Compound, decision 21 225
Compound, estimation 217
Compound, risk 217
Compound, rules 218
Concomitant variables 21 149
confidence intervals 177
Confidence regions 187
Conjugate prior 12 20 84
Consistent estimation 65
Contingency tables 141 266
Copas 225 241
Cox 13 99 152 181 201
Credibility intervals 176
Cressie 75 201 252 255
Current observation 13
Day 54
De finetti 206
de Groot 12
Deely 25 48 56 163 201 209 210 241
Dempster 52 60
Density estimation 78
Der Simonian 58
Diffuse priors 65
Dirichlet 144
Dirichlet prior 144
Discrete distributions 251
Distance measure 45
Distribution, Beta 88 102
Distribution, binomial 32 88 101 252
Distribution, bivariate normal 42
Distribution, exponential family 7 72 73
Distribution, gamma 84
Distribution, geometric 6 30
Distribution, multinomial 140
Distribution, multivariate normal 131
Distribution, negative binomial 7
Distribution, normal 7 33 90 109 115 122 182 211 243
Distribution, Poisson 14 35 67 84 98 113
Dunsmore 265
EB intervals 200
EB regions 179 200
EB tolerance regions 196
Effectiveness 112 155
Efron 248
EM algorithm 52 54 61 246 251
Empirical Bayes, applications 242
Empirical Bayes, decisions 8 9
Empirical Bayes, effectiveness in practice 112 155
Empirical Bayes, estimate 14
Empirical Bayes, methods 13
Empirical Bayes, performance 112 138 169
Empirical Bayes, rule 14
Empirical Bayes, smooth estimates 15 17 76
Empirical regression estimate 213 214
Estimation of G 14 49
Estimation of prior 27
Evans 122 123
Expected cover 179 188 193
Expected loss 4 64
Exponential family 7 72 73
Fairfield-Smith 213
Families of distributions, additively closed 39
Families of distributions, exponential 7 72 73
Families of distributions, location-scale 118 199
Families of distributions, parametric 29
Fay 149 243 269
Ferguson 4
Finite mixtures 31 36
Finney 25 211
Full Bayesian 21 22 205
Gamma prior 84
Geometric distribution 6 30
good 268
Goodness of EB 16
Griffin 18
Growth curves 246
Guttman 191
Hald 254
Hannan 234
Hartigan 18
Henderson 21 25
Herriot 149 243 269
Hinkley 13 99 152
Hoadley 260 261 262 263
Hoerl 209
Hudson 223 225
Hui 132 270
Hyper prior 22
Hyperparameters 240
Hypotheses, composite 9 164
Hypotheses, simple 8 152 161
Hypotheses, testing of 152
Hypothesis testing 152
Identifiability 28
Interval estimation 173
James 23
Johns 105 109 111
Joshi 176 186
Kempthorne 21 25
| Kennard 209
Kernel 27
Kjaer 254
Kruse 48 56 163
Krutchkoff 18 58 67 75 110 111 112 135 138 178 221
Kullback 46
Laird 14 52 60 201 267 268
Law school data 245
Least squares 45 265
Lemon 138
Likelihood 25 211
Lin 73
Lindley 21 24 25 201 204 206 209 210 241 248
Lindsay 55 57
Linear Bayes 18 120 126 134 146
Linear EB 83 86 89 96 101 103 105 112 116 126 145 146
Linear model 213
Location and scale 199
Location-scale 118
Longitudinal studies 270
Lord 59
loss 3
Louis 201 204
Lukacs 39
Lwin 19 75 92 201 222 264 265
Macdonald 56
Makov 31
Marginal distribution 14
Marienfeld 149 243 258
Maritz 36 48 54 56 75 81 85 92 131 201 222 236 264 265
Martz 135 138
Maximum likelihood 51
Medgyessy 27
Mixed distribution 5
Mixture 27
Mixture likelihood 57
Moments 50
Monotonic 15
Monotonized estimate 77
Morris 201 202 203 242 248
Multinomial distribution 140
Multiparameter mixtures 41
Multivariate data 118
Multivariate normal 131
Nelder 25
Nichols 75
Non-informative prior 65
Nonparametric EB 105
Normal distribution 7 33 90 109 115 122 182 211 243
Nuisance parameters 159
Observation(s), current 13 106
Observation(s), multiple current 92
Observation(s), one current 84
Observation(s), past 13 106
Observation(s), unequal numbers 59 94 98
Oilwell discoveries 256
Optimal intervals 174
Optimal linear estimator 219
Parametric G 29 60 166
Parzen 78
Past observations 13 106
Percentile cover 181 192
Performance of CD rules 237
Performance of compound estimators 222
Performance of EB rules 169
Performance of EBEs 112 138
Performance of linear compound estimators 223
Point estimation 64
poisson 14 35 67 84 98 113
Posterior 5
Posterior mean 11
Previous data 3
Pseudo — Bayes 93
Pupil IQ 250
Quality control 260
Quantile estimation 121 128
Raiffa 29 122
Rao 213
Rate of convergence 67
Raudenbush 149 243 250 251
Region estimators 186
Ridge regression 208
Risk 4
Risk convergence 232
Robbins 2 7 10 17 21 47 163 225 227 228 229 232 234
Robustness 68
Rolph 59
Rubin 52 60 71 243 251
Rutherford 58 75 178
Samuel 10 163 232 233 234 236
Schlaifer 29 122
Searle 21 25
Seheult 255
Sequential CD 234
Serfling 68
Shenton 62
Shoop 149 243 258
Silverman 78
Simar 58
Simple EB 71 137 145
Simple hypotheses 8 153
Simultaneous decisions 21
smith 25 31 206 208 209 241 248
Smooth 15 17 76
Southward 220
Spragins 32 34 41
Stein 21 23 24
Step-function 48 82
Stratified sampling 269
Sufficient statistics 12 96 157
Tallis 27 29 32 37 41
Teicher 27 29 31 32 40 41 47
Tiao 176
Titterington 31
Tolerance regions 191
Translation parameter 34
True scores 252
Tsokos 75
Tsutakawa 149 243 258
Unequal 97
Unequal components 59
van Houwelingen 77 78 86 255
van Ryzin 220 234
Vector r.v. 11
Vertex direction 57
von Krosigk 21 25
Von Mises 1 251
Wald 180 181
Wetherill 254
Wilks 180 199
Winkler 174 175
Yakowitz 32 34 41
Zidek 256
Zimmer 201
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