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Chernick M.R., Friis R.H. — Introductory Biostatistics for the Health Sciences : Modern Applications Including Bootstrap |
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contingency table 238 359
table 359
-percentile 59
Absolutely continuous random variable 104
Addition rule for mutually exclusive events 98
Age 1
anova see "One-way analysis of variance"
Arithmetic mean 68
AT&T 3
Average age 37
balance 92
bar graphs 47 61
Baseball batting averages 1
Bayes' rule 208
Bayesian analysis 208
Bayesian methods 207
Bayesian paradigm 207
Behrens — Fisher problem 160 184
Bell Labs 3
Bernoulli trial 109
Bernoulli variables 217
Beta distributions 105
Beta family 108
Binomial distribution 1 104 109
Binomial distribution, mean and standard deviation for 218
Binomial random variable 217
Biometry 2
Biostatistics 2
Bivariate normal distribution 252 254
BMDP 356
Bootstrap percentile method confidence intervals 167
Bootstrap percentile method test 200
Bootstrap principle 166
Bootstrap sample 39
Bootstrap sample mean 39
Bootstrap sampling 22 29 166
Bootstrap statistical theory 167
Box-and-whisker plots 58
Bugs 358
Bureau of Labor Statistics 3
Calculating variance and standard deviation from grouped data 84
Case control 15
Case-control studies 10
categorical data 231
Census data 1
Centers for disease control 15
Central limit theorem 141 143
Central tendency 68 151
Chi-square distribution 105 349
Chi-square statistic 349
Chi-square tests 231 349
Chi-square tests, limitations of 246
Clinical trials 2 12
Clinical trials, blinded 13
Clinical trials, concurrent 13
Clinical trials, randomized, controlled 12
cluster sampling 28
Coefficient of cariation 85
Coefficient of dispersion 85
Cohort studies 10 15
Combinations 100
Completers 210
Composite null hypothesis 184
Conditonal probability of A given B 99
confidence intervals 151 153 161 227
Confidence intervals for a difference between two population means (different unknown population variances) 165
Confidence intervals for a single population mean 154
Confidence intervals for proportions 225
Confidence intervals for the difference between means from two independent samples (population variance unknown) 161
Confidence intervals for the difference between means from two independent samples (variances known) 161
Confidence intervals for the difference between two population means (common population variance known) 162
Confidence intervals for the difference between two population means (common population variance unknown) 163
Consistency 151
Continuous interval data 48
Continuous scale 69
Continuous variables 217
convenience sampling 25
Correlation 251
Correlation and regression 10
Correlation coefficient 258
Correlation matrix 259
Correlation, uses of 252
Count data 86
Cramer, Harold 2
Critical region 183
Critical values 183
Cross-sectional studies 9
Cross-tabulation 10
Cumulative frequency 50
Cumulative frequency histogram 53
Cumulative frequency polygon 54
Cumulative probability distribution 108
Cure rate models 348
Cutler — Ederer method 339
Cutoff value 183
Data, display of 46
Data, systematic organization 46
Data, types of 46
de Laplace, Pierre Simon 2 121 122
Delta method 87
Deming, Ed 3
Demographic characteristics 1
DeMoivre, Albert 2 121 122
Descriptive statistics 2
Descriptive studies 15
Design of experiments 11
Dichotomous scale 47
Discrete variable 103
Discrete variables 217
Disjoint events 95
Distribution of sample averages 133
East 360
Ecologic studies 15
elections 1
Elections, elementary events 95
Elementary sets 95
Endpoint 159
Environmental health 2
Epidemiological studies 14
Epidemiology 2
estimates 152
Estimates, bias properties of 152
Estimation 23 150
Evolutionary operation 11
Exact alternatives 246
Excel 360
Experimental data 8
Experimental studies 10
Exploratory data analysis 2 3
exposure factor 10
F distribution 298
F test 279
F to drop 279
F to enter 279
Fast Fourier Transform 3
Fiducial inference 184
Fisher's Exact Test 327
Fisher's test 204
Fisher, R.A. 2 183 204
Fitting hypothesized probability distributions 244
Football teams 1
Fortune 500
Fortune, companies 3
Framingham study 15
Frequency distribution 50
Frequency histograms 51
Frequency polygons 53 54
frequency tables 48
Galton, Francis 2 122 271
| Galton, Francis, and regression toward the mean 271
gambling 2 92
games of chance 2 92
Gauss, Karl Friedrich 2 121
Gaussian distribution 60
Gender 1
General Electric 3
General Motors 3
Generalized linear models 285
Geometric mean 73
Gibbs sampling 358
Gold Standard 202
Golf scores 1
Goodness of fit tests 244
Gosset, William Sealy 144
graphical methods 51
Graphical representations 47
graphs 51
Greenwood approximation 5
Greenwood's formula 342
Group sequential methods 209
Harmonic mean 74
Health care administration 2
Health education 2 8
Health researchers 10
Health sciences 1
histogram 48 50
Hypothesis test for a single binomial proportion 222
Hypothesis testing 150 182 227
Ill-conditioning 279
Imputation 210
Income distribution 1
Independence assumption 198
Independent events 95
Inferences 103
Infinite discrete set 103
Internal Revenue Service 23
Intersection 95
Interval measurement 231
Interval measures 231
Interval scale 69
Kaplan — Meier curve 5 6 341
Kaplan — Meier estimates 341
Kolmogorov — Smirnov test 244
Kruskal — Wallis test 319
Lady tasting tea 328
Last observation carried forward 210
Life tables 339
Linear combinations 278
Linear models 87
Linear regression 251
Literary Digest Poll of 1936 24
Log rank test 349
Logistic regression 251 283
LogXact 359
Mann — Whitney test 311
Markov chain methods 209
Markov chain Monte Carlo algorithm 349
McNemar's test for correlated proportions 241
Mean 23 121
Mean absolute deviation 78
Mean age 37
Mean-square error 153
Measurement error 77
measures of central tendency 68
Measures of dispersion 76
Median 59 70
Medicine 2
Meta-analysis 204
Minitab 356
Missing data 210
Monte Carlo (random sampling) method 29 209
Monty Hall problem 110
Morbidity and mortality reports 15
Mortality 1
Multicollinearity 278
Multiple comparisons 301
Multiple correlation coefficient 278
Multiple imputation 210
Multiple regression 277
Mutual independence 96
Mutually exclusive events 96
National Institute of Standards and Technology 3
National laboratories 3
Natural experiments 15
NCSS 358
Needs assessment 2
Negative exponential distribution 105
Negative exponential survival distribution 346
Negatively skewed distribution 105
Neyman — Pearson approach 183
Neyman — Pearson test formulation 183
Neyman, Jerzy 2 183
Nominal scale 47
nonparametric methods 308
Nonparametric methods, advantages of 308
Nonparametric methods, disadvantages of 308
Normal approximation to the binomial 221
Normal distribution 60 121
Normal distribution, importance in statistics 121
Normal distribution, properties 122
nQuery 4.0 222
nQuery Advisor 360
Nuisance parameter 184
Null hypothesis 182
Nursing 2
Observational data 8
Observational studies 15
Odds ratios 242
One-tailed test 188
one-way analysis of variance 295
One-way analysis of variance, by ranks 319
One-way analysis of variance, decomposing the variance and its meaning 297
One-way analysis of variance, necessary assumptions 298
One-way analysis of variance, purpose of 296
Operations research 2
Order effects 196
Ordinal measures 231
Outcome variables 9
Outlier rejection 264
Outliers 264 330
Overdispersion 87
p-value 183 191
Paired differences 196
Paired I test 195
Parametric survival curves 344
Parametric techniques 308
PASS 2000 222 360
Patient reported outcomes 16
Pearson correlation coefficient 252
Pearson distribution 145
Pearson's product moment correlation coefficient 256
Pearson, E. 2 183
Pearson, Karl 2
Periodic or list effect 27
Permutation methods 324
Permutation tests 324
permutations 100
Peto's method 5
Pharmacoeconomic studies 16
Pie charts 47 61
Placebo effect 13
Point estimates 150 151 153
Poisson distribution 86 87 104
Poisson processes 87
Poisson random variable 103
Pooled variance 197
Population 22
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