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Поиск книг, содержащих: Euclidean space

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Kharazishvili A.B. — Strange functions in real analysis
Apostol T.M. — Calculus (vol 1)472, 561
Hunter J.K., Nachtergaele B. — Applied Analysis4
Gray R.M. — Probability, Random Processes and Ergodic Properties36, 54
Rudin W. — Principles of Mathematical Analysis16, 30
Eisenhart L.P. — Riemannian geometry34
Apostol T.M. — Calculus (vol 2)15
Artin E. — Geometric Algebra178 ff.
Shorack G.R. — Probability for statisticians23
Falconer K. — Fractal Geometry. Mathematical Foundations and applications3
Falconer K. — Fractal Geometry: Mathematical Foundations and Applications3
Dodge C.W. — Sets, logic & numbers226, 249
Lipschutz Seymour — Schaum's Outline of Theory and Problems of Linear Algebra (Schaum's Outlines)203
Brauer F., Nohel J.A. — The qualitative theory of ordinary differential equations10, 16, 26
Heyde C.C. — Quasi-likelihood and its application: a general approach to optimal parameter estimation11, 92, 94, 141, 182
Meirovitch L. — Methods of analytical dynamics2, 172, 175, 211, 501
Olver P.J. — Equivalence, Invariants and Symmetry7, 29, 33, 37, 106, 164, 277, 393
Alon N., Spenser J. — The probabilistic method68, 216, 218, 222, 243
Molchanov I.I. — Limit theorems for unions of random closed sets1
Hoffman K., Kunze R. — Linear algebra277
Messer R. — Linear Algebra: Gateway to Mathematics21, 25
Rudin W. — Real and Complex Analysis34, 49
Buss S.R. — 3-D computer graphics. A mathematical introduction with openGL320
Lee J.M. — Introduction to Smooth Manifolds11, 406
Webster R. — Convexity1, 2
Jennings G.A. — Modern Geometry with Applications1
Ward R.S., Wells R.O. — Twistor geometry and field theory7, 9, 45, 148, 244, 271, 387
Goldstein H., Poole C., Safko J. — Classical mechanics517
Lee J.M. — Introduction to Topological Manifolds2, 347
Papapetrou A. — Lectures on general relativity31
Aris R. — Vectors, Tensors and the Basic Equations of Fluid Mechanics172
Artin M. — Algebra247
Bryant R., Griffiths P., Grossman D. — Exterior differential systems and Euler-Lagrange PDEsvii, 21—35
Curtain R.F., Pritchard A.J. — Functional Analysis in Modern Applied Mathematics3
Dodge C.W. — Foundations of algebra and analysis226, 249
Debnath L., Mikusinski P. — Introduction to Hilbert Spaces with Applications92
Behnke H., Bachmann F., Fladt K. — Fundamentals of Mathematics, Volume II: Geometry374, 375, 563
Gupta M.M., Jin L., Homma N. — Static and dynamic neural networks588
Ryder L.H. — Quantum Field Theory185
Bogachev V.I. — Measure Theory Vol.1254
Mill J.V. — The Infinite-Dimensional Topology of Function Spaces3, 64, 65, 149, 151, 461
Engel K. — Sperner theory209
Balakrishnan N., Nevzorov V.B. — A Primer on Statistical Distributions15
Polyanin A., Manzhirov A.V. — Handbook of Mathematics for Engineers and Scientists192
Devlin K.J. — Language of Mathematics: Making the Invisible Visible184
Kohonen T. — Self-organizing maps4
Falconer K.J. — Techniques in Fractal Geometry1
Krantz S.G. — Function Theory of Several Complex Variables1
Hertrich-Jeromin U. — Introduction to Mobius Differential Geometry42, 47, 53
Petersen P. — Riemannian Geometry2
Boothby W.M. — An introduction to differentiable manifolds and riemannian geometry4—6
Kapusta J.I. — Finite-temperature field theory41, 77, 79, 109—110, 127, 135, 138—139
O'Donnel P. — Introduction to 2-Spinors in General Relativity6, 128, 130
Akivis M., Goldberg V. — Differential Geometry of Varieties with Degenerate Gauss Maps26, 27, 47, 53, 58, 64, 87, 88,118, 126—128, 133, 134, 149,172, 196, 198, 199, 205, 218
Ratcliffe J.G. — Foundations of Hyperbolic Manifolds15
Weickert J. — Visualization and Processing of Tensor Fields: Proceedings of the Dagstuhl Workshop192, 193
Agoshkov V.I., Dubovsky P.B. — Methods for Solving Mathematical Physics Problems3, 11
Lounesto P., Hitchin N.J. (Ed), Cassels J.W. (Ed) — Clifford Algebras and Spinors93
Duistermaat J.J., Kolk J.A.C. — Multidimensional Real Analysis II: Integration2
Stillwell J. — Yearning for the Impossible: The Surprising Truths of Mathematics126, 132
Duistermaat J.J., Kolk J.A.C. — Multidimensional Real Analysis I(Cambridge Studies in Advanced Mathematics #86), Vol. 12
Khuri A.I. — Advanced calculus with applications in statistics21
Chern S.-S., Shen Z. — Riemann-Finsler Geometry4
Graham R.L., Rothschild B.L., Spencer J.H. — Ramsey Theory40—41, 133
Brown K.S. — Buildings150
Sinha S.M. — Mathematical Programming: Theory and Methods34
Milewski E.G. — Topology Problem Solver10—3
Brigman P.W. — The Logic of Modern Physics14, 15, 16, 18, 23, 52, 61, 67
Antman S.S. — Nonlinear Problems of Elasticity4
Szekeres P. — A Course in Modern Mathematical Physics: Groups, Hilbert Space and Differential Geometry53
McDuff D., Salamon D. — Introduction to Symplectic Topology2
Menzel D.H. — Mathematical Physics403
Lipschutz S.Ph.D. — Schaum's outline of theory and problems of finite mathematics268
Milovanovic G.V., Mitrinovic D.S., Rassias T.M. — Topics in Polynomials: Extremal Problems, Inequalities, Zeros759
Morita S. — Geometry of differential forms147
Rudin W. — Real and complex analysis34, 49
Lebedev L.P., Cloud M.J. — Tensor Analysis72
Sokolnikoff I.S. — Mathematics of Physics and Modern Engineering321, 371n
Robinson D.J.S. — A Course in Linear Algebra with Applications102, 235
Morita Sh. — Geometry of Differential Forms147
Duffie D. — Security Markets. Stochastic Models29
Gallier J. — Geometric Methods and Applications: For Computer Science and Engineering163, 267, 314, 415
Apostol T.M. — Calculus: One-Variable Calculus with an Introduction to Linear Algebra, Vol. 1472, 561
Ramond P. — Field Theory: A modern Primer65
Halmos P.R. — Finite-Dimensional Vector Spaces121
O'Neill B. — Elementary differential geometry3, 5
Bachman G., Beckenstein E. — Fourier And Wavelet Analysis2
Stakgold I. — Green's Functions and Boundary Value Problems264
Phillips G.M. — Interpolation and Approximation by Polynomials163
Weir A.J. — Lebesgue Integration and Measure70—92, 124 et aqq., 219 et aqq.
Bogachev V.I. — Measure Theory Vol.2I: 254
Strichartz R.S. — The way of analysis355, 368
Schechter M. — Spectra of partial differential operators39
Lopuzanski J. — An introduction to symmetry and supersymmetry in quantum field theory15
Köthe G. — Topological vector spaces I23
O'Neill B. — Semi-Riemannian Geometry: With Applications to Relativity1, 3, 55, 228
Dubrovin B.A., Fomenko A.T., Novikov S.P. — Modern Geometry - Methods and Applications. Part 1. The Geometry of Surfaces, Transformation Groups and Fields9
Munkres J.R. — Analysis on manifolds25
Nayfeh M.H., Brussel M.K. — Electricity and Magnetism570
Faugeras O., Luong Q., Papadopoulo T. — The Geometry of Multiple Images: The Laws That Govern the Formation of Multiple Images of a Scene and Some of Their Applicationssee “Affine space Euclidean”
Rourke C.P., Sanderson B.J. — Introduction to Piecewise-Linear Topology1
Eschenauer H., Olhoff N., Schnell W. — Applied structural mechanics : fundamentals of elasticity, load-bearing structures, structural optimization5, 8, 10, 304
Englert B.G. (Ed) — Quantum Mechanics38
Berger M., Cole M. (translator) — Geometry I (Universitext), 3.7.8, 7.0.1, 9.1.1
Hu S.-T. — Elements of real analysis127, 164, 207
Munkres J. — Topology38
Grünbaum B. — Convex Polytopes7a
Betten J. — Creep Mechanics16, 49
Billingsley P. — Probability and MeasureA1, A16
Hu S.-T. — Elements of general topology37
Miller W. — Symmetry Groups and Their Applications16
Farin G., Hansford D. — Practical Linear Algebra: A Geometry Toolbox14, 166
Fine B., Rosenberger G. — Fundamental Theorem of Algebra140
Junker G. — Supersymmetric Methods in Quantum and Statistical Physics9
Eisenhart L.P. — Continuous groups of transformations186, 188, 190, 191
Kullback S. — Information theory and statistics3, 383
Ardema M.D. — Analytical Dynamics: Theory and Applications1
Bertsekas D.P. — Dynamic programming and optimal control (Vol. 1)330
Wheeden R.L., Zygmund A. — Measure and integral. An introduction to real analysis1
Olver P.J., Shakiban C. — Applied linear. algebra78, 101, 131, 219
O'Neill B. — The Geometry of Kerr Black Holes2
Ambjorn J., Durhuus B., Jonsson T. — Quantum Geometry: A Statistical Field Theory Approach271
D'Inverno R. — Introducing Einstein's Relatvity27, 56, 57, 66, 67, 102, 107, 135, 189, 190, 208, 308, 319, 320, 321, 326, 329, 352
Sokolnikoff I.S. — Tensor Analysis: Theory and Applications to Geometry and Mechanics of Continua4, 25, 75, 00, 112
Holmes P., Lumley J.L., Berkooz G. — Turbulence, Coherent Structures, Dynamical Systems and Symmetry14
Bertlmann R.A. — Anomalies in Quantum Field Theory250
Lawden D.F. — An Introduction to Tensor Calculus, Relativity and Cosmology88, 96, 106, 109
Gilmore R. — Lie Groups, Lie Algebras and Some of Their Applications14
Tolman R.C. — Relativity, thermodynamics, and cosmology31
van der Giessen E., Wu Theodore Y.-T. — Advances in Applied Mechanics, Volume 37279, 280
Siegel W. — FieldsIA4, IIIC4, VB4
Rosenfeld B. — Geometry of Lie Groups8, 168—169
Graybill F.A. — Matrices with Applications in Statistics54
Bow S.-T. — Pattern recognition and image preprocessing20, 62
Boothby W.M. — An Introduction to Differentiable Manifolds and Riemannian Geometry4—6
Zhang Y. — Visual Information Representation, Communication and Image Processing11
Marcus M., Minc H. — Survey of matrix theory and matrix inequalities60
Bishop R.L., Crittenden R.J. — Geometry of manifolds2, 108, 132
Farin G. — Curves and surfaces for computer aided geometric design12
M.A.Akivis, V.V.Goldberg — Projective Differential Geometry of Submanifoldsv, 21, 22, 134, 135, 141, 173, 205, 221, 259
Carmeli M. — Classical Fields: General Gravity and Gauge Theory33
Katznelson I., KatznelsonY.R. — A (Terse) Introduction to Linear Algebra (Student Mathematical Library)103
Hughes B.D. — Random walks and random enviroments (Vol. 1. Random walks)6
Rektorys K. — Survey of applicable mathematics996
Bridges D.S. — Foundations Of Real And Abstract Analysis127
Lefschetz S. — Differential Equations: Geometric Theory3
Williamson J.H. — Lebesgue Integration7
Balakrishnan N., Rao C.R. — Handbook of Statistics (Vol. 17): Order Statistics: Applications15
Adomian G. — Stochastic Systems80
Naimark M.A., Stern A.I. — Theory of Group Representations46
Morita S. — Geometry of Differential Forms147
Goffman C. — Calculus of several variables5
Grosche C. — Path integrals, hyperbolic spaces, and Selberg trace formulae37, 113, 196, 205
Cairns S.S. — Introductory topology48, 50
Rogosinski W.W. — Volume and integral1.1
Novikov S.P., Fomenko A.T. — Basic elements of differential geometry and topology2
Valentine F.A. — Convex Sets7, 57, 208
Hermann R. — Differential geometry and the calculus of variations3, 22, 24, 98, 164, 276
Hu S.T. — Introduction to general topology37, 113, 196, 205
Hu S.-T. — Introduction to contemporary mathematics25, 125, 167
Hayes D.F. (ed.), Shubin T. (ed.) — Mathematical Adventures for Students and Amateurs209
Adler R.J. — Geometry of random fields5
Bazaraa M.S., Jarvis J.J. — Linear Programming and Network Flows42
Antsaklis P.S., Michel A.N. — Linear Systems437, 441
Choquet-Bruhat Y., DeWitt-Morette C., Dillard-Bleick M. — Analysis, manifolds and physics. Part I.299
Bondi H. — Cosmology19, 41, 42, 93, 102, 112
Finkbeiner D.T. — Introduction to Matrices and Linear Transformations170, 173, 175—179
Spanier E.H. — Algebraic Topology9
DeGroot M.H. — Optimal statistical decisions8
Prasolov V.V., Tikhomirov V.M. — Geometry18
Munkres J.R. — Topology: A First Course37
Borovik A.V. — Mathematics under the microscope31, 47
Wilson W. — Theoretical physics - Relativity and quantum dynamics5, 7
Astarita G., Marrucci G. — Principles of Non-Newtonian Fluid Mechanics24—26, 29, 124
Greub W.H. — Linear Algebra181, 282
Verdina J. — Projective Geometry and Point Tranformations162
Porteous I.R. — Clifford Algebras and the Classical Groups39
Siegel W. — FieldsIA4, IIIC4, VB4
Krantz S.G. — Function theory of several complex variables1
Stakgold I. — Green's functions and boundary value problems264
Lounesto P. — Clifford algebras and spinors93
Hadley G. — Linear programming40
Weinreich G. — Geometrical vectors1—2
Rektorys K. (ed.) — Survey of Applicable Mathematics996
Ambjorn J., Durhuus B., Jonsson T. — Quantum Geometry. A Statistical Field Theory Approach271
Hsiung C.-C. — A first course in differential geometry1
Choquet-Bruhat Y. — General Relativity and the Einstein Equations537
Dorst L., Fontijne D., Mann S. — Geometric algebra for computer science185
Schutz B.F. — A first course in general relativity74, 125
Biedenharn L.C., Louck J.D. — Angular momentum in quantum physics26, 180
Anderson J.L. — Principles of Relativity Physics151
Laurens Jansen — Theory of Finite Groups. Applications in Physics61, 85—86
Dieudonne J. — Linear Algebra and Geometry.50
Apostol T.M. — Calculus (Volume 2): Multi-Variable Calculus and Linear Algebra with Applications15
Cohen G.L. — A Course in Modern Analysis and Its Applications87, 252
Schott J.R. — Matrix Analysis for Statistics36
Margalef-Roig J., Outerelo Dominguez E. — Differential topology3
Lee A. — Mathematics Applied to Continuum Mechanics4
Spivak M. — Calculus on Manifolds: A Modern Approach to Classical Theorems of Advanced Calculus1
Greub W., Halperin S., Vanstone R. — Connections, curvature, and cohomology. Volume 12
De Barra G — Measure theory and integration16
Akenine-Möller T. — Real-Time Rendering715—718
Ivanov O.A. — Easy as Pi?: An Introduction to Higher Mathematics37, 55, 118, 121, 125, 128
Schutz B. — Geometrical Methods in Mathematical Physics15, 65, 79, 121, 161, 176, 182, 197, 198, 214, 218
Klingenberg W. — A Course in Differential Geometry (Graduate Texts in Mathematics)1
Marcus M., Minc H. — Introduction to Linear Algebra31
Falconer K. — Fractal geometry: mathematical foundations and applications3
Choquet-Bruhat Y., Dewitt-Morette C. — Analysis, manifolds and physics299
Azcarraga J., Izquierdo J. — Lie groups, Lie algebras, cohomology and some applications in physics387
Bellac M. — Thermal Field Theory (Cambridge Monographs on Mathematical Physics)18, 36, 92, 99, 123, 240
Rosenberg S. — The Laplacian on a Riemannian manifold11
Klein E. — Mathematical methods in theoretical economics177
Morita S. — Geometry of Differential Forms (Translations of Mathematical Monographs, Vol. 201)147
Chvatal V. — Linear programmingsee "n-dimensional space"
Proskuryakov I.V. — Problems in Linear Algebra205
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