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Margalef-Roig J., Outerelo Dominguez E. — Differential topology |
Предметный указатель |
-homotopy 465 466
-representation 409
as manifold 30
as a manifold 30
axiom 42
axiom 46
topology 449
topology 435
topology 469
topology 487
topology 440
topology 435
topology 436
topology 440
topology 471
topology 487
topology 490
-set 337
-space 337 479
as manifold 31
-proper map 402
Actions of Lie Groups on manifolds 294 295
Actions of Lie Groups, free 295
Actions of Lie Groups, proper 295
Actions of Lie Groups, transitive 295
Algebra 286
Atlas of a manifold 19
Atlas of class p 18
Atlas on a set 18
Axiom of Hausdorff 43
Baire space 44
Banach algebra 286
Banach space 2
Banach space of continuous linear maps 3
Banach space of continuous multilinear maps 5
Banach space of continuous n-linear maps 6
Banachable space 6
Basis of the strong topology 446
Basis of the strong topology 438
Basis of the strong topology 436
Basis of the strong topology 445
Basis of the strong topology 438
Basis of the strong topology 437
Basis of the strong topology 442
Boundary 28
Boundary invariance 25 38
Boundary of a differentiable manifold 22 28
Boundary of an open set of a quadrant 23
Brown theorem 372
Butt map (b) 428
Cauchy — Schwarz inequality 2
Centered chart 28
Chain rule formula 430
Change of variable 87
Characterization of closed embeddings 149 150
Characterization of closed submanifolds by embeddings 150
Characterization of embeddings 148
Characterization of immersions 132 134 137 140
Characterization of invertible jets 519
Characterization of local diffeomorphisms 103
Characterization of subimmersions 229 231 232 233 273 275 278
Characterization of submanifolds by embeddings 149
Characterization of submanifolds by immersions 130
Characterization of submersions 164 167 168
Characterization of topological spaces that admit differentiable structures 257 258 270
Characterization of transversal maps to a submanifold 313
Chart of a manifold 19
Chart on a set 18
Chart, adapted 113 114
Classification of 1-dimensional manifolds 373
Closed embedding 149
Codimension of a submanifold at a point 117
Coincidence of the topologies and 451
Coincidence of the topologies and 439
Coincidence of the topologies and 477 478
Coincidence of the topologies and 491 492
Coincidence of the topologies and 441 442
Coindex of a non-degenerate critical point 572
Collar neighbourhoods 259 263
Compact operator 383
Compact-open topology 435
Compatible charts 18
Complete metric space 45
Complete topological linear space 6
Completely metrizable manifold 45
Composition of differentiable maps 11
Composition of Fredholm maps 392
Composition of Fredholm operators 388
Composition of immersions 142 143
Composition of jets 509 510
Composition of maps of class p 37
Composition of submersions 161
Connected manifolds 43
Contact of order larger than or equal to k 427
Continuity of the composition of maps in 510
Continuity of the composition of maps in 512
Continuity of the evaluation 513
Continuity of the fixed point 107
Continuous linear maps 3
Continuous multilinear maps 5
Convergence of sequences in 454
Convergence of sequences in 482
Convergence of sequences in 495
Converse Taylor theorem 78 79
Convolution 524 525
Convolution kernel 524
Corank of a 362
Corank of a jet 560
Cotangent space 180
Covering dimension 48
Covering dimension of differentiable manifolds 48
Covering projection 210
Critical point 362
Critical value 363
Density of in (s>r) 531
Density of in 462
Density of in (s>r) 529 535
Density of in (s>r) 532
Density of in (s>r) 532 537
Density of in (s>r) 532 538
Density of in (s>r) 531 537
Density of in (s>r) 532 537
Density of in (s>r) 531 537
Diffeomorphisms between manifolds 37
Diffeomorphisms of open sets of quadrants 24
Diffeomorphisms, induced on the smooth boundary 39
Diffeomorphisms, preserving index 38
Differentiable manifold 19
Differentiable map 10
Differentiable map at a point 9
Differentiable map locally constant 64
Differentiable map of Fredholm 391
Differentiable map of left Fredholm 391
Differentiable map on an open set 9
Differentiable structure of 30
Differentiable structure of a closed ball 30
Differentiable structure of a quadrant 30
Differentiable structure of a submanifold 115
Differentiable structure of an open set 30
Differentiable structure of class p 19
Differentiable structure of n-cube 31
Differentiable structure of the Boundary 29
Differentiable structure of the interior of a manifold 29
Differentiable structure of the k-boundary 29
Differential 9 180
Differential of a composition 11
Differential of order p 12
Dimension of a manifold at a point 20
Divisible space 448
Domain of a chart 18
| Double splitting operator 381
Elevation of the class of a manifold 538 540
Embedding 148
Embedding of manifolds in Banach spaces 152
Embedding of manifolds in Euclidean spaces 157
Embedding of manifolds in Hilbert spaces 152
Equivalence relations preserving boundary 190
Equivalent atlases 18
Equivalent norms 4
Euclidean space 3
Excellent Morse function 565 566
Existence of differentiable partitions of unity 51 61
Existence of fibered product of manifolds 332
Factorization of the subimmersions 277
Fibered product existence 332
Fibered product of manifolds 331 332
Fine topology 440
Finite order jets 427 428
Finite order weak topology 469
Finite order Whitney topology 470
Finite-dimensional operator 383
First axiom of countability 42
First category set 356
First theorem of Sard 372
Fixed point theorem 107
Fredholm map 391
Fredholm operator 381
Functional of class p 570
Fundamental theorem about quotient manifolds 191 205 206
Fundamental theorem of algebra 184
General Position Lemma 424 425
Germs of submanifolds 272 276 277
Gluing of manifolds 112
Godement lemma 244
Graph of a differentiable map 157
Graph topology 436
Grassmann F-manifolds 34
Grassmann manifolds 31
Groups of transformations 208
Groups of transformations acting discontinuously 209
Groups of transformations acting effectively 209
Groups of transformations acting freely 209
hessian 567 572
Hilbert direct sum (finite case) 150
Hilbert direct sum (infinite case) 151
Hilbert group 291
Hilbert manifold 157
Hilbert space 3
Homogeneous spaces 293
Homotopic maps 460 461 465 466 467 468
Homotopy of class p 465 466 467 468
Immersion 128
Immersion at a point 128
Immersion of a compact-manifold in a euclidean space 157
Immersion of a manifold in a Banach space 152
Immersion of a manifold in a Hilbert space 157
Immersion of a n-dimensional manifold in 565
Implicit function theorem 108 109
Implicit function theorem, injective version 131
Implicit function theorem, surjective version 163
Index of a Fredholm map 391
Index of a Fredholm operator 381
Index of a left Fredholm map 391
Index of a left Fredholm operator 381
Index of a non-degenerate critical point 572
Index of a point in a manifold 27
Index of a point in a quadrant 22 23
Index of an inner tangent vector 137
Index of Kronecker 8
Infinite order jets 486
Injective version of the implicit mapping theorem 131
Inner product 2
Inner tangent vector 68
integral 86
Interior of a manifold 28
Interior of an open set of a quadrant 23
Invariance of sets of measure zero under -maps 348 356
Invariance of the boundary under diffeomorphisms 25 38
Invariance of the index under diffeomorphisms 25 38
Inverse image of a submanifold by means of a submersion 174 176 177 179 182
Inverse image of a submanifold by means of a transversal map 319 325
Inverse mapping theorem 100 101 102 103
Invertible jet 518
Jets of finite order 428
Jets of infinite order 486
K-boundary 28
Klein bottle 213
Kupka example 401
Left Fredholm map 391
Left Fredholm operator 381
Left limit 85
Leibnitz's rule 73
Lens manifolds 213
Lie group 283
Lie group homomorphisms 288
Lie subgroups 289
Linear reduction of a differentiable map 176
Local characterization of the subimmersions 273
Local compactness in manifolds 43
Local connection in manifolds 43
Local diffeomorphisms 102
Locally closed maps 395
Locally compact space 43
Locally connected space 43
Locally Lipschitz maps 349
Locally path-connected space 43
Locally proper maps 394
m-cube 345
m-rectangle 345
Manifold of germs of submanifolds 277
Manifold of jets 432
Manifold of Stiefel 305
Map of class p 15
Map of class p between manifolds 36
Map of Morse 565
Maps, 434
Maps, 434
Maps, 486
Maps, 486
Maps, 486
Maps, 429
Maps, b 428
Maps, s 428
Measure zero set 345 354
Metric associated to a norm 2
Metrizable manifold 45 46
Moebioeus strip 212
Morphism of a chart 18
Morse function 565
Morse lemma 572
n-dimensional torus 212
Neat submanifold 118
Non-degenerate critical point 572
Norm 1
Norm associated to an inner product 2
Normal bundle manifold 238
Normed real linear space 1
Nowhere dense subset 351 355
On the smooth boundary 29
Open linear maps 4
Open manifold 30
Open set of a quadrant 9
Open submanifold 116
Openness of closed embeddings 507
Openness of diffeomorphisms 507
Openness of embeddings 503
Openness of immersions 497
Openness of local diffeomorphisms 498
Openness of proper maps in 458
Openness of submersions 497
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