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Devlin K.J. — Language of Mathematics: Making the Invisible Visible |
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A posteriori probability 280
a priori probability 280
Abelian group 194
Abstract notation 4
Achilles and the tortoise 101
Alexander polynomial 254
Alexandria 25
Algebraic number 159
Algebraic topology 242
Algebraic variety 265
Analytic number theory 135
Aperiodic tiling 217
Apolloneus 152—153
Archimedes 125 153—154
ARCLP test 36
Aristotle 11 25 52
Arithmetic 3
Arithmetic, Diophantus' 5 41—42
Atiyah, Michael 258 335
Average man 292
Axiom 71—76
Axiomatic set theory 80
Babylonian mathematics 1 19
Banchoff, Thomas 185
Base rate 290
Bayes' formula 290—292
Bayes' theory 289—292
Bayes, Rev. Thomas 289
Beauty in mathematics 9
Bell curve 286 292—293
Berkeley, Bishop 113
Bernoulli family 279
Bernoulli's equation 11 282
Bernoulli, Daniel 10 282—285
Bernoulli, Jacob 279—281
Black — Scholes formula 296—298
Bolyai, Janos 165
Boole, George 58—62
Brahe, Tycho 302
Bravais lattice 203
Bravais, Augustus 198 203
Brianchon's theorem 180
Brianchon, Charles Julien 180
Calculus 3 11 12 96—121
Calculus, Fundamental Theorem of 128
Cantor, Georg 76
Cardano, Girolamo 272—273
Cartesian geometry 154—158
Cauchy, Augustin-Louis 114—116 129
Cavalieri, Bonaventura 126
Central projection 173
Chance 272
Chebyshev, Pafnuti 136
Chomsky, Noam 11 87
ciphers 37—39
Clock arithmetic 31—33
Closed surface 235
Codes, data 212—213
Codes, security 36—39
Cohen, Paul 85
Commutative law 4 18
Complete axiom system 81
Completeness axiom 130
Complex number 130—135
Composite number 26
Computability theory 85
Conditional 64
Congruence 32
Conic section 152
Conjunction 63—64
Conway, John Horton 219
Coordinate geometry 154—158
Copernicus, Nicolas 301
Cosine function 108
Cross-ratio 175
Crosscap 237
Crossing number 252
Crystallography 198
Crystals 209
da Vinci, Leonardo 171
Danzig, George 186
de Fermat, Pierre 33—34 273—275
De Moivre, Abraham 286—287
Dedekind, Richard 129—130
Density of a packing 200
Derivative 116—118
Desargues' theorem 175—176
Desargues, Gerard 175
Descartes, Rene 154—158
Descent, method of infinite 46
Differential calculus 116—118
Differential equation 118—121
Differentiation 107 116—118
Differentiation structure 246
Diophantus 4
Dirichlet domain 213—215
Disjunction 64
DNA 257
Doerer, Albrecht 171
Donaldson, Simon 245—246 258 335
Dual 179
Dual theorem 179
Duality principle 179
Duplicating the cube 160
e 109
EDGE 222
Egyptian mathematics 1 19
Einstein, Albert 316—321
Electromagnetic wave 306—307 311
Elements 2 22 25 139 141—149
ellipse 153
Elliptic curve 263—264
Eratosthenes 11 300
Erlangen program 198
Ether 314
Euclid 2 25 142—143
Euclid's postulates 142—143
Euclidean geometry 142
Euclidean space 184
Eudoxus 124 300
Euler characteristic 234
Euler's formula 134—135
Euler's network formula 224—227
Euler's polyhedra formula 224—227
Euler, Leonhard 34 46 56 106 136 222—223
Exhaustion, method of 124—125
Expectation 282—284
Exponential function 109
Factorial 108
Faltings, Gerd 265—266
Fatou, Pierre 7
Federalist papers 91—93
Fermat's last theorem 41—47 259—269
Fermat's litde theorem 34—36
Fibonacci sequence 140—141
Field 33 73 129 308
Fifth Postulate of Euclid 144 161—171
Figure-of-eight knot 247
Financial derivative 296
Fluxion 112
Focus of a parabola 154
Force field 308
Formula 68
Four color theorem 240—241
Four-knot 248
Fourier analysis 122—123
Fourier's theorem 122
Fourier, Joseph 122
| Frame of reference 317
Freedman, Michael 244
Frege, Gottlob 67
Function 107
Fundamental group 242
Fundamental theorem of algebra 134
Fundamental Theorem of Arithmetic 26
Fundamental theorem of calculus 128
Galileo Galilei 10 152 302—304
Galois group 197
Galois, Evariste 192 196—199
Galton board 294—295
Galton, John 293—295
gambling 271—275
Gauge group 333
Gauge theory 333
Gauss, Karl Friedrich 29—33 134 165 202—203 205 286—287
Gaussian distribution 287
General relativity 319—321
Genus of a knot 256
Genus of a surface 235
Genus of an equation 263
Geodesic 166
Geometric series 104
Geometry 3 141—187 198 245
Goedel's theorem 83
Goedel, Kurt 82—84
Goldbach conjecture 39
Golden ratio 139—140 218
Grammar 87
Grand unified theory 333
Granny Knot 251
Graunt, John 277—278
Gravity 329—330
Greek mathematics 1 20
Gregory, James 106
Group 191
Group theory 193
Group, fundamental 242
Halley, Edmund 278
Handle 235
Hardy, G.H. 9
Harmonic series 105
Heawood's formula 241
Hertz, Heinrich 313
Hexagonal packing 200
Hilbert's program 81—84
Hilbert, David 81 144 181
Hippasus 24
Hoffman, David 8
Homotopy 243
Homotopy group 243
Honeycombs 208
Hyperbola 153
Hyperbolic geometry 165
Hypercube 185—186
i 131
Imaginary axis 132
Imaginary number 131
Indivisibles, method of 126
Induction 47—50
Infinite series 102
infinity 96 101—106
Infinity, point at 176
Inhibited growth 121
Instanton 335
Insurance industry 12 277—279
Integral calculus 123
Integral domain 73
Intersection 77
Invariant, knot 250
Invariant, topological 233
Inverse in a group 193
Invisible universe 12
Irrational number 22
Jones polynomial 256—258
Jones, Vaughan 256—257
Julia set 7
Julia, Gaston 7
Kelvin's atomic theory 257—258
Kepler's laws 125—126 302
Kepler's planetary theory 150—152
Kepler, Johannes 125—126 201 205—209 302
Kleene, Stephen Cole 85
Klein bottle 238
Klein, Felix 198
Knot 247—259
Knot complement 255
Knot group 255
Knot invariant 250
Knot presentation 250
Koenigsberg bridges problem 222—223
Kolmogorov, A.N. 295
Kummer, Ernst 46—47
Lattice 202—205
Law of Large Numbers 281
Leech lattice 212
Leibniz, Gottfried Wilhelm 2 33 97 99 280
Light cone 323
Light, speed of 312
Limited growth 119
Limiting value 112
Lindemann, Ferdinand 159
Line at infinity 177
Linguistics 87
Lobachevsky, Nikolay 165
Logic 3
Lorentz contraction 317—318
Mandelbrot, Benoit 7
Manifold 242—246
Maxwell's equations 11 310—311
Maxwell, James Clerk 307—308
Measure theory 296
Meeks, William, III 8
Mersenne number 40
Mersenne prime 40
Mersenne, Marin 39—40
Metric 326
Michelson's experiment 314—315
Michelson, Albert 316
Milnor, John 246
Minimal surface 8
Minkowski distance 326—328
Minkowski, Hermann 322
Model theory 84
Modular arithmetic 32
Modular curve 266
Modulus 32
modus ponens 66
Moebius band 229—233 237
Moebius, Augustus 227—233
Mordell's conjecture 264—266
Mordell, Lewis 264—265
Moscow papyrus 19
Natural number 18
Negation 64
Network 222—224
Network theory 224
Neusis construction 160
Newton's law of force 304
Newton's Law of Gravity 304—305
Newton, Isaac 2 33 97—98 304
Noether, Emmy 332—333
Non-Eudidean geometry 165
Nonorientable surface 230—231
Normal distribution 296
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