Авторизация |
Поиск по указателям |
Akenine-Möller T. — Real-Time Rendering |
Предметный указатель |
373 380 389
-continuity see "Continuity"
-continuity see "Continuity"
-continuity see "Continuity"
-continuity see "Continuity"
-continuity see "Continuity"
1-ring 534 536
2-ring 539
3DNow 411
A-buffer see "Buffer"
AABB 350 561 563 596 598 645
AABB, creation 564
AABB, orthographic projection 59
AABB, plane/box intersection 587—588
AABB, ray/box intersection 572—577
AABB/AABB intersection see "Intersection testing"
AABB/plane intersection see "Intersection testing"
AABB/ray intersection see "Intersection testing"
AABB/sphere intersection see "Intersection testing"
Accelerated Graphics Port see "AGP"
Acceleration algorithms 12 13 345—403 427 439 644 see
Acceleration algorithms, culling see "Culling"
Acceleration algorithms, impostor see "Impostor"
Acceleration algorithms, levels of detail see "Level of detail"
Accumulation buffer see "Buffer"
ACM Digital Library 712
Adaptive refinement 100 340
Adjoint see "Matrix"
Affine transform see "Transform"
AGP 411 465 691 694
Aliasing 85 86 97
Aliasing, crawlies 85
Aliasing, jaggies 85 86
Aliasing, self-shadow 271
Aliasing, shadow map 271
Aliasing, temporal 86 133 136
Aliasing, texture 131 136
Alpha 102 103—106 114 148—149 305
Alpha blending 102 111 112 178 688
Alpha channel 22 105 105 149 672 673
Alpha fragment 688
Alpha mapping see "Texturing"
Alpha premultiplied 105
Alpha test 233 274 688
Alpha texture 127 318
Alpha unmultiplied 105
Alpha, LOD see "Level of detail"
AltiVec 411
Ambient component see "Lighting model"
Angle difference relations see "Trigonometry"
Angle sum relations see "Trigonometry"
Animation 49 53 147 356 418
Animation, cel 290
Animation, impostor 329
Animation, particle system 331
Animation, sprite 315
Animation, subdivision 555
Animation, texture see "Texturing"
Animation, vertex blending see "Transform"
Anisotropic filtering see "Texturing minification"
Anisotropic reflection see "BRDF"
Anisotropic scaling see "Transform scaling nonuniform"
Anti-shadow see "Shadow"
antialiasing 84—101 114
Antialiasing, Accuview 98
Antialiasing, edge 104 111 112
Antialiasing, full-scene 93 707
Antialiasing, highlight 205
Antialiasing, HRAA 98
Antialiasing, InfiniteReality 704
Antialiasing, jittering 99
Antialiasing, line 92
Antialiasing, multisampling 94—100 103
Antialiasing, N-rooks 99
Antialiasing, Poisson disk 100
Antialiasing, Quincunx 93 98—99
Antialiasing, RGSS 94
Antialiasing, screen based 92—101
Antialiasing, shadow 273
Antialiasing, stochastic sampling 99
Antialiasing, stratified sampling see "Sampling"
Antialiasing, Super Scene 100
Antialiasing, supersampling 93—94
Antialiasing, supersampling, KYRO 707
Antialiasing, supersampling, rotated grid 94
Antialiasing, T-buffer 680
Antialiasing, texture see "Texturing minification"
Application stage see "Pipeline"
Approximate visibility culling see "Culling"
Approximating, subdivision curve see "Curves subdivision"
Approximating, subdivision surface see "Surfaces subdivision"
ArcCos see "Trigonometry"
arcsin see "Trigonometry"
arctan see "Trigonometry"
Area calculation 736—737
Area calculation, parallelogram 736
Area calculation, triangle 736
Artistic rendering see "Non-photorealistic rendering"
Ashikhmin model see "BRDF"
ASIC 703
Aspect graph see "Spatial data structure"
atan2 6 40
Axial aligned billboard see "Billboard"
Axis-aligned bounding box see "AABB"
Axis-aligned BSP tree see "Spatial data structure BSP
B-spline see "Curves" "Surfaces"
Back buffer see "Buffer"
Back plane 59n
Backface culling see "Culling"
Backpatch culling see "Culling"
Baked 418 444
Balanced tree see "Tree"
Balancing the pipeline see "Pipeline"
Banding artifacts 71 93n 113 194 672 673
Bandlimited signal see "Sampling"
Bandwidth 691—693
Bandwidth, bus 693
Bandwidth, memory 684 692—693 705
Bandwidth, texture 689 695
Bandwidth, Xbox 697
Banks' BRDF model 201
Barycentric coordinates 446 578—579 582
Basis 159 169 718—720
Basis, orientation 727
Basis, orthogonal 720
Basis, orthonormal 720—721 730
Basis, standard 6 42 721 730
Basis, tangent space 170 173 205 227 230 549
Benchmarking 676
Bernoulli number 740
Bernstein evaluation 514
Bernstein form, Bezier curve 486
Bernstein form, Bezier patch 499
Bernstein form, Bezier triangle 503
Bernstein polynomial 487 499
Bernstein polynomial, Bezier triangle 503
Bertha display 710
Bevel plane 638
Bezier curves see "Curves"
Bezier patch see "Surfaces"
Bezier triangle see "Surfaces"
BGR 672n
Bias 252
Bias factor see "Shadow shadow
Bias parameter see "Curves"
Bidirectional reflectance distribution function see "BRDF"
Bilinear interpolation see "Interpolation"
Billboard 108 318—329 see
Billboard, axial 324 332
Billboard, full screen 337—338
| Billboard, particle 331
Billboard, screen-aligned 320
Billboard, world oriented 320—322
Binary space partitioning tree see "Spatial data structure BSP
Binary tree see "Tree"
Binormal 169 170 173
Bintree 477 479
Biquadratic surface see "Surfaces"
BitBLT 677
bitmask 397 588
Bits per pixel 710
Blending function 487 488 458 492 493
Blending function, implicit surface 527
Blending operations see "Texturing"
Blending surfaces see "Surfaces implicit"
Blinn and Newell's environment mapping see "Environment mapping"
Blinn lighting equation see "Lighting equation" "BRDF"
Blitting see "BLT swapping"
Blocking see "Stage blocking"
Bloom 329
BLT swapping 677
Blue-screen matting 105
Border see "Texturing"
Border edge see "Edge"
Bottleneck 11 405 406 429 687 693
Bottleneck localization 406—409
Bottleneck localization, application stage 407—408
Bottleneck localization, geometry stage 408—409
Bottleneck localization, rasterizer stage 409
Bottom-up see "Collision detection"
Boundary edge see "Edge"
Bounding volume 347 598
Bounding volume hierarchy see "Spatial data structure"
Bounding volume, creation 564—567
Bowtie see "Polygon"
Box filter see "Filtering"
Box/plane intersection see "Intersection testing"
Box/ray intersection see "Intersection testing"
Box/sphere intersection see "Intersection testing"
BRDF 194—213
BRDF, anisotropic 198 200—202 205 213 226 278
BRDF, Ashikhmin model 200
BRDF, Banks model 201 226
BRDF, basis summation 202
BRDF, Blinn 197 198 202 208
BRDF, Cook — Torrance model 200 204
BRDF, databases 202
BRDF, diffuse 197 198
BRDF, environment map 206—213
BRDF, factorization 203—206
BRDF, Hapke model 198
BRDF, HTSG model 200
BRDF, implementing 202—213
BRDF, Lafortune model 201
BRDF, Lommel — Seeliger model 198
BRDF, lunar 198
BRDF, microfacets 198
BRDF, Oren and Nayar model 200
BRDF, Phong 197 198 202 208
BRDF, Poulin — Fournier 201
BRDF, reflectance lobe 197 198 206—209
BRDF, reparameterization 205
BRDF, specular lobe 197 198 206—209
BRDF, theoretical models 198—202
BRDF, Torrance — Sparrow model 198 226
BRDF, Ward model 226
Breadth-first traversal 659
BSDF 196
BSP tree see "Spatial data structure"
BTDF 196
Bubble sort see "Sort"
Buffer, A-buffer 94—97
Buffer, accumulation 22 679—680 707
Buffer, accumulation, antialiasing 93—94 99—101
Buffer, accumulation, depth of field 237
Buffer, accumulation, glossy effects 244
Buffer, accumulation, motion blur 236
Buffer, accumulation, soft shadow 254 257
Buffer, back 20 676
Buffer, color 20 669—671 671—674
Buffer, double 20 676—677 677
Buffer, dual depth 103
Buffer, frame 22 425 669 678
Buffer, front 20 676
Buffer, identification 273 303 559
Buffer, memory 680
Buffer, pending 677
Buffer, priority 273
Buffer, single 426 427 675
Buffer, stencil 22 679—680 688
Buffer, stencil, glossy effects 244
Buffer, stencil, polygon edge rendering 310
Buffer, stencil, projection shadow 252
Buffer, stencil, reflection 241—242
Buffer, stencil, shadow volume 261—269
Buffer, stereo 678
Buffer, T-buffer 94 680
Buffer, triple 677—678
Buffer, W-buffer 675
Buffer, z-buffer 20—21 674—675 680 695 713
Buffer, Z-buffer, compression 695—696
Buffer, Z-buffer, hierarchical see "Culling"
Buffer, Z-buffer, shadow map 269
Bump Mapping 166—177 221
Bump mapping, dot product 171—174 221 475
Bump mapping, dot3 171
Bump mapping, embossing 168—171
Bump mapping, environment map 174—176 221
Bump mapping, height field 166 167
Bump mapping, normal map 171—173 175 176 222 228
Bump mapping, normal map, quantized 176
Bump mapping, offset vector 166—167
Bump mapping, overflow 84
Bus 691
Bus bandwidth see "Bandwidth"
bv see "Bounding volume"
BV test tree 657
BV/BV intersection see "Intersection testing"
BVH see "Spatial data structure bounding
Cache 411 414
Cache, display list 425 703
Cache, hierachical image 336
Cache, memory 141 414 415
Cache, post T&L 699
Cache, pre T&L 699
Cache, prefetching 414
Cache, primitive assembly 699
Cache, texture 141 142 689—690 693 695 700
Cache, texture, thrashing 424
Cache, vertex 416 456 463 699
Camera space 15
Candela 188
Canonical view volume 17 59
Capping 264
Cartoon rendering see "Shading toon"
Cathode-ray tube see "CRT"
Catmull — Clark subdivision see "Surfaces subdivision"
Catmull — Rom spline see "Curves"
Caustics 247
Cel Damage 290 295 298
Cel rendering see "Shading toon"
cell see "Culling portal"
Cell-based visibility 370 377 379
Central differencing see "Differencing scheme"
Centroid 566
Chaikin subdivision see "Curves subdivision"
Change of base see "Matrix"
Character animation see "Transform vertex
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